Chapter 386 Fair Trade!!

Dumbledore’s probing gave Xia Ming a feeling that even an ant was inferior, the gap between the two sides was too big, and Xia Ming was too lazy to cause any trouble this time, the most important thing was to look at Hermione’s face, so he gave a warning.

If there is another time, then Xia Ming does not mind stepping on it directly, as for whether the other party is alive or dead at that time, this is not something he can control.

“Hermione and I are now friends, or teammates, and I have some teammates who are planning to come here for a while, so I found you, after all, you are the headmaster of Hogwarts.”

“Don’t be busy refusing first, I naturally have some remuneration for you!”

After Xia Ming said his purpose, he saw Dumbledore’s expression of intention to refuse, but naturally he would not prostitute others for nothing, so he took out the fire shape magic he got from the demon tail.

Don’t need too deep magic, a lot of the magic in this world is idealistic magic, although this magic effect is very outstanding, but there are also some defects, the first point is the wand in the hand, once there is no wand, the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

Even people at the level of Dumbledore and Grindelwald will have this situation, and the last Voldemort was not only pitted by his own Horcruxes, but also by the Elder Wand.

So the role of the courseware wand, but this is indeed worse than the demon tail world.

People’s magic can be used whenever they want, and there is no need to use this kind of wand at all, so the fire shape magic that Xia Ming took out is quite useful for this world.

“This one is… Curious magic, you don’t need to use a wand, and your power won’t be reduced at all! ”

After seeing such magic, Dumbledore’s eyes almost popped out, this is a kind of magic that completely subverts the current wizarding world, or this world should be called the wizarding world.

“This is the chip I took out, we will not cause you any trouble, just simply interested, if you promise, this magic will be handed over to you, if you don’t agree, forget it.”

Xia Ming will not be difficult for the other party, this is also a very fair transaction, for both parties, this is also a fair transaction, the so-called fairness, is based on the premise that both parties are satisfied, this is called fairness.

For Xia Ming, just paying something completely worthless, equivalent to a dollar given after seeing a beggar on the street, for Dumbledore, this is a key magic that can change the current wizarding world, and he has made a lot of money.

If both parties agree on the deal, then the deal is fair and reciprocal.

“I know, so allow me to ask one question at the end, how strong are you?”

Dumbledore asked this question, he was indeed very curious, after all, Xia Ming was in front of him, as if he did not exist, if he did not see it with the naked eye, he doubted whether this person existed or did not exist.

And that kind of means, any movement of himself is seen by others

He can also come up with such a special magic, in his opinion, this should not be the most important magic in the hands of the other party, so Xia Ming’s strength can be regarded as elevated to the level of Grindelwald in his heart.

“Strength? For example, each one can easily destroy the entire Hogwarts, of course, this is just a metaphor, we will not do it casually, provided that your people do not do it casually, it is as simple as that. ”

Xia Ming is not showing off, but warning, although these people can’t have any impact on them, but a warning is still necessary, save these guys from doing some strange things later.

“I know, but I have one more thing I must make clear to you, there are now a large number of Dementors around Hogwarts, which the Ministry of Magic has placed around in order to hunt down fugitives and protect Hogwarts.”

“Strictly speaking, this is not a threat, but the Dementors are not us humans after all, and everything they do is completely incomprehensible to us, and it is difficult to control.”

“So if the Dementors do something to you at that time, we will directly help in the situation, but if it is not there or you provoke it yourself, then it is not our problem!”

Dumbledore felt that he had to make it clear in advance, after all, the Dementors were a pit, and although he didn’t want these guys to wander around, it was difficult for him to mix in the affairs of the Ministry of Magic.

Although the Minister of Magic Fudge was supported by him, he stayed in a high position for a long time, and he was most afraid of being corrupted by power, so that the other party would not believe Dumbledore at all.

Even thought that Dumbledore would snatch his place, this man, once the brain is replenished, it will be out of control.

“I know about the Dementors, you don’t need to worry about this, we still have a lot of experience in dealing with this kind of thing.”

Xia Ming said with a smile that the Dementors belong to a relatively buggy existence in this world, basically only the Guardian Charm can hurt each other, and other spells are almost useless.

This kind of existence is a special life form, but it is useless for Xia Ming and others, no matter how strong it is, you also have an upper limit.

Once this upper limit is broken, then no matter how special it is, it is useless, and Xia Ming and the others, except for Hermione, who does not have a food cell now, everyone else has broken through the upper limit of this world.

Therefore, it only takes a simple punch to beat the dementors to the slag, but the Ministry of Magic has not been able to find any evidence.

After all, the Ministry of Magic wants to see how the Dementors died, and they also need to detect the surrounding magic fluctuations, etc., but the fist is a physical attack.

Of course, another way is to reverse back in time with a time item to see what’s going on.

Although this world is not strong, it is quite slippery in terms of time and space.

But doing so also leads to a more fatal problem, which is that their lives really exist in that time and space.

In other words, their existence cannot be concealed from everyone, so everyone can directly kill each other when the other party uses props to probe.

After brute force reaches a certain level, it is really possible to break the trick with force, no matter how shrewd the skill, without reciprocity, it will appear very weak.

“In that case, then there is nothing more to say, when are you guys coming?” I will host a school-wide dinner in advance and introduce you to students and professors to prevent problems. ”

Dumbledore asked, this is also the easiest and easiest way to do it…

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