Chapter 380 Beat Kilim violently!!

“Mantle Impact!”

Among the blue Nitro family, one of the more powerful attack moves, with the strength of Blue Nitro, you can easily blast the mantle of a planet, which is the origin of the name of the move.

Although Xia Ming is now unable to slowly blast the earth that is more than six hundred times larger, the mantle of the general earth really can’t block Xia Ming’s blow now.

Of course, Xia Ming is not a neuropathy, naturally he will not casually punch down on the ground, such a trick is used to deal with people.

For example, the Kiliam in front of him, such a good sandbag naturally has to be put to good use.

Hands crossed behind him, followed by a sharp swing.


The fist directly hit Kiliam’s body, and the layer of blue flame that protected his body was directly shattered, and then Kiliam’s body was blasted out horizontally like a shooting star.

Like a meteor, Kilim slammed into the cover that had not been completely destroyed, instantly throwing a part of the remaining cover out of a huge gap again

As for himself, he continued to fly backwards, and even directly rushed into the hurricane behind, that is, the layer of hurricanes around the hunger triangle.

Due to the great power, the hurricanes have been washed out of a huge gap, which cannot be completely filled for a while.

In the end, Kilim smashed on the barrier of this secret realm, and now this powerful trick, once used, will basically smash on the barrier of the secret realm, unless the strength of the two sides is equal.

But now Kilim only has to be beaten in the face of Xia Ming, of course, it is not that he is weak, the main thing is that Xia Ming is very weak, which is also a matter of no way.

Who is called Kiliam, this guy is always forced to hang? Not only is the current Xia Ming hanging, but the previous Ayu is also hanging.

At that time, Ah Yu had not yet gone to the food world, and he was in the stage of golden wheat, that is, the stage of the four beasts.

Although the level has exceeded 100, he is still very weak in the face of Ki Weimu.

It was also he who opened a wave and directly broke out a wave with coronal sunflowers, and Xia Ming estimated that coronal sunflowers might have a similar effect to air tree fruits.

It is not simply useful for the activation of cells, but also has the power to temporarily explode.

In the original work, when facing the horse king, it is also because of the fruit of the air tree that the green ghost can come out and move for a few minutes.

After eating the coronal sunflower, he also has the strength to fight with Kiliam, of course, everything will have to wait until he sees the coronal sunflower.

“Flying so far, even the hurricane layer has been knocked away!”

Looking at the flying silent Kiliam, everyone was also extremely amazed, as for Hermione, she was completely stunned, she didn’t know what to say, after all, the power of this blow was too terrifying.

Just look at the situation when Kiliam flew out.

Even though she had seen this super attack ability, she still couldn’t adapt to it, it was too terrifying.

After all, any one put into their world is the kind of destruction of the world, although wizards are unreasonable, but they are not unreasonable to this extent.

Just when everyone was watching, Xia Ming also chased out directly, because the speed was too fast, this time directly tore the hurricane layer in half, and after the hurricane layer was destroyed, the hurricane was chaotic.

“Everyone, pay attention, the hurricane is blowing in!”

Seeing this scene, everyone was also prepared, after all, they had seen the power of this hurricane before, and there were a large number of fierce beasts in addition to simple hurricanes.

Now the hurricane layer has been destroyed, resulting in completely uncontrolled blowing everywhere.

“It’s really troublesome, in that case, then I’ll move a little, Vast Point!”

This blow hit directly on the surface of the sea, but the strange force directly spread throughout the entire secret space.

The hurricane actually stopped in an instant, this is the horror of the advanced point, even the earth can be stopped directly, time can be temporarily stopped, let alone just a simple hurricane.

Hit by this blow, all the hurricanes stopped directly, and some traces could be seen, but they were completely immobile, as if everything had been pressed the pause button.

“This… How is this possible, stopping the hurricane in nature, how on earth is this done? ”

Hermione exclaimed again, let alone her, and the others were also very surprised, especially a few people who did not know about the point.

“This move belongs to the advanced technique of the point point technique, so far, only Xia Mingjun can use it, and according to Xia Mingjun, even he can’t perfectly release the power of these point point skills.”

Butterfly Kanae shook her head, except for newcomers, everyone else knows more or less acupuncture skills, and her acupuncture skills are also considered the best among everyone.

After all, she is a regenerative herself, and her research in this area is much stronger than others, but even so, she does not have any of these advanced acupuncture techniques that she can use.

However, Xia Ming’s simplified tricks can be used reluctantly, and the rest can only be the same as Tie Ping in the early stage.

“Such a magical trick, can I learn it?”

Hermione was very curious about the point-pointing technique, even nature could stop it, and now that the hurricane had stopped and the fluctuations in the sea had stopped, it was incredible, and she felt that it was much more magical than magic.

“You can learn, but it takes a lot of time to perform advanced acupuncture skills, and you also need gourmet cell matching, and you can’t participate in this mission, so gourmet cells can only wait until the next time.”

Butterfly Kanae nodded, a slightly more advanced point point technique requires strong physical support, you know, the later point moment and eternal point point such tricks are a little difficult to support even if Master Jiro uses.

It can be seen how terrifying the physical fitness required is.

“I know!”

Hermione nodded, she really wanted to learn, but she also knew very well that such a trick was not so easy to learn.

Just like the Hogwarts where she is now, she has no way to learn some powerful magic, and no one else will allow her to learn.

After all, some powerful spells are black magic, black magic is a very special magic, black magic will corrode people’s hearts, which is why many people who learn black magic will eventually become bad.

Ordinary magic is actually as long as the magic is enough, and the power is not small, just like in the end, Harry Potter used your weapon to fight Voldemort’s Avadaso.

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