Chapter 378 Deep feelings, a mouthful of stuffiness!!

Although the strength of the two is not weak, but there are too many GT robots, the resilience of the two is not as strong as Xia Ming, and the power control is also the same, at the beginning they still have the upper hand, but over time, GT robots will not produce much consumption.

Gradually, there were also a lot of injuries on the two of them, especially the huge GT robots rushed up as cover, and other GT robots followed, and the attack could not reach the back for a while, and they would be approached.

And GT robots are all with long-range combat capabilities, so soon the two of them will not be able to hold on.

This kind of combat method that completely unleashes all his strength, and even takes out the ultimate expected process, will naturally not be low-consuming.

At the same time, the others in the sky also planned to do it, including the gourmet student Alufaro, who was the person who followed Sanhu and was usually responsible for some of Sanhu’s daily life.

As for the other chefs of the food club, all of them are chefs in charge of Sanhu food, but no matter how hard they try, they can’t fill Sanhu’s stomach.

This is normal, Sanhu’s cells themselves are activated to a terrifying level, and at the end you let him eat the earth, it is estimated that it can also be done for Sanhu, but it will take some time.

What Sanhu needs is Flozer’s love, as long as this person is there, he will feel full, without this person, Sanhu will be hungry no matter how much he eats.

“Boy, bullying juniors is not a good behavior!”

Just as Arufaro was about to attack, suddenly Granny’s jellyfish floated over.

After seeing this line, Arufalo directly stopped, after all, although Arufaro has good strength, it is completely incomparable with Granny Jiunai and others, and he suffered a loss once when he was in the ice hell.

What’s more, there are two of them, Ichiryu and Jiro, and at this stage, Sanhu is not the opponent of the two at all.

Although the three tigers turned over a dragon in the original work, the dragon at that time can be said to have released an unknown number of seas, just look at the strength of the follow-up leader Slime, and it is not a dragon’s body that can have such fierce combat power.

Even if most of the attacks were not directly swallowed, there is no doubt that this guy could blow up the earth into a pile of slag at that time, which shows that Ichilong released countless amounts of water when fighting with the Three Tigers.

Looking at Jiro, Jiro and Blue Nitro showed their combat power when they fought, and at this stage, Sanhu has not eaten six kinds of ingredients, so the activation of cells is completely inferior to that of the two.

Yilong is the number one strong man in the human world, and even if he is alive, he really fights with Acacia, and Acacia has no chance to eat GOD, let alone swallow NEO into one.

As for Jiro, a 100% gourmet cell, pure as appetite, known as a living gourmet demon.

It can only be said that Sanhu is indeed a loss in front of the two.

Now that Ichiryu and Jiro are there, even if he gives Arufaro a hundred dares, he doesn’t dare to do it.

At this moment, Arufaro also knew that everything here had nothing to do with him, after all, Ichiryu and Jiro were here, and he didn’t have the slightest chance at all, so he could only give up.

Let these GT robots be cannon fodder and run away on their own.

At the same time, the demon Limbache, who was abused by Kiliam, also returned, he was not Kiliam’s opponent at all, and he was also quite happy to see the high-level retreat on his side, after all, he was playing with his life now.

Two of the three strongest people in the human world came here, and this is not a joke.

“It’s really a little devil who will cause trouble, that guy from Kiliam has already fought with the Flame Dragon Wolf, then solve the matter here as soon as possible!”

Yilong said as his right arm bulged up, and then a punch blasted out, and the countless GT robots in front of him instantly turned into nothingness under this punch, and this power

Just acting on GT robots.

It does not cause the slightest damage to any other biological environment, and does not even fluctuate on the sea surface.

This level of power control, now only Xia Ming in their group can do it.

“It’s really a terrifying control power, destroying all GT robots with one blow, but not the slightest bit of power emanating, it is simply terrifying.”

Looking at this scene, everyone no longer knew what to say, and this kind of control was really shocking to the extreme.

“I… Killed with one punch? ”

At the moment, Hermione felt very unreal, although she had also seen part of the strength of everyone, but after Yilong made a move, she was really confused, this is not a level at all, and even I don’t know how many levels.

“It’s normal, people are the strongest in the human world, and when you get serious, no one in the human world at that time was his opponent, and even if it was the eight kings of the food world, there were no more than three who didn’t want to cause any trouble to President Yilong.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, the eight kings level is a little more than six thousand, although they can break through the limit, but an existence like a dragon, a single eight kings are reckless to die.

The most typical example is Jiro, who in his heyday could slaughter blue Nitro at will.

The Eight Kings can take out a single Blue Nitro, but it is impossible to destroy one in one move, and it is still under siege.

So the more terrifying dragon, once the eight kings and him are on top, a single eight kings are sending people’s heads, without any suspense.

The strength gap is here, it can only be said that human beings are worthy of being the protagonists, and they are indeed quite incomprehensible existences.

“It’s really terrifying to the extreme strength, and it seems that it has come to an end.”

At this time, everyone also heard the roar inside the hood began to weaken, and it was obvious that the battle between Kilim and the Flame Dragon Wolf had come to an end.

After everyone took to the air, they happened to see Kiliam biting on the body of the Flame Dragon Wolf.

That behemoth with a claw like a mountain was directly swallowed alive by Kiliam.

This may be the legendary deep breath of feelings.

“Although people with gourmet cells will be able to eat very well, but this time this is my long insight, and he can swallow it so directly, and his digestive ability is also quite amazing!”

Alice and the others also widened their eyes, and their food intake was not small, but Kiliam’s stunt really shocked everyone.

When Xia Ming saw this for the first time watching the anime, he was also shocked by Kiliam’s operation, such a big flame dragon wolf, one bite is stuffy…

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