Chapter 383 There is an upper limit of explosive ingredients!!

“This is definitely the best thing I have ever eaten in my life, there is no one, but unfortunately I can’t eat it anymore!”

At this moment, Hermione was really envious, after all, such a delicious thing can be eaten by others without limit, like a bottomless pit.

“It’s understandable, after all, you have also introduced your origin before, and the place where you are located does not mean that the food cannot be eaten, but the ranking is really speechless.”

Where is Hermione from? It is a place known as food hell, a place of food desert, even people in other places who eat the ingredients of this world will be completely addicted to it, let alone people in this food desert.

“The food in this place is indeed difficult to say, not that there is no good food, but it is too little, and the taste of many dishes is really difficult to say.”

Alice and Erina, and Megumi Tasho were well aware of what was going on in this place.

After all, they are the people in the food fan, and the halberd world is suitable for international standards, so they know exactly what the food in this place is.

“How… How can you say that. ”

Hermione wanted to retort, but she knew what her home was, so she didn’t have the confidence to speak now.

In this way, everyone kept chatting, time flew by, and finally, Xia Ming took out the coronal sunflowers he picked before, and the next thing was to test the taste and effect of the coronal sunflowers.

Twist the coronal sunflower directly into a twisted shape, squeeze out the golden juice, and swallow it in your mouth.

After swallowing the golden profession, Xia Ming’s body emitted a dazzling golden light, wrapping the whole person in gold.

“So it is, although it has a slight effect on the gourmet cell, it is more borrowed from the huge energy absorbed in the coronal sunflower to burst out in an instant far beyond its own power.”

“However, there is also an upper limit to this power, the upper limit is the energy absorbed by the coronal sunflower, the coronal sunflower usually absorbs nutrients, the more energy accumulated, the stronger the outbreak, but there is an upper limit.”

When Xia Ming got the coronal sunflower, the coronal sunflower had been growing here for a long time, and just in case, Xia Ming still tested a few more, but the final result was the same.

Two thousand, this is the upper limit of the growth of coronal sunflowers, of course, this is the upper limit of coronal sunflowers, which does not mean that those who eat can burst into two thousand levels of combat power.

It also depends on the degree of adaptation of the gourmet cells, and an existence like Xia Ming can easily fully exert this power.

As for others, it is estimated that more than a thousand levels is already the limit, but with this thing, it is not bad, at least it can make people stronger in a weak hour.

“It turns out that this kind of ingredient that can instantly increase people’s strength, you can give me research and research, maybe I can extract the juice in advance and store it for a long time, and maybe improve the utilization rate.”

Butterfly Kanae as a regenerative studying this aspect of the stuff is definitely super strong.

“After that, find time for everyone, and when you have free time, you can study it a little.”

Xia Ming also nodded, in addition to this, the Flame Dragon Wolf after that also needed to be handed over to others to deal with.

After that, everyone also learned more about the special magic of Hermione’s world, the magic of that world is completely different from the normal world, and it is completely some special idealistic magic.

For example, completely destroyed things can be directly restored, and they are still permanent, and in the original Fantastic Beasts, these people even use such magic to restore the destroyed city.

And there is also the kind of modification magic that goes directly from the cognitive level, such as newspapers, where the content is printed and played to send out, but the result? With a stroke of magic, it can be directly modified.

This kind of operation is really unexpected, even Miraj, Riveria and others who are proficient in magic find it incredible.

Of course, after everyone heard about the situation in this world’s magical world, they directly frowned.

“How to say, the magical world of this world is too small, and too closed, in this way, it will not be long before it will be discovered by normal people, and once normal people can study the situation of magic, then the wizards of this world will be finished.”

Everyone shook their heads, the development of science and technology is too fast, throughout the history of human development, it is absolutely explosive improvement.

Time is getting shorter and shorter, as if there is no upper limit, and combined with the technological situation of this world, the discovery of the wizarding world is inevitable.

In the original book, it is only the end of Harry Potter’s child entering Hogwarts.

When was that period? Harry Potter entered school in 1991, and it didn’t take long to fight Voldemort for the next seven years, plus having children

But the development of the times is undoubtedly fast and terrifying.

The number of wizards is so small that everyone basically knows what the situation is if they imagine it a little in their heads.

“Indeed, it is better to block than to loosen it, and gradually make it public while the wizarding world still has enough deterrent power at this stage.”

“As for whether people who can’t learn magic will be jealous, this is simply unavoidable, and instead of waiting until ordinary people can completely threaten wizards, it is better to seize the initiative.”

“And ordinary people can also use some magic props to perfunctory, plus there are also professions such as potions that even ordinary people can dabble in, which can temporarily stabilize the situation after gradually spreading.”

“After that, combined with the power of science, try to develop a means to allow ordinary people to learn magic, this kind of thing is not completely impossible, just see the end and not do it.”

“The wizarding world over there is now completely caught in an endless loop, anyway, after the older generation is gone, they don’t care about the people behind, sooner or later they will be exposed.”

“Exposing yourself in advance and being caught are completely different concepts, even if some high-ranking people now know about the existence of the wizarding world, it is still useless.”

Xia Ming shook his head.

“That being said, people from the wizarding world…”

Although Hermione was not very old, she was very precocious and had a clear understanding of the situation, and she also learned what it was like to be in the wizarding world.

Because people in the wizarding world live longer than normal people, and there are even people who have lived for hundreds of years.

Coupled with the small circle, the ideas are almost solidified, and then these old stubborns teach the younger generation, which is stuck in an endless cycle…

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