Chapter 369 Reim’s Positioning!!

“In this way, the ingredients are captured, but it is not a simple thing to want to eat this thing, after all, this thing will definitely smell foul when eating, but before that, make a few of your clothes first, otherwise it will be corrupted.”

Xia Ming said as he held the giant smelly durian bomb that had been completely wrapped in sound.

It is also necessary to endure the huge smell, after all, this is only the smelliest ingredient in the world, not the food world, so it is completely unknown what will happen after arriving in the food world.

“So, can I learn how to make these clothes?”

Rem asked, her question also made Xia Ming stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized, everyone actually has their own positioning, and now Rem seems to have found his own positioning.

Rem herself is a maid, even after becoming stronger, she is also dressed as a maid, and for Reim, the maid costume on her body is not only a pair, but also a symbol of status.

Even though everyone had told her that she would be a member of the squad after joining the squad, she was very grateful to the members of the squad, after all, everyone cured her sister and helped deal with her worries.

Under such circumstances, although Rem did not say that she was a maid, she always did these things.

During this period of time with Rem here, everyone is indeed better off than before, after all, Rem is a professional in the field of maids.

“In this way, I know, then come with me to learn, you two don’t need to, the squad members each have their own positioning, Reim’s current positioning can also be regarded as logistics, among us, there are food hunters, chefs, regeners, tamers and other positions, you need to find what suits you, not the same as Som.”

“Rem chose to study with me now because she found the best fit for her.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he saw that Yuzu and Lucy wanted to study together, but these two people, without the slightest foundation, even if they have gourmet cells to make the five senses stronger and stronger, learning will become very fast.

But it’s completely unnecessary, these two people have always been onmyoji and one is a hacker, so you need to re-find your own positioning.

The profession of hacker is undoubtedly to be completely abandoned, after all, there is not so much technology in this world, and technology has been scrapped, especially in the food industry, these things are even more useless.

The same goes for another Onmyoji.

“We know, we’ll find our niche as soon as possible.”

The two also nodded.

“In fact, you two just choose the more suitable one, after all, your profession, to be honest, the most suitable among these professions are regenerators and food hunters.”

Hanakaiin Yuzura was previously an Onmyoji, so she is suitable for fighting, that is, a food hunter, and as for Lucy, she is more like a virtuous inner helper, and a hacker who is an auxiliary later.

Therefore, she is suitable for assistance, what is good to assist, naturally she is a regenerator, and there is no rule that only one regenerator can exist.

After all, there is now more than one food hunter, several chefs, and more than one tamer.

So in such a case, it is enough to choose a slightly more suitable one.

After that, Xia Ming took Rem to learn how to make clothes from these materials.

This is not something that a normal tailor can do, after all, many ingredients require special treatment just like special cooking ingredients.

This is also a path that Xia Ming gradually groped out, if you have to say it, it is actually a profession, tailor.

The profession here is not simply a tailor, but a tailor who can be the same as a knife caster, regener, etc.

The things such as these clothes also have some special amplifications, and they are not simply finished with strong defense.

While teaching Reim, Xia Ming made the clothes, as for the body data of several girls, you can count them at a glance, after all, this is the vision of God.

“Everyone is ready, then I will remove the sound barrier.”

After being pointed, the ingredients can’t control their corruption at all, so you just need to taste them.

But the moment this thing exploded, the consequences were unimaginable, so Xia Ming found a relatively barren place, after all, hundreds of kilometers almost reached the level of biological extinction, so it was better to find a barren place.


A group of people nodded solemnly, indicating that they were ready.

“Then I’ll remove the barrier.”

Saying that, Xia Ming removed the barrier, in fact, he left a mental eye to block his sense of smell, he can also be regarded as a prank, can only say that everyone believes his words too much, so that a dependence is formed, what he says is what he is.

So when Xia Ming said to face this huge smell before, everyone didn’t feel any problem.

Directly deflected by Xia Ming, but Xia Ming himself can directly seal the sense of smell, not only with sound, but also with points, but these girls did not react at all, so Xia Ming planned to make a prank.

Anyway, this huge smell can endure it, Xia Ming is not necessary, he can completely shield this stench.

And even if you encounter something more smelly, adaptation is only a moment.

“Well… It stinks! ”

The faces of a group of girls suddenly changed, although they did not become the same as Ayu and Komatsu in the original work, but they were also directly distorted into a ball, and it can be seen that everyone is quite miserable now.

This is also a matter of no way, after all, the smell of this thing is so terrifying, otherwise it would not be called the most smelly ingredient in the world.

“No, I can’t help it!”

Huakaiyuan Yuzu directly pinched his nose.

“Although it is true that you can adapt to the smell, you don’t have to endure such a stench!”

Seeing the way Yuzu of Huakaiyuan pinched her nose, several smart girls suddenly came to their senses.

“Xia Mingjun, you really directly deflected us all!”

Yachiryu couldn’t help but laugh, because he was used to relying on Xia Ming, so much so that such a small trap that Xia Ming made was not discovered.

“This can’t be helped, you have to think for yourselves!”

Xia Ming said with some amusement, and then the group also quickly closed their sense of smell.

This kind of point is not difficult for them, and a few people who can’t point can also help, in short, as long as they can eat this ingredient, just like that, everyone closed their sense of smell…

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