Chapter 398 Komatsu’s unrecognized operation!!

Even if a person like Komatsu who has a lot of food luck is like this, let alone other people, unless Xia Ming completely attaches food luck to a person and provides a large number of food cells to the other party, but this kind of thing, how can Xia Ming do it.

After Blanche appeared, it was naturally a confrontation with Zebra, and the terrifying sound was against the waves, and the power also made everyone’s eyes widen.

“Such a powerful sound, completely unstoppable, a simple roar has such an effect, it is really a group of monsters.”

Looking at the confrontation between Zebra and Blanche, everyone was speechless, and Blanche’s roar directly suppressed the voices of hundreds of millions of people, and even formed an impact similar to a hurricane.

But Zebra directly taught the other party to be a person, and this simple confrontation also opened everyone’s eyes.

Needless to say, Blanche rushed to the shore at a terrifying speed.

“No wonder Chef Komatsu has such an achievement, where all the ingredients are recognizing him, and even returning directly to his peak state for him, there is no doubt that this is the sound of hearing all the ingredients, the kind that makes no difference, it is really powerful.”

Several chef girls also had nothing to say after seeing Komatsu’s operation, and the scale of hearing the sound of the ingredients was a bit exaggerated, and it can be said that all the ingredients that existed in that position made their own sounds.

Including the rice that is not included in the scope of ingredients under their feet, yes, the beach is made of rice.

A few girls knew very well how difficult it was to hear the sound of ingredients, and in order to complete the century soup, Xia Ming completely condensed all the food luck on a few people.

Even so, the sounds heard were not so exaggerated, and they were intermittent.

Although it is becoming clearer and clearer now, it is still not comparable to Komatsu, the child of destiny, and the gap still exists.

Komatsu’s body is not only simply food luck, but also the care of this world, the child of destiny is so unreasonable, food luck is only a part, the child of destiny is the real key.

Therefore, all ingredients will give Komatsu a response, and after Komatsu’s cooking skills reach a certain level, the ingredients will actively guide Komatsu how to cook himself, which is undoubtedly a bug within a bug for the chef.

However, after Komatsu was taken by Blanche to finish the game, everyone couldn’t help but frown, because Komatsu’s next operation was really incomprehensible.

“It’s somewhat disrespectful, and although I know he doesn’t think so, it’s a completely wrong decision.”

After seeing that Komatsu did not take his own Melk kitchen knife, but chose an ordinary kitchen knife, everyone shook their heads.

At that time, Komatsu was indeed a little ill-thoughtful in this regard, and his idea was originally to be fair, so he definitely did not use a kitchen knife like Melke’s kitchen knife.

After all, his Melk kitchen knife was made with the Dragon King’s Tooth, and it was above many people.

But he ignored the most crucial point, that is, the chefs here are not weak chickens, everyone is a very famous top 100 existence, all of them are proud people.

Setsuna’s mother-in-law did not use her own exclusive kitchen knife, but only used it when she was fighting, because she herself is a centuries-old quack, and now she is a little suspected of bullying children when participating in competitions.

In previous competitions, Zeus won the first place, and Setsunai’s mother-in-law did not even participate, but the number of times Jienai’s mother-in-law won the first place was still the first in the record.

She didn’t really care about these things anymore, and this time she came mainly because of the food world, and Komatsu.

Otherwise, she would not have participated in such a competition this time, which is like one

An adult goes to participate in a kindergarten sports program, is this embarrassing to do your best to bully kindergarten children?

But Komatsu is different, he is now a member of this kindergarten, and the most important thing is that he is still the kind that has just entered school.

So he doesn’t take a kitchen knife, and in the eyes of others, that’s proper contempt

Secondly, he does not respect his kitchen knife enough, his own kitchen knife, for the sake of fairness, is not used, so what else does this knife do? I simply lost it, and the ingredients too.

For many people, fair play is about cooking, not good ingredients.

But being able to get good ingredients is also people’s own skills, so this is their own strength.

Just like Gopley, Goppley caught some beasts of prey as ingredients while riding on her bike, and besides her, some chefs made the same choice.

Is this fair? So Komatsu’s operation is undoubtedly quite nonsense, and in the eyes of everyone, Komatsu’s operation is problematic.

“After all, he is still young, and Chef Komatsu’s thinking is somewhat too idealistic.”

Xia Ming said with a smile that Komatsu is such a person, a person who adheres to the idealization of all operations.

People like him, to be honest, if it were not for the favor of the world, then they would definitely not be able to rise, because they would be gnawed to the bone in all kinds of deception.

Don’t look at Komatsu’s smooth sailing in the original work, the reason for this is on the one hand because of the care of the world, and on the other hand because of Ayu.

Because Ah Yu is one of the four heavenly kings of IGO, it can be said that he is the apprentice of Ichiryu, and even more, Ah Yu can be said to be like the illegitimate son of Ichiryu.

The Four Heavenly Kings have a special status and have super high rights in IGO.

Therefore, after Komatsu became Ayu’s partner, no one dared to make small moves in the back, so Komatsu was smooth sailing along the way and almost never intrigued.

Otherwise, he would have really been gnawed to the bone a long time ago.

After all, the greater the reputation, the more right and wrong, unless you have absolute strength and power to avoid this.

It can be said that Komatsu’s existence is an existence that everyone wants to be, and it is also an existence that everyone does not want to be.

I want to be like him because of his achievements, and I don’t want to be a person like him because of his thoughts.

Although everyone does not recognize Komatsu’s operation now, it is still necessary to watch the competition, and the people of the world of food captives develop in terms of strength and skill.

Even to the point of several decimal places.

Such a delicate operation not only has a certain enlightening effect on the chef girl, but also for others, because it contains a lot of power control skills…

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