Chapter 384 Heading to the Harry Potter World!!

The most obvious of these is Draco, who has been brainwashed by his father since he was a child, instilling all kinds of pure-blood supremacy claims, causing this kid to start getting into trouble when he enters school.

Basically, pure-blood families, except for a very few, will educate their descendants in this way.

So that the juniors are basically arrogant and disgusting guys, which make people unpleasant to the extreme.

The most important thing is that because of the huge power of pure-blood families, many wizards from ordinary families can only become inflamed, not everyone is called Harry Potter, and they can become a savior with Dumbledore’s protection

So the pureblood family is pressed here, and it is simply impossible for the next generation to make changes, and although Draco has changed a little in the end, his personality is still the same bird, which will not change at all.

“Then there is no way, but to be honest, it doesn’t have much to do with you, anyway, you gained power here, and although those magic is a little magical after you go back, it doesn’t help you in the slightest.”

“When you have the power to change everything, you just need to be a little careful.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, strength does not mean everything, unless you are too forgetful, otherwise you will be like Superman in the DC world, Superman is very strong? Very strong, but as a person, he still has his own weaknesses.

First of all, the mother, the second is the person he likes, and then because he himself is kinder, which is the weakness.

If Superman is too forgetful, then Luthor and these people can’t make the slightest wave.

Therefore, people are really invincible after they have strength, and they can be unscrupulous, but it should be no problem to protect the people around them from waves.

The reason why Superman is constantly targeted is also because he went out to wave, and his overly kind personality made him a superhero, but as a result, others found out their identity and became sad.

“Let’s go to that world, the magic of that world is really magical, completely different from the magic of other worlds.”

Everyone opened their mouths and said, this world is actually more like a world with some fairy tale colors, normal magic world, Miraj their world, that magic is basically based on combat power to destroy you.

Even healing magic has become a rarity, which is indeed quite a rare situation.

However, most of the magic is born for combat and destruction, and the magic of the Harry Potter world is very special, and everyone naturally intends to take a look.

“Then go on vacation to Hermione’s world, it should be fine.”

Xia Ming looked at Hermione, or consult people, after all, this is people’s world, even if they want to enter, they can enter, but they also need to consider the feelings of others.

“I don’t have a problem with going to my world, but my world is now in school, and there are many powerful wizards in the school, I don’t know what will happen when you go.”

Hermione couldn’t judge what the opinion of Dumbledore and the others was.

“It’s not too much of a problem, just ask the other party’s opinion in advance, I think he shouldn’t mind having an extra help.”

“From the experience you said before, you can actually see that your experiences in the first grade were all arranged, I think you should know that you are basically bound to that savior.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said that the other semesters could be said to be accidents, but only the first semester was not.

The first semester is like a fully arranged trial of bravery, of course, the children’s version.

At that time, they couldn’t see it, but when they grew up, they were actually very clear.

“I really saw some of it, after all, I just happened to meet the level that suits us, plus that series of things, I can’t think it’s a coincidence.”

Hermione herself was aware of the problems that existed at that time, and it was undoubtedly the attention of Dumbledore and others.

They had always suspected Snape, of course, Snape could not blame anyone else for being suspicious, and Snape itself was not a good thing.

From a stranger’s point of view, who is Snape? The same arrogance, arrogance, and can be biased to the point of doing some vicious manipulation.

For example, the extra points and subtractions in his courses, everyone is a discerning person, this operation is indeed very disgusting and disgusting.

Besides, what he did before, although he was indeed quite infatuated with Lily, but the person who killed Lily was still him, the reason why many people had good senses for Snape before Xia Ming crossed.

It’s all because they bring in the perspective of Harry Potter, which is also normal, after all, the entire plot revolves around Harry Potter.

So it is completely understandable that such a situation occurs, but from the perspective of outsiders, in addition to the slightly eye-catching efforts in the later stage, plus his own ability is not weak, there are really not many good places in terms of other people.

Of course, Snape was suspected of doing it all by himself, after all, a group of children, you can’t expect how exaggerated their wisdom is, Harry Potter Hermione and others at that time were black and white.

“Anyway, you take me to meet Dumbledore first, I will talk to him, there are good things, it is estimated that he will not refuse.”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, Hermione also nodded.

In this way, the two went directly to the Harry Potter world, Hermione was practicing magic when she came in, and she was not in the dormitory, but she was not worried that she would run directly to the other party’s dormitory.

After that, the two entered the castle.

The stairs in this school are constantly changing, which is indeed quite unfriendly for newcomers.

To be honest, it’s a bit redundant to leave this kind of thing.

After all, this thing was originally used to confuse the enemy, and now it is placed here, and the students who have just arrived at the school are very distressed, after all, the stairs are constantly changing, and no one knows where they will be sent.

If you don’t have the ability to fly, it is estimated that it will really collapse.

Xia Ming’s appearance also attracted the attention of many people, without him, mainly because Xia Ming’s body was transformed too perfectly, so his existence was very attractive

There is a sense of affinity, most of the people here are children, and their minds are simple, so the first time they see Xia Ming, the favorability is not low.

As a result, Xia Ming attracted a lot of attention after coming here…

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