Chapter 385 Dumbledore like Professor X!!

“The place is good, but also full of fantasy, that is, Xia Ming, who is not very friendly to newcomers, made his own evaluation.”

“Yes, there are so many changes in the stairs here, it took me a while to figure these things out after I enrolled.”

Obviously, although I haven’t suffered much from the stairs, it is more difficult to figure out the transformation of the stairs, which requires a very strong memory, and Hermione’s memory is quite good.

“Let’s go, go meet that Headmaster Dumbledore.”

Xia Ming said, directly took Hermione to Dumbledore’s office, he disappeared directly by speed, in the eyes of outsiders, this is suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

“Isn’t it possible in the school to use Phantom Transfiguration except for the headmaster and goblins? Why can this person be used? And that person should be Hermione! ”

The slightly higher students on the Gryffindor side were stunned, especially the twins, who were now envious to the extreme, after all, if they could use the Apparition Transfiguration in Hogwarts.

There is no need to worry about being caught by Filch for night swimming, you know, the two brothers are good at night swimming.

Everyone else is a night swim from time to time, and the two of them take a break from time to time, and almost all other times they are night swimming.

“It shouldn’t be a phantom shift, I’ve seen the phantom shift, and now they disappear out of thin air.”

Harry on the side said that he couldn’t understand it, the phantom transfiguration was a way of moving, but the body would also appear distorted in an instant, and there was a certain movement.

Now that it had disappeared out of thin air, it was obviously not a phantom shift, but no matter how much they discussed it now, they could not discuss a reason, so they could only wait for Hermione to return and ask again.

On the other side, Xia Ming and Hermione have come to the door of Dumbledore’s office, and if you want to enter Dumbledore’s office, you need a password, otherwise you basically can’t enter, of course, it is much simpler for Xia Ming.

After a point, the guardian outside the door could not move, and he and Hermione came to the door.

But before they could knock, the door was already open, and it was clear that although Dumbledore could not sense Xia Ming’s presence, the movement that appeared outside the door and Hermione came over, he could still easily sense it.


At the first glance when he saw Xia Ming, Dumbledore was blindfolded, because there would definitely not be a second person in his perception just now.

But now a living person appeared in front of his eyes, which made Dumbledore a little confused.

If you want to hide from his detection, only Grindelwald and Voldemort can do it, Voldemort is still attached to Harry Potter to hide, otherwise a large living person appears in front of Dumbledore, will still be perceived.

Before Xia Mingduo could say anything, he felt a special spiritual fluctuation probing towards him, and the target was his brain.

In this regard, Xia Ming is not surprised, just want to complain, this kind of proficient in taking the mind is like this, like to probe other people’s secrets, take everything into their own hands.

Xia Ming didn’t take much precautions, his brain was not so easy to probe, and the defense formed by the strong soul alone was not something that the other party could probe into.

At this moment, Xia Ming also formed a barrier in Hermione’s brain with his voice, which was to prevent Dumbledore’s attention.

The five senses of God are so incomprehensible, even the soul side can easily defend against it.

“Probing other people’s brains at the first meeting, you who are old and proficient in this area are really a virtue.”

Xia Ming sighed, next door to the X-Men world, Professor X is also a look.

Although it is said that you will never probe other people’s thoughts without their permission, this statement is a fart.

Of course, Professor X’s kind of villain does not belong to some heinous villain or the like, otherwise he can directly destroy all humans or brainwash them through the brainwave enhancement machine.

But Professor X didn’t do that either, he just likes to take everything into his own hands, which is very normal.

With such an ability, it is not a simple thing to endure not using it, and when Xia Ming just got the ability to read minds, he will also use it on others.

It’s just that then he controlled it, and the reason why he was able to control it was because nothing could threaten him.

But whether Dumbledore or Professor X faced a different situation than Xia Ming, they did not have Xia Ming’s absolute strength.

If there is a situation where strong enemies look around and all kinds of intrigues and tricks continue, Xia Ming will also choose to open his mind reading ability for a long time and take all secrets into his own hands.

Of course, this does not mean that Xia Ming can understand the other party’s desire to read his own brain information.

“After all, a stranger suddenly appeared at Hogwarts, and there were students from our school with him, in this case, I, an old man who is the headmaster, can’t do nothing, right?”

Dumbledore is also worthy of being an old quack, and he perfunctory this matter in a word.

And still standing on the good side, I have to say that the old rivers and lakes are indeed the old rivers and lakes.

“Forget it, I’m too lazy to say anything more to you, but this doesn’t mean that there is a second time, and besides, don’t think about probing other people’s brains, you can’t do it.”

Xia Ming sensed Dumbledore’s spiritual power probing in Hermione’s direction and said.

This made Dumbledore a little confused, he could understand that he was discovered by the other party when he was probing the other party, but he could not understand how the other party did it when he was probing others.

Although there are magic fluctuations and spiritual fluctuations, he hides it well, but even so, it is discovered, which means that the other party is completely above him in this aspect.

This made Dumbledore even more incomprehensible, and he scanned all the strong people he knew in his mind, but he did not find any trace of Xia Ming and any information.

“Well, tell me who you wanted, and your relationship with Hermione.”

Dumbledore completely converged this time, to be honest, he also admired Xia Ming, and his own temptation was estimated to have been angry for others.

In fact, he also looks up to himself, which is like a person walking on the road and suddenly an ant gives a bite of shoes on a person’s feet.

People are too lazy to think about it, okay…

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