Food Customizer

Chapter 104 Sugar-coated meatballs, the children’s first meal!

Not long after, two large bowls full of meatballs were fried, each one a round ball about five centimeters in diameter.

"Can I have one?" Zhang Li asked cautiously.

She started to swallow her saliva when she fried the meatballs just now. Looking at the golden appearance, she could imagine how crispy on the outside and tender on the inside when she took a bite!

"Of course. But there are no seasonings added to the meatball fillings, so they will taste a bit bland." Su Chen gave a friendly reminder.


[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝚝𝚠𝚔𝚊𝚗.𝚌𝚘𝚖]

Even so, Zhang Li still stubbornly picked up a meatball and stuffed it into her mouth. The fried meatballs that had just come out of the pan were so hot that she couldn't close her mouth.

"Hiss Liu~ Hiss Liu~"

The short legs sucked in the cold air crazily, and it took a while for the temperature of the meatball to cool down, and then he bit it gently.


Sure enough, it has a texture that is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. This texture is something that most people will like. When you bite into it, the golden fried appearance brings a pleasure that can only be found in fried food!

Inside the meatballs, there is a very obvious texture of meat. Because they are mixed with egg yolks and flour, those fatty meat pieces are not greasy at all.

If you don't taste it carefully, you won't be able to feel the presence of fat, you can only taste the aroma of meat!

"It's delicious! It would be better if it had a little salt!" Zhang Li praised from the bottom of her heart.

As Su Chen said, these meatballs had no seasonings, not even green onions, so they tasted a bit bland.

There is only a hint of meaty flavor, and there is no taste in your mouth after eating one piece.

"I'll try it too!" Bai Xiaobo also started.

"give me one!"

"Don't grab it, there are so many, come and give me a taste!"

Everyone took off their chopsticks and saw that Su Chen's head was bigger than his body.

These are unprocessed meatballs. What are you doing? No matter how delicious it is, how delicious can it be?

"Don't eat any more. I'll finish them all in a while. If you really want to eat, I'll make you a portion now."

Su Chen's proposal immediately gained everyone's support.

"A Bao, please watch carefully, this step of making sugar-coated balls is the key!"

This kind of croquettes without seasonings is simple, and basically any housewife can make it. Even if you have never made it before, it doesn’t matter. It only takes a few days to learn.

But the real essence of Tangsu Meatballs is not the meatballs, but the word Tangsu!

Just watch Su Chen get a clean wok, and then count the heads on the scene.

"There are seven people in total, so we can make twenty-one meatballs."

This is not meal time, it can only be regarded as a food tasting program, and it is free of charge!

Add two tablespoons of sugar to the pot, and then pour some water. "My personal suggestion is to add a little banana essence. This thing will enhance the flavor!"

Eating banana essence is not harmful to the body, and the concentrated banana liquid used in the kitchen is a relatively expensive condiment.

Just drop a little gently into the pot!

Su Chen turned on the fire and adjusted it to a low flame, "This is different from the color of fried sugar. The fire must not be high, otherwise it will change color!"

Under low heat, the sugar and water in the pot seemed to want to fuse, but they were not completely fused.

The sugar seems to be in a process of melting but not melting!

Liu Abao looked at it very seriously, and he admired Boss Su's control of the fire even more.

"How do you say this?" Su Chen thought for a while and looked at Liu Abao, "You have to grasp this point when the candy is about to change color but has not yet changed color."

This kind of thing of grasping the critical point depends entirely on understanding and experience, and it is difficult to adjust it with a fixed time or temperature.

So there are some dishes that some people just can’t do well, and that’s why.

"When the sugar is about to change color but stays the same, pour the meatballs into the pot!"

Twenty-one meatballs plopped into the pot, and Su Chen immediately picked up the wok with his right hand.

The arms shook slightly, and the meatballs in the wok began to rotate in the direction of Su Chen's shaking. There was still a little water in the pot at first, but as it shook, the water began to gradually decrease.

until the moisture is almost invisible.

Zhang Li pointed to the pot in surprise, "The sugar has changed! Why is that!"

The original white sugar seemed to have turned into a frost-like existence at this moment, hanging tightly on the surface of the meatballs. The patches of snowy white looked very beautiful!

"This is the icing. So for this dish, you have to pay special attention to the heat when boiling the sugar. If the time is too long, it will become stringy. But if the time is short, it will be difficult for the sugar to hang on the surface of the meatballs, and the appearance will not be achieved. Crispy effect.”

Su Chen explained it in detail, and it even looked very simple to do. Just like this, like this, and then like this.

Ling Shuyu thought silently, well, this is another dish that you can't master with your brain!

After spinning for about two or three minutes, the sides of each meatball were dipped in soup. Within these few minutes, the sugar began to cool down, and the few meatballs that were stuck together just now separated automatically.

"Hey! The sugar-coated meatballs are done!"

Su Chen looked up and saw a row of employees standing neatly, all staring at the plates in the pot. You could even faintly see a trace of saliva at the corner of Zhang Li's mouth!

"Forget it, don't put it on the plate, just eat it like this."

"I'll do it!" Zhang Li took the chopsticks and threw it into the pot. I don't know if it was based on her previous experience. This time she aimed her chopsticks at a meatball and stabbed it in hard!

I can't hold you, can I pierce you?


The moment the chopsticks came into contact with the meatballs, the sugar-crusted meatballs detached from the head of the chopsticks as if they had wings, spun around the edge of the pot and then fell back into the pile of meatballs, shaking slightly.

As if laughing at someone

"The candy on the outside has hardened, and the meatballs are so round, how can you stick them in?" Su Chen was speechless.

I began to have some doubts about the monthly salary of 3,000 yuan given to Zhang Li. What makes her so intelligent?

"Here, use a spoon." Liu Abao's eyes were quite sympathetic, as if he was caring for a mentally retarded child.

"Thank you!" Zhang Li held the spoon, but she didn't miss it this time, and scooped out a ball steadily.


As soon as you bite it, there is a sound of the crispy shell cracking in your mouth, followed by another special crispiness, and then the tenderness inside the meatballs!

So tender that the juice is flowing on the tips of the teeth!

'delicious! ’

Zhang Li puffed out her cheeks and opened her eyes a little wider. She was the type who couldn't hide anything she had on her mind.

If you think it tastes delicious, you will subconsciously make a very happy expression!

Upon seeing this, those holding chopsticks should use chopsticks, and those holding spoons should use spoons, basically one for each person!

"I'll go! These meatballs are delicious. The sweet meaty flavor is my first time to eat it!"

"The icing on the outside is so refreshing, crunchy and sweet!"

"What kind of famous Qilu dish is this? This is obviously a snack. I can eat a hundred meatballs a day!"

Everyone was having a great time eating, except He Shuting, who was holding a camera (A Bao's) and watching in stunned silence.


But I can’t eat meat. Fatty meat will make me feel nauseous.

On the other hand, she was afraid of fat. When Su Chen made it, she saw it with her own eyes. It was all fat particles!

When I saw how happy everyone was eating, I was heartbroken.

In the end, greed defeated fear.

"I'll try it too!"

He Shuting picked out one with a spoon, pinched it with her fingers and brought it to her mouth.

She didn't dare to throw the whole ball into her mouth and eat it like others, she only dared to take a small bite.


Why? The taste is pretty good!

He Shuting continued to chew the small bite. It tasted sweet at first. When chewing, she could feel the aroma of meat, but she could barely taste the meat.

After chewing it a few more times, you can feel the special texture of the meat juice mixed with the noodles.

Until swallowed.

The sweetness along with the aroma of meat still lingers in the mouth.

‘You don’t seem to feel uncomfortable? ’

He Shuting put the remaining half of the ball into her mouth and chewed it.

Delicious, so delicious!

It feels like eating glutinous rice sticks, but it has more meaty and fried aroma than glutinous rice sticks.

In the blink of an eye, the meatballs in the pot were swept away by everyone.

Su Chen looked at the empty wok, and a question came to his mind.

There were obviously 21 sugar-fried meatballs, so why didn’t I get one? Someone must have eaten too much!

"How about it, Po? Are you sure?"

Liu Abao licked his lips, which were still dipped in pieces of icing sugar. "It's hard to tell the first time. You should be able to master the technique after doing it a few times."

Su Chen nodded. He believed that it would not be a problem for Liu Abao to cook such a dish.

"Okay, you practice more. If the meatballs are not enough, fry more." After that, Su Chen was about to leave, but when he was halfway there, he thought of something, "The meatballs you practice can be eaten by everyone, but the finished product will not be enough." That’s it.”

Liu Abao didn't understand what it meant for a while. He just nodded blankly and then realized what he meant.

He has to be the boss!

After all, you can only practice with kitchen waste, but you will be charged for the finished product!

Fortunately, I'm the chef here. Well, it's normal for the chef to taste one while he's cooking, right?

Just as Su Chen thought, Abao tasted it once and was able to successfully reproduce the dish the second time.

Such a fast speed made all the employees of Delicious Food feel sorry for themselves. It would have been better if they had practiced more!

The morning passed quickly.

Before noon, He Shuting took Zhang Li to wait at the bus stop downstairs.

"There are more than a hundred children. I'm a little nervous."

Zhang Li held He Shuting's hand and said, "You are so beautiful, children will definitely like you, don't be nervous!"

He Shuting hummed, turned around and saw two yellow school buses driving slowly towards this side.

At the same time, the two school buses were followed by several private cars.

"what is that?"

Zhang Li also saw it, "I don't know, maybe it's a guest who came to eat at noon?"

"But why do I feel?" He Shuting saw a girl getting out of a black car, "that woman looks familiar?"

"Does it look familiar? Anla, hurry up and pick up the child!"

There are not only children on the school bus, but also teachers following the bus.

A teacher jumped out of the car first and then greeted the children, "Everyone, get off the car slowly and in an orderly manner. After getting off the car, stand in line in the school! Do you understand?"

A bunch of milky and milky sounds were superimposed together, "I know!"

He Shuting and Zhang Li stared blankly at the group of children. This was just a kindergarten. The older ones were only five or six years old, and the younger ones were even over three years old!

Under the guidance of the teacher, the children on the two cars quickly stood in four rows after getting off the cars. They all wore small yellow hats and looked particularly neat.

"Wow, this discipline is good!" Zhang Li couldn't help but think of herself at that age, and she seemed to be following the older brothers in the village to dig out bird nests.

"You are Teacher He, right?"

He Shuting was stunned. This was the first time someone called her that. She quickly said embarrassedly, "Yeah, yes."

"Then I will leave all the children to you! I won't come to see them off tomorrow."

He Shuting shook the teacher's hand enthusiastically, "You have to go to dinner today, too, eat before leaving."

The teacher shook her head, "How can that be, we have teachers' meals, if I don't go back, the master will scold us in the afternoon!"

He Shuting nodded in understanding, "Teacher, goodbye!"

Although public schools like this cannot provide students with rest and meal services, teachers still have their own canteens.

After all, there are not many teachers, and chefs usually cook according to the number of people. Suddenly, if two people are missing to eat, the meal will be more, which is simply unbearable for a chef!

He Shuting and Zhang Li walked into the building with the children one after another. When they reached the door, they turned their heads to look at the girl who got off the car just now.

She looked very familiar, but I couldn't remember who she was.

But I have to say that although the children were young, they were very disciplined. Under the leadership of He Shuting, they lined up and walked into the building and went to the second floor from the stairs.

"Do you think my brother will cry?"

"I don't think so. I just saw him talking and laughing with his female classmate."

Zhang Qing glanced at the man beside him, "What are you talking about? My brother is still young. By the way, how about we go upstairs to have a meal? To thank you for sending me here today, I will treat you to fried chicken?"

The man smiled, "It's better to obey than to be respectful! I have a headache these days. If you treat me to a meal, I can treat you to a movie in the afternoon."

Zhang Kai was preparing for the civil service exam at home. He received a call from his schoolmate Zhang Qing at noon.

Because the family just bought a car, Zhang Qing said that she wanted him to drive her to the development zone to have a look. It was said that her brother was on the first day of school and the family was worried, so she, who was preparing for the exam at home, deserved to come and take a look.

Zhang Kai just bought a new car, a Passat, and he was also fresh. In addition, there was an invitation from a beautiful woman, so Zhang Kai had no reason to refuse.

After all, who would refuse something that came to the door?

Anyway, when he passed the civil service exam, he would have a lot of girls to choose from, but now he didn't pass the exam, so he had to quench his thirst.

The two of them went up to the second floor with a group of children behind them.

"Children, please sit down! The teacher will start to serve everyone food now!" He Shuting maintained order.

Bai Xiaobo pushed a dining cart, followed by Zhang Li. Every time he passed a table, Zhang Li put four kinds of dishes on the plates on the table.

Then he served a bowl of hot soup.

This soup was prepared in advance and has been left to cool for a long time. It is basically kept at a temperature that is hot when you drink it, but will not burn you if it is spilled.

It took more than ten minutes to distribute the rice to more than a hundred people.

"It seems that we need to add another cart to distribute the rice. This speed is too slow." Bai Xiaobo held his waist and wiped the sweat.

Every time he had to bend over to serve the rice, it was really tiring.

"Is there a possibility that we can distribute the rice in the cafeteria in advance in the future, and just serve the rice when the children come?"

Bai Xiaobo turned his head in shock and looked at Zhang Li.

How did you come up with such a good idea with your IQ?

But just by turning his head, the shock on Xiaobai's face deepened a little.

That was the girl standing at the door, that was

"Hey, hey, hey! What's wrong with you! Am I that pretty?" Zhang Li saw Bai Xiaobo staring at her motionlessly, and was really speechless.

Even if she is pretty, you can't keep staring at her like this, right?

"No, it's okay." Bai Xiaobo turned around in a panic and pushed the dining cart back to the kitchen.

Zhang Li was getting more and more depressed. What kind of person is this!

On the other side, He Shuting had been taking care of the children who were eating. She used to think that she only needed to distribute the food and wait for the children to finish eating.

But it turned out to be not the case at all! ! !

"Teacher He! I want to go to the toilet!"

"Teacher He, can I drink soup first?"

"Teacher He, I'm done, I want to go again!"

"Teacher He, Teacher He, Zhang Dali bullied me, woo woo woo"

Oh my God, He Shuting was dealing with a hundred children and felt dizzy. Is being a kindergarten teacher so tiring?

If you want to go to the toilet, you can go. Why did you report it? Would I not let you go to the toilet?

And that Zhang Dali!

He Shuting came to a little fat boy angrily, "Why are you bullying your classmates?"

The little fat boy blinked, "I want to eat meatballs!"

The girl sitting next to the little fat boy rubbed her eyes, "Wow, Teacher He, he ate all my meatballs, wow"

He Shuting clenched her fist.

Damn it! He's so young and he's already stealing other people's food!

"Be good, don't cry." He Shuting didn't know the names of the children yet, so she squatted down to comfort the little girl, "Teacher will serve you some meatballs, don't cry."

"Teacher He, I want some meatballs too!" Zhang Dali raised his hand, not feeling guilty about his behavior at all.

At the beginning of serving the rice, each child was given five meatballs.

But Su Chen also explained that the children must be fed, and if there was not enough food, they had to be served more rice.

Otherwise, the little brats would not know anything, and would only tell their parents that they were not full at night, which would be terrible.

He Shuting looked up and wanted to ask Bai Xiaobo to push the cart over, but she didn't see anyone, "Zhang Li, Zhang Li! Push the dining cart over quickly and add some rice here."

"Here we go!"

The lunch was a mess.

It was almost one o'clock when He Shuting rubbed her shoulders and finally arranged for all the little ancestors to go to bed.

"Shu Ting, it's time to eat." Zhang Li held her small rice bowl with a cartoon of SpongeBob SquarePants printed on the outside.

"I'm a little tired, you guys eat first and I'll take a break."

"Okay then!" Zhang Li looked behind her, turned around and bent down, "I secretly left a bowl of meatballs for you in the kitchen, a full bowl! Take a break and go eat it quickly!"

He Shuting smiled, thinking Zhang Li was so cute, what should I do if I want to rub her face?

"Well, you go and eat quickly. I'll just take a break."

Zhang Li hummed, and skipped to the adult area on the other side to eat. There were still a few Xinghui employees eating there, so they could chat.

He Shuting leaned back in the chair and took a deep breath, and fell asleep unconsciously.

He didn't notice it at all

"Huh? Hehe! Teacher He fell asleep!"

In the rest area, a chubby figure flashed in front of He Shuting.

He was still mumbling something in his mouth.

Sugar balls, sugar balls

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