Chapter 374: A Strange Ecosystem!!

Sirius’s thing is completely that he recognizes it himself, you must know that in this magical world, there are too many ways to read memories, and as a result, this product does things by himself, and he really admires.

Of course, none of this matters now, Hermione, who has been in the wizarding world for a few years, is still very weak, but she is much more mature than Ron and Harry in terms of style and so on.

The early stage basically relied on Hermione to bring over, and even in the later stage, Hermione was a super assistant.

Without Hermione, it was hell of a for Harry and Ron.

“This is a shellfish material in the food world, and its own hardness is not something that ordinary people can open, for you, although it can break the defense, but if you want to completely penetrate, it will take a lot of time!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, now everyone’s cell level has exceeded a hundred, but it does not have much advantage to speak of.

The hardness of shellfish in the food world is not comparable to the strength of the human world20, and they are now reaching the bottom line of the food industry, and they are completely at the bottom of the strength of the food industry.

Breaking the defense can break the defense, but it is not so simple to break through such a thickness.

Soon, after passing through this colorful passage, the group finally saw the situation inside.

“That seems to be the Ligaru Mammoth, there are so many here, or running around in groups, this is too exaggerated!”

Seeing everything in front of them, even everyone who has seen strong winds and waves feels extremely fantastic.

“And there are puffer fish whales in the river over there, doesn’t that live in the deep sea?”

“There seems to be a lot of BB corn and ozone grass over there, even this!”

The same familiar ingredients appeared in front of everyone, which made everyone who had experienced the previous secret realm feel a little strange, originally these creatures lived in different places.

But now it’s all stuffed together, and it feels like a very peculiar biosphere.

“This place was once built by the Nitro family, so it is normal to have these things, and the Nitro family has a very thorough study of the creatures of this world, and it is completely okay to gather these creatures together.”

“It’s just that it needs to be corrected, it’s not ozone grass, it’s just cabbage that looks like ozone grass.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, in the original work, Ah Yu and others came here and directly went to their mouths, this thing is not ozone grass.

“Isn’t it ozone grass? But even that is incredible. ”

Everyone shook their heads, there were already so many familiar ingredients here, there were two things and it was not too much of a problem.

“Aren’t you surprised by the fruit trees over there? How can it grow like this? ”

Hermione couldn’t help but point to the fruit grove in one direction and said, following her finger to look over, everyone also saw the fruit grove over there, it looked really strange

It only takes about a second for the fruit on the fruit tree to grow from flowering to fruiting to fruit shedding, and the stubble after stubble visible to the naked eye continues to grow and fall, and a thick layer of fruit is condensed on the ground, paving the fruit earth.

“It’s not a very strange thing, I used to grow in the blink of an eye in a forest on the other side of the Forest of E, and I was more curious about where these fruits went than the growth rate of the fruits.”

Everyone already felt that it was not strange, after all, the growth rate of plants in the Ezhi Forest was quite against the sky, but now the most important thing is where the fruit trees went.

At this growth rate, the fruit on this fruit tree should fill the entire space.

“It was obviously eaten by something else, and now the Lord has come!”

Xia Ming said with a smile, and then everyone saw a dinosaur with a volcano behind its head appear in the forest, and began to quickly devour the fruit that fell on the ground, and soon the fruit was almost eaten.

This has formed a food chain.

“So that’s the case, there seems to be a dragon over there!”

After everyone read it, they finally understood, and soon, the group saw a stage red dragon flying over.

“Let’s go, our purpose is not this, let’s talk about it later, go find Kilim now, or wait for Kiliam to come out by himself.”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he took the lead to leave this small platform and came to the forest below.

“Actually, since just now, I’ve always been curious, what is that building over there?”

Alice asked, just now on the platform above you can see a huge building-like thing, it is obvious that this boxy thing cannot be formed naturally, after all, it is too angular.

“Didn’t you say that before? Here is stored the special menu of Acacia. ”

Xia Ming said such a sentence, but before the words were finished, Alice directly answered it.

“What is sealed in this is the special menu ingredients of Acacia?”

These words also made others very curious, what kind of ingredients this is, obviously, this should only be known by Xia Ming, because Xia Ming has experienced more secret realms before them, of course, this is what they think.

And Xia Ming has been with them for so many years, no one doubts this at all.

“Congratulations, if you answered wrong, you can only be regarded as a 583 and a half correct answer.”

“Acacia’s special menu is indeed here, but it is not something sealed inside, and this special menu is strictly speaking, it is dispensable.”

Xia Ming shook his head, Acacia’s special menu refers to the huge barbecue equipment left by Nitro, this strange ecosphere is an ingredient library, and the ingredients in it can be used casually for grilling.

Because the barbecue grill is large enough for many people to share, Acacia’s special menu is when everyone comes together to taste the food, it is sharing.

Of course, Acacia himself can’t do this, after all, he killed his daughter-in-law, his apprentice, and even sent you to pit his son, and his operation did not mean to share.

And there are souls that have been devoured over the years because of NEO.

You know, NEO needs to devour despair, and human despair is the best nourishment, hundreds of years, I don’t know how much human despair was used to conceive NE0 to this extent.

It can be said that it is a stage of incomparable martyrdom, so Acacia can be said to have a lot of blood debts on his hands, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the enemy of the entire human race, and the number of people killed in hundreds of years is estimated to be much more than the tens of billions in the human world at that time.

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