Chapter 389 Some BUG Abilities!!

“It seems that everyone is eating happily, so thank you again for the gifts brought by our guests, and now about the guests, when you go to class later, the guests may come into your class to listen to the class.”

“It’s normal, so don’t panic, and don’t bother your guests, it’s that simple.”

Dumbledore said simply, but there was not too much warning or anything, he also knew very well that Xia Ming and others would not casually conflict with other students, the senior grades were good to say, the younger students were a group of children, and people naturally did not account.

Just as Dumbledore thought, Xia Ming really does not account for these things, of course, the premise is not to touch his bottom line, but with Xia Ming’s understanding of Hogwarts, except for the Slytherin people, it is estimated that few people will provoke Xia Ming and others.

As for the Slytherin people, if they provoked too much, Xia Ming naturally would not let them go easily.

Although many people in the original book have a bad impression of Slytherin, to be honest, this is also provoked by themselves, and Slytherin itself is a place where there is a big problem.

Slytherin has a more pronounced class compared to other houses, and most importantly, because most of these people are from pureblood families, they are extremely arrogant, that is, they will discriminate against others.

Some of the people discriminated against are always a minority, they are powerless to resist each other, and in the end they can only choose to become inflamed, which leads to the fact that the entire snake courtyard is the most unpleasant

To be honest, such a branch makes Xia Ming incomprehensible, and it is completely possible to make a certain division on the course, there is no need to divide it so clearly.

There are many colleges in universities in the normal world, but people have different majors, what about Hogwarts? Hogwarts is a real school of magic, and everyone has to learn what to learn, and there is no division.

Therefore, in Xia Ming’s opinion, such a branch does not have any benefit other than causing a gap between the people of several academies and causing the entire academy to split.

At this moment, Xia Ming also paid attention to a person, among the professors, there were a very few who were more strange, such as Hagrid, a half-blood giant, his physique was quite conspicuous inside.

Secondly, Flitwick, a person with a fairy bloodline, has to say that Xia Ming also admires the people of this world, and his taste is heavy enough to attack the fairy, of course, this is not too strange, after all, there are more people and anything can happen, such as people in a certain three countries, that taste is really unique.

In addition to these two, it is basically Lupin who is the most conspicuous, for the simple reason that the other professors are quite decent in terms of dress, but Lupin gives the impression of two words, poverty.

This is understandable, after all, Lupin is a werewolf, and when the moon is full, this goods will become werewolves, and there is basically no way to control it except for wolf poison.

So Lupin wasn’t liked by the other units, and basically no one would hire someone who would turn into a monster on a full moon.

Even if he knew that Lupin would only change when the moon was full, Lupin was a werewolf, and who knew if he would break and hurt people.

With this in mind, Lupin’s life was actually not good, and now he was invited by Dumbledore to take a place in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, but he also looked very poor in terms of dress.

I have to say that in the idealistic world, there are indeed many big problems, and some bug capabilities cannot be solved at all.

This Voldemort’s curse on the Defense Against the Dark Arts class is like this, and the students of this class of Harry Potter, as well as the students of previous and subsequent generations, can be said to be quite unlucky, after all, the professors of this Defense Against the Dark Arts class are rarely reliable.

Before Harry Potter enrolled, although other professors had problems every year, they at least really taught real things.

But from the beginning of Harry Potter’s admission, Quirrell in the first year, speaking is not good, reading according to the textbook the whole time, nothing taught everyone, and the second year is even more strange, this even reading textbook is omitted, simply as a clown to play acrobatics.

Lupin in the third year was better, and indeed taught some practical things, but he was also fired because of the werewolf thing.

In the years that followed, the Death Eaters, the troublemakers, and Snape were violently killed after he came on top.

It can be said that there are few reliable ones at all.

The curse in this position is also very special, and even Dumbledore cannot lift it.

And what makes Xia Ming speechless the most is that since it can’t be lifted, then why not simply point out, eliminate this course directly to him, and then break up the content of the course, and then mix it into some other courses.

In this way, there is naturally no problem, after all, this curse is for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, not for everyone who teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts.

So this rule can be implemented, but Dumbledore has not done this, and I don’t know why.

In short, there are quite a few bugs in this world, just like their Quidditch, there are no clear rules and restrictions, anyway, no one can care about you to kill you, which is really eye-opening.

The most critical golden snitch, this is also quite outrageous, really have to be thick-skinned, simply all go to find the golden snitch, although others can not directly capture the golden snitch, but can be blocked in many directions, and then let the golden snitch be caught by those who can be caught.

The BUG of this game is really big, and it will end as soon as the game is caught, unless the score is more than 150, the side that gets the Golden Snitch wins directly, which can be called the BUG setting in the BUG.

However, for idealism, it is normal to have bugs, and the most important thing is that there are really few people in the wizarding world and some exaggeration, resulting in no one caring about such things at all.

In this way, after Dumbledore announced the end, a group of professors came to Xia Ming and the others, and the two sides got to know each other, after all, the fire shape magic obtained from Xia Ming, so they naturally had to take it seriously.

The most important thing is to make a good relationship now, maybe you can get some other magic from others.

With this thought, even Snape’s depressed face expressed kindness to everyone.

It’s just that the image of this product is indeed very unpleasant at first impression, but his existence is also the most concerned by everyone, the reason and simplicity, the medicine.

Especially Butterfly Kanae, she is also very interested in some potions, such as the Fulin Elixir, which is also quite a bug thing…

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