Chapter 391 Snape who doubts life!!

Unicorns are very affectionate with everyone, and even eventually bring everyone to the gathering place of unicorns, and all unicorns who see everyone show a kind and treat everyone as friends.

Because of the changes of the unicorns, they also ushered in the horse people, and the horse people were also very puzzled that Xia Ming and the others were so welcomed in front of the unicorns.

After all, the unicorn race rarely has contact with humans, although unicorns love pure women, but that is just a saying, for completely unfamiliar human races, unicorns rarely contact.

So now that a group of people have come to their territory, and the most important thing is that there is a man here, this is even more outrageous.

However, since the unicorn race is so kind, then their horse race will naturally not say anything, and the centaur race that can be recognized by the unicorn family is naturally also recognized.

After the horse people left, although everyone was more curious about the horse people, but after a few glances, it was clear what was going on, the horse people have a special stargazing ability, but to be honest, this ability similar to prophecy is actually not very powerful.

After all, although many things in the Harry Potter world are bugs, there are also many limitations, and they can’t do the same as the Marvel world next door, holding the time gem to see the future clearly.

After spending a while with the unicorns, everyone left, they kept wandering around, and at this moment, there was one person in the school who had completely understood and even doubted life, and this person was Snape.

The reason why it became like this is simple, and it started when Butterfly Kanae came to Snape’s class before.

As a regenerator, Butterfly Kanae’s own research on medicinal agents is also quite terrifying.

In the Harry Potter world, one of the more famous things is potions, and there is no doubt that potions are indeed quite terrifying after being developed to a certain extent, and of course, alchemy skills.

After all, alchemy skills have created a Philosopher’s Stone that can make people immortal, but Philosopher’s Stone also has limitations, using Philosopher’s Stone to extend one’s life, living is long, but its own bones are extremely fragile.

The aging of the body does not stop completely, and casual activity may cause problems, such immortality, in a sense, is true

It’s torture.

The development of alchemy has undoubtedly reached the peak of Yi, and the production of Horcruxes is also related to alchemy, which can basically be regarded as an alchemy product, and the potions are also quite good, but it is a pity that the potions are not too prominent.

But now Butterfly Kanae is also quite interested in these things, and after Snape’s course, Butterfly Kanae found Snape and learned a lot of things.

Snape naturally taught it directly without hesitation, but the more he taught him, the more frightened he became, and the butterfly Kanae’s ability to understand, memory, etc. were completely beyond his imagination.

Basically, everything is said and remembered, and the most important person can understand it in passing, directly engaging in this kind of operation that Snape has grown so big is the first time he has seen such a terrifying existence.

So this also made Snape interested, and he gave everything he knew, and in just one day, most of his knowledge was mastered by Butterfly Kanae.

Snape then told Butterfly Kanae which books would help, and if it was simply dictated, it would be considered to limit Butterfly Kanae, but reading books did not exist

Soon, Butterfly Kanae had completely read the notes, the collection of books and the books on potions in the Hogwarts library, and understood that this speed shocked Snape again, and after fully mastering the theoretical knowledge, he naturally reached the experimental stage.

After the experimentation began, Snape’s worldview shattered again, for the simple reason that Butterfly Kanae was too quick to get started, and even improved it quickly.

Obviously, the potion has not yet been completed, and it will take time, but Butterfly Kanae deduced the final effect based on the knowledge she saw and the steps she had learned.

After experimenting with some simple potions that could be done quickly, Snape found that Butterfly Kanae’s speculation could be said to be 100% accurate, without the slightest error.

And the formula improved by Butterfly Kanae is not only more effective, but also takes less time and has many fewer steps to configure.

After a series of bombardments, simple potions that originally required cumbersome steps to boil for an hour or two ended up being very simple steps, boiling for less than ten minutes, and the effect was twice as effective as before.

This naturally made Snape begin to doubt life.

After that, Butterfly Kanae found both Miraj and Rem, and the reason for doing so was simple, the substitution of drugs.

The medicinal materials used in potions are very special and have certain magical attributes, so other worlds with different power systems cannot be replaced at all.

But there is magic in Reim’s world and Miraj’s world, and magic is very prosperous.

Although there are no famous potions and other things in both worlds, there must be medicinal herbs.

Finding two people to come over is also to find medicinal herbs with stronger effects and more suitable effects.

After the exchange, the two also returned to their own world through Xia Ming and began to make up for all kinds of knowledge.

This is also easy, after all, both worlds have quite good libraries under Fairy Tail, and libraries guarded by Beatrix on the lips.

Both places have a rich collection of books, so it is easier for people to find what they need.

This process lasted for a few days, allowing everyone to find a lot of alternative drugs, which was even more incomprehensible to Snape.

And in the end, Butterfly Kanae gave him a special potion recipe as a gift for learning.

“What kind of potion is this?”

Looking at the formula in his hand, Snape felt that no matter what the formula was, he would not be surprised.

“After all, Mr. Snape taught me a lot, so this is a thank you, this is the life elixir I prepared using some common drugs.”

“As the name suggests, this allows some drugs that can be cultivated to grow and mature quickly.”

Butterfly Kanae said with a smile, the amount of this potion is quite heavy

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