Food Customizer

Chapter 111 Damn, who is cooking shit in the kitchen!

"Boss, would you like to reconsider?"

When Liu Abao thought about such a good kitchen and making such a dish, he felt a little reluctant.

"Don't think about it. I'll serve this dish in three days. I'll write a note later and you can take someone to the big market to buy some things."

Seeing Su Chen so determined, Abao didn't know what to say. He could only pray that Boss Su's taste was light and he wasn't the kind of person who thought "the stinkier the better".

Then Su Chen and Abao worked together to make a few simple breakfasts. When the employees came to work at ten o'clock in the morning, Abao took Bai Xiaobo to the big market to buy things.

Su Chen prepared the dishes for lunch in advance.

After a week of torture, Wang Xiaoyi didn't even have a critical hit when eating in the morning, and he didn't lie down to eat like before.

'It seems that there is still an effect. Let's see how this task will be after the stinky dishes are made. '

Under the leadership of Abao, the two returned to the company soon.

The things he brought included a wooden barrel and ten live mandarin fish, each weighing about 1 jin, which was relatively small.

Su Chen's skill in killing fish was absolutely first-class. He processed ten fish in a few minutes, which made Zhang Li a little stunned. She once suspected that the boss used to do this business.

"Boss, are we going to have squirrel fish for lunch?" Zhang Li lay down next to Su Chen. She recognized this fish.

It was the fish he made when he entertained Brother Fang Chang last time!

"No." Su Chen began to apply salt on the cleaned fish.

"Then what are we going to do?"

What a curious baby!

Su Chen deliberately didn't say, "You will know in two days."

The more this happened, the more curious Zhang Li became. She has always been exploring food. She stood up and pulled Liu Abao, "Brother Bao, what exactly is the boss going to do?"

Liu Abao shook his head, "You will know in two days."

Well, the short legs were speechless.

You have to use a wooden barrel to pickle mandarin fish, so that the smell can be pure. Basically, chefs who know the business know this.

When doing this preparation, Su Chen even activated his skill White Jade Hand!

‘The amount of salt is just right.’

‘It would be better if the fish could be placed neatly and the gaps could be minimized.’

With all kinds of thoughts that came up automatically, coupled with the natural perception of White Jade Hand, Su Chen got everything just right when doing this step.

After putting all ten fish in the wooden barrel with salt, Su Chen strolled around the company with the wooden barrel.

The short legs followed happily behind, “What is the boss looking for?”

Liu Abao pulled her back, “You should do your own thing, don’t delay the boss.”

Abao knew that Su Chen was looking for a place with a suitable temperature.

When making this kind of pickled fish, the key to the smell is temperature and salinity.

In a place with a suitable temperature, the pickling can be successful in two or three days, and in a place with a lower temperature, it takes a week.

The control of salt amount is the key to success or failure.

If there is not enough salt, the meat will rot.

If there is too much salt, the meat will lose too much water.

However, the amount of salt should be neither too much nor too little, which will prolong the marinating time. Therefore, the amount of salt must be placed extremely close to the critical point where the meat does not rot, so as to ensure that the fish meat is marinated in the shortest time.

This is also the main reason why Abao is a little worried.

If one does not master it well

Imagine that two days later, when everyone is excited to open the wooden barrel.

Inside is a dead fish that has been fermented in a high temperature environment for 2 days. The fish meat has all rotted into a sticky thing. That smell


Just thinking about it, I feel that there is a smell rushing straight to the top of my head!

Su Chen searched and searched, and finally chose a position near the window.

Because when he came here, a new idea came into his mind.

‘8 degrees, this temperature is just right for marinating. ’

‘But I need to find a new place in the afternoon. ’

As the sun moves, the temperature in the room will change, and it is difficult for ordinary people to detect the temperature difference in different locations.

After Su Chen put away the wooden barrel, he took three thermometers from the kitchen and returned to the 19th floor.

This thing needs to be hung up in advance, after all, his white jade hand only lasts for an hour.

At noon and in the evening, Wang Xiaoyi still only provided some scattered experience points, which gave Su Chen a hunch.

If the smelly dishes also made her overcome her sensitivity, this hidden task might be really completed!

The appearance of the top of taste made Su Chen absent-minded recently. Even the Shandong cuisine and Huaiyang cuisine that he should have learned were not practiced well. He only went to the practice room occasionally to do it, and first raised most of the dishes to the A-level level.

In the anxious waiting, two days passed.

Early in the morning of this day, Su Chen drove the white jade hand to the kitchen on the 19th floor to find the wooden barrel.

‘It still needs to be marinated in an environment of 28 degrees for forty minutes. ’

Good guy!

Su Chen carried the wooden barrel and wandered around the floor. Where can he find such a hot place in the morning?

In the end, Su Chen had no choice.

Carrying the wooden barrel to the second floor, Liu Abao had not yet gotten up.

He turned on the stove in the kitchen, put a full bucket of water on it, and then placed the wooden barrel next to the stove. When the temperature near the stove remained at 29 degrees, Su Chen left the kitchen with peace of mind.

Set an alarm for forty minutes and go back to sleep satisfied.

"The sun is shining in the sky, and the flowers are smiling at me~"

Zhang Li came to the company humming a tune, and she always kept the boss's words in mind.

Early bird gets the worm!

Only by coming to the company early can you eat the first dish cooked every day. Not only that, but you can also often eat dishes cooked by the boss himself.

"The little bird said early, early, early ~ why did you come so early~"

"I want to have breakfast. No one can stop me. Let me take a look. Brother Abao? You haven't gotten up yet?"

On weekdays, the boss and Brother A Bao would be cooking at this point in the kitchen. What happened today?

Did they both oversleep?

Zhang Li didn't know that Liu Abao no longer had to get up in the morning to learn how to cook because Su Chen had gone through the list of dishes he had brought over the past few days.

All you need to do is steam buns and boil eggs for the adult area, and then make some breakfast for the kindergarten teacher.

Xian extremely bored with his short legs walked into the kitchen, "Oh! The water is boiling, why don't you turn off the fire?"

I quickly ran over and turned off the stove fire that was on, and clapped my hands proudly. This company is on fire without me, Zhang Li!

"Huh?" Zhang Li lowered her head and saw the incredible wooden barrel that the boss had treasured two days ago, "Why was this barrel placed here?"

Su Chen put the bucket in front of the window that day and took it away in the afternoon. It had been on the 19th floor for the past few days and suddenly appeared on the 2nd floor today, which inevitably made Zhang Li a little curious.

More than just curiosity.

Zhang Li knew that there were ten fish in it!

And it’s a fish that the boss treasures very much!

He looked out of the kitchen furtively, 'Is it okay if I just take a peek? ’

The design of the wooden barrel is very clever. There are two buckles on both sides of the round lid, which can be covered very tightly.

Driven by curiosity, Zhang Li opened the two buttons and took a deep breath.


What caught her eye was a bluestone slab. She had seen Su Chen covering the fish two days ago.

"It stinks and the boss doesn't care about it?"

Zhang Li held her breath as soon as the lid was opened. The strange and indescribable smell was so overwhelming that she could hardly open her eyes.

But for the company!

Zhang Li held the bluestone in her hands and took it out of the bucket. When she looked back, the fish in the bucket came into view. It looked no different from when she put it in before.

When Zhang Li relaxed her vigilance, she couldn't hold her breath any longer. She exhaled deeply and then took a deep breath.

"I lost it!"

At that moment, Little Short Legs felt like he was being attacked crazily by some unknown poisonous gas. The breath he inhaled went straight to Tianling Gai, so much so that his brain was starved of oxygen!

Zhang Li subconsciously wanted to leave first, but she didn't know why.

She's a little weak in the legs.

My eyes were beginning to be a little unable to open, my heartbeat was accelerating, my stomach was twitching violently, and I wanted to vomit but couldn't.

"Damn, I'm going to faint!"

When this idea came into Little Short Legs' brain, the person who was still squatting suddenly fell down with his legs weak.

My brain is still somewhat conscious, but the smell is too suffocating and I can't get up at all!

At the same time, Liu Abao should have gotten up, but he was just holding on to the time to stay in bed for a while.

After turning over, he sniffed hard, "What does it smell like?"

He thought the food he brought back to the room was spoiled?

I put on some clothes and searched around the room, inhaling hard while searching. When I came to the door, I realized that the smell was a little stronger.


When he opened the bedroom door, Abao suddenly held his breath and had only one thought in his mind.

Damn, who is cooking shit?

The smell was obviously coming from the kitchen. Abao quickened his pace. Why was he in the kitchen? Could someone really be cooking shit?

When he stood in the kitchen door, everything became clear to him.

"Damn! Why did this bucket end up on the second floor!"

Zhang Li, who was lying on the ground, was looking at Ah Bao for help, her mouth opening and closing, unable to speak.

"What are you causing trouble!"

Abao covered his nose with one hand, and slipped Zhang Li's back collar with the other hand, dragging him directly from the kitchen to the outside of the canteen, and then opened the nearest window.

"Hiss~~hoo!!! Hiss~~hoo!!!" Zhang Li stretched out her head and took a big breath of fresh air, and then she felt like she was alive.

Damn it, what on earth is that thing and why does it stink like that?

I almost fainted from the smell!

After five or six minutes of relaxation, Zhang Li felt a little better. She turned around and found that Abao had covered the bucket again, but the smell in the canteen was still the same!

"Brother A Bao, what on earth is that!"

Liu Abao wanted to laugh, but was embarrassed, "It's just pickled fish. Didn't you watch it a few days ago?"

"Hey! Why is it so smelly? I almost fainted!"

This was the most speechless thing for Abao, "How long has it been fermenting? You just opened the lid and went up to smell it. If you don't get dizzy, who will get dizzy?"

Now that the lid is back on, the smell in the cafeteria is still strong.

It's just that the two of them smelled it for a long time, so they didn't feel it.

That kind of sudden attack is still the strongest attack, it can really make people suffocate!

As one of the first victims to be attacked, Zhang Li's reaction was understandable.

Hearing A Bao's words, Zhang Li blushed, "I thought it was something delicious."


Haha, Po smiled, it was indeed delicious, but definitely not now!

"It's okay this time. The boss must have estimated the time. I don't know if it's okay to open it in advance. I'll call him and talk about it."


Zhang Li was dumbfounded, "Brother A Bao, the boss won't blame me, right? Did I mess up this thing?"

Abao shook his head, "It's okay. A few minutes earlier and a few minutes later won't make much difference."

When Su Chen received the call, he was surprised at first, and then stunned.

The first sentence: "Is Zhang Li okay?"

As he asked, he ran downstairs and felt relieved when he saw the little short legs walking around in the cafeteria.

"You are truly a talent."

Zhang Li touched the back of her head and said, "I didn't know it smelled so bad."

"Just open it if it's open." Su Chen came to the kitchen and looked at the barrel. It wouldn't be a big problem to open it twenty minutes in advance.

He had overlooked a problem before. If it is placed next to the stove, the temperature nearby will not remain at a constant temperature, but will get higher and higher. The maximum temperature of ancient pickled fish cannot exceed 30 degrees.

Zhang Li opened it in advance, which might be a good thing. If it gets overheated, it might be counterproductive.

Su Chen knelt down to see how well the ten fish were pickled. Seeing his hand on the lid of the barrel, Zhang Li hurriedly pressed the boss, "Stop! It really stinks!"

"What a coward." Su Chen laughed.

Then he opened the lid of the barrel. I don't know if it was because Zhang Li had released the gas once, but the smell was not as strong as expected.

But it’s still a fierce batch!

Su Chen took a short breath, feeling the smell.

"Actually, this can't be said to be smelly. Don't you think it smells pretty good?"

Abao and Zhang Li took three steps back and shook their heads together.

"To put it bluntly, this is the taste caused by the decomposition of microorganisms in mandarin fish in a high-salt and high-temperature environment. At the same time, the protein also decomposes to produce some amino acids. Look at how cowardly you are, don't worry about it when it's ready. Eat it."

"If you don't want to eat it, you won't eat it." Little Short Legs waved his hands, "How can this kind of thing be delicious?"

Liu Abao turned his head and looked at her, "I suggest you take this sentence back."


"Because you can't stop eating."

Su Chen took out a fish from the bucket and looked at its quality, "The mandarin fish marinated in this way will lose some of its water, and the meat will not taste fresh and tender, but like garlic meat."

In addition, due to the loss of water, the fish meat and fish bones will automatically separate, making it effortless to eat!

"Would you like to try it now?"

The fish meat was of good quality, and Su Chen was a little ready to eat it.

"Try it if you're willing to do it."

Su Chen thought for a while.

In the Chinese Famous Recipes, the cuisines of Hui, Gan, and Fujian provinces have collaborated in a special edition, which only contains some famous dishes and snacks, and does not include a dish like stinky mandarin fish.

But in the Huizhou special edition of Chinese recipes that Su Chen learned about, there was indeed such a dish.

It's just that it's not called stinky mandarin fish, but "pickled fresh mandarin fish".

Among them, the method of making pickled mandarin fish is not an ancient method, it is a method commonly used in modern times.

Putting the entry for "pickled fresh mandarin fish" into the synthesizer, a green recipe box appeared, and Su Chen settled on it without much thought.

After a quick glance, start heating the oil in the pan.

The key to this dish is marinating, and the subsequent preparation method is very simple.

"Nowadays, some restaurants use fermented bean curd to make this fish. I don't know what they think."

Abao stood next to Su Chen, ready to help at any time, and replied: "The fermented bean curd is made in another way. Although it has a smell, it is not mellow. The Anhui cuisine method is more delicious."

Little Short Legs was greatly puzzled when he saw these two people chatting with great interest.

There’s no way I’m going to eat this dish anyway!

Unless the boss forces me to eat it!

Su Chen and Abao were busy in the kitchen, and the time soon came to around seven o'clock.

According to usual habits, the first regular customer who came to the company was Zhan Yang who was getting ready to go to work, and Brother Fang Chang who visited on time every day.

But recently, Brother Fang Chang knew that Boss Su was helping him prepare banquet dishes. After each visit, the two of them would have breakfast in silence, and Brother Fang Chang would share with Ling Shuyu the meat that the small dining table would need for the next day. Just left.

"Did you smell something?"

As soon as he got into the elevator, Zhan Yang twitched his nose and was very confused.

"No, what's the smell?" Brother Fang Chang also sniffed around, but couldn't smell anything.

"No, there's a smell." Zhan Yang searched around, but the elevator was so big, and the smell was a little vague. Until the elevator door opened, Zhan Yang took a sharp breath, "Damn it! Someone didn't flush the bathroom!"

"No!" Brother Fang Chang denied directly, "It's not that smell, it seems to be hiss! It seems to be the smell of corruption. Is something spoiled?"

The two stepped out of the elevator and looked around. After a long time, they still couldn't find the source of the odor.

This smell seems to disappear if you smell it deliberately.

But if you don’t smell it, it will swish into your nose again, which is extremely uncomfortable!

"Go inside and take a look!" Brother Fang Chang pointed forward.

I was still murmuring in my heart, could it be that one of the children couldn't hold it in anymore and secretly made a baby in the corner?

He had done this as a child.

When I lived in the village, I dug a triangle for the pumpkin in the yard of my second uncle next door, stuffed the dumplings in it and then covered it back up.

The pumpkin grew bigger and bigger, and the triangle actually grew back again, until it became so big that it attracted the attention of the second uncle's family, who decided to kill the big pumpkin and eat it.

Brother Fang Chang will never forget it forever.

When the kitchen knife was cut, there was a "bang" sound in the room, and there were pieces of food flying everywhere.

That day, he gained a new understanding of the brand Septwolves.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhan Yang pushed him.

Brother Fang Chang cleverly said, "It's nothing, I just thought of something happy."

"Come on, hurry up and take a look. Don't let some turtle grandson pull a bomb into the kitchen. It stinks too much!"

The two of them strode quickly towards the kitchen, moving forward.

This smell is getting stronger and stronger!

Chapter 2 comes a little later.

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