Chapter 379 Problematic Flame Dragon Wolf!!

“Why did this guy’s body become so strange after eating the Flame Dragon Wolf? Does the activation of gourmet cells have such properties? ”

Soon, everyone was a little puzzled again, because at this moment, Kilim had turned into a small dragon man-like image.

“As you said, gourmet cells do not have such characteristics, but there are exceptions, such as the particularity of ingredients and the particularity of their own cells.”

“The Flame Dragon Wolf itself is a very famous creature, and in ancient times it was even possible to fight with the Fighting Wolf, which was the overlord race of the Second Continent.”

“As a famous Flame Dragon Wolf, it will naturally not be bad, and why do you think the Flame Dragon Wolf is sealed here.”

“Nitro has a characteristic, but all the creatures sealed by them, then it must be a problematic race, extremely harmful, very harmful to Nitro, let alone humans.”

“The cells of the Flame Dragon Wolf that he ate themselves have certain peculiarities, and there is a special corrosiveness in the cells.”

“After Kilim ate it, his body was gradually corroded and invaded by the characteristics of the Flame Dragon Wolf, and it is estimated that his brain will not be good after eating the Flame Dragon Wolf.”

Xia Ming explained simply, but he remembered that the gourmet demon phantom released by the other party when he finally fought with the Four Heavenly Kings was the Flame Dragon Wolf

This Flame Dragon Wolf is not incapable of eating, but if the cell level is not enough, then it may be eroded, and Kilim at that time was unexpectedly eroded, causing the whole person to fall into a miasma state.

It can only be said that the ingredients are not so delicious, and Xia Ming estimates that only his cells can be unaffected, so even if it is rewarded later, you must be careful, and others must find a way to eliminate the problems inside.

“It’s a matter of ingredients, it makes sense, this Flame Dragon Wolf is really dangerous enough, and it has such an effect when eaten.”

Everyone is also a little speechless, other ingredients, people are poisonous, poisoned after eating, but this thing, turned out to be a special corrosive effect, will be corrosive to the body and gourmet cells.

“Actually, it’s not too much of a problem to treat it as a poison, so when the time comes, you need to deal with the Flame Dragon Wolf, remove this corrosion, and I will impose food luck on you.”

Xia Ming said that Kiliam, the humble, directly suffocated the Flame Dragon Wolf, and swallowed it alive, naturally there would be problems, and if he got the ingredients, he would leave it to others to deal with.

Although it sounds very strange that the characteristics of the Flame Dragon Wolf have this strange corrosiveness, it is not just like this, and there is not no way to solve it.

Treat it as a toxin in the ingredients, which is the most basic point as a chef.

Hearing Xia Ming’s words, several chef girls also nodded, indeed, this is their job, and they are also a little eager to try it now.

Just like Estes Battle Maniac, she loves to fight, and for the chef girls, what they love is cooking, and challenging cooking is undoubtedly better.

Therefore, they are also looking forward to it now, and it would be best if they could get the Flame Dragon Wolf later.

However, this time the task cannot be given to Hermione, after all, the current Kiliam has increased after swallowing the Flame Dragon Wolf, and this strength has vaguely reached the level of the previous blue Nitro.

The previous level of the blue Nitro was about two thousand, but the actual combat effectiveness was still improved.

Although Kiliam’s strength can be four heavenly kings in seconds, judging from the performance and leakage in the back, the cell level is at most hundreds of levels.

Even if he swallowed the Flame Dragon Wolf, it was impossible for his strength to increase too much, at most more than a thousand and close to two thousand.

It is always because Kiliam’s performance is more crotch-pulling, this product pursues the special menu of Acacia, but does not dare to run to the food world, you know, no matter what the special menu of Acacia is, since it is placed in the human world, it is naturally impossible to terrorize where, so the strength of this product can only be like this, but such strength is still only Xia Ming can fight with one of the people here.

Of course, Ichiryu and Jiro Jiro Jino and the like can easily kill each other, but there is no reason for people to make a move.

Since the secret mission this time is for them to defeat Kiliam, they naturally won’t let others do it.

So Hermione didn’t have a chance this time, so she could only wait to see if she could get a little gourmet cell.

In fact, not having a gourmet cell is only slightly troublesome, after all, Xia Ming’s ability to protect people now is not a joke.

A set of sound waves, as long as you don’t encounter the kind that exceeds the level, it is difficult to die.

With Xia Ming’s current strength, it was not difficult to deal with third-level creatures.

And creatures of the level of three thousand are not common in the food world.

Don’t look at the highest six-thousand-level creature like the Eight Kings, but the higher you go, the more like a pyramid.

There are only a few creatures with more than six thousand levels, and more than five thousand levels are not much, and although the number is not small at the stage of three thousand, it is not much more.

Such creatures generally have their own territory, and with Xia Ming’s perception of the crisis, even if they enter the food world, they will not rush into this kind of place now, so be careful.

Moreover, the form of the existence of the secret realm, although I don’t know whether the secret realm of the food world is also the same, but the probability is very high, after all, once there are new people in the food industry, especially relatively weak newcomers, it is undoubtedly a fatal blow.

Therefore, this system should not make such a big mistake, and the probability of Xia Ming’s guess behind this mode secret realm is very large.

“You guys stay here, I’ll deal with Kiliam, complete this task as soon as possible and see if I can get the Flame Dragon Wolf.”

After saying that, Xia Ming rushed directly towards Kiliam, who had been humanized by the dragon.

Seeing Xia Ming coming over, and the target is also himself, Kiliam is not the kind of person who beats and can’t fight back, and this guy’s temper is also quite short-tempered.

Raising his hand was a punch, and the fist mixed with blue flames collided with Xia Ming’s fist in the blink of an eye.

The terrifying blue flames rose up into the sky, affecting almost half of the old First Ecoregion.

However, before this flame could continue to erupt, it was pressed back by another force.

“It just so happens that I also plan to try the attack method of Blue Nitro, so I will use you as this target.”

Xia Ming was going to test those attacks of Blue Nitro at the moment…

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