Chapter 376 GT Robot!!

“President Ichiryu’s full-meal menu is essentially a dish, and every ingredient is interlinked.”

“Billions of birds have unparalleled reproductive ability, the original human world was destroyed by the three tigers once, speaking of this trick, I will also inject my emotions into spices and turn into meteorites to the ground.”

“Once the Three Tigers used this move to destroy the vitality of the entire human world, making the land of the human realm unable to grow any ingredients, and other creatures other than humans could hardly survive.”

“It is precisely because of this that President Ichiryu’s full-meal menu appeared, and hundreds of millions of birds used their terrifying reproductive ability to feed tens of billions of people in the human world.”

“Although the taste of billions of birds is a little worse than the top ingredients, at that time, some eating was already a very good thing.”

“And billions of birds are a super special cooking ingredient, before the birth of billions of birds to achieve certain conditions, then billions of birds will eventually grow wings like phoenixes, and lay some eggs that are completely different from normal billions of birds.”

“This egg ended up being a dish on Ah Yu’s full meal menu.”

Xia Ming told everyone about Yilong and the full meal menu.

“So that’s the case, it’s no wonder it’s called the full-meal menu that saves humanity, but as the savior, Sanhu has actually done something to destroy the human world, which really makes people speechless, why is it.”

Everyone really couldn’t understand that the last title of the Three Tigers was the savior, but as a result, this savior had destroyed the vitality of the human world, which made them really unable to figure it out.

“Who knows? The thoughts of these strong people are also known only to them. ”

Xia Ming didn’t say much, there was no need to explain these things, just a little popular science, Sanhu was indeed a rather contradictory person, and his contradiction loss revolved around Flozer.

Sanhu’s feelings for Flozer are not love, but the kind of feelings that children have for their mothers.

After all, Sanhu is indeed quite sad, and it was used as fodder when it was born, and as a result, Sanhu himself relied on the terrifying desire to survive.

What he lacks is the love of his parents, Acacia aside, the image of Flozer’s mother can be described as what Sanhu needs the most.

To be honest, strictly speaking, Ayu and Staju should not be regarded as two brothers but three brothers, because Sanhu’s feelings for Flozer have indeed reached this level.

“Well, that’s true, but their full-meal menu is really surprising, by the way, what is your full-meal menu?”

Hermione asked a little curiously, she was also interested in the concept of a full-meal menu, these things were not uncommon in her world, but in this world, there were too many special ingredients.

“No, I didn’t plan to make a full-meal menu, first of all, I don’t have a concept of this, and secondly, I am very greedy, and I can say that I am extremely greedy for ingredients.”

“So I collect these ingredients and taste them, rather than picking them out for my full meal menu.”

Xia Ming said that this concept does not apply to him, so there is no need to make these things whole, just eat.

After he finished speaking, Hermione also nodded and asked no more, according to Xia Ming, there was really no need to force these things, just need to eat.

Soon, when everyone walked a distance and approached a ruin, suddenly several black shadows burst out.

“GT robots, we’ve encountered them before.”

Anyone who has experienced the secret of the beach cave knows the situation of GT robots, there are two GT robots in that place, and Xia Ming also grinded for a long time before grinding to death.

The materials used in that kind of GT robot are quite terrifying, and they are not at all comparable to the current ones.

But yes, after all, the GT robots here are only the product of the food era, but those GT robots were created after IGO parsed for a long time.

The materials used are not comparable to the GT robots here, but the GT robots here can also be called the latest models.

And there is also the function of stealth, and the strength is also quite good.

“We replaced the protagonist in Uncharted, so the GT robots targeted us.”

Everyone already knew very well what was going on, after all, the previous Four Beasts scene was like this, their existence replaced the Four Heavenly Kings, so they could only complete the task by themselves.

Now that they have also replaced the Four Heavenly Kings, they can only face these GT robots themselves.

“Leave it to me, I’m interested in these things.”

Esders, this battle maniac, was reckless at the first time, and she couldn’t beat Blue Nitro, but couldn’t these guys still fight?

To be honest, Estes is not particularly satisfied now, the reason is simple, she is a battle freak in her own right, and likes to have masters to fight.

But she can’t do anything to the people in her squad, after all, she pursues the feeling of fighting, not simple competition.

And too high-level creatures she is not an opponent, too low-level fights are not interesting, resulting in the current stuck in the middle quite unhappy.

When I finally encounter something tough, I naturally want to give it a try.

“If you want to fight, you don’t have to keep an eye on here, I recommend you go to the sea outside the hood.”

Xia Ming said with a smile that these GT robots are not even appetizers

Because of the arrival of Ichiryu and others, the food party prepared the same number of GT robots as the sea.

The number of that GT robot is really amazing, although it is quite simple for Ichiryu and the others to deal with, and they are all killed with one punch.

But for Esders, it is definitely a death challenge, because there are too many of them, and there are several masters of the food club.

Of course, the premise is that a few of them do not make a move, otherwise once they do, there will be nothing for Esders and the others.

“Are there a lot of strong enemies out there? I know, I’ll go out now. ”

Estes didn’t bother to care about the GT robots here, and ran outside in a flash, so fast that others could see clearly, but for Hermione, who didn’t have a gourmet cell, it was a real teleportation.

“As always, I like to fight, but what’s out there?”

Yachiryu couldn’t help but ask.

“The sea-like GT robot, from small to large, all kinds of things, and there are masters of gourmet clubs, why, are you also interested?”

Xia Ming explained the situation outside…

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