Chapter 373 Entering the Ecozone!!

“Defeat the final form of Kiliam? Who is Kiliam? ”

Everyone was confused, after all, Kilim was the same as Granny Changpu, and he was almost no longer recorded.

“A guy who is very strong in the food era, as for how strong it is, it should not be beyond my scope of coping.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, is Kiliam strong in the original work? Very strong, but this kind of strong Xia Ming feels that it is not strong, after all, the combat power shown in the original work of Ki Weim is not particularly high.

Don’t look at him, hitting the four heavenly kings and the people of the food club is as simple as hitting his son, but he fights all belong to the younger generation, the four heavenly kings such as Stajyu, Jiulin Bache, and Ayu, none of them are people of the older generation.

In addition, the highest record is to directly suffocate the Flame Dragon Wolf, but if you think about it, how long has the Flame Dragon Wolf been sealed?

Undoubtedly, the Flame Dragon Wolf is said to have existed on a par with the Fighting Wolf in ancient times, but in the end, it was not destroyed as well, only one remained.

And this one has always been sealed here, since ancient times to the present, the strength has long been greatly reduced.

It can be seen from the joint moves of the four heavenly kings that they can directly cook each other, this is not a mysterious move made through appetite energy, but a simple combination technique.

But even so, the Flame Dragon Wolf couldn’t hold on, and Kiliam’s choice was not to swallow the Flame Dragon Wolf at the beginning, but to wait until the Four Heavenly Kings joined forces to overturn the Flame Dragon Wolf.

In the later stage, he was eaten by the coronal sunflower, so his strength should not be too strong, and even Xia Ming felt that the strength he showed was not as good as the blue Nitro he had encountered before.

Of course, the strength of the Blue Nitro lies in the ability to fight, which itself makes their combat skills reach the pinnacle because of their infinite lifespan.

When fighting Master Jiro, it was also because the difference in magnitude was so great that even a large number of hit balls could not withstand Master Jiro’s killing move.

Of course, these are Xia Ming’s own guesses, but these guesses are also combined with reality, combined with the system can not give impossible tasks, so Xia Ming is quite curious about how strong the Flame Dragon Wolf is Kilim is.

He also did not block the idea of Kilim devouring the Flame Dragon Wolf, the reason was simply that this secret realm was a virtual secret realm, and the things in it were not useful at all except for the type of information, and they couldn’t bring it out.

Coupled with the mission requirements, it is necessary to let the other party swallow the Flame Dragon Wolf to the last step.

“People from the age of food? How could it still exist this time. Wait, this won’t be the same as the previous Four Beasts Secret Realm! ”

Those who had experienced the secret realm of the four beasts quickly reacted.

“What is the Four Beasts Secret Realm?”

Several newcomers looked at everyone with puzzled expressions.

“The Four Beasts Secret Realm is a secret realm we have encountered before, but that secret realm is very special,”

Everyone told them about the secret realm of the four beasts.

“And this secret realm, everything is virtual, like Mewtwo over there, showing what happened in the past through another means.”

Lucy feels that this is very similar to Mewtwo, after all, Mewtwo was filmed by someone else, and after being edited and produced by Mewtwo editors, you can directly enter Mewtwo to experience a very real feeling.

“Almost, just like the virtual game, if nothing else, after defeating Kiliam this time, you can get the most critical ingredient here, which is also an extinct ingredient.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, although the Flame Dragon Wolf is good, but he does not have the idea of being a pet, the thing is too big, and the movement is a little slow, and it is completely incomparable with the fighting wolf.

So it’s still good as an ingredient, and this thing seems to have some special places as an ingredient.

However, there is a sentence to say, the Nitro family is really strange, really like to store a variety of ingredients, but they don’t eat it, this thing is not something that can’t be eaten, maybe it’s also because of their own gourmet cell problems.

Because they themselves are 100% gourmet cells, they are appetite, plus the upper limit is placed here, so they will not eat, after all, it is useless to eat, and it may be very troublesome to deal with.

“Why is there no record of their information in the human world?”

Everyone was a little curious again, when he was in the secret realm of the four beasts before, he could say that he had obtained a lot of information, but there was no information about Kilim at all.

“This is the old First Eco District, and there was such a rumor in the food era that the ingredients of Acacia’s special menu were hidden here, and the environment here has never been recorded.”

“This ecological area is very important, so it is completely hidden, even the people stationed here are rarely known, okay, let’s go first, the rest later.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the virtual secret realm did not have much value to explore at all, after all, other things could not be taken away, and could only rely on system rewards.

However, this old first ecological region has always existed, so there is no need to explore now, and when Kiliam is defeated, this ecological region will naturally not disappear, and then everyone will explore again.

The group said and came to the huge cover.

“It’s hard, doesn’t this thing have an entrance?” Then you can only smash it with brute force! ”

Lucy said after taking a look.

“No need, there is a passage next to it, I have already seen it, this thing has the ability to hide the entrance, it can also be regarded as a kind of protection!”

Butterfly Kanae’s perception ability is second only to Xia Ming, so she has already seen the location of the entrance.

Under her leadership, the group came to the entrance, which was like a layer of illusion enchantment, which looked no different from other places, but could be passed through directly.

“What a dreamy place, but isn’t this hood a little too thick, forming such a long passage.”

Looking ahead at the passage that could not be seen in the past, Hermione said in amazement that even if she had seen more of the magical sights of Hogwarts, she felt even more novel here.

In previous exchanges, Hermione had been at Hogwarts for a few years and now seemed to be in the plot stage of Sirius.

Sirius’s choice really opened Xia Ming’s eyes, indeed, it was understandable that he was extremely painful because he killed his best friend, but was the way to atone for his sins a bit nonsense?

There is still a baby, and it is really amazing that you, as a godfather, squat in prison without care.

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