Chapter 394 Brainless in the Line!!

The whole Ministry of Magic has become a mess because of this matter, and Fudge, the minister, is also very uncomfortable now, because some of the people who supported him have now jumped out and started to fight him, after all, these people also have children at Hogwarts.

This is very normal, the school year at Hogwarts is a seven-year system, and the teaching method is much gentler, and the students who come out of it will send their children to Hogwarts without accident.

Now that something like this happens, something happens to their own children, and unless it’s the kind of Death Eater who has no heart and no lungs, others won’t completely ignore their own children.

Those brainwashed Death Eaters can be sacrificed directly even if they are their own children, and the operation is called a strange thing.

Originally, if so many dementors were caught, he would definitely find trouble with Dumbledore, but now where can he take care of this, it is necessary to calm the others first.

But now it is more difficult for him, that is, these parents ask for the permanent imprisonment of those Dementors, because those students have already passed the anger with the family before, and those Dementors have been locked up by a powerful existence.

In this case, it will definitely not be released, they have all seen the terrifying power of Xia Ming when he uses the soup spoon dome, so they also admire Xia Ming immensely.

People in the Harry Potter world are like this, even the so-called Dark Lords such as Grindelwald and Voldemort will be overwhelmed under the siege of dozens of elite wizards.

Grindelwald was also caught, because he was besieged, and he was forced by these people to run away, they have no absolute deterrent strength, but the wizards of this world are very bold.

Even in the original work, even Voldemort’s name does not dare to say, you know, Voldemort’s name will be sensed that it is also a later thing, and there is no problem in saying it in the early stage.

Moreover, at that time, Voldemort was already hanging in the eyes of everyone, and no one dared to say his name in such a situation, and his courage was not ordinarily small.

Therefore, Xia Ming’s existence has a deterrent effect and nature for everyone, and under such an invitation, the students of the school are almost treating Xia Ming as a god-like existence.

Therefore, now there is also the blind trust and worship of Xia Ming as others did for Grindelwald in the past.

In the end, under the oppression of everyone, Fudge could only choose to suppress these dementors to give others an explanation, after all, this time it was indeed his own overreaction.

Sirius was a Death Eater in their eyes, and he had escaped from Azkaban, but to be honest, there were still Death Eaters mixed in with them grabbing a handful.

Under such circumstances, this cargo actually sent so many dementors to search everywhere, and even insisted on going their own way when the dementors had already caused trouble.

He, the Minister of Magic, felt like a rice bucket, and I don’t know why Dumbledore thought of sending him to this position, and he was drunk to think about it.

This time Fudge suffered a big loss, and this matter did not affect Dumbledore, of course, this is in the eyes of others, but in Fudge’s view it is different, in Fudge’s view, this is Dumbledore’s conspiracy.

The conspiracy to get him down, so he thinks that this is everything Dumbledore manipulates, and I have to say that people’s brain supplement ability is quite strong, and Fudge is like that.

He even wondered if these dementors had deliberately led Dumbledore over and caused a riot to bite him back.

Of course, this is Fudge’s own brain supplement, but he is already convinced of his own brain supplement, as for how he will target Dumbledore later, that is his own business, and the people of the Ministry of Magic can still target the headmaster of a magical school.

This is just as Zhang Mazi said, good people should be pointed at with guns, although this is a question, but it is also right.

Although Dumbledore is strong, and even defeated Grindelwald, Dumbledore has many means to control him now because he gave up the idea of becoming the Dark Lord.

Although this guy also has the name of the White Lord, it is indeed a lot worse than the unscrupulous Dark Lord.

Not to mention that the Ministry of Magic was targeted, there were also some other things happening on Hogwarts, such as Sirius had come in and began to look for the whereabouts of Peter Pettigrew.

Xia Ming also saw a big black dog dangling near Hogwarts, but there was a sentence to say, this guy is really brainless.

Sirius completely ignored the advantages of his own existence, he could go to Dumbledore, as long as he was close to Dumbledore and took the initiative to appear, Dumbledore would definitely meet him.

After that, he would just tell the truth, and Dumbledore would read Sirius’s heart with ease.

Even if this is still distrustful, as long as Peter Pettigrew is caught, it will be no problem.

With the exception of Sirius, Lupin’s brain was no better, and Lupin’s was even more typical of brainlessness.

After getting the Marauder’s map, he knew that Peter Pettigrew was still alive, and he did react at that time.

But this goods did not say a word to Dumbledore, you know, Dumbledore is the boss of the Order of the Phoenix, naturally he will not completely distrust his words.

In short, as long as it is proved that Peter Pettigrew is still alive, then everything can be figured out.

Taking a step back, even though he wasn’t sure if Peter was really alive, he was different from Sirius, he was the teacher here, and he had no qualms about turning to Dumbledore.

Peter is still alive, then it is Peter’s problem, Sirius’s problem can be washed, Peter is dead, then Sirius has a problem, and catching Sirius is undoubtedly the best option.

Both options were beneficial to him, but this one chose the most stupid approach.

The second is the problem of the full moon, as a werewolf, he is most afraid of the full moon, no matter how angry he is, it is impossible to forget the full moon.

But this goods still ran out to do things, completely doing it himself, until in the end Peter ran away, Sirius was seriously injured by him and almost died at the hands of the Dementors.

Although he was rescued, he still did not wash away the problems on his body.

Coupled with the operation of the original Harry Potter book, this brainless is simply in the same vein, no wonder no one dares to hire Lupin, this cargo werewolf is not only physical, even the brain has become a lot dull…

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