Chapter 390 Unicorn!!

At the same time, on Hermione’s side, a group of people were surrounding her, for the simple reason that Hermione came with Xia Ming and the others, and Hermione had disappeared in the past few days.

They asked the professor, and the professor said that there was something to temporarily leave Hogwarts, which also made everyone very envious, after all, it was impossible to skip classes or anything, and now Hermione could directly ignore these courses.

Although Hermione herself is a top student, so it doesn’t affect anything, but they are still envious.

Just now, because the food was so delicious, a group of people did not ask what was going on, but now everyone naturally wanted to know what happened, why Hermione disappeared for a few days, and why she was involved with this group of people.

“You have a lot of questions, I can only say that I know them, as for the rest.”

Hermione is also a smart person, naturally knows not to casually disclose the secret realm and the situation of everyone, although it is not a big deal to say it, but it will attract trouble, so it is better not to say it.

Everyone couldn’t do anything about it, they all knew what kind of person Hermione was, and this was the person who would never change after deciding something, unless she was wrong.

So after everyone asked to no avail, they could only give up, but soon the group talked about Xia Ming and others, after all, this group of people are all handsome men and beautiful women, and there are many beautiful women.

Moreover, Xia Ming can come up with such a delicious thing, which is also quite envious of everyone.

Their current situation is similar to Hermione’s, let them eat the previous thing, they guess it will be difficult to eat, after all, the food is too delicious, of course, this is only temporary.

As long as after a period of time, they can’t eat good, they will naturally recover.

For the discussion of this group of people, Hermione was also speechless, and finally bothered to say anything and left directly.

Now Hermione’s plan is to prepare a lot of books.

Although she was very interested in the magic of other worlds, and she was also interested in the ability of Xia Ming and others to eat cells, she did not want to leave the magic of her own world behind

It can only be said that Hermione herself can be said to be extremely greedy for knowledge, which perfectly fits the spirit of Ravenclaw.

So Hermione didn’t keep giving up any part, and after she knew that time in the secret realm was completely still, she would think about taking these books to study in the secret realm when the time came.

In this way, a lot of time can be saved, and there is no need to use time props, the use of time props will bring certain sequelae, although rare, but continuous frequent use, and eventually there will definitely be problems.

There is not enough strength to play with the world casually, and only in such a BUG world will such a situation occur.

In a normal world, time is always hard to touch.

Of course, after the strength of the captive world of food rises, it can also control a certain degree of time, but it is impossible to go back.

After that, Hermione continued to study in class, as for the others, they ran around between classes, and as for Xia Ming and the others, who were not interested in the course, they naturally ran to the Forbidden Forest.

There are many strange creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and although they are not very powerful, they are also very interesting.

Unicorns, for example, are creatures that often appear in normal Western fantasy novels, and there are elves among them, but unicorns are still rare.

Although the magical creatures of the Harry Potter world are more crotch-pulling, unicorns are still normal.

To be honest, for the magical creatures of this world, Xia Ming was the most speechless

It’s a unicorn, that thing really brightens Xia Ming’s eyes, but there is still a group of people washing the floor for others.

The unicorn is undoubtedly the representative of the East, and in terms of description, it is actually a spliced creature.

When a group of people talk about the appearance of the unicorn, they like to cast this set of statements, saying that it is described this way, so it is very normal for people to make it like this.

This is very outrageous, some Western things, not to mention Western dragons, are also spliced things, but I don’t see them so simple to splice and use ah.

The unicorn has an extraordinary significance in the East, and the image of the unicorn can be seen on the Internet casually, but they do not use the image of the East, but they use it themselves to splice a deformed unicorn.

And the special ability of the unicorn has nothing but to see through people’s hearts, simply put, it is a mascot that will bow to people, which is even more outrageous

To be honest, entertainment this kind of thing still has a great effect on people’s brainwashing, some people forget who they are, blindly kneel and lick others, but also help people wash the floor, Xia Ming is really impressed.

After entering the Forbidden Forest, everyone quickly found the unicorn, which is only interested in pure women in the setting, and as for the others, they can’t get close to the unicorn at all.

However, for the many, there is no such statement, because the mastery of food and righteousness, the people’s understanding of nature is quite clear.

In the normal magical world, their mentality can be called the god of nature, so after they found the unicorn, the unicorn not only did not stay away, but directly approached.

It’s even a bit clingy.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen a unicorn, and it’s a creature that’s quite natural.”

Everyone also circled around the unicorn after seeing the unicorn, and Xia Ming stopped paying attention after a few glances, but other people are different, girls are quite fond of unicorns.

So after seeing the unicorn, I couldn’t take my eyes off at all

And the unicorn is more special, although it looks like a white horse with an extra unicorn.

But the unicorn itself is very pure.

There is a special power on the body to maintain, there is not the slightest bit of dirt at all, even in the body.

It’s also eye-catching.

The unicorns of this world have a curse in their bodies, and if anyone kills the unicorn, then they will be cursed, and then they will be painful, so basically unless they are cornered, normal people will not do anything to unicorns.

Voldemort was also pushed to the extreme, and he and Quirrell were one and two souls at that time, so the effect of the curse at that time was not on him, but on Quirrell, and he didn’t care about this at all.

In his eyes, Quirrell was just a prop that could be discarded at any time.

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