"I understand the reason, but the problem is how to build a good relationship with him. Don't forget that we were rivals before."

Erina Nakiri said helplessly.

"That's just normal competition, it won't affect anything, Erina-sama, maybe we can do the same as Miss Alice."

Niito Hisako shook her head and then reminded Nakiri Erina.

"You mean to move to Polaris Dormitory like Alice?"

Hearing this, Nakiri Erina also understood what Niito Hisako meant.

"That’s right, according to our previous understanding, Liu Yun had a very good relationship with his roommates, so we also moved in and established a good relationship with Liu Yun in advance."

Erina Nakiri was moved by the suggestion given by Hisako Arato. After all, both she and her mother would most likely rely on Liu Yun in the future, so she had to build a good relationship with Liu Yun.

Now she even regretted that she would move into Polaris Dormitory with Alice Nakiri if she had known earlier.

As for other concerns, they have now been completely thrown aside by her.

In the end, after the two of them discussed it, they went directly to Polaris Dormitory. If they wanted to move into Polaris Dormitory, they needed to get the approval of Omido Fumio, so they needed to pass the admission assessment.

For these two people, passing the admission assessment was naturally very simple, and Omido Fumio was naturally very welcome to the two of them joining. On the one hand, there are still many empty rooms in the dormitory, and on the other hand, Erina Nakiri and the others' cooking skills. One was one of the top ten before, and the other also has the potential to become one of the top ten. For such talents, as long as there is no problem with their character, Omido Fumio will allow them to join

"Erina, you actually came to Polaris Dormitory?!"

The person who was most surprised to learn that Nakiri Erina was staying in Polaris Dormitory was Alice Nakiri. She knew her cousin's personality very well. Given Nakiri Erina

's situation, she would not just go to live in a dormitory like Polaris Dormitory, so there must be some special reason.

"If you can move in, naturally I can move in too."

Erina Nakiri shook her head. When facing Alice Nakiri, she always adhered to the philosophy of not pestering her too much. After all, Alice Nakiri had been staring at her and wanted to defeat her. Erina Nakiri knew this very well.

She also knew the reason why Alice Nakiri became like this. It was because of her childhood experience. However, she was too young at that time. Naturally, she didn't understand the ways of the world. Not to mention when she was a child, she doesn't understand much now.

Faced with Alice Nakiri's persistence, she had no other ideas. She just had to avoid her. Anyway, the other party was not her opponent in terms of pure cooking skills.

"Although I don't know what you are going to do, I must remind you that the people in the Polar Star Dormitory are very good to their roommates. This kindness comes from the heart."

"So no matter what your purpose is or what you're doing it for, you'd better treat them seriously."

Alice Nakiri is naturally very clear about Erina Nakiri's character. There must be a reason why she moved into Polaris Dormitory. As for the specific reason, she didn't want to guess and was too lazy to guess. During this period of time, she stayed in Polaris Dormitory and got along very well with everyone in Polaris Dormitory. She also knew that this group of people were very good friends.

So she reminded Erina Nakiri, which was also her reminder to Erina Nakiri. After all, she knew very well what kind of temper and personality Erina Nakiri had when facing outsiders.

In the original work, although Erina Nakiri also lived in Polaris Dormitory, she got along very well with everyone in Polaris Dormitory at that time.

But at that time, Erina Nakiri had been scared out of her wits by Nakiri Thistle, and basically... She did not maintain her aloof persona. Now that Nakiri Tsuchiya has not returned yet, the situation is naturally different.

Facing Nakiri Alice's reminder, Nakiri Erina did not refute this time, but remembered Nakiri Alice's words.

Perhaps because of Nakiri Alice's words, Nakiri Erina got along well with everyone in Polaris Dormitory in the next few days.

And the most important thing is that Nakiri Erina discovered that the people in Polaris Dormitory treated her as if Hisako Arato treated her.

It's not that they completely obeyed her orders like Hisako Arato, but she could clearly feel the kindness emanating from everyone.

This kindness is different from the people she had met before. Many of the people who had contact with her in the past were because The power of the Nakiri family, that kind of smile, you can tell at a glance that it is a fake smile, completely different from a smile that comes from the heart.

In Polaris Dormitory, no one treats her as a lady, but as an ordinary friend, and no one is restrained in front of her.

In short, she had a great time in Polaris Dormitory these few days.

And she also saw that Liu Yun had been teaching everyone about spices during this period of time, and even Arato Hisako had participated in it. After all, she was also a member of Polaris Dormitory, and was also selected for the autumn trials.

So Liu Yun naturally didn't mind teaching one more person.

And the things he taught also made Nakiri Erina's eyes light up. After all, this was what Liu Yun had researched using Food Justice. with all the information provided by Shiomi Jun.

His current understanding of spices is not inferior to that of Mira, the Blue-Eyed Tiger in the world of Little Chef. That person has the secret skill of spice inequality. However, in front of Shi Yi, secret skills like spice inequality have to stand aside.

Under Liu Yun's teaching, everyone's cooking skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and their attainments in spices have also risen sharply.

At this time, the time for the start of the autumn selection competition is getting closer, but Liu Yun received a call from Nakiri Senzaemon.

As one of the top ten, although he does not need to do the things of the top ten, he still has Nakiri Senzaemon's phone number.

After that, Liu Yun went directly to the Marshal's office to meet Nakiri Senzaemon

"Commander, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Liu Yun asked directly after entering the room.

"You are really straightforward. In that case, I will not hide anything. I asked you to come here to give you a gift."

Nakiri Senzaemon said, pointing to a large box on the table.

"Give me a gift? Why?"

Liu Yun was a little confused by Nakiri Senzaemon's behavior. Why did he suddenly give him something?

"Because of your potential, are you interested in listening to an old man like me talk a little bit?"

Nakiri Senzaemon asked. Hearing this, Liu Yun nodded, and then Nakiri Senzaemon began to talk about the past and present of the Nakiri family.

After hearing Nakiri Senzaemon talking about the Divine Tongue, Liu Yun knew very well what was going on. After all, the Jade Age plan was prepared for Nakiri Managi and Nakiri Erina.

So now Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly gave him a gift, and said it was because of his potential, then there is no doubt that he wants to rely on himself to solve the shortcomings of the Divine Tongue. With Shokurinji

, Liu Yun is really confident, but what Liu Yun can't understand is that this world is obviously integrated with the world of Little Chef.

Although the masters are all in the Chinese culinary world, with the capabilities of the Nakiri family and WGO, it should not be a problem to hire a few powerful chefs.

However, as Nakiri Senzaemon told the story, Liu Yun gradually understood , it turns out that the upper limit of the God's Tongue can be further raised, and only a Dragon Chef can make food that the God's Tongue can eat.

Liu Yun is very clear about how high the status of the Dragon Chef is. No wonder the mess caused by the God's Tongue has not been sorted out even in a fusion world.

Since Dragon Chefs cannot be hired, naturally one can only put hope on cultivating Dragon Chefs. It must be said that although this idea is a bit whimsical, it is like raising a dragon in a bathtub.

Facts have proved that if Liu Yun had not cheated, it would be impossible to raise a Dragon Chef in the Jade Age.

According to Nakiri Senzaemon's narration, the current situation is clear. The idea of Nakiri Senzaemon and others is to invest in him and build a good relationship. If he can become a Dragon Chef in the future, he will help them.

And Nakiri Senzaemon is very smart. He knows that he can't play those tricks, so he explained the cause and effect of the matter to Liu Yun at the beginning.

"This gift was sent by Managi from WGO. According to her, she accidentally got it from the Chinese culinary world, so no matter whether you agree to help in the future or not, this gift will be delivered to you."

Nakiri Senzaemon said that even if Liu Yun rejected their kindness, the gift would still be delivered.

"The commander-in-chief has said so much, I will naturally not refuse."

Liu Yun said. In his opinion, this is a business that is guaranteed to make money. After the God's Tongue is developed to the extreme, only the Dragon Chef can ignore the disadvantages of the God's Tongue. It seems that after agreeing to become a Dragon Chef, you need to cook for the other party once a week, which becomes a real long-term meal ticket.

But this is for ordinary chefs. Liu Yun is not an ordinary chef. He is a chef with a cheat. With the Shurin Temple, if he is given enough time, it should not be a problem to research the medicine to deal with the God's Tongue.

And there is another point. Nakiri Senzaemon and others still know too little about the Chinese culinary world, but this This is normal, after all, the Chinese cooking world is indeed very complicated.

Even after Liu Maoxing became the Supreme Dragon Chef, he only knew about the existence of Da Si and the Tai Chi cooking world.

Above the Dragon Chef, there is the Supreme Dragon Chef. It seems that Nakiri Senzaemon and others are not aware of this, not to mention Da Si and the Eight Immortals who are above the Supreme Dragon Chef?

Taking a step back, even if Liu Yun can't deal with the shortcomings of the Tongue of God, he can try to train a Dragon Chef or subdue other Dragon Chefs to help him do things.

In short, he agreed to Nakiri Senzaemon. This deal is very cost-effective. For Liu Yun, he basically doesn't have to pay anything.

"That's great!"

Nakiri Senzaemon was relieved at this time. As long as Liu Yun agreed, everything would be fine.

The two came to the table. On the table was a gift from Nakiri Managi. She said it was obtained from the Chinese culinary world. Liu Yun was also very curious about what it was, so he opened the box directly.

"How did you get this thing?!"

Seeing the contents of the box, Liu Yun was shocked.

"Liu Yun, do you know this set of kitchen knives?"

Hearing Liu Yun's exclamation, Nakiri Senzaemon was also a little surprised.

"I do know them. This set of kitchen knives is called the Seven Star Knives. They are very precious even in the Chinese cooking world. How did you get them?"

Yes, there are seven kitchen knives of different shapes and sizes in this box. Liu Yun recognized these seven knives the moment he saw them. Aren't they the Seven Star Knives?

"This was obtained by Managi at an auction. It was said to be from China. In addition, the sharpness of the kitchen knife was terrifying, so Managi directly bought it at the time. As for how this set of kitchen knives came to the auction, we don’t know."

Nakiri Senzaemon revealed the origin of the Seven Star Knife. The auction for the auction of this set of kitchen knives was not even in China.

After listening to Nakiri Senzaemon's words, Liu Yun pulled out a kitchen knife. He didn't even need to try it to know that the sharpness of this kitchen knife was terrifying.

There is no doubt that this is the Seven Star Knife, not a replica. The Seven Star Knife is so sharp that even if you directly cut open the belly of a fish to take out the fish roe, you can close it again. The sharpness is terrifying. The appearance of this set of kitchen knives also made Liu Yun certain of one thing, that is, the fusion of the worlds of Little Chef is a fusion. It was included, but the plot should have been over long ago.

Otherwise, this set of seven-star knives would not have appeared at an auction.

However, Liu Yun did not know how it was leaked. You know, China is the leader in this world, and Sakura has been conquered long ago, so the reason why this set of kitchen knives spread to the outside world is unknown.

In the end, Liu Yun, who couldn't figure it out, stopped thinking about it. After all, the era in which Liu Maoxing and others lived was completely different from the present, and it was normal for some changes to occur during that period, so it was not impossible for the seven-star knives to spread to the outside world.���Things.

Liu Yun was indeed very satisfied with this set of kitchen knives. Although the kitchen knives in his own hands were not bad, to be honest, there was nothing special about them.

The biggest feature of the kitchen knives in the world of food captives is sharpness, and the Seven-Star Knife has two special features. On the one hand, it is because of its peculiar shape.

This peculiar shape allows the Seven-Star Knife to handle most of the ingredients in the world.

Another point is sharpness. The sharpness of the Seven-Star Knife is quite terrifying, which is exactly what Liu Yun needs.

This set of kitchen knives is very precious to a chef. Of course, not all chefs can use this set of kitchen knives.

On the one hand, it is because of the weight. The largest of the Seven-Star Knife has an astonishing weight, and most chefs cannot use it.

Secondly, it is because of this terrifying sharpness. Because it is too sharp, no one dares to use it casually after Nakiri Shinagami took it.

After all, such a sharp kitchen knife is difficult to control. If you don't pay attention to scratch yourself, you may lose parts, so this set of kitchen knives has extremely high requirements for users..

I said: Hieu Baocot

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