Chapter 372: Meet the Virtual Scene Again!!

“I can’t see anything, why don’t I have anything in this fierce wind!”

Hermione didn’t have time to react, and Xia Ming led everyone into the hurricane layer, Hermione thought she was dead, but found that she was completely unaffected by the hurricane, and even her hair was not blown.

In contrast, everyone else’s clothes and hair were constantly blown, except for her.

“Our bodies are all strengthened, such a hurricane is no different from a breeze for us, as for you, Xia Mingjun has put a layer of protection on your body, so you will not be affected by these things.”

“After all, this kind of place is too dangerous for you.”

Tashoe said with a smile, their physical fitness completely ignores this hurricane, but Hermione can’t, if it weren’t for Xia Ming’s voice protecting Hermione, there was no need to enter here, close to a certain range Hermione would be directly torn apart by this terrifying hurricane.

“Protection? Is this also magic? ”

Hermione patted herself, but found nothing.

“It’s a sound, Xia Mingjun uses the sound to form a layer of protection on your body, this layer of protection has no effect on yourself, it will constantly change with your movements, so you can’t feel it yourself~.”

“It is only in such an external situation that it is very obvious and obvious.”

Watching Hermione constantly trying to find the protection on her body, everyone was also a little funny, Xia Ming’s voice barrier was not so easy to find.

“So that’s the case, the barrier formed by sound, how the hell is this done? Isn’t it magic? ”

Hermione’s mind was so spinning so much that she couldn’t figure it out now.

Seeing the little girl like this, everyone explained things like the strengthening of gourmet cells to her again, which made Hermione abrupt.

Hermione, who reacted, suddenly found that there was a trace of light in front of her, and after looking over, she found that it was a huge golden ball of light with a diameter of about 100 meters.

“Ball of light? Why is there such a big ball of light here? ”

Seeing this ball of light, Hermione looked confused, unable to understand why there was a huge ball of light in such a place.

“This is not a ball of light, but eyes, this kind of body type, it is already a kilometer-level behemoth, and the level is not low.”

What everyone saw was not a ball of light, but the eyes of an electric eel.

“Eyes… Eye! ”

Hermione stumbled down in fright, and she admitted that her legs were soft.

After all, she has basically never seen huge creatures, nothing more than having seen basilisks, trolls and the like, but this huge monster is already big, but now this in front of her is really terrifying.

Just one eyeball was taller than a building, which naturally made Hermione’s legs weaken with fear.

“Electric eel, this grade should be regarded as a creature in the food world, there are indeed some ingredients in the old first ecological zone that do not exist in the human world, but the meat quality of this thing should be good.”

Xia Ming’s hair directly pointed at the electric eel in front of him, and then killed the income space.

A series of actions were completed in the blink of an eye, which was undoubtedly the ingredients sent to Xia Ming.

Watching the huge creature in front of her disappear like this, Hermione came back to her senses and gasped for breath, just now she forgot to breathe because of fear.

“This world is very dangerous, didn’t you ask me why I didn’t use magic before? That’s why, the power of magic is not weak, but facing such a giant beast is still a lot worse, at least for the magic I have mastered. ”

Miraj said with a smile that she had not used magic for a long time, after all, there were too many powerful creatures here, and after the gourmet cell was developed, she realized how weak the magic of her world was in front of this world.

If nothing else, according to the description of Xia Ming and others, the existence of the black dragon can still be mixed in the human world, but once it enters the food world, it is at the bottom of the food chain, a miserable horse.

“This kind of giant beast, even if Headmaster Dumbledore comes, there should be no way, it is too huge!”

Hermione compared her world, and then found with some sadness that even if all her wizards were gathered together, they probably couldn’t do any substantial harm to such a big fellow.

Although the Fire Spell is a powerful spell, and the power of the Fire Curse is not weak, there is an upper limit, including the Avadaso Death Spell.

These seemingly exaggerated rules-like special moves are limited to their own world, and in other worlds, once the mental and physical strength reaches a certain level, it is useless.

The best example is the Straight Death Demon Eye, which is the root of communication, as long as there is a concept of death, even God can be directly killed.

But what if there is no concept of death? The Straight Death Demon Eye is completely useless, and the effect is zero.

This is exceeding the upper limit.

Therefore, the upper limit of this spell such as the Death Seeking Spell is completely unable to catch up with the powerful creatures of this world, so that it is useless at all…

If such a creature appeared in the Harry Potter world, then that world would be finished.

Because such a level of giant beast is useless even if it is a peace bomb, even if it fills the peace bomb in the entire world’s reserve, it is useless, it is completely unsolvable.

After all, once the level exceeds a hundred, even a laser cannot penetrate the defense, just like tickling.

“It’s not just about the huge size, besides, we’ve reached our destination!”

While speaking, everyone rushed directly out of the hurricane layer, and the internal environment was very good.

And amazingly, this hurricane layer is as if isolated by an invisible protective shield, and it will not be near the central island at all.

“What a strange island, how does it look like a meal cover on the dining table!”

Looking at the semi-circular thing in front of them, everyone suddenly thought of the kind of cover on the dining table.

“It’s a meal cover, it’s just made of a special material from the food world, it’s very hard, and it can simulate an environment like the sky inside.”

Xia Ming said and glanced at the mission, and then he was surprised, because this time the mission turned out to defeat the final form of Kiliam.

This also means that this secret realm is the same as the four beast secret realm that everyone encountered before, this is a simulated virtual secret realm, and the reason for this may be because of the Flame Dragon Wolf.

After all, the Flame Dragon Wolf had been eaten by Kiliam before…

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