Chapter 370 Old First Ecozone, New Man!!

The giant smelly durian bomb itself carries a terrifying stench, which can not be avoided when it is close to the body, but as long as you eat the ingredients, you will eliminate this stench.

Although this thing stinks a little, it tastes very good just like stinky tofu.

After eating, everyone strolled around and found that there was nothing good and set off.

The Triangle of Hunger is at sea, so you have to go from the sea, but when you get to the beach, everyone finds that there is an extra person, and it is clear that this is a new person reappearing.

“It looks young, there is a special power in the body, it seems to be magic, but it is slightly different, because the energy is too small, even if it has special energy, it directly faints.”

Looking at the girl who fainted in front of him, everyone also reacted, and immediately observed the special power in the other party’s body.

Xia Ming also recognized who the other party was for the first time, this dress and the wavy hair and a short stick in his hand, this thing is the wand of the Harry Potter world.

Looking at the age of the other party, it should have been a few years into Hogwarts, there is no doubt that this person is Hermione, who has magical powers in itself, but the power system of the Harry Potter world is not high, and in some ways, this is a very idealistic world.

Some of the magic they use is simply incomprehensible, such as the Death Seeking Charm and the Recovery Charm, which are completely unreasonable spells.

But on the contrary, in terms of destructive power, the Harry Potter world is really not good, although Grindelwald almost destroyed the city with fierce fire when Fantastic Beasts, but after a few thousand spells ended, this thing was gone.

It looks powerful, but the restraint effect is also exaggerated, and the idealistic world is so unreasonable.

In the Harry Potter period, the destructive power was pitiful, and it is no wonder that after a few Fantastic Beasts, the second-generation demon king Voldemort was constantly degraded, no matter what aspect of the operation, and Grindelwald, the original demon king, has no comparison.

Although Hermione has been in Hogwarts for a while, her magic is still weak and pitiful, and that world is like that.

And because of the special nature of magic, even if the magical family knows that their children have awakened magic, they will not teach their children in advance.

This Xia Ming can understand, but you can let him start from the theoretical side, look at the Hokage world, but if someone in the family has contact with Chakra, how old will they start learning.

Looking at the people in the Harry Potter world, to be honest, people in that world have some problems with their brains.

I don’t know if you train your children in advance, and those so-called squibs, such as Filch, yes, you don’t have any advantages in magic, but what about making potions?

That thing doesn’t need you to have magic at all, just be careful not to blow up.

Squibs don’t have magic, but they can focus all their energy on the potions side, and they can still live quite well in the wizarding world.

Even if the squibs are not willing to fall and have been working hard to accumulate, maybe the problem has been solved by now.

Although there are no precedents for these things, the precedents are all created by people, and it can only be said that there are really big problems in this world.

And even at the level of Grindelwald Dumbledore, once you play one more, it is still difficult to turn over.

A bunch of elites piled up, even people like Grindelwald can only run away in ashes, this is the gap, there is no way to form an absolute combat power crush.

In many worlds, after the power reaches a certain level, it is absolutely crushed, but the Harry Potter world does not exist.

It can only be said that this world is indeed not very strong, it is just more amazing

Although Hermione has been studying at Hogwarts for a few years, her magic power is still very small, and due to her young age, she cannot become as strong as Lucy’s continuous exercise.

So she came in unconscious now, but she is also a magical person herself, so she woke up quickly.

“Huh? Where is this? Who are you? Why am I here? ”

Confused for three times, basically normal newcomers will ask like this.

“Old rule, explain the specific situation to her.”

Xia Ming still asked the others to briefly explain the situation of the secret realm to Hermione, as for the rest, let’s talk about it slowly.

After everyone’s explanation, Hermione also understood what kind of place this is, as a super student, plus he entered the wizarding world from ordinary people, so Hermione’s receptivity is very strong.

“What an amazing place, if Headmaster Dumbledore knew about it, they would be surprised.”

After accepting all this, Hermione began to incarnate as a curious baby, and gradually began to transform her eyes towards 100,000 whys.

“A studious and curious little girl.”

A few old quacks and lakes saw Hermione’s essence in an instant, such as Riveria and Yachiryu no Hana.

“This ear, is it an elf? I’ve only seen elves in novels, there are only goblins in our world, but leprechauns are really good…”

Hermione also recognized it after seeing Riveria, this is the elf that appears in the novel, but in the Harry Potter world, elves do not exist, but there are goblins.

But the goblins of their world should be called goblins in other worlds.

Goblins are good at crafting and greedy for money, and as for goblins, they are a different kind of creature.

Through Hermione, everyone also learned something about her world.

“What a special magic, this kind of magic is completely different from the magic I have learned!”

People like Miraj and Riveria who used magic were also a little surprised after seeing Hermione’s magic.

“Different? Can you let me see? I’m also interested in magic from other worlds! ”

Hermione became interested as soon as she heard this.

“This is okay, although I haven’t used magic for a long time, after all, the power of magic is too weak in this world, receive, Satan’s soul!”

Miraj directly received the spirit of Satan.

“Wow, it’s become like a demon, what kind of magic is this? And don’t you need to use a wand when using magic? ”

Hermione’s eyes widened when she saw this scene, she had never seen such magic, you know, the magic of her world is everyone holding a wand and banging, where have you seen this…

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