Chapter 388 The People Who Have Eaten Up!!

Following Hagrid, the group came to the Great Hall of Hogwarts, and when the door opened, everyone’s eyes were on everyone, and then everyone couldn’t take their eyes off.

After all, Xia Ming’s group of people, except Hermione, has not changed much, others, Xia Ming is a perfect handsome guy, and everyone else is also a charming beauty, so after coming in, everyone’s eyes can’t take their eyes off.

“Well… It’s so beautiful, how can there be such a beautiful thing in this world. ”

Ron was also stunned when he looked at this group of girls, and everyone was dressed differently, which undoubtedly attracted even more attention.

Xia Ming didn’t care about this, he hadn’t exaggerated to the point that like the protagonists in some novels, he even had to be looked at by others, but now the eyes of the entire Hogwarts schoolgirls were focused on him.

No way, who called him handsome? So much so that now everyone can’t take their eyes off.

“Welcome, guests!”

Dumbledore was the first to come to his senses, and then he spoke, his voice completely awakening the others.

After that, Xia Ming and his party also came directly to the prepared position, after all, he had told Dumbledore before that there were quite a lot of them.

“It’s all very ordinary things, and while the taste isn’t too bad, it’s definitely not very delicious.”

Estes tasted the food in front of him and looked directly at Xia Ming, it was obvious that she did not want to eat these things.

Esders’s personality is like this, simply bold, if you don’t want to eat, you don’t want to eat, you don’t want to save face for others like everyone else.

Others also looked at Xia Ming, not that they couldn’t eat, people who were proficient in food righteousness would not discriminate against dishes, but it was not necessary, obviously there was more delicacy in their hands, then there was no need to eat anything else.

“In this way, although it is as a guest, it is also good for others.”

Saying that, Xia Ming looked at Dumbledore, and directly transmitted his voice into Dumbledore’s ears, and after hearing Xia Ming’s words, Dumbledore was also surprised

After all, Xia Ming’s voice could not be heard by others, and the most important thing was that there was no magic fluctuation, so it suddenly transmitted the voice into his ears.

“I know, since that’s the case, let’s replace it!”

Saying that, Dumbledore directly clapped his palms, and suddenly the food in front of everyone disappeared directly, which made some of the little wizards and professors who were planning to eat stunned.

“Our guest today has prepared us with a gift, some novel food, so let’s try these foods next.”

After Dumbledore saw everyone’s doubts, he also said the reason, and suddenly everyone looked at Xia Ming’s side again.

It also showed that the food was taken out directly, but it did not appear directly on everyone’s table, but delivered one dish after another to the students and professors through the completely invisible hair.

Xia Ming’s hair was naturally not perceived by others.

“This is a levitation spell? No, I don’t feel any change in the Flotation Charm, and I don’t remember the Flotation Charm being able to float so many items at once. ”

Flitwick on the side looked at the plate delivered to him, and the whole person was stunned.

However, others had the same doubts, but did not ask them directly like Flitwick.

“It’s an incredible ability, and the food in front of me is indeed a completely unexperienced aroma.”

Dumbledore had already seen that many students couldn’t help but move the tableware, no way, even he couldn’t help it, let alone others.

“Then thank you again to our guests, let’s start dining now!”

Dumbledore didn’t talk nonsense, and after a direct sentence, everyone began a gluttonous feast.

“Can you guys not be so crazy!”

On Hermione’s side, she had returned to Gryffindor’s position, and she should have followed Xia Ming and the others, but now she didn’t want to be special, so she returned to Gryffindor’s side.

And she hadn’t seen her friends for a few days, and she felt the need to say hello.

Although they are members of a squad, it does not mean that they will restrict the freedom of others.

So Hermione returned to Gryffindor, but now looking at everyone eating and drinking so tastelessly, she really had nothing to say.

It can only be said that she has not fully realized the power of these dishes, mainly because she has been used to eating for a while, and she eats much better than these.

Although these ingredients are good, they are not quite high-end, and what Hermione has eaten before, they are all high-grade ingredients.

So it led to the fact that now she can’t understand.

“How many good things did you eat with that group of people during this time?” None of these delicacies reacted! ”

In the face of Hermione’s question, the others’ eyes widened instead, this was definitely the most delicious food they had ever eaten, none of them, but what about Hermione? It can still be so calm.

They also know very well that this is definitely something good to eat, which is why these delicacies are so bland.

“Is it delicious?”

Hermione was just an ordinary person after all, and now she realized that it was indeed some small problem with herself, and it was normal that after eating so much delicious food, not being proficient in food meaning, eating other things would appear disgusted.

Although these ingredients are also the ingredients of the captive world of food, the grade is not high, so the delicacy is naturally incomparable.

Hermione only now realized that it was her own vision that had become higher.

However, she didn’t say anything more, but stopped after eating a little, just eat enough, and the others were almost unable to move.

Even Dumbledore ended up with a big belly, of course, the most important thing is Snape, because everyone is rare, causing Snape to eat his current appearance is also a lot of students have been paying attention.

After all, in addition to the Slytherin students, it is estimated that the students of several other houses want to see Snape ugly, and even some Slytherin students are estimated to think so.

“I swear, it’s definitely the best food I’ve ever had, none of it, and the amount is so awesome that I can eat it all.”

Hagrid said that he was really quite satisfied, and Xia Ming also prepared different amounts of food according to everyone’s situation, so even Hagrid, a half-blood giant, had eaten enough, and now they were all extremely satisfied…

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