Chapter 393 The Dementor Who Dies!!

“Completely closed, there will definitely be problems in the end, even if there are many loopholes in a game, there are few people in the wizarding world, otherwise they will know what is the real loophole!”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, you know, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds, and in the same way, after there are more people, everyone has it.

There are always some people who like to do things, and even if the rules are placed here, the other party will violate them, such as a certain stick, the essence of their sportsmanship is to foul, it’s as simple as that.

There are too few people in the wizarding world, so no one has perfected the rules, and no one has thought about exploiting loopholes, and this situation has occurred, but for these children, the stimulation is indeed quite exciting.

After all, the speed of this broom is not slow at all, but as the game progresses, the surrounding dementors are attracted to it.

The Dementors themselves are creatures that love to suck happy souls, and now the Quidditch match at Hogwarts condenses everyone’s happy emotions to the point that it is like a piece of fresh meat in front of a hungry wolf who has been hungry for three days.

Although the Dementors have orders from the Ministry of Magic, they do not have too high intelligence after all, so under the temptation of this happiness, they directly rushed over in groups.

The appearance of the dementors made everyone panic, even some teachers and senior students directly took out their wands, and as for the younger ones, in addition to panic, there was panic left.

After all, not everyone can use the Patronus Charm, and if you want to deal with the Divine Soul Monster, there is only this kind of spell.

And because the creature of the Dementor is less common, many of them are guardians of Azkaban, plus the difficulty of learning, so there are fewer people who learn this trick “Soup Spoon Dome!” ”

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming simply took action directly, in his opinion, although these guys are from the Ministry of Magic, they rushed to the school to attack the students, to be honest, it is simply a miracle that Fudge can continue to stay in the position of the Minister of Magic

You know, how many students in Hogwarts are pure-blood family members, as long as these people each write a letter to the family, almost all pure-blood families will directly accuse Fudge, at this time, Fudge simply can’t sit in his position

Dumbledore doesn’t even need to come forward to solve all problems, but unfortunately Dumbledore is still old, and when they are old, people like to pay a certain price to calm people, and even be bullied to the head.

This is like the three generations of the Hokage world next door, the Hyuga clan was the second largest family in Konoha at that time, and they had already begun to plan to do something to the Uchiha clan, knowing that Hinata would be the largest family after Uchiha was gone.

Under such circumstances, he still chose to admit it and let the head of the Hyuga family pay with his life, this kind of operation really blinded everyone’s eyes.

Dumbledore is the same now, so he has been suppressed by Fudge, in fact, he simply does not want to provoke right and wrong.

But Fudge is different, Fudge thinks that this can suppress Dumbledore, the two are not on the same channel at all, can only say that Dumbledore did it himself.

Now Xia Ming made a move, and directly loaded all the dementors into the soup spoon dome.

This move is Jinjinjin’s trick, and in the original book he uses this trick to lock Chiyo’s mother-in-law and himself in the soup spoon dome, and it cannot be opened at all unless he is defeated.

According to the combat power between the two sides, Chiyo’s mother-in-law can definitely not be the opponent of Jinzhen Town, but the family is a husband and wife.

Jinzhen Zhenzhen knew that his behavior of not choosing to save his son hurt his wife, so he finally chose to keep his hand, and was defeated.

Now this spoon dome was released by Xia Ming, and unless Xia Ming actively releases or is defeated, the spoon dome will always exist.

Even if he leaves this world, with the calories he uses on the spoon dome, it will be enough for the spoon dome to last for thousands of years.

Although the dementors are very special, they can’t get out of the cage formed by Xia Ming’s power.

In the end, the soup spoon dome turned into a round ball about one meter in diameter, and through the ball, you can also see the dementors struggling and huddled together.

“Awesome, what kind of magic is this? Unexpectedly, so many dementors were packed in in an instant! ”

Looking at the round ball floating in front of Xia Ming, the students were completely quiet, and now there is no problem after there is no threat…

“Mr. Xia Ming, thank you so much this time!”

Soon, a group of professors also came over, and they were indeed quite grateful to Xia Ming now, after all, Xia Ming helped so much.

“I’ll give you this thing, but there is one point, I won’t let them out.”

Xia Ming controlled the ball to float in front of everyone.


The professors who heard this were also a little difficult, after all, this is a thing of the Ministry of Magic, although this attack is a problem of the Ministry of Magic, but if these dementors are really imprisoned for a long time, the people of the Ministry of Magic will definitely find trouble.

“A little reminder to you, many of these children are from pure-blood families.”

Xia Ming left after dropping the last sentence, and after that, the group thought about it and understood what Xia Ming meant.

Some of the senior students also understood, and their eyes lit up.

“Professor, this time I will write to the family and let the people in the family be responsible for negotiating with the people of the Ministry of Magic!”

Many Slytherin students came forward this time.

It’s not that they are willing to break the siege, but simply because this incident has affected them.

You know, what are the biggest characteristics of these pure-blood families? It’s petty, that’s right, these people are very careful with their eyes.

So now the Dementor thing they will choose to come forward.

Other young children who hear this don’t care so much, they don’t think so much, but there is one thing in common, that is, to sue their parents.

So under the leadership of the senior students, all the students with family backgrounds began to write letters to their families.

Not only a large number of pureblood families participated, but also other wizards with a certain status, and even many people within the Ministry of Magic.

Of course, there are Fudge’s nemesis, so after this news is sent, it is a big deal.

The pure-blood family is also very protective, after learning that their children were attacked by the Dementors of the Ministry of Magic at Hogwarts, they were all shocked, and then they were angry, and countless roaring letters were sent to the Ministry of Magic…

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