Chapter 395: Clearance of the Human Realm, the Image Record of the Human Realm!!

The matter of Sirius and the others Xia Ming did not mix, after all, he did not have much good impression of this group of people, and even strictly speaking, he hated it more than Snape, after all, these people are representative figures of school bullying.

To be honest, Xia Ming was a little confused about why Lily would take a fancy to Harry’s father in the first place, which was completely unreasonable.

Harry’s father was actually the same as Draco now, or much more excessive than Draco, after all, Draco’s attitude was towards everyone, and Harry’s father and others were specifically aimed at Snape.

Lily’s character image is somewhat similar to Hermione, which is like the current Hermione likes Draco, this operation is really incomprehensible, so Xia Ming did not care much about this matter, but left with everyone after the experience.

After going around in the human realm and doing the remaining tasks, the entire human realm began to vibrate.

Immediately afterwards, all the people in the secret realm seemed to change the world, and everyone gathered together, not only the people in their squad, but also other people who trained in the secret realm.

“What’s going on? Why are all of us all of a sudden together? ”

Finn and the others asked with some doubts, they have now raised their level by one level again with the cultivation here, don’t look at it is just one level, this is already very amazing, after all, it is quite difficult to upgrade.

They also don’t have gourmet cells, so naturally they won’t go anywhere quickly.

“Xia Ming boy, what’s going on?”

Looking at Xia Ming, Loki couldn’t help but ask, now this situation is indeed beyond her imagination.

“How do you say it? Because the entire secret realm of the human world has been explored by us, we are now broadcasting some of the things that happened in the human world back then, and we are just a group of spectators. ”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, he also knew that this was a small benefit after clearing the customs, just watch a movie, he just inquired, this is a record of what happened during the food festival that year, that is, the period when the three tigers perished.

This means that they have completely cleared the human world, and then there is the crisis-ridden food world.

The degree of danger in the food world is not comparable to the human world, even if Xia Ming goes to the food world now, he can only be careful, otherwise if he encounters some strong existence, even he Xia Ming is fine, of course, if you can enter and exit the secret realm at will, it is okay.

It’s just that he is afraid of encountering an existence like the Eight Kings, and the current speed of an existence like the Ape King is definitely not clear to him, of course, what kind of existence Xia Mingye is in the new generation of ape Gan, it is not clear.

After all, after the defeat that year, a new ape king was born, and Bambina was also the last one in their group, so after death, it was equivalent to extinction, which was undoubtedly good news for Xia Ming.

After all, after this guy dies, the pair will be directly transferred to the outside world, and it will not make people feel so disgusting.

In fact, Xia Ming is also thinking that his food demon is a food god, and it is certainly not possible to fully revive by eating the eight ingredients of the earth, which is like the green ghost and white ghost in Ayu’s body.

The red oni can be revived with the ingredients of this universe, but the green oni needs the green ingredients, and the thing is later spit out by NEO.

As for the white ghost, it is even more unknown, so Xia Ming is very clear that the food god in his body cannot be completely revived so simply, and some other things are needed.

Maybe you need the kind of god ingredients like before to get them out of the space food warehouse, but now all this is not something Xia Ming can consider, it is too far away from him, and now he just cleared the human world.

“What happened in the human world? It’s kind of interesting, and I’m interested in people from that era. ”

The group was interested, including the people on Xia Ming’s side.

“Since everyone is interested, let’s go and see it!”

Xia Ming directly brought everyone into the air, and then passed towards the location of the human world food festival, the food festival is the beginning of all this, of course, in the end, it depends on the three tigers.

“It’s a big giraffe, and it’s all around this island!”

When everyone came here, they saw the huge flow of people and many huge unicorn deer.

“This is a Jurassic unicorn, it is said that it will enter the carnivorous form after receiving an attack, and it is very strong!”

Hancock spoke, as a tamer, she was all too familiar with this, as was the same butterfly Kanae.

“Now I look like I feel good in other ways besides my huge size.”

Everyone looked at this meek Jurassic unicorn who played the role of a guard with some doubts, is this thing really lethal?

They had no idea how strong these creatures would be once they entered their carnivorous form.

But I have to say that the bell did play a very big role in this matter, and there were Jurassic unicorns in the entire human world’s cities, and these were all domesticated.

This part here can be said to be a very small minority, the real back hand is buried in the city, after all, Yilong had sensed the situation of the three tigers at that time, and knew that the three tigers had a high probability of indiscriminate attacks, so he left such a back hand.

“After that, you can see, after all, according to the records, there was a big battle here, now let’s go and see the chefs’ showdown, this festival is a competition to rank the top 100 chefs in the human world.”

Xia Ming said and led everyone to the festival venue.

“What a terrifying construction ability, there are even buildings in the audience, and there are too many people!”

Everyone who saw this scene gasped, and this scene really shocked them.

“It’s incredible, such a scale is completely a huge city, even if our world wants to build such a city, it is not so easy!”

Lucy sighed with some emotion, this world is indeed quite crazy, even the cyberpunk world with not weak technological ability is completely incomparable.

“It is claimed that it can directly accommodate 100 million viewers, which is not a joke, Xia Ming said that in the world of prisoners of food, the most important thing is all kinds of miracles.”

The architecture and landscape, can be said to be quite perverted, this kind of venue that accommodates hundreds of millions of spectators can be built right…

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