Chapter 381 The Real Old First Ecozone!!

“This is…”

, this can’t work? It seemed a little too heavy just now

When Xia Ming refound Kiliam, he found that Kiliam’s situation was not very good, and he had already vented more and had less air intake, but if you think about it, after all, this guy is not as good as Blue Nitro.

He didn’t stop just now, the mantle impact move is also a super attack in the blue Nitro family’s moves, and Kilim ate his own blow head-on, and it is normal to become like this.

Just like Master Jiro dealing with Blue Nitro, it is a direct move in seconds, which is the absolute strength gap plus the absolute skill gap, so this leads to such a situation.

Xia Ming really didn’t expect that he almost gave Kiliam a second with one move, it seems that this sandbag is not very qualified.

However, he didn’t continue to wait, and directly started to end Kiliam, in the original work, Kilim knew Yilong and others, and had been abolished by Ayu, so there was no big problem in leaving a life.

But now, there is no need to stay, just kill directly, anyway, all this is virtual, after Xia Ming killed Kiliam, the mission reality was also completed, and then Xia Ming was rewarded with a flaming dragon wolf.

As he thought before, you know, Xia Ming’s combat power has also increased by 340 after eating Blue Nitro before, and I don’t know if this Flame Dragon Wolf can bring him an increase.

However, Xia Ming was not worried, even if the Flame Dragon Wolf could not bring him much increase, it could strengthen other people.

So it’s quite useful anyway.

At this moment, Xia Ming is also very clear that his strength has become a burden to continue to stay on the side of the human world, but he has no other choice, after all, the food world is too dangerous.

And now he has no way to enter the food world, he needs to walk around the human world.

While completing the task, the picture in front of everyone changed, the previous chaotic hurricane was restored, the shattered hood was also restored again, and these people before them also disappeared.

When Xia Ming returned, a group of people also gathered, and Xia Ming also told them the reward of the mission.

“Sure enough, it’s the Flame Dragon Wolf, because the Flame Dragon Wolf in the past has been eaten by Kiliam, and this is the last Flame Dragon Wolf in the world, so such a special secret realm will appear.”

Everyone almost understood, and the previous four beast incident one

In this way, the four beasts were created by blue Nitro to capture the existence of human beings, and their own strength is not weak, their vitality is strong, but there is only one.

It has been eaten by people in the human world, so a new virtual secret realm will appear to send ingredients to everyone, and this time it is the same reason.

“Then leave it to us next.”

Several chef girls said confidently that for them, this is work.

“Before that, let’s go catch some ingredients first, the amount of gem meat also needs to be replenished, and I pay more attention to the ingredients called coronal sunflowers, which were not available in the virtual secret realm before, and should be available now!”

Xia Ming felt that with the character of Granny Calamus, she would definitely transplant some coronal sunflowers again, after all, this was her and Kiliam’s partner ingredients, which was a bond, although Kilim didn’t seem to care about this bond.

Soon, the group entered the cover again, and the cover had been repaired, after all, this is known as the kitchen of Acacia, although it has little to do with Acacia, this is the remains of a red Nitro.

But at least this name, naturally it has to be repaired, so it has been completely repaired here.

“Is the golden patch over there a coronal sunflower?” It looks so beautiful. ”

Suddenly, everyone saw a sunflower in the distance that emitted golden light, and there was no doubt that it was a coronal sunflower.

“That’s right, it’s the coronal sunflower, and there is a tomb in the center where the coronal sunflower takes root.”

After Xia Ming saw this scene, he also saw that there was a tomb in the golden ocean, this tomb was not gorgeous, and it could even be said to be quite simple.

“It’s the grave of Granny Calamus and Kiliam, buried here.”

Everyone came to the grave and saw what was on the tombstone, and the two were buried here, but yes, the two were quite old at that time, and Kilim was even more abolished.

Even if the body recovers a little, she won’t live long, and Granny Calamus is not young, naturally she can’t resist for a long time, and it is understandable that she is finally buried here.

Because coronal sunflowers are the original partner ingredients of the two, it is not bad to bury yourself in this partner ingredient.

“Let’s leave after picking some coronal sunflowers!”

Xia Ming did not pay attention to the problem of the tomb anymore, although it looked quite romantic, but he did not have the idea of drilling directly into the tomb, after all, his lifespan and the lifespan of everyone can be strengthened indefinitely.

So Xia Ming is not worried about these problems.

There is no golden stele found here, perhaps after the death of Granny Calamus and Kiliam, there are no more guardians here.

In fact, to be honest, although Granny Calamus said that she was the guardian here, her strength was indeed too weak.

Even if he uses the point to forcibly restore himself to his youthful appearance, his combat power is quite limited.

People who can break through the outer defense and come here are naturally not weak, so Granny Calamus is here, it can only be regarded as seclusion, as for other things, she probably can’t manage it.

So much so that after she died, she didn’t send anyone over, and the place gradually became deserted and became what it is now.

However, the coronal sunflower is still strong, this ingredient actually does not need human care to survive very well, why say so, naturally because the red Nitro family used this thing as a battery to charge the seal of the Flame Dragon Wolf.

So this thing can live very well even if it is not protected.

And the most important point of coronal sunflowers is that eating coronal sunflowers is the only drop of juice.

Coronal sunflowers are completely different from normal sunflowers, and if you want to taste them, you can only twist them into a twist flower, and eventually squeeze out the only drop of juice from it, that is, the essence in coronal sunflowers.

To be honest, Xia Ming was really curious about how strong this ingredient was, whether it could really make people explode in an instant, and now that he picked some of it, he left with everyone to capture other ingredients…

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