But once a week, the tongue of God will still grow slowly, so the plan of Jade Age was born.

The details of the Jade Age plan this time are somewhat different from the original work. Of course, the purpose is still to solve the problem of the tongue of God.

Because they can't hire a dragon chef, the purpose of Jade Age is to cultivate a dragon chef.

But they also know that the probability of success of Jade Age is extremely low, because dragon chefs are extremely rare in places like the Chinese cuisine world, and even the international cuisine world can't raise a unicorn chef. It is naturally very difficult to cultivate a dragon chef.

However, they finally chose to carry out the Jade Age plan. No matter how slim the hope is, there is still a probability of success, which is better than doing nothing.

Originally, the hope was extremely slim, and everyone even thought that the Jade Age plan might fail, but the appearance of Liu Yun changed this.

Although Liu Yun's time to become a senior chef is not even as good as Nakiri Managi, everyone knows that this is not Liu Yun's true level.

According to Dojima Gin and others, Liu Yun is already close to a top chef, but he has never been tested.

So Liu Yun actually surpassed Nakiri Managi. You know, although Nakiri Managi is powerful, she grew so fast because she used the power of the tongue of God.

When the potential of the tongue of God was exhausted and the side effects broke out, Nakiri Managi's cooking skills naturally stagnated.

But what about Liu Yun? He doesn't have the tongue of God, but his growth rate is so fast, so now Liu Yun has become the hope of the Jade Era plan.

"We are not sure whether Liu Yun can become a Dragon Chef, but before leaving, Seiichiro told me that Liu Yun's talent is terrifying. Only in the Chinese cuisine world can there be such a talented chef."

"But even a chef with such talent may not necessarily become a 21st Dragon Chef. There are too many uncertainties!"

Nakiri Senzaemon shook his head. Even if a chef has outstanding talent, he may not necessarily become a Dragon Chef.

"Although it is not certain, it is worth investing even if there is only one hope, isn't it?"

Said Nakiri Masagi on the other side. Although cooking once a week can make her have a full meal, she is not satisfied with it.

So she hopes to cultivate a dragon chef, no matter how to build a good relationship with the other party. In this way, even if her tongue of God evolves to the limit, she will still have something to eat. Otherwise, she doesn't know how long she can last. There are always too few dragon chefs in this world. According to the information she has obtained, there are only a few dragon chefs in the light cooking world of the Chinese cooking world.

As for the dark cooking world, it is even more extreme than the late-night cook.

In the original work, when Nakiri Masagi placed her hope on the late-night cook, she had been fasting for about ten years. This kind of fasting made her unable to hold on, so she went crazy in the end.

But now because of the existence of the Chinese cooking world, she can eat delicious food once a week. Nakiri Masagi is not forced to this limit, so naturally It is impossible to get in touch with the dark cooking world.

After all, the people in the dark cooking world are even worse than those who cook late at night. As a special executive of WGO, she will not even get in touch with late-night cooks, let alone the even worse dark cooking world?

Nakiri Managi’s idea is very simple. If she invests now, even if Liu Yun will not become a dragon chef, with Liu Yun’s talent, it is inevitable that he will become a special chef, and it will basically be no problem for him to become a Lin chef.

Under this premise, investing in Liu Yun is a sure win. If Liu Yun can become a dragon chef, then her requirements are not high, and she can just maintain the status quo.

After all, for her, even if it is once a week, the tongue of God will continue to grow slowly, until it is useless to the cooking of the Lin chef.

So she is also preparing for the future.

In fact, even if Nakiri Managi did not say so, Nakiri Senzaemon would still invest, otherwise there would be no chance when Liu Yun grows up.

"By the way, I recently got some good stuff from the Chinese cuisine world, maybe he will be interested, I will have someone bring it to him later."

After saying this, Nakiri Masagi continued to chat with Nakiri Senzaemon for a few words before hanging up the phone.

Because of the weekly cooking, Nakiri Masagi at this time is not as cold-blooded as in the original book, completely ignoring her family.

"The God's Tongue, which made the Nakiri family what it is today, has also become the source of the most pain for the people in the Nakiri family."

After hanging up the phone, Nakiri Senzaemon also sighed.

There is nothing wrong with this. The Nakiri family's prosperity mainly depends on the God's Tongue, because the God's Tongue is indeed quite powerful in the culinary world.

Using this, the Nakiri family has developed to its current scale, but the God's Tongue is also the thing that troubles them the most. After all, once this thing goes out of control, the person who possesses the God's Tongue will not have a good ending in the end.

If the Nakiri family is a family that only focuses on interests and doesn't care about anything else, then it's actually okay, but the problem is that Nakiri Senzaemon is not such a person, and the same is true for Nakiri Munee.

They all care about their families very much, so there is the Jade Era Plan. Soma Yukihira and Tanadore Megumi were included in this plan when they were very young.

It can be said that the Nakiri family has also made a lot of efforts for Nakiri Managi.

"Hope can only be placed on Liu Yun. As for the others, even Seiichiro, the limit is probably Linchu!"

Dojima Gin said. Now Seiichiro has touched the level of Linchu, but still has not entered this level.

It can be said that the probability of Seiichiro becoming Linchu is very high, but the problem is that if he wants to go further and become a Dragon Chef, the difficulty is not comparable to becoming a Linchu.

Even if Seiichiro has this potential, according to the current situation, it will take at least several decades to become a Dragon Chef, and Nakiri Managi can't wait for this time.

As for him, his cooking skills are not as good as Seiichiro, so naturally it won't work. The only hope is on Liu Yun.

Nakiri Senzaemon agreed with Dojima Gin's statement, so he also planned to have a good talk with Liu Yun to see what Liu Yun really needed.

No one spread the news that Liu Yun became a senior chef, so not many people knew about it, that is, people like Nakiri Senzaemon who were well-informed. As for the students, only Nakiri Erina got the news.

"He actually passed the assessment for senior chefs, how is this possible? How could the gap be so big?"

When Erina Nakiri got the news from her grandfather, she was completely stunned, because this kind of thing was indeed too outrageous.

After all, Liu Yun was her defeated opponent in the past. It would be fine if he defeated her now, but later he even became a teacher of residential training, and now he has directly passed the assessment for senior chefs.

Although when Liu Yun became a teacher before, many students were already speculating whether Liu Yun's cooking skills had reached the senior level.

But no matter what, these were just pure speculations, but now he has actually passed the assessment for senior chefs, and the certificates have been issued. This is authoritatively certified by WGO, which is much more convincing than their imagination.

"He actually passed the senior chef assessment, doesn't that mean his cooking skills can be compared with Senior Si Yingshi?"

Xinhu Hisako was also very surprised. She didn't expect Liu Yun to grow to such a height in such a leap. (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, maybe he is even better than Senior Si Yingshi. How did this guy improve his cooking skills?"

At this time, Erina Nakiri's mind was full of Liu Yun. Don't get me wrong, it's not because she likes Liu Yun, but she has been wondering how Liu Yun became so strong.

"Lady Erina, why don’t we go ask the commander-in-chief? Maybe he knows what’s going on."

Looking at Erina Nakiri's expression, Hisako Arato didn't want her young lady to continue to be in such distress, so she gave some advice.

After hearing this, Erina Nakiri's eyes lit up. That's right, the news came from her grandfather. Maybe her grandfather knew what was going on.

Thinking of this, Erina Nakiri took Hisako Arato directly to Nakiri Senzaemon's office.

A few hours later, Erina Nakiri returned to her residence again, but her expression was a little unnatural at this time. Not only her, but also Hisako Arato felt the same way.

Because Nakiri Senzaemon revealed some things about the Chinese culinary world to them.

In Nakiri Senzaemon's view, the reason why Liu Yun is so powerful should be related to the Chinese culinary world, otherwise it is difficult to explain how Liu Yun learned the tornado knife.

You know, secret techniques are very precious skills in the Chinese culinary world, and often only the successors can be taught.[]

But now Liu Yun has learned a set of whirlwind knives in one holiday. It is obvious that he was taught by a master. Otherwise, where can Liu Yun learn whirlwind knives?

In addition, the most critical thing is Liu Yun's talent. After all, the prerequisites for learning secret skills are too outrageous and the difficulty is terrifying.

Most of the secret skills that have been passed down are taught from childhood, and physical fitness is strengthened before they can learn secret skills. After learning some things about the Chinese cuisine world, Erina Nakiri and Hisako Arato both said that their worldviews have been severely impacted.

After all, who would have thought that there is a Chinese cuisine world hidden in the cuisine world, and it is also called the holy land of chefs. After all, the strongest in the international cuisine world is the top chef, but the Chinese cuisine world has Lin chefs above the top chefs, and even a higher level of dragon chefs.

After learning that Liu Yun is so strong and may have been taught by the Chinese cuisine world, Erina Nakiri naturally also moved her mind.

But this little thought was suppressed by Nakiri Senzaemon before it even came out, because people in the Chinese culinary world will not teach these core things to outsiders casually.

Even though Seiichiro has been there for such a long time, the teachings he received were not core, so Nakiri Erina's idea naturally could not be realized.

Before, they could spend some money to ask Chef Lin to cook for Nakiri Managi, but if they wanted to learn other people's things, that was not something they could do.

Furthermore, even if Chef Lin wanted to master the secret skills, he might not be able to do it.

Secret skills are standard for Dragon Chefs, not for Lin Chefs. Many Lin Chefs may not be able to learn the secret skills even if they have been exposed to them. This is the value of the secret skills.

After hearing these secrets, Erina Nakiri, whose worldview had been reshaped, also returned with Hisako Arato.

"I can't believe that there is such a place as the Chinese cuisine world in this world, and there are chefs like Lin and Long who are better than the top chefs."

Xinhu Feisha sighed. After all, the best chef she knew before was a top chef. Unexpectedly, the best chef in the international cuisine world is not the top chef in the Chinese cuisine world.

In the Chinese cuisine world, although the top chef is a master, he cannot be considered the top chef.

"Yes, and the most important thing is that the problem of God's Tongue can be solved, but we can't invite the Dragon Chef."

Erina Nakiri nodded. After learning about the Chinese cuisine, Erina Nakiri immediately thought that the Chinese cuisine should be able to solve the problem of God's Tongue.

Nakiri Senzaemon did not continue to hide it. After all, his granddaughter has grown up, and some things are time to���She knew.

So she also told Nakiri Erina about the past records of the Nakiri family and what they had done over the years.

Originally, Nakiri Erina was very happy to know that the problem of the Divine Tongue could be solved. After all, she longed for a family, and her mother became like this because of the Divine Tongue.

The problem of the Divine Tongue can be solved, which means that her family can be saved.

And she herself also has the Divine Tongue, so naturally she also hopes to solve the problem of the Divine Tongue. However, what she didn't expect was that although there is hope, the hope is extremely slim.

The limit of the Divine Tongue needs a dragon chef to surpass it, and only a dragon chef can handle this problem, but if she wants to invite a dragon chef to cook for Nakiri Managi or her, even if she has no common sense, she knows that this is impossible.

After all, if you want to invite the top special chefs recorded by the WGO to cook, you also need connections, and money alone can't solve the problem. This is the case for special chefs, not to mention Lin chefs and dragon chefs. It is good enough to be able to invite Lin chefs, and dragon chefs don't even need to think about it, because it is impossible.

"Lady Erina, the situation is not that bad yet. Didn't the commander-in-chief say that Liu Yun has the potential to become a dragon chef? Maybe he can become a dragon chef in the end?"

Hisako Arato looked at the frowning Erina Nakiri and reminded her, isn't there another person of the same age? As long as you build a good relationship with Liu Yun now, Liu Yun may help you in the future as a friend.

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