Chapter 377 A GT robot like the sea!!

“So many? That’s really interesting to me. ”

Yachiryu also narrowed her eyes, she was indeed interested now, after all, she was also a battle freak, although her gentle appearance was a disguise, but it had almost been maintained at a certain stage after so many years.

But suddenly hearing so many strong people, she was naturally the same, after all, she was much more exaggerated than Estes in terms of her desire to fight, so she left without hesitation.

“Sister Hua and Estes are really battle freaks, but I’m also curious about how many GT machines ~ robots there are outside.”

Watching the two leave one after the other, the others were also a little curious, after all, it was a shame to let Xia Ming say the same number as the sea.

“Then let’s go, go outside and take a look, as for the task of this secret realm, it can be restarted anyway, and we only need to face the final form of Kiliam, there is no need to confront the other party in advance.”

Xia Ming will not learn the four heavenly kings in the original work to work for people, in the original work, the four heavenly kings fought to the death to beat the flame dragon wolf to death, and the result was to complete Kiliam, and now Kilim has not come, then wait until he comes.

So the group left the hood directly, and at the same time, a light burst out from the inside.

The blue flame instantly broke through the cover above, directly opening the cover into a huge and incomparable void.

Kiliam’s attack directly lifted the top of the entire hood, it can only be said that this product is really pretending, but this hand of blue flame is indeed quite good.

Kilim is also a person who knows how to read the tenses, and in the original book, this guy did not hesitate to leave his partner and ran to the food party.

His purpose is still a little different from Chiyo’s mother-in-law, Chiyo’s mother-in-law is to resurrect her son, and he is simply to obtain ingredients.

After the gourmet will catch the hell bees, it directly reverses the water, and then to the old first ecological area is also directly destroyed the coronal sunflower, the only good thing is that there is no killer of the calamus.

As for the final awakening, don’t be amused, this kind of person is impossible to wake up, his personality is the same as most people in the gourmet club, and he belongs to the type of unscrupulous means for ingredients.

So this kind of person naturally does not have a wake-up call, but because Ah Yu finally exploded and directly destroyed him, so that his strength is not even as good as an ordinary person, in this case, what if you don’t compromise?

Kilim is a smart man, and he also knows that there is an old friendship like Yilong and Granny Calamus, as long as he admits it, he will not be liquidated, otherwise his behavior will have been put in a gourmet prison.

As for whether the food prison can be locked up, you only need to find someone to point the cave and it will be over, and in the end, he has been abandoned, even in his heyday, let alone in a state of abolition.

“The hood is broken!”

Everyone had come outside at this moment, and they could clearly see the blue flame that rushed into the sky.

“Kiliam has already started, don’t worry about him, let him fight with the ingredients inside first, now we have to focus on the front, you look ahead.”

Xia Ming pointed in one direction and said, at this moment, everyone looked at it and saw that quite spectacular scene.

Countless large and small GT robots stand on the surface of the sea, from the normal two-meter-sized GT robot to the super GT robot that is tens of meters tall, which is quite exaggerated.

At a glance, you can’t see your head at all.

“The people at the food club still have money, and they have built so many GT robots, how many resources must be used!”

Looking at this sea-like GT robot, everyone was also extremely surprised, which required manpower and material resources to imagine.

“There is no shortage of money for gourmet clubs, and their mode of operation is plunder, which is completely different from IGO, funding is not a problem, resources are even more so, a strong person goes out and has all kinds of resources.”

Xia Ming said that food will naturally not be so simple, and they also have certain connections with many kingdoms.

These countries are not good at it, although they have joined the IGO Alliance, but there are many things behind the scenes, and food will be somewhat associated with these people.

And what the people of the food club are best at is plundering, just plundering resources everywhere.

They have never been well-behaved people, on the contrary, IGO has been unable to do many things by these allied countries…

After all, the source of funds is basically member countries, so they dare not even openly help other non-member countries.

Only during the festival can you prepare some ingredients to send over, so that it can be regarded as an explanation to other member countries.

And there were only a few people who sent ingredients at that time, and they could only cover a very small number of cities, which can be said to be quite helpless, but this is not a choice, after all, IGO must sacrifice more than a dozen things in order to maintain stability.

Yilong has no way to change this, after all, he is not a dictator, he is not like Sanhu, Sanhu is in the food club that is not the same, as long as Sanhu wants to do something, then others will do it immediately, absolutely will not say more than half a word of nonsense.

“It’s too much, you can’t see your head at a glance, are we going to fight these guys?”

Hermione didn’t know what to say anymore, fighting these guys, sure not to send heads?

She glanced at the short wand in her hand, and then at the sea-like GT robot.

The spells she has learned now are not many powerful attacks.

So now she doesn’t know what to do.

“We don’t need to mix it in, we just need to leave it to others to deal with, although Estes and Sister Hua can’t completely defeat it, but don’t forget, there are still a few protagonists here!”

Xia Ming pointed to a jellyfish floating in the sky and said.

“That is… Setsuno mother-in-law! ”

Soon, everyone saw a familiar figure, that is, Granny Setsuna.

“President Ichiryu, Master Jiro plus Setsuna’s mother-in-law and Regener’s and Saku, this lineup is placed here, and these GT robots don’t have the slightest power to resist.”

Xia Ming spoke, and at the same time, Estes and Yachiryu also moved.

Battles with a level of more than 100 can ripple to tens of kilometers away with a casual fight.

The scope of this is quite enormous.

GT robots rushed up like ants towards the location of the two, this is the human sea tactic, no, it should be said that the machine sea tactics ten.

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