After figuring out the rules of the Shilin Temple kitchen, Liu Yun started the first cooking.

These special ingredients are all related to the basic skills of the chef, such as the glued leeks, which is a kind of ingredient that requires knife skills.

If the knife skills are not up to standard, it is impossible to successfully cook the glued leeks.

For Liu Yun now, the glued leeks can actually be cut directly with one knife, but this will lead to cooking failure.

The glued leeks need to be cut with the same force continuously.

No matter how strong you are or how fast you are, the number of cuts is constant.

Once this number is not reached, the cooking of the glued leeks will fail.

This has extremely high requirements for strength control and knife skills, but it is not difficult for Liu Yun, after all, he has been honing it for so long in Shilin Temple.

After taking out one of the seven-star knives, Liu Yun entered the cooking state. The knife cut directly on the leeks. After cutting, Liu Yun could easily sense that the hardness of the glued leeks was much higher than that of ordinary leeks.

It is impossible for a normal chef to cut it in half with one knife. After Liu Yun lifted the first knife, he remembered the force and cut it again from this position with the second knife.

The food was not cut directly, proving that the force of this knife was exactly the same as the previous one.

If the force was different, there would be a very obvious feeling after cutting, and the bonded leeks would be directly broken.

The second knife was successful, and Liu Yun continued to cut, but at the 168th knife, Liu Yun's force was a little cheap, resulting in a direct failure of cooking. The cooking of this bonded leek failed.

That's right, the cooking of bonded leeks is done one by one. Although it sounds very troublesome, many ingredients in the world of food captives are like this. After all, the later Another needs to be cooked for 600,000 years according to the cooking method of the Netero family.

This can no longer be described as difficult. Anyway, Liu Yun's scalp tingles just thinking about it.

Now he also discovered that he underestimated the difficulty of cooking these special ingredients.

For him, the food justice has been raised to the current level, and it is indeed very easy to control the power, but gluing leeks is an ingredient in the world of food captives.

If Liu Yun can control the power accurately to the level of grams, then the accuracy required for gluing leeks is at the milligram level.

So Liu Yun realized after the first failure that he had thought too simply before, which was actually because of the world he was in.

Because the world he was in was a fusion world of the food wars world and the world of Xiao Danjia, food justice, in this world, can be said to be a dimensionality reduction attack, so things that can dominate in these two worlds are different in the world of food captives. What's more, gluing leeks is also a special cooking ingredient in the world of food captives, and it is naturally impossible to cook without some ability.

The next step for his current level of food justice is to improve the accuracy, and continue to improve the accuracy that can reach the gram level to the milligram level or even the microgram level.

This is the training stage of kitchen food justice, which has begun to gradually deepen. After the first cooking failure, Liu Yun also realized this problem, and now he understands the meaning of the existence of the kitchen.

While improving the accuracy of the food, these ingredients will also be given to him as prizes.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun's enthusiasm was aroused again. He took out a brand new glued leek and continued to cook.

With every cut, Liu Yun's attention was very focused, without any carelessness. After adjusting his mentality, this time the glued leek cooking was successful.

Looking at the glued leek that he had cut, Liu Yun couldn't wait to stuff it directly into his mouth. Normally, the glued leek after cooking can be further cooked. After cooking, the glued leek can be cooked like ordinary leeks, but now there is only one, and Liu Yun doesn't have the heart to do so. He can't wait to taste the deliciousness of the glued leek.

After all, this is the ingredient of the world of food captives. The ingredients of the world of food captives, even if they are only level 1 ingredients, can surpass all the ingredients in the food wars world. As for the world of Little Chef, only a few ingredients of Bizhen can compare with it.

What's more, this glued leek is a special cooking ingredient. Special cooking ingredients often have the ultimate taste, but the premise is that the chef has cooked it well, otherwise you can't taste the deliciousness at all.

"This flavor, even without further cooking, has an impeccable taste and texture. It has a crisp texture and a sweet taste when eaten raw. It doesn't feel like a vegetable at all, but more like a fruit."

Liu Yun's eyes lit up after taking a bite. The deliciousness of this ingredient really exceeded his imagination.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun heated the other half with a flame. The texture and taste of eating it cooked and raw are completely different.

It feels like fruit when eaten raw, but it has a very special mellow taste when eaten cooked. This taste becomes more and more obvious with continuous chewing.

However, half a sticky leek is too little. Before Liu Yun could taste it more, the leek had been eaten.

Such a delicacy is something Liu Yun has never tasted before, and the fact that there is such a big difference between eating it raw and cooked makes Liu Yun extremely surprised.

An ingredient with completely different tastes. The way of eating it has a completely different taste, and this taste surpasses all the ingredients Liu Yun has eaten in the past. It can only be said that it is worthy of being a special cooking ingredient. Such deliciousness is totally unforgettable.

After tasting this cooked bonded leek, Liu Yun was also interested in the unsuccessful bonded leek. He picked up the bonded leek that had failed to be cooked before and took a bite.

After taking this bite, Liu Yun frowned. This unsuccessful leek tasted as if it was half rotten. The taste was also like weeds on the roadside, and it gave people the feeling of being soaked in rain water. In short, it was very unpalatable.

Liu Yun also directly spit out the unsuccessful bonded leek in his mouth.

""Puh, puh, puh, it's really disgusting."

Liu Yun rinsed his mouth with water after spitting it out. There was nothing he could do. This was a special cooking ingredient. A successfully cooked special cooking ingredient had an incomparable taste.

But on the other hand, if the cooking failed, the taste would become very bad, much worse than if it had not been cooked at all.

Liu Yun was curious because he had never tasted it before. Otherwise, he would never eat a special cooking ingredient that failed to be cooked. This time, he could say it was an experience.

After rinsing his mouth, Liu Yun entered the cooking state again. It was necessary to cook the leeks one by one, so it was not easy to make a dish. Single.

The most important thing is that when dealing with the glued leeks, he is also constantly exercising his food sense. Liu Yun can feel it, so he naturally will not waste time, but devote himself to cooking the ingredients.

At this time, Liu Yun has been completely immersed in cooking the glued leeks. As for other ingredients, let's talk about it later, one by one.

One night passed in the blink of an eye. For Liu Yun, who has been strengthened and mastered the food sense, even if he doesn't sleep for a week, he will only feel a little sleepy, let alone just one night?

In one night, Liu Yun successfully cooked. There are quite a lot of bonded leeks, which is enough to stir-fry seven or eight dishes.

As for the other side, there are almost half of the successful ones.

These failed products are mainly accumulated in the early stage. There were many failures in the early stage, but Liu Yun's condition is getting better and better. After becoming proficient, the failure rate has also decreased, so the number of failures in the end is only about half of the successful ones.

Liu Yun did not feel tired. On the contrary, he liked this feeling very much, because he could clearly feel that he was making progress and improving, so he enjoyed it.

Looking at the bonded leeks that he had successfully cooked, Liu Yun nodded with satisfaction and left Shilin Temple directly. He also took these bonded leeks out directly.

He planned to share with everyone. After all, he didn't have gourmet cells now, and eating bonded leeks couldn't make him stronger. He could only taste the deliciousness, so there was no problem in sharing them with everyone.

While everyone was still asleep, Liu Yun went directly to the kitchen and started cooking the cooked bonded leeks.

The cooking of these bonded leeks is also very simple, just follow the method of home cooking.

Soon, people woke up one after another, and after coming to the kitchen, they found that Liu Yun was actually in the kitchen

"Ah Yun? What are you doing in the kitchen?"

The first person to come to the kitchen was Isse Hui. Seeing Liu Yun busy in the kitchen early in the morning, he was also a little surprised.

"Got one���"Great ingredients. I just managed to cook it last night, so please have a taste."

Liu Yun said. As for whether it would be a problem to eat these early in the morning, Liu Yun said that there was absolutely no problem. The ingredients in the world of food captives contain a lot of energy.

But these energies are very special. After normal people eat them, these energies will not cause problems for their bodies, but will dissipate directly.

This is why even ingredients like GOD can be eaten casually by people in the world of food captives.

Not to mention GOD, even if it is rainbow fruit, a drop of juice can turn a 25-meter swimming pool into a super ingredient of juice, and normal people will not react after eating it. (To read the novel of violent excitement, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Logically speaking, after drinking this drop of juice, a person will die directly. The sugar in it is really terrible. If a person drinks beverages every day, the final result is naturally diabetes. And the juice of the rainbow fruit, in theory, can kill a person directly with just one drop.

But Ordinary people in the world of Captive Food would not have any reaction even if they ate a whole piece.

The same is true for the bonded leeks, which is why Liu Yun dared to give them to eat, because Liu Yun had tested it himself.

When he got up in the morning, he also tested it with the chickens raised by Yoshino Yuuki, and he himself was the best example.

Although his body has been strengthened, it is still not comparable to those with gourmet cells. Of course, it may also be because he is the holder of Shilin Temple, so he has a protection mechanism.

So just in case, he just did an experiment with the chickens raised by Yoshino Yuuki.

The other party had no problems after eating the bonded leeks, and there was no reaction at all. As for whether there would be a delay, this is simply impossible. After all, the energy contained in the special cooking ingredients such as bonded leeks, if it really exploded, the chicken would die instantly.

So Liu Yun was relieved to make the bonded leek dish and planned to let everyone taste it.

"Last night? Ah Yun, you are really hardworking. You have already reached this level, but you still increase your training at night. You are going to kill everyone!"

Ise Hui was a little speechless. Liu Yun's talent was already terrifying enough, and his current cooking skills were even more outrageous, but he was still working so hard, which was the most terrifying thing.

With unparalleled talent and such strong willpower to keep working hard, it would be a miracle if he didn't succeed.

After all, Liu Yun has the most important 1% of talent, and also has the 99% of hard work.

"After all, the ingredients were new and very special, so I stayed up all night in excitement."

Liu Yun said that anyone would probably make the same choice as him.

He had just opened the kitchen of Shilin Temple yesterday and learned that there were these special ingredients. How could Liu Yun have the heart to sleep?

"Very special? What kind of ingredients are they?"

Isse Hui asked curiously. Liu Yun mentioned the special ingredients, which aroused his curiosity.

"Let's taste it together after the others wake up. Please ask Isshiki-senpai to wake up the others."[]

Liu Yun spoke up, after all, the cooking was almost done.

Hearing this, Isshiki Hui did not continue to ask, but went to call other people directly. However, this time, he did not need to climb the ceiling, and could directly use the loudspeaker on Omido Fumio's side to wake people up.

This operation was also very convenient. There was no need to knock on the doors one by one. Moreover, when Isshiki Hui said that Liu Yun was going to treat everyone to food, everyone who wanted to sleep a little longer instantly became energetic.

One by one, they quickly cleaned up and washed up and appeared in the hall.

At this time, Liu Yun's cooking was also finished, and several plates of leek dishes were placed in front of everyone.

"Is it really okay to eat this kind of food so early in the morning?"

Looking at the leek dish in front of them, everyone was a little speechless. No matter how you look at it, this is something that should be eaten as a formal meal. It's a bit uncomfortable to eat it right after getting up.

"These dishes are made with a special ingredient called glued leeks. The deliciousness of glued leeks can make you completely ignore these external factors. You will know after tasting it."After

Liu Yun finished speaking, he did not wait for the reaction of the crowd, and he moved his chopsticks first. When the others heard that Liu Yun had said this, they naturally became more curious, so one by one they followed suit.

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