Chapter 387 Hogwarts Dinner!!

“It also takes time to hold a banquet, so after three days, give you three days to prepare.”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he left with Hermione, and as for Dumbledore, he summoned the professors.

“What? Hosting a dinner party to welcome a group of outsiders? And let us entertain them well for a while? What a joke, there are dementors everywhere outside, and Sirius didn’t catch it, we still have work there to do this kind of thing! ”

Several deans felt a little ridiculous after hearing Dumbledore’s words, especially Snape directly slapped the table, undoubtedly, he taught here because of Dumbledore, and the purpose was also ~ for Harry Potter.

But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a temper, he can also get angry.

“You can see if you look at this, this is the reward they gave this time, if you can still refuse after reading it, I haven’t said anything about it.”

Dumbledore made several copies of the previous Fire Shape Magic and handed them to several Headmasters.

Although fire magic is one of the most common magic in the Demon Tail world, there is also a big problem, that is, the magic ceiling of the Demon Tail World is very high.

The magic of that world is just a means, and the real strong is still herself, just like the Dragon Queen Irene, her additional magic does not seem to be much magic at first glance.

But as long as its own magic power is strong enough, it can achieve personality addition, magic attachment and a series of anti-heavenly operations.

Although the Fire Shape Magic is not so exaggerated, it can undoubtedly allow people to reach the S level of that world or even higher, as long as its own magic power is sufficient and the combat experience is rich enough.

Therefore, this magic is still very important, and this magic cannot be taken off their eyes after several deans see it.

“This… How can there be such magic, completely subverting all current magic theories, and you don’t need a wand, you just need your own magic power enough. ”

Snape’s eyes almost didn’t pop out.

“This is the bargaining chip they gave this time, if you don’t agree, this magic will be returned, and the other party’s strength is not under me, so it is estimated that you will not know even if you erase this part of the memory at that time.”

Dumbledore spoke again, although this magic has been given to them, they seem to be able to prostitute directly, but there are too many magic in this world that can erase memory.

Seeing that the other party finds his mental fluctuations and closes his brain, he must also be a master of this path, and if the other party cannot erase the memory of himself and others, then it is also possible to do it directly.

So in this case, there is no such thing as a white.

“The weight of this magic is very heavy, according to the conditions you said before Dumbledore, I can accept it and be willing to entertain them.”

Flitwick, the head of the Eagle House, said that there was no problem, as the head of Ravenclaw, he himself was also a person eager for knowledge, knowing the weight of this magic, it could be said that the weight of this magic was too heavy.

In exchange for a trip to Hogwarts, he thought it was ridiculous, “I don’t have an opinion either.” ”

Professor McGonagall also nodded, the other Professor Sprout also nodded, and finally the remaining Snape, seeing that everyone agreed, he was also hungry for this magic, so he nodded.

“Since everyone agreed, then according to the previous arrangement, hold a banquet, gather all the professors and students, announce this matter, they will not come for too long, according to their words, at most between half a month and a month.”

After Dumbledore finished speaking, several deans nodded and went to arrange the banquet separately.

The banquet was quite simple, after all, they also had a lot of such magic at Hogwarts, and it was very simple to arrange.

In fact, at this moment, Xia Ming and the others have gone to other worlds, and Hermione also plans to go to other worlds to see the scenery of other worlds, otherwise once there are still people staying in the secret realm, the time in the outside world will be completely static.

In order to give time to prepare for Hogwarts, Xia Ming and the others left this huge secret realm and went to where they wanted to go, as for Hermione, Xia Ming took her to the Demon Tail World, after all, the magic there is indeed quite prosperous.

In this way, time flickered, three days came, on this day, Xia Ming and the others came to Hogwarts, and also met Hagrid, a half-blood giant.

Xia Ming had a good impression of this mixed-race giant, and he was quite profound, this half-blood giant was strictly very kind, but he always used his own standards to benchmark others, and there would be big problems.

He is a half-blood giant, thick skin, and strong strength, which is like a pet in the eyes of adults, but in the eyes of a small baby, it is undoubtedly a monster.

Hagrid is like this, a well-behaved creature in his eyes, a real monster in the eyes of others.

Especially the eight-eyed giant spider in the Forbidden Forest, that thing is equivalent to the invasive species brought by Hagrid, and it has developed and grown in the Forbidden Forest.

Races such as horse people saw that Hagrid did not attack at the first time, which was already quite good for face and temper.

After all, the place where they live was suddenly thrown a monster species in, and it also threatened their own group, and they naturally would not have any good feelings for this person who threw in invasive species.

And when Xia Ming crossed over, something also happened, that is, the actor who played Hagrid died, although it was not a big thing, but watching the characters in the works he watched in his childhood die, there is indeed a different feeling.

Of course, there is no such thing now, this Hagrid is a real half-blood giant, and he has a long lifespan.

“A lot of people, and Hermione is here, you are all guests, come with me, Professor Dumbledore they have prepared the banquet.”

Although Hagrid has become a professor, he is still in charge of some other tasks, and this is the case with receiving people.

For a mixed-blood giant like Hagrid, everyone does not care, after all, whether it is the demon tail world or the pirate world, there is a family of giants, and those giants are tens of meters tall, and there is a big difference from this world.

The dragons of this world, to be honest, are real lizards, if the dragon family of the demon tail world sees that these guys are also called dragons, it is estimated that they will directly angrily destroy these lizards…

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