Chapter 399 Compare and start the war!!

The game went on continuously, until the final game in the dark, this time there was almost nothing to see, but compared to the comparison, suddenly Ah Yu stood up directly and walked towards the tent.

And the purple aura that rose up all over his body gradually formed a phantom of a demon in the sky.

“What’s wrong with this? Why did you suddenly start releasing this terrifying aura? ”

The people watching this impact will not be injured or die, but they can sense this terrifying breath to the extreme.

Ah Yu’s inexplicable release of breath is incomprehensible to everyone.

“There is a problem inside, but because the breath is well hidden, normal people can’t sense it, but for an existence like the Four Heavenly Kings, it’s not too much of a problem to perceive it.”

Xia Ming reminded that he could also clearly sense Staju’s breath, not that Staju forcibly suppressed his breath, but that he could hide his breath so easily under normal conditions.

I have to say that at this stage, Ayu is not Stajyu’s opponent at all, Staju was born much earlier than Ayu, and the environment is a place like a gourmet club, so the growth at this stage is not Ayu can catch up.

After Ah Yu entered the tent, soon a blue flame directly burned the tent to the ground, and then everyone saw a man wearing a mask and wearing clothes that almost had I am the villain written on it, holding Komatsu with one hand.

And the hand he held Komatsu is now also grabbed by Ayu.

The two sides are now in a certain stalemate, and at the same time, there suddenly seems to be an endless black fog approaching in the sky, but if you look closely, you will find that where is the black fog, it is countless strange birds and monsters.

Because the distance is too far and there are so many of them, such a black fog is formed.

In addition, there are also a large number of fierce beasts rushing from the sea, and even the number of kilometer-level monsters among them is quite a lot.

Everyone who saw the outbreak of the war also saw those Jurassic unicorns on the periphery at this moment, and they were all beheaded in an instant.

A large number of unicorn heads fell to the ground, and then huge GT robots emerged from the stealth state.

These GT robots took advantage of the fact that the Jurassic unicorn had not yet reacted and beheaded each other directly.

“Hey, hey, isn’t it a food festival? How can it be compared to suddenly start the war! ”

At this moment, everyone was taken aback, and even some of the weaker ones directly pulled out their weapons, as for the strong ones, because they knew that this was false, they forcibly suppressed their fighting instincts.

Otherwise, they would have directly pulled out their weapons now, after all, this attack was too abrupt, and the number of attackers was simply terrifying.

“This scene is the scene of the destruction of the human world back then, I already said it at the beginning.”

Xia Ming looked at this group of people a little speechlessly, it seemed that this group of people was completely attracted by the competition, causing them to completely ignore that this was the scene of the destruction of the human world

When Xia Ming said this, everyone was amazed, Xia Ming did say before that this was the appearance of the destruction of the human world, but they completely ignored it because of these games

As a result, I did not expect that this suddenly began to war.

“Is the preparation here worse, those Jurassic unicorns before were all solved in an instant.”

Hermione couldn’t help but speak, now it seems that the two sides are not a grade at all.

“Don’t underestimate the ability of IGO, since IGO has arranged these things here, it is naturally prepared, and the most important thing is that the chefs here are not ordinary goods, and the four heavenly kings are also here.”

Xia Ming opened his mouth and said, IGO’s preparation naturally can’t be just this point, the Jurassic unicorns here are only a very few, and the really big ones are placed in various cities.

Otherwise, with this bit of strength in the food world, it is a very troublesome thing to get the Jurassic unicorn.

At the same time that Xia Ming spoke, a large number of strange heads of various shapes suddenly stretched out from the neck of the Jurassic unicorn, which had lost its head.

It is similar to a saber-toothed tiger but has four eyes, and it is extremely hideous, which is not the same as just now.

“The Jurassic unicorn will not be killed so easily, and now it has entered the carnivorous form, and after entering the carnivorous form, it will have super attack power.”

As Butterfly Kanae’s words fell, countless blue light projectiles erupted from the mouth of the Jurassic unicorn, directly turning the sky above the entire island into a barrage.

“Hiss… It’s so powerful, and the speed of this spit is completely incomparable to the cannon dragon of the dungeon before! ”

Looking at the terrifying attack frequency of the Jurassic unicorn, everyone was also taken aback.

“It’s okay to even lose your head, how tenacious is this vitality!”

Looking at these crazy attacking Jurassic unicorns, everyone was also shocked, in addition, Mansam and Suzu, who were guarding here at this moment, made a move.

Especially Mansam, after making a point, directly turned himself into a muscle monster 990, the description of Mansam in the anime is relatively conservative, and the Mansam in the comics is a terrifying muscle monster.

Those GT robots were cleaned up in front of him in an instant.

Mansam’s strength is also quite strong, but it is not top compared to those in the zero ecological zone, after all, he still needs to clean up these creatures one by one, but it is easy to solve quickly by changing to something like that.

Therefore, Mansam’s strength is not particularly strong, but it is more difficult to control him without harming his life.

This guy is somewhat similar to Jiro in a sense, and once he starts to run away, he can’t control it at all.

Of course, Jiro had learned how to control it in the later stages, but because of Setsuna’s mother-in-law and strong destructive power, he didn’t bother to unlock the seal himself, and he had to unlock it when he fought against Blue Nitro.

Mansam’s goods are completely uncontrollable representatives, and once they run away, they cannot be stopped unless they are severely injured and beaten to the point where they cannot move.

In the original, he was also attacked by Mao Song, the vice president, otherwise he would still be able to make a fuss for a while.

At the same time, the battle also began in the field, these cooks are a group of strong people, plus the existence of the Four Heavenly Kings, the battle is also imminent…

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