Under the uninterrupted broadcast bombardment, very few students chose to give up because they could not bear the pressure.

Seeing such behavior, Dojima Gin shook his head. This situation would happen every year in the breakfast assessment. He would not look down on these students. People's tolerance is limited.

Look at Shinomiya Kojiro, it's not because of the problem in his mentality that he became like this.

It can only be said that they are not suitable to grow in an environment like Totsuki, so it is also a good thing for them to quit early.

As time goes by, Yukihira Soma completed the assessment ahead of schedule because of Tanomo Kei. Although he has not stepped on the spot, his grades are also in the middle and back.

This is the result that Yukihira Soma desperately caught up with.

It can be said that this setback taught Yukihira Soma a hard lesson and completely spinalized his arrogant heart.

Before, his mentality has always been that these courses don't matter, but when he really encounters trouble, he knows that this academy is not as simple as he imagined.

Even he will face the crisis of being expelled, and it is not because others are shady or make small moves, but simply because of his own lack of ability.

After the assessment, Gin Dojima appeared again and informed everyone that the next assessment would start in a few hours.

Such a notice was undoubtedly frustrating. You know, most students had been up all night, and a few hours was not enough for them to rest, and they also had to clean up their stoves. It would take more than an hour to go back after cleaning up, so where would they have time to sleep?

So when Gin Dojima said this, a large number of students wailed. Only a few students who had a good rest last night felt that it didn't matter, and they could relax in these few hours. However,

Gin Dojima didn't care what the students were feeling now. After all, during the residential training period, it was a high-pressure special training. Those who couldn't stand it would quit, it was that simple.

The next courses were naturally the same as usual, until the fifth day. The courses on the fifth day changed. Instead of the graduates going to train the students separately, they made a course for all students to participate, and then Teacher Chapel led the team. As for the graduates

, they were gathered by Gin Dojima early in the morning, including Liu Yun. Having read the original work, he naturally knew what to do next.

On the last day, after a few days of torture, the students will be physically and mentally exhausted, so on the last day, the graduates will prepare a table of food to entertain these students.

Each graduate is responsible for a dish, and with the help of the people from Totsuki, there are enough dishes to feed hundreds of people.

So now the graduates are gathered together, naturally because of this matter, which is also the custom of Totsuki, and everyone knows it well.

"It looks like everyone is almost ready, so let's get started. The dinner will be at 4pm. Cooking for more than 600 people is not a small number. The staff of Totsuki will assist you, so I'll leave it to you next." said Gin Dojima. After all, there are more than 600 students left. It would be too stressful to simply let a few graduates cook.

So the staff of Totsuki will be responsible for helping. It is estimated that only Liu Yun can easily cook food for more than 600 people.

His food ethics can allow him to make the best food with the least effort. Not to mention hundreds of people, after strengthening and mastering food ethics, he can easily cook food for thousands of people. Although this number seems a bit outrageous, the top chefs in the world of food captives can easily cook food for tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people.

And it can be cooked in just a few hours, which is outrageous to the extreme.

If Liu Yun's physical fitness and food ethics were not incomparable at this time, he could also do this, so the food for thousands of people is easy and simple.

After Gin Dojima finished speaking, the group came to the kitchen of Totsuki.

"What kind of dishes does Liu Yun plan to make this time?"

Qian Hinatazi was very interested in the dishes Liu Yun made. After all, the fried noodles that united the seven nations were still vivid in their minds.

And everyone could not forget the Ganges fried noodles that Liu Yun mentioned. They were very curious about what kind of special dishes Liu Yun could bring out.

"I will make a simple dish that can be prepared quickly."

Liu Yun said with a smile, because he knew the situation on the last day, he had already prepared it.

"Simpler? A dish that can be prepared quickly? What kind of dish is that?"

The others looked at Liu Yun curiously.

"Grilled fish, this should be simple, right!"

Liu Yun said with a smile. Hearing this, everyone was a little disappointed. After all, they all hoped to see some very special dishes, but now it seems that it has been ruined.

But think about it carefully, it is right, not only Liu Yun plans to make simple and easy dishes, but they do too, otherwise it will be too late to make more complicated dishes for more than 600 people.

In fact, the dish Liu Yun plans to make is still the dish made by Yakan in Little Chef, Tianxiong Grilled Bluefish, but Liu Yun does not plan to use the river as a kitchen directly, nor does he have chain kitchen utensils, let alone the Tianxiong Fire Wheel.

His biggest advantage is that he can control the flame freely. He does not need to control the ingredients to adapt to the flame like Yakan, he only needs to control the flame to grill the ingredients.

As for the ingredients, the employees on the Yuanyue side will be responsible for handling them. Liu Yun does not need to do the work of killing fish himself. He only needs to be responsible for cooking.

Although Liu Yun I can do it myself, and I can do it better, but there is no need, right?

The ingredients of other graduates are also handled by the staff, who are now preparing the various sauces they will use next.

Liu Yun is also making the sauce for Tianxiong roasted herring. There is no accurate recipe for this sauce, so Liu Yun does not need to think about it.

Moreover, the most critical point of this Tianxiong roasted herring is actually the firework. As for the sauce, it is not a big problem.

Liu Yun is the best at this, so he only needs to prepare the sauce that he thinks is delicious and matches the fish.

Although the dishes he made originated from the world of Little Chef, it does not mean that he needs to follow the recipes of the world of Little Chef completely. As a qualified chef, how can he be blind because there is no recipe? If the recipe is incomplete, just complete it according to your own understanding. This is not a difficult thing for Liu Yun.

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