"This kind of taste, how is it possible? Both the texture and the taste are completely different from the leeks we have eaten, and the more you chew, the more obvious the mellow taste becomes."

As they continued to chew, everyone discovered the deliciousness of this dish. Just as Liu Yun said, their previous thoughts had been completely forgotten, and their minds were now full of delicious glued leeks.

After an exclamation, everyone immersed themselves in it and began to scramble for it. Liu Yun made all the glued leeks he had cooked into dishes, a total of eight dishes.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, they were divided up by everyone. Liu Yun was fast, so he ate the most, but he still left a little for everyone, otherwise, with his speed, the people present basically wouldn't be able to eat these dishes. In the blink of an eye, the eight plates were eaten up, and there was no residue left in the plates, which were divided by Aoki Daigo and others. Although the plates at this time could not be said to be the same as after washing, they were not far off.

"How come there is nothing left? There was still a lot just now!"

Yoshino Yuuki couldn't accept that everyone was eating so fast.

"How dare you say that? You were the one who grabbed the most food just now!"

Sakaki Ryoko complained speechlessly. Just now, Yoshino Yuuki turned into a raptor and her snatching speed was second only to Liu Yun, Isshiki Hui and Omido Fumio. But after eating, she said something like this.

"No way, it was obviously Aunt Wenxu, Senior Isshiki, and Ayun who grabbed it the fastest."

Yoshino Yuuki scratched her face a little embarrassedly. There was nothing she could do, because the dish was so delicious. So she couldn't help but start the scramble mode, not caring about the people around her at all.

"Speaking of"ninety-five-seven", what's the matter with this leek? My divine tongue can't even identify the species."

Erina Nakiri said in surprise. After eating, she realized that her divine tongue couldn't identify the leek at all, which meant that this was an ingredient she had never eaten before.

Although the divine tongue can analyze various dishes and secret recipes, the premise is that the holder must have sufficient knowledge accumulation. Erina Nakiri's training as a child was not in vain. Erina Nakiri has tasted all the ingredients that the Nakiri family can get. It can be said that there are very few ingredients in the world that she has not tasted.

And the glued leek is one of them. Liu Yun is not surprised at Erina Nakiri's reaction. After all, this was taken out of the kitchen of Shokurinji. It is an ingredient from the world of food captives. Naturally, it does not exist in the world of Food Wars and the world of Chef Boy. Erina Nakiri could not have tasted it, so now she can't recognize this ingredient at all.

"You can't even recognize the Tongue of God?"

Nakiri Alice exclaimed. She knew exactly how powerful the Tongue of God was. Apart from her, everyone else looked at Nakiri Erina in surprise, and then turned their attention to Liu Yun.

"Ah Yun, can you tell me what this ingredient is now? Of course, if it is a secret, it doesn’t matter, just pretend I didn’t ask.

Isshiki Hui was very curious, but he also knew that if this ingredient involved some secrets, he would not ask any more questions.

"It's not something that can't be said. This ingredient is called glued leek. I've already mentioned the name. It's a newly cultivated ingredient."

"This kind of food needs to be cooked before it can be used to make dishes, otherwise it will taste terrible, and the difficulty of the initial cooking is also extremely high."

Liu Yun briefly explained the process of gluing leeks.

"It's very difficult to cook? Even Ah Yun said so!"

Everyone was very surprised. Liu Yun said that this thing is very difficult to cook. How difficult must it be to cook?

"If you want to try it, I have some uncooked ones here."

"But you can try to cook it, but if you fail, you need to eat the glued leeks that failed to cook."

Liu Yun said with a smile. The taste of glued leeks that failed to cook is comparable to dark cuisine, and it will not cause any harm to the body. So now Liu Yun is very curious about what everyone will look like after eating it.

As for the success of cooking, don't be funny. The milligram-level precision required to glue the leeks together is something that no one can do except Liu Yun, even the senior and the Phoenix Eight Immortals in the Chinese cooking world.

Because this has nothing to do with simple cooking skills. This is something that can only be achieved after the righteousness of food is integrated into knife skills. The righteousness of food completely crushes the world of food wars and the world of the little chef. They can't do this kind of outrageous precision.

Unless they also learn the righteousness of food, but the practice of the righteousness of food is not that simple. Even if Liu Yun wants to teach them, they can't learn it so easily.

Liu Yun was able to learn step by step with the help of Shilin Temple. If it were someone else, without the help of Shilin Temple, it would be a complete waste of time.

They are still too young, and more energy should be put into improving their cooking skills.

This is why Alu and others only came into contact with the meaning of food after they have grown to a certain level.

It is because although it is possible to learn the meaning of food in advance, the efficiency is not as good as in the later stage, so instead of wasting time in the early stage, it is better to wait until the later stage to master it in one go.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that Alu and others were able to learn the meaning of food at the proficient level in just a few months, and even mastered food.

Liu Yun had a cheat, so with the help of the cheat's guidance, he was able to master it so quickly, but the pace was also slower than Alu and others. A lot.

But Liu Yun is already very satisfied. He knows very well that this Shikurinji is not just a simple Shikurinji. After all, things like inheritance are not something Shikurinji can do.

So he thinks that he can now master the meaning of food with the help of this kind of power.

As for whether his talent is high enough to master it, Liu Yun has long thrown away this unrealistic idea. After all, without Shikurinji, even if he lives again, he will be suppressed by Erina Nakiri. It can only be said that his talent in cooking belongs to the upper-middle level, but it is definitely not comparable to these guys with special talents.

So Liu Yun doesn't have much hope for his talent.

After listening to Liu Yun's words, everyone also showed great interest. It was interesting, so I couldn’t wait to try it.

Seeing this scene, Liu Yun also took out the glued leeks that had not been cooked in his room. He was not afraid of waste, after all, the ingredients of Shilin Temple would be replenished every day.

The glued leeks he had cooked before and after and the ones he took out were only a small part of it.

So Liu Yun didn’t need to worry about running out of the ingredients.

And he didn’t have the idea of deliberately hoarding ingredients. Ingredients like glued leeks were only something he could cook, and other people couldn’t do it at all.

After leaving Shilin Temple, they couldn’t be stored for too long, so there was no need to hoard them.

Of course, Liu Yun was also considering hoarding some other ingredients that could be hoarded, because the ingredients of Shilin Temple would be constantly refreshed anyway.

Naturally, the more of these special ingredients, the better

"Just give us one?"

Everyone asked curiously, looking at the piece of glued leek in front of them.

"The glued leeks are very special, so they can only be cooked one by one. As for the cooking method, it is also very simple. Cut the same position with the same force continuously until it is cut."

"Each piece of leek needs to be cut hundreds of times. Any deviation in position or different strength will lead to failure of cooking. Now you can start to try."

Liu Yun said with a smile. He was waiting to see the wonderful expressions of the crowd.

"It's really strange, is it so difficult to cut a leek?"

Everyone was puzzled, and Alice Nakiri just cut it with one knife. But after this cut, she found that things were not as simple as she thought.

"How is this possible? The leek is too hard. One cut only made such a small gap!"

Looking at the leek that she cut with the knife, it didn't break, and only made a shallow mark. This surprised Alice Nakiri. The most important thing is that the leek actually has a tendency to close up.

"This is the peculiarity of glued leeks. You can't cut it in two with one knife. Remember, the force of the previous knife should be maintained at the same force for each subsequent knife." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As long as you succeed, the glued leeks will continue to heal as they do now, until you completely cut them off."

"But once the force is different, you can easily cut the leeks together, but this also means that your cooking has failed."

Liu Yun reminded that this is the characteristic of leeks that stick together. Normal people can't cut it with one knife, even if they use all their strength.......

Just now, it was impossible for Alice Nakiri to use her utmost strength to cut a leek, so only a small gap was left, and the bonding property of the leek broke out, healing the gap again.

Only by continuously cutting with the same force can this healing property be eliminated, and at that time, the cooking will be successful.

Of course, once the force is different, it can also be eliminated, but this means that the cooking has failed.

Liu Yun didn't even think that everyone could make a complete second cut, because each cut of this ingredient requires milligrams.

Even Liu Yun failed at the beginning, and failed a lot during the process, let alone the people present? They didn't learn the etiquette of food.

Sure enough, after the second cut, the dishes of everyone present were declared failures, and all the bonded leeks were broken into two pieces, which meant that the cooking failed.

"Broken? How is that possible? The force I used just now was clearly the same!"

Souza Yukihira said with some surprise.

"The force required to glue the leeks together is at the milligram level, and the accuracy exceeds the milligram level. Even a one-gram difference in force will lead to cooking failure."

At this time, Liu Yun mentioned this characteristic of gluing leeks together, and everyone gasped.

"Milligram level? How is this possible? Only a precise machine can cut it out, and even a machine can hardly guarantee that there will be no error after hundreds of cuts!"

Nakiri Alice exclaimed.

"That's the fact, so now that you've failed, just eat the glued leeks in your hands!"

Liu Yun didn't care whether everyone was shocked or not, after all, it was agreed before that if they lost, they would have to eat the glued leeks.

Hearing this, everyone didn't take it seriously, it was just a raw leek, but after everyone took a bite of it, everyone's face turned bitter.

Erina Nakiri even ran directly to the trash can and spit it out.

There was nothing that could be done about it. The God's Tongue could magnify the deliciousness as well as the flaws. This glued leek that failed to cook was not delicious at all, it only had the characteristic of being unpalatable.[]

So for Erina Nakiri, the unpalatable taste was much stronger than that of others, so others could still bear it, but she vomited it out directly.

"How could it be so unpalatable? Is this really the leek we ate before?"

Yoshino Yuuki kept complaining while rinsing her mouth with water. Her words also expressed the thoughts of everyone.

"Is it really that bad?"

Since he didn't participate in the cooking, Omido Fumio didn't taste it, so he asked curiously.

"It tastes terrible, very terrible, and I can't even describe it as terrible, because 0.2 terrible is always a compliment."

Even Tanaka Hui was a little upset. The leeks that were glued together after the cooking failed were really terrible.

After hearing Tanaka Hui's words, Omido Fumio gave up the idea of trying it. After all, Tanaka Hui said so, she naturally wouldn't continue to go close

"It is a kind of leek, but cooking success and failure are two completely different concepts, just watch!"

Liu Yun said as he took out a bonded leek and started cutting it. Liu Yun's speed was so fast that no one could see clearly how he used the knife. They could only see a dense phantom and knife light.

Hundreds of cuts were quickly completed for Liu Yun. After cutting, the bonded leek in front of him was successfully cut off. After cutting, it would not be so troublesome to cut the bonded leek again. After the cooking is successful, the bonded leek will become the same as ordinary leek.

Liu Yun cut the cut leek and distributed it to everyone, and everyone got a small piece.

Holding the bonded leek in their hands and looking at Liu Yun again, everyone finally chose to trust Liu Yun. They closed their eyes and stuffed the bonded leek directly into their mouths.

But the texture and taste of the bonded leek stunned everyone.

"How is this possible? The texture and taste are completely different. The texture is crisp and the taste is sweet, just like eating fruit. This is simply a taste bud savior!"

Having just eaten a bad failed product, now we are eating the successfully cooked leek. Moreover, the raw and cooked leek taste completely different. Everyone has been surprised by the deliciousness. It is hard to imagine that this is actually the same ingredient.

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