Food Customizer

Chapter 122 The second SS, pot-roasted pork elbow, let’s get started!

Pucai in milk soup and agarwood in clear soup were originally two dishes in the famous recipe.

Pucai in milk soup has a bright color, the soup is delicious and smooth, the color is milky white, and the Pucai is soft and tender.

Agar-agar clear soup, agar-agar is white and tender, the soup is light yellow and has a mellow taste.

These two soup dishes are extremely rare and common soup dishes at banquets. They can completely represent the entire Jinan cuisine.

Even the existence of these two dishes can directly affect the quality of the entire feast.

The reason why these two dishes are placed on the top list is because anyone with a little knowledge can know the overall level of today's feast with just one bite.

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Su Chen once again innovated on the original craftsmanship of these two dishes and created a double dish with clear milk!

Peel half a catty of cattail sprouts and moss cauliflower and cut them into one-and-a-half-inch long slices. Magnolia slices are cut into one-and-a-half-inch-long slices, one-third wide and one-half thick.

The mushrooms were cut into thin slices, and the ham was cut into rhombus thin slices. Su Chen handled all these ingredients himself.

Just to pursue the ultimate taste of this dish.

Add water to the pot, place it on a high fire until it is 80% hot, then add the cut cattail greens, cauliflower, shiitake mushrooms and magnolia slices into it.

‘Activate skills, White Jade Hands! ’

When all the ingredients were put into the pot, Su Chen did not hesitate to activate his most awesome skill!

If you don't come out first with the king bomb in your hand, why don't you stay until the end and get bombed?

The water in the pot has just boiled, and various reminders are pouring into my mind.

‘The ingredients are already cooked, but the ham slices need a few more seconds. ’

Coupled with the fact that the white jade hands are naturally not afraid of hot and cold, the movements of Su Chen's hands accelerated a lot.

Put the scallion oil in another clean wok, heat it up to 30% heat, turn off the flame, and add the clear soup and milk soup that have been simmered overnight.

【:Full level】

Do you really think I sit in the practice room doing nothing every day?

Because of Wang Xiaoyi's appearance, Su Chen has undoubtedly upgraded to another level during this period and gained new passive skills and [Pickling].

During this period, in addition to learning how to cook, Su Chen's main focus was to improve all cooking skills to the full level!

Add the double soup in the pot for five minutes, you can see it is slightly thickened, then add refined salt, ginger juice, all the previously prepared ingredients are also added, stir slightly with a hand spoon, and finally add green onion and pepper Shaoxing wine!

"Po, bring me my secret weapon!"

Liu Abao's eyes were full of passion, "Okay!"

He couldn't understand the dishes cooked by Boss Su in the past, but he could really understand this dish today.

A very classic method of making Pu Cai in milk soup. In Abao's opinion, this dish is all about the soup base, and he has also tasted a small sip of Boss Su's milk soup.

It is no exaggeration to say that it was the most delicious soup stock that Po had ever tasted!

As for the 'secret weapon' Su Chen said, it's a bit funny.

When he first made this dish of Pucai in milk soup, Su Chen only felt that the two soup dishes at a banquet were somewhat repetitive, and it was not comparable to a high-end banquet.

So how can we not only show that our milk soup is awesome, but also inadvertently reveal that our clear soup is also awesome?

Under this kind of thinking, Shuangcai was born, and the so-called secret weapon is actually very simple, it is a piece of oil paper.

Su Chen placed the oil paper that had been cut in advance in the middle of two large soup bowls, and then poured the freshly made milk soup with cattail into one side.

The milk soup is slightly viscous, and even the oil paper can't get rid of the slightest moisture. It occupies half of the large bowl, shaking so tremblingly, it looks very appetizing!

After doing this step well, the next step is the second step.

It is not an exaggeration to say that agarwood in clear soup is a luxury item among Chinese soup dishes. It inherits all the characteristics of Tanjia cuisine.

The ingredients are selected carefully, the ingredients are cut hard, the workmanship is fine, the heat is sufficient, and the taste is mellow!

If you want to make this dish well, you must be particular about the selection of ingredients. It must be purely natural and unbleached.

Needless to say, Su Chen is reluctant to use this kind of food!

What to do?

Su Chen took a peeled white radish and used wild knife skills. The skin of the radish cut off was even thinner than the one cut when boiling dry shreds, and the thickness was comparable to Wensi tofu!

Just pick up a piece of radish and you can feel the light transmitting through it!

Then cut the thin radish slices into thin strips and soak them in water for a while.

"Boss, is this a vegetarian dish?" Abao was a little surprised. Before this, he couldn't imagine how to combine two completely unrelated dishes.

"That's right." Su Chen took out the soaked radish shreds to control the moisture, and then dipped them in dry cornstarch.

Each shredded radish must be dipped in enough cornstarch to make it look fatter than before!

Then spread all the shredded radish on the bottom of the iron plate and place the whole plate in the bamboo steamer.

"Boss, I remember that vegetable agarwood is Teacher Jianguo's specialty. There are very few places outside of Nanyuan Hotel that make this dish."

Abao studied in Shandong Province for a period of time. When he learned Tan's cuisine, he practiced it at Nanyuan Hotel. At that time, he also had a relationship with teacher Li Jianguo.

This vegetarian agar-agar soup is Master Li’s masterpiece.

"Yes, the agar-agar is translucent, white and moist, and can sink and float just right in the clear soup. It is even more beautiful and generous than the real agar-agar. The key is that the flavors of agar-agar and pucai do not conflict."

Bird's nest is different. If it is put together with cattail leaves, the two will form a completely opposite flavor, and the dish will be ruined.

A Bao didn't quite understand what Su Chen meant. When he wanted to ask something, Su Chen had already started to get busy. He had to temporarily put away his curiosity and quietly watch the cooking process.

In just five minutes, the shredded radish became glutinous, white and soft. The peanut oil drizzled on it soon soaked all the shredded radish. After pouring enough clear soup, the shredded radish was steamed again in the steamer.

'I always feel that this dish has a sense of déjà vu'

'The feeling of making it in reality is stronger than in the practice room. The method of making this dish is almost the same as that of boiled cabbage. '

After doing this last step, Su Chen himself was a little confused.

Why do you say boiled cabbage is a Sichuan dish? It feels that whether it is cooking or making broth, it is all Shandong cuisine techniques.

'Strange. ’

Throw away the random thoughts, take the steamed shredded radish out of the steamer, take a wok and add the clear soup to boil directly!

“Here it comes!” Liu Abao couldn’t help but take a step forward, standing in front of Boss Su and squatting slightly. He didn’t even dare to blink, for fear of missing any key steps!

The boiling clear soup was poured into the other side of the big bowl. Su Chen carefully used chopsticks to slowly pick out the shredded radish soaked in the soup from the steamer and moved it into the big bowl.

The shredded radish lay in the new clear soup. After two steamings, it showed a translucent gelatinous texture. Then a few slices of bright red ham were dotted on its surface, floating in the clear soup.

If Liu Abao hadn’t watched Su Chen’s production from beginning to end, he would definitely think that this was the real bird’s nest!

Su Chen held the oil paper in the middle of the big bowl with both hands and took a deep breath.

The main reason for using white jade hands is for this step!

After adjusting his posture and strength, Su Chen lifted his hands up suddenly, and took out the oil paper in the bowl directly, while the milk soup and clear soup in the big bowl seemed to have no reaction at all.

There was not even a ripple!

Everyone looked at this scene in amazement.

It was clearly a bowl of soup, and they existed together in the bowl, but they did not interfere with each other.

On one side was the milk soup with cattail leaves, and on the other side was the clear soup with bird's nest. Two completely different colors and styles existed in the same bowl.

"Awesome, boss! How did you learn this? I'll try it too!" Zhang Li gestured with her hands to show the famous action that Su Chen had just taken.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh.


Su Chen didn't know how to explain it. He just felt that with Zhang Li's IQ, it would be difficult to understand, so he had to say something that she could understand, "Serve the food."


Short Legs and He Shuting put the big bowls into the trays respectively, and then walked out steadily with the plates.

"Boss, do you want me to go and get some more information?" A Bao asked excitedly.

He saw how well the dish was made, but it didn't matter if he wanted to get some information. A Bao mainly wanted to see what Cui Yufen's expression would be when he saw this dish!

Su Chen guessed what he was thinking, "Go ahead. You can't help with the rest of the dishes."

After A Bao left, Jiang Wusheng clapped his hands and came to Su Chen, "Boss Su, this is a miracle, it's simply a miracle! I believe that once this dish comes out, the entire chef community in Shandong Province will be shocked by it!"

Jiang Wensheng also praised it without hesitation, "Being able to see the birth of this dish with my own eyes, Jingzhou's group will have no regrets! I have a hunch that it won't be long before the reputation of Delicious will spread throughout the country!"

Su Chen opened his mouth and closed it again.

These two people are not vague at all when they brag!

Could it be that they want to use me as a free laborer again? They are addicted to eating free meals!

Ignore him, continue cooking!

There is nothing much to say about this second dish. The pastries and soup dishes are served, and the main dish should be served next!

The birthday duck is still in the pot. Because Cui Yufen came too early, this dish cannot be served at this time, so we can only focus on another main dish.

Pot-roasted elbow!

The elbow was put into the steamer in the early morning, and it has been steamed for more than three hours.

Open the steamer, and the strong meat aroma will be scattered in the kitchen. This is a completely different aroma from the stewed elbow, and it smells a little choking.

After three hours, the elbow meat slices still look intact. Only Su Chen knows that the inside of the elbow is now soft and rotten. If it is eaten with white garlic, it will definitely be a top-notch dish!

But no, this is the prelude to making pot-roasted elbows, and the real show has not yet begun.

Take out the elbow meat slices, drain the soup, and then you can start the next step.

Liu Abao pretended to be a staff member in the kitchen, walked through the cafeteria to the door with a casual look, and sat quietly in a corner where no one noticed.

He watched the reactions of the people at the table with the corner of his eyes.

‘My boss’s double dish must have scared you to death? ’

Abao was ready to watch the show, but what he didn’t expect was that a middle-aged man at Lu Yongliang’s table suddenly pointed at the dishes on the table and started talking.

“Grandstanding, haha, where is the waiter? Please call out your chef.”

Here he comes!

Lu Yongliang’s heart skipped a beat. Cui Yufen’s dishes today were indeed a martial art. At the same time, he looked at the seventy-year-old Master Cui with some sympathy.

You are a little too impatient.

Even if it’s martial arts, you have to try one dish before starting, right?

Why did it start just after tasting the dessert?

"I'm not a waiter," He Shuting said submissively, wanting to strike hard, "The boss is busy inside. If he comes out at this time, it will probably affect everyone's dining."

Do our chefs meet on sight?

That's our respected boss!

"Hey, Shu Ting, you'd better call Boss Su. You can slow down the cooking and don't be too anxious." Lu Yongliang said.

His opening made He Shuting a little confused. These people were obviously here to cause trouble. Didn't Mr. Lu work with the boss before? Why are you suddenly speaking for someone else?

What He Shuting didn't know was that Lu Yongliang was actually helping her.

Today, this matter can only be settled after Boss Su comes here and watches these people taste the dishes and give comments. If she doesn't order them, no one will eat this dish. This matter It can't be ended either.

Because Mr. Lu opened his mouth, Shu Ting was confused, but she still hummed and ran to the kitchen.

I saw Su Chen very carefully placing the pieces of elbow meat on a flat plate, skin side down.

"Boss, Master Cui asked you to go out for a while."

"Oh?" Su Chen's movements did not stop. Bai Yu's time was less than half an hour. He wanted to use this time to finish the dish, "Didn't you say something?"

"I didn't say anything, I just asked you to go out for a while. Mr. Lu also helped to speak, and he also said that I would call you." When He Shuting said this, she felt quite unhappy.

"Oh, I see."

Su Chen responded and continued to cook with his head down.

The elbow meat is first cooked until medium-rare, then cut into slices and steamed until soft. When steaming again, all the necessary condiments are already included.

Now spread a layer of paste made of wet dough flour and refined salt, soy sauce and cooking wine on a flat plate, then place the meat slices skin side down, and finally cover the meat with a layer of paste.

Now there is only one last step left, which is to go out and receive 'education', which is not short of time.

Su Chen chose to use high heat to heat the oil in the pan until it was 70% hot, then turned to low heat.

Lift the flat plate containing the meat so that it is almost parallel to the oil surface, and then gently push the batter-wrapped elbow into the oil pan with your hands.

‘Good guy, all the chefs in Shandong cuisine are quite ruthless’

‘If I hadn’t had the skill of White Jade Hands, I would have been afraid of burning my hands with oil during this step! ’

The 70% hot oil quickly set the paste on the surface of the elbow meat, making it harden in just a moment.

‘It’s about to stick to the pan and burn it’

The information that suddenly appeared in his mind made Su Chen tremble. He quickly used a spatula to hold the bottom of his elbow out of the oil, then turned it to high heat. The white jade hand matched the full level of [Frying]. Su Chen controlled the oil temperature. It can be said to be natural.

When the oil temperature returns to 80% hot, the elbow on the spatula is returned to the oil and fried again. This time, until the batter at the bottom of the elbow is slightly fried, use the spatula to turn the entire elbow over. .

Then use a small skewer to poke some small holes on the surface so that the elbow can be fried through.

As the oil stops and fine bubbles begin to appear around the elbow, raise the oil temperature to 90% hot again!

This step is to prevent the batter from being oily.

When the oil temperature has just risen, the sliced ​​elbows are ready to be taken out of the pan.

Su Chen put it on the cutting board, pressed it directly with one hand, and used a kitchen knife with the other hand to chop the meat strips into three sections horizontally. Then he chopped the two sections on the side with an inclined knife every five minutes and placed them on both sides of the plate. , the middle section is chopped straight every five minutes and placed in the middle of the plate.

Form the elbow meat strips into the shape of a saddle, and then sprinkle a layer of pepper powder evenly.

The green onions that had already been chopped into four pieces were cut into one-and-a-half-inch pieces and placed on one side of the plate, and the sauce was placed on the other side.

"Abao?" Su Chen looked up.

Okay, this guy went out to watch the fun, so he had to look at Mr. Ling and said, "Shu Yu, help me get the lotus leaf cake."

These were also ingredients prepared in advance, and Su Chen chose a certain brand from the supermarket.

The finished product has already been made, so there is no need to make it poorly by yourself. There is no need to make the dough again.

There was a small plate on top of the big plate, and inside was a stack of slightly warm lotus leaf cakes.

Su Chen walked out of the kitchen carrying this SS-level pot roasted elbow.

‘Today’s appearance depends on this big dish and that soup! ’

‘I don’t know why Cui Yufen asked me to go out. Could it be that he still wants to quarrel with me? ’

Su Chen was thinking wildly while walking.

If they really quarreled with him, Su Chen had already thought about it. He would never talk back, not that he was afraid of the quarrel.

Cui Yufen is already very old. If there is really a quarrel, it may not be easy to explain. This kind of thing is not unheard of.

Walking into the cafeteria, two pots of roasted elbow were placed on the table. Su Chen then put away those messy thoughts and said, "Sorry, I was making this dish, so I came a little late."

He looked at Cui Yufen and said, "It's been a while since we parted ways in the capital. Is Mr. Cui feeling well?"

Cui Yufen smiled and said, "It's okay."

Immediately he said, "Boss Su, we trust you, so we went all the way from the capital to Jingzhou to celebrate your birthday. My twenty disciples and disciples are all over the country. In order to taste your craftsmanship, we all came together from thousands of miles away." ”

Su Chen looked at everyone with a smile, "Shu Ting, pour some tea."

He Shuting glanced at her boss in confusion, wondering why there was still such a link?

It has to be Brother Fang at the critical moment.

Brother Fang Chang, who often worked in the reception desk, quickly came out of his private room with tea, handed it to Boss Su's hand, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Boss Su, no one has touched this glass of water."

Su Chen held the tea with both hands, "Thank you all for coming all the way to support us. There will be a lot of dishes to be cooked later, so Mr. Su will serve tea instead of wine and give you a toast."

No matter what the situation is, you still have to do enough to save face.

Su Chen raised his head and drank all the tea in the cup, but when he saw that no one here raised their glasses, he didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he began to look down on these people in his heart.

"Boss Su, I think you shouldn't cook the rest of the dishes. We won't refund the money. We really can't eat your dishes." Liu Fu pointed to the plate of fried watermelon on the table, "I Junior Brother Seven has a time-honored restaurant in Jinan, and this is his specialty. You made this, hehe."

Liu Fu looked humane, but there was a strong smell of gunpowder when he opened his mouth.

"I think this dish is so fancy that there's no need to taste it. What do you think, Third Junior Brother?"

This time, what Liu Fu was pointing at was Su Chen's proud dish of clear milk and two dishes!

Su Chen gave a crooked smile.

Damn, is this about to start?

Ahhh, the second chapter will be updated later. Working hard on coding!

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