"This egg is a bit too big!"

Soon, everyone also discovered the stuffed eggs on Tansho Hui's side. Each small bowl contained a boiled egg. At first glance, there was nothing special, but a closer look revealed that there was a big problem with the size.

This egg was too big. Even a goose egg would not be this big when boiled.

"This dish is called stuffed egg. If you are interested, you can try it. The secret is inside the egg!"

Tadokoro Hui said, and her words also attracted everyone's attention. Everyone's curiosity was aroused by Tadokoro Hui, and they were very curious about what was inside the egg.

One of the old men was curious and directly used chopsticks to pinch the egg in half. In an instant, the meat stuffing inside was exposed to everyone.

"No wonder it is so big, it is filled with meat stuffing, but it looks like the meat stuffing was stuffed into the egg while it was still raw, how did they do that? The meat stuffing did not damage the shape of the egg!"

After seeing the meat filling, everyone suddenly realized, but then they discovered a key problem, that is, the cooked egg is fitted with the meat filling, and there is no gap.

The most important thing is that if the egg is cooked, it is impossible to fill it with meat filling, otherwise the shape of the egg will be completely destroyed.

So the only way to do this is to stuff the meat filling into the egg when it is raw.

However, after observing for a while, they found that the egg whites perfectly wrapped the meat filling, and there was no gap at all, so how did the meat filling get stuffed in?

After discovering this problem, everyone's curiosity was raised to the limit.

The people around heard the exclamations here and came over, and soon, Tanaka Hui's place was crowded with people.

Seeing so many people, Tanaka Hui also made stuffed eggs directly in front of everyone. After all, her stuffed eggs were not made hundreds of times in one breath, and the same was true for other people's dishes, otherwise the dishes would cool down quickly, which would be even less competitive.

Basically everyone chose to cook on the spot, but few people chose to perform on the spot. That's right, Cooking is different from performing. Cooking is about making dishes, but performing is about making dishes while also achieving the best visual experience.

Just like Soma Yukihira in the original work, he did this. He could have just made the pancake right after he was done, but he chose to throw it directly down and use the rebound to fold it up.

This gives people a sense of déjà vu of making flying pancakes, and this kind of performance is often very attractive to guests. The same is true for Megumi Tadokoro now. She is also performing egg stuffing on the spot, and what she has to do is not to let people see clearly how it is done, but to stuff the meat stuffing in at a very fast speed so that others can't understand.

It is precisely because you can't understand that you will be curious, curious, and think about studying and tasting.

So Megumi Tadokoro proved the value of live performances with her actions. Under her performance, more and more people are around her, and soon, this place is surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

This scene also made other students around her extremely envious, and their teeth were almost sour, but they couldn't do the same as Megumi Tadokoro, so they could only watch enviously from the side.

"He didn't even move a single serving, and ignored the issue of time, causing the appearance of the dish he made to be completely ruined!"

Soma Yukihira also discovered his own problem. Because he didn't control the time well, the shape of the omelet he made had completely dried up, which caused everyone to lose their appetite at first sight.

However, his reaction speed was also very fast. After seeing the operation of Megumi Tadokoro, he immediately reacted and found a few pots to start the live performance.

Sure enough, such a performance attracted people's attention, and the newly made omelet was very fluffy and looked very good in appearance.

So naturally, many people are willing to come and taste his dishes.

At this time, Soma Yukihira also resolved the crisis in advance because of Megumi Tadokoro. It is estimated that he will not pass it on time like in the original work.

"This kid's reaction speed is really fast. After seeing Tanomo's operation, he immediately reacted and imitated the other party's operation to start the live performance, and the effect was also very good."

Mizuhara Fuyumi praised Yukihira Soma. Mistakes are not terrible. The key is how to make up for them after mistakes. Yukihira Soma's reaction speed really made everyone's eyes light up.

"This guy is called Yukihira Soma, and he cooked my steak set meal test very quickly."

Guan Shouping was very impressed with Yukihira Soma, after all, Yukihira Soma's cooking speed was only slightly slower than Nakiri Erina.

Excellent students will naturally be remembered by teachers, and the graduates have already remembered most of the elites.

"His ability is indeed excellent, even better than many chefs who have a smooth career. After all, it is impossible for a person to not make mistakes in his life. It is really amazing that he can react so quickly and think of countermeasures after making mistakes!"

Dojima Gin nodded. Although this was inspired by Tanaka Megumi, it was also because he had this ability.

Otherwise, other students around him also saw Tanaka Megumi's operation, and some people imitated it, but what was the result? Only Yukihira Soma succeeded.

Of course, everyone is still more optimistic about Tanaka Megumi.

As time passed, Tanaka Megumi's speed was getting faster and faster. Soon, the broadcast sounded

"Area A, Tanosuke Hui, 200 copies achieved!"

As soon as this announcement came out, all areas were in an uproar. After all, this speed was too fast.

"Has Xiaohui finished it? So fast, this should be the first one to be completed, I have to work hard too!"

Hearing the news that Megumi Tadokoro had passed, the other people in Polar Star Dormitory were like chicken blood, and even Soma Yukihira sped up again.

Of course, some people were inspired to fight, and some were affected. The pressure on other students from such a broadcast can be imagined.

This broadcast was also intentional. After Megumi Tadokoro, Erina Nakiri, Alice Nakiri, Ryo Kurokiba and others were also broadcasted immediately.

Of course, this does not mean that they are not as good as Megumi Tadokoro. After all, this time the competition is about speed and sales volume. Although it is related to cooking skills, it is also affected by other factors.

So Megumi Tadokoro can directly win this assessment at the fastest speed.

The information that the radio keeps broadcasting is also testing the students' ability to withstand pressure. Yuanyue does not want to cultivate a group of chefs with fragile hearts. They cultivate elites with no shortcomings in all aspects, and psychological endurance is one of them.

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