Food Customizer

Chapter 123: Soup and vegetables are defeated, pork elbow appears!

"Indeed. I approve of Boss Su's craftsmanship, but what our Shandong cuisine emphasizes is that the raw materials must be of high quality, the dishes must be fresh with salt, the soup must be strong, and the seasoning must be salty and pure to highlight the original taste."

After that, the third junior brother looked at the two dishes of clear milk soup on the table and said, "I can barely tell that this is agar-agar in clear soup and agarwood in milk soup."

Su Chen didn't speak, just listened to the other party quietly.

“These two soup dishes are all about stock. You can put these two dishes in the same bowl, and regardless of the flavor, just the fact that they can draw a clear line between the two ruins the dish. "

Liu Fu hissed, "Third Junior Brother, what do you say? I think this dish is pretty good! How can it be ruined?"

Wow, Su Chen secretly laughed in his heart, there were some who were singing along and applauding.

Su Chen didn't speak when he was making comments, and he didn't speak when he was slandered. But when he heard Liu Fu complimenting him, Su Chen directly interrupted the third junior brother.

"Shu Ting, go to the kitchen and call Ling Shuyu and the others out. The guests are here to comment. Why are they all sitting in the kitchen?"

The third junior brother nodded with satisfaction, "Boss Su, if you have such a heart for learning and progress, no matter what the dish is today, I will definitely give you a thumbs up! This one"

"Oh, no." Su Chen interrupted him again, "It's not for employees to learn. You are all famous Shandong cuisine experts with well-known teachers. I have neither a master nor an inheritance. I cook all based on my hobby. I hope you can give me some pointers if I have any shortcomings. All of my employees are not doing their jobs properly. I asked them to come out just to watch the fun.”

"Exciting?" The third junior brother frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Let's talk about cross talk. It's great to be able to watch cross talk without going to Jinmen."


"Okay." Cui Yufen tapped the table, "Let's get down to business. Boss Su's fried watermelon is indeed a bit perfunctory. My apprentices are chefs in major restaurants, and they have high requirements for the dishes. I hope Boss Su will understand.”

"Yes, I understand."

Su Chen is not used to these people either.

If you have friendly exchanges, just like when Lu Yongliang came here before, if everyone has something to say, it doesn't matter to me, even if you really want to compare notes with me.

As for food, progress can only be achieved through communication.

But that big fat guy complimented me when he came up, which was really annoying.

Lu Yongliang screamed in fear and was relieved when he saw that Cui Yufen didn't bang the table, glared and cursed at the top of his voice.

After the master said this, the third junior brother nodded slightly apologetically.

"Boss Su, why do I say that your dish is ruined? First, the flavors of bird's nest and cattail are very incompatible. If you put these two dishes in the same basin, it will have the opposite effect."

Liu Abao covered his mouth and snickered in the corner.

Sure enough, this person was tricked!

My boss’s bird’s nest isn’t bird’s nest, it’s plain bird’s nest!

Let's see how you end up later!

The third junior brother continued to talk, "Moreover, the concentrations of clear soup and milk soup are almost the same. If you can make the well water they make without disturbing the river water, they must have thickened the soup base, which is against the rules of our Shandong cuisine." If this was Huaiyang cuisine, I would say you are awesome, but if this is Daolu cuisine, I can only say it’s a pity.”

All the employees from Delicious Food came out. When they heard this comment from the third junior brother, everyone looked at each other.

He looked at Su Chen with a worried look.

Ling Shuyu stood behind Su Chen and mustered up the courage to squeeze Su Chen's palm behind his back, "We don't want to be wronged. If you don't make any more money, I'll help you cover this loss."

Her voice was so low that only Su Chen could hear it.

Little rich woman

Su Chen smiled slightly, but he didn't say anything.

The third junior brother said this directly without even tasting it. He was probably venting his anger on Wang Peixin, and because they had been immersed in Shandong cuisine for many years, they always felt that there were few people who were better than themselves.

At least in their hearts, this boss Xiao Su in front of them is only in his twenties, how awesome can he be?

That's why I dare to make comments without even tasting it. After all, the third junior brother knows that he has been making this soup for more than 20 years. No matter how good he is, if he really wants to find something wrong with him, that's not the case. The sprinkle thing?

After the third junior brother finished his comments, everyone focused their attention on Su Chen.

Except Wang Peixin.

He sat down at another table and really didn't agree with the third senior brother's reckless behavior.

Among this group of people, he was the only one who had seen Su Chen's superb skills at Cuihua Building. With that skill alone, it was unlikely that he could ruin a dish.

Under everyone's gaze, Su Chen did not refute the third senior brother, but still maintained a gentleman's smile, "In that case, you can try it."

Seeing that Boss Su didn't refute him, the third senior brother nodded with a satisfied smile and looked at Cui Yufen specifically.

That look seemed to say: Look, Master, I didn’t embarrass you! But the next dish depends on the fellow apprentices!

The third senior brother picked up the spoon in one hand and the chopsticks in the other hand. He reached into the side of the milk soup very lightly. While the spoon was ladling the soup, the chopsticks also picked up a small piece of cattail in the spoon.

Put the soup and vegetables into your mouth at the same time, and the mouth holding the vegetables is ready for the next judgment.


The smile on the third junior brother's face seemed to have stopped. He first looked at Su Chen with an unbelievable look, and then looked down at the double soup in the big bowl.

He was very careful when serving the dishes just now, and the milky white and clear soup base was not mixed.

With that unbelievable expression, the third senior brother repeated the action just now from the clear soup on the other side.

hiss! ! !

It's soft in the mouth, but with a hint of sweetness, and when you chew it in the back, something crispy pops out. This is not a bird's nest, this is

He stared at Su Chen, what the hell is a white radish!

"Are you a disciple of Master Li of Nanyuan Hotel?" The third junior brother did not notice that his name for Su Chen subconsciously changed.

"No," Su Chen said, "Master Li and I have never met."


The third junior brother took another mouthful of milk soup in disbelief and took another mouthful of cattail sprouts.

When the milk soup is pressed down with a spoon, you can still vaguely see a hint of green. As a famous chef in Kuishengju, Jinan, this dish will come from the hands of the third junior brother at least a hundred times a day.

He knows best what this dish should taste like!

Pick up some shredded ham and bamboo shoots from the bottom and take another bite.

It has a very standard salty taste. The soup is mellow and fragrant. The cattail leaf tastes crisp and tender. It makes a sizzling sound when you bite it. It has the texture of celery but does not have the taste of celery.

"Who is this Pucai?" the third junior brother asked again.

Most of the cattails currently used in Kuishengju are transported from the south. This vegetable grows in ponds. The most famous one in the early days was the cattails from Daming Lake, so milk soup with cattails has become a very famous dish in Jinan. .

But now the amount of cattail in Daming Lake has decreased. After April every year, there are almost none. Even if there is, there is not enough to eat.

This time Su Chen didn't speak, but Ling Shuyu spoke.

"We first looked for this ingredient in Jinan. Later, after discovering that the cattail in your restaurant all came from the south, I contacted a customer I knew in Huai'an and asked him to bring some for me from Huai'an."

Su Chen gave Shu Yu a very appreciative look.

This kind of thing has to be left to her. If Bai Xiaobo were to do it, he would probably just buy it from the back kitchen of the restaurant.

What Ling Shuyu said seemed to explain the origin of the ingredients, but actually it meant something else.

When she said this, the third senior brother blushed and coughed several times.

Needless to say, Kuishengju's cattails were brought from the south, but they were not wild, but, well, the kind grown in his own pond.

Regardless of whether one is wild and the other is cultivated, the difference is huge!

The third senior brother put down his spoon and clasped his hands in his fists, "I'm sorry, Boss Su. I just judged without tasting it. Your cooking skills for this dish are better than mine."

This is the character of Shandong people.

If I come to trouble you, I really want to make things difficult for you.

But if I think you are better than me, I will never say any more nonsense.

"Hey" Liu Fu felt depressed when he saw his third junior brother was defeated. He immediately stood up, took two small bowls, filled two kinds of soups respectively and sent them to the master, "Master, please."

Cui Yufen nodded.

She moved the spoon, and then the others started to take action.

The clear soup with agar-agar leaves only two feelings after one bite.

Clear, pure.

The purity of this soup is completely different from the mellowness of milk soup. The taste of milk soup is more mellow, while the clear soup is pure and refreshing. Just one bite can make your heart and spleen feel refreshed!

Coupled with the shredded radish that has been steamed several times and even has some gelatin, it tastes extremely refreshing and full of flavor.

‘No wonder Lao San was defeated. Boss Lai Su’s two soup dishes do have some skill in them. ’

Cui Yufen unknowingly finished the soup in the two small bowls and said, "Afu, give it to me again."

Bah, bah, bah!

Cui Yu was stunned for a moment.


Liu Fu, what are you doing?

You are such a big brother. If you don't think of ways to help me and find a place to come back quickly at this time, why are you just keeping your head down and eating?

Looking at the other brothers and sisters, they are all showing off.

There were even a few juniors at the other table talking to each other in low voices, and even giving thumbs up from time to time!

Damn it!

Cui Yufen stood up and prepared to serve herself a bowl. When she stretched out her spoon, she was stunned again.

Isn't it the pig you are riding on the horse?

Master hasn’t eaten yet, so you’ve finished eating?

Fortunately, there was a soup base and a few slices of shredded ham in the big bowl. Cui Yufen calmly prepared to take them and pour them into the bowl for himself.

Unexpectedly, a pair of hands moved before her!

"It's delicious, it's delicious! I haven't seen Boss Su improve his craftsmanship in a few days. It's so delicious. The old man is so rude!"

Lu Yongliang brought a large bowl to him directly in front of Cui Yufen. He didn't even tip it over, but just took it to his mouth.

Lao Lu, who are you?

Cui Yufen looked at Lu Yongliang with murderous eyes, "Did you do this on purpose?"

A large bowl of two soups and two dishes was eaten in the blink of an eye. Only then did the brothers remember their mission this time, and they all lowered their heads in embarrassment.

The dozen or so people at the table opposite chatted casually about other things. No one dared to say more for fear that Cui Yufen would go crazy at this time.

The third senior brother saw that this situation was very bad. He stood up again on his own initiative, and first looked at Cui Yufen, "Master. The third brother admits it. This time, his skills are really inferior to others."

Then he looked at Su Chen and said, "Boss Su, this cup of tea is from me. I hope we can have a good communication after the banquet."

Su Chen nodded slightly, watched the third child drink up the tea in the cup, and then continued to turn his head.

There is another dish on the table now, pot-roasted elbow.

Since someone called him out and planned to slap him in the face, Su Chen was not prepared to go back at this time.


Just try it and you’ll know!

"Seventeen, the pot-roasted elbow is your store's signature dish, right? You can try it for everyone first." Liu Fu looked at the other table.

Before he realized it, when he lowered his head to show off his food, Cui Yufen had already made a cross on the book of life and death.

"Uh!" On the other side, Old Seventeen was next to Wang Peixin.

He is not very old yet. He has just reached the age of forty, but he has already become the chef of Baihua Restaurant.

Tourists who go to Mount Tai every year cannot escape his pot roasted elbow. Some tourists even give up their trip to Mount Tai in order to eat this dish.

It can be said that Lao Shiqi supported the entire performance of Baihua Restaurant with himself and one dish! ! !

With Lao San’s lessons learned.

Lao Shiqi didn't dare to judge rashly this time, but he had already thought about the angles from which the leader would evaluate this dish.

Having made this dish for so many years, Shi Qi knows what the difficulty is.

The first step is the initial step of stewing the elbow, which must be stewed until tender. If it is made in a restaurant, there will be plenty of ingredients, so that it can be fried directly when it is just cooked.

But if it is made at home, the ingredients of Lao Shiqi will be lighter, and the stewed elbows will be soaked in the soup for several hours, which will not only taste better, but also make it more fragrant.

This process can be reviewed a little bit.

Then there is the second point, which is very important.

This dish is purely about playing with the heat during the second frying process!

In the kitchen of Baihua Restaurant, Lao Shiqi would use at least three oil pans and three kitchen thermometers every time he made this pot-roasted elbow dish!

When frying, use medium heat first, then low heat, and then high heat and low heat, so that it can be fried thoroughly, crispy and golden brown.

Well, after roughly preparing his words, Lao Qi spread the lotus leaf cake flat on the palm of his hand, then put a piece of elbow meat wrapped in paste into the cake.

Then dip the sliced ​​green onions into the sauce and wrap them together. Roll up the dough and stuff it into your mouth along the head.

Damn it!

Lao Qiba smacked his lips a few times, and the shock in his heart was like a surging river!

This is crazy?

The braised pork elbow tastes like this and tastes like this. There is something wrong with this!

He didn't quite believe it, so instead of making a roll this time, he picked up a piece of elbow meat with chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth.

The outer skin is golden and crispy, and when chewed, it will instantly explode into fragments and powder. There is no problem with this layer of paste, and it is made to the level that a top chef should have.

But this elbow meat

Melts in your mouth!

It truly melts in your mouth, but that's not the point because anyone can do it if you simmer it long enough, that's the real point.

When it melted in the mouth, Lao Shiqi could clearly taste the full and rich gravy of the elbow, and the taste of the gravy was actually rarely mixed with the taste of seasoning!

Only after swallowing the contents of your mouth can you leave a trace of salty taste in your mouth.

Then he looked at Su Chen.

The texture and taste of this dish are completely different from the pot-roasted elbow he has learned. If it were just a review, I can only say: delicious!

But if you want to comment on it from a professional perspective, Lao Shiqi is in trouble.

He couldn't even guess how the elbow was made to highlight the meaty aroma and hide the seasoning aroma behind the meaty aroma.

The taste is distinct, and the meaty flavor is strong in the mouth. It is a bit chewy after chewing a few times, but this feeling disappears when you eat it wrapped in bread.

By the time I finished eating, my mouth was filled with the salty aroma and the unique smell of gravy.

Wonderful, wonderful!

After thinking for a long time, Lao Shiqi sighed, "Master, I can't explain this dish."

He really didn't know what to say.

This pot-roasted elbow is completely different from the pot-roasted elbow he knows!

In addition to the texture and taste, the heat is also impeccable!

Old Seventeen knew that even if he was asked to do it, he might not be able to reach this level.

Cui Yu let out a sigh, quite surprised.

Lao Shiqi is not considered a talented player among her many disciples, but he is very hardworking. He has rarely learned any variety of dishes in the past twenty years as a chef, and he only has a pot of roasted elbow and horse teeth on hand. Handy.

However, these two things are enough for Lao Shiqi to thrive in the Tai'an area. Why can't he even know his specialty?

"You really are!" Before Cui Yufen could say anything, Liu Fu pointed at Old Seventeen angrily, "Master, let me try it for you first!"

Cui Yufen quickly glared at Liu Fu.

I was thinking that you probably want to finish this dish by yourself. Isn’t this senior brother too embarrassed to take care of you?

"No need." Cui Yufen turned to look at Lu Yongliang sitting next to him with a playful smile.

This old man came here with a glowing face today. How could it be possible if you didn't do something?

"I would like to hear what Master Lu thinks of this dish?"

Lu Yongliang:? ? ?

You guys from Shandong Province are here to fight, do you care what happens to my chef from Hubei Province?

There's something wrong with just having a good meal, isn't it?

"We rarely cook pork elbows in Hubei cuisine, but there is a dish of braised beef in a pot, which is similar to this pot-roasted pork elbow in terms of preparation method. Let me try it, old man!"

Lu Yongliang, in the attitude of not offending anyone from the two gangs, also took a lotus leaf pancake and rolled the pork elbow to taste it like Old Seventeen.

It doesn't matter if you don't try it.

Try it

Lu Yongliang swallowed it in a big mouthful, pretending to be mysterious, shaking his head for a long time, "Yufen, this dish is not right!"

Cui Yufen showed a happy look on his face, thinking that you old boy are sensible, you have to help me today, and I will scold you less in the future.

Just look at Lu Yongliang pointing at this dish, "I think this dish is not right."

While saying this, he continued to take the lotus leaf pancake in his hand, rolled the pork elbow, and rolled it up with green onions dipped in noodle sauce.

Everyone watched Old Man Lu do this.

Another piece.

"It's not right, it's not right, let me try it again, what's wrong?"

Another piece!

"Tsk! It seems like that, but it doesn't seem like that, could it be..."

Another piece!

Cui Yufen's face became darker and darker.

Until Lu Yongliang's evil hands reached for the plate for the fifth time, she finally couldn't help it.


Twenty disciples shuddered at the same time.

"I'll try it myself!"

Everyone turned their heads and their eyes fell on the master.

Even Su Chen had a hint of amusement.

SS level, I'm not kidding you!

Double monthly tickets? I added one a few days ago. Don't want 500 this time, now 818 monthly tickets, how about adding more when it reaches 1000!

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