Food Customizer

Chapter 125 It’s so uncomfortable. Boss Su is playing tricks on me again!

What do you mean, "Didn't you do it this way when you learned from Master Cui?"

You're saying it as if our method is wrong, so is your method right?

The Nine-Turn Large Intestine that Zhang Heping learned had to remove the lean meat and keep the fat, and fry it in a lot of oil until it was burnt red, and then Su Chen did the step now.

The fat intestine is very oily, and ordinary people can't eat it without frying it for a while, and there is also the most critical step of the Nine-Turn Large Intestine.

That is to wrap the intestine!

After wrapping it several times and then cutting it, the fat intestine looks full of layers, and it is even more colorful and attractive after pouring the sauce, but what Su Chen is doing now is simply subverting Zhang Heping's cognition.

You don't even wrap the intestine, what is this called Nine-Turn Large Intestine, where is it turned?

What subverted Zhang Heping's cognition the most was not the step of wrapping the intestine, but the part that Su Chen chose to use!

In common sense, the part of the Nine-Turn Large Intestine is the head of the intestine, and after wrapping it, it is cooked and pierced with toothpicks to make it, but Su Chen's few pieces of fat intestine obviously removed the head and tail of the intestine and chose the middle part.

Even the parts of the ingredients are different, is this really the Nine-Turn Large Intestine?

As for Su Chen, after leaving that sentence, he no longer paid attention to Zhang Heping. He wanted to devote himself to this last step.

When the traditional Nine-Turn Large Intestine is cooked, various seasonings are added to give the large intestine a base flavor and remove the organ smell as much as possible. Su Chen's method is different. When cooking the large intestine, it is completely boiled in clear water, and almost no seasoning is added.

Including salt!

Simmering slowly over low heat, when the soup in the pot is about to dry up, Su Chen quickly added some lard and many seasonings.

Zhang Heping's eyes are quick. He can see that there are Amomum villosum noodles, cinnamon noodles, minced garlic, cooking wine and pepper oil, and finally a handful of chopped coriander. After Su Chen mixed it with a hand spoon, the whole pot of large intestine was served on two plates.

"How is it, Mr. Zhang."

Zhang Heping looked at the two so-called Nine-Turn Large Intestines, and he didn't know how to evaluate the method of making them for a while.

Because whether it is the selection of ingredients or the cooking techniques, it is completely different from the nine-turn large intestine he knows, and even the iconic intestine is gone.

These are simply two different dishes!

Seeing that Zhang Heping couldn't say a word for a long time, Su Chen whispered, "Why don't you try it first?"

Zhang Heping nodded, and when he picked up the chopsticks and was about to pick it up, he suddenly remembered something, "Boss Su, our brothers and sisters came to you today and did cause trouble. I can't represent others, but I can represent myself. I apologize to you first."

The apology of the second brother was sincere.

He himself is a person who does not fight for fame and fortune and loves food. This time he came to Jingzhou purely because he was fooled by Liu Fu, saying that there was a hidden master here, and the food he made was unparalleled in the world. This is why Zhang Heping followed Liu Fu to secretly come here to spy on military intelligence a day in advance.

If he had known that the brothers and sisters were here to make trouble, Zhang Heping would never have messed with them with his temperament.

Su Chen smiled, "It's nothing, you try it?"

Zhang Heping put the pig intestines back on the plate. He apologized for another reason, "Boss Su, you didn't deliberately keep some of the taste of the large intestines to retaliate against us, did you?"


Su Chen still knew this Internet meme, it is said that it is the best conspiracy of the year.

You can't eliminate me if you don't eat it. If you eat it, I will feed you shit, it's terrible!

"I'm not that kind of person, just eat it with confidence."

Hearing Su Chen's assurance, Zhang Heping nodded, "I believe you!"

Then he picked up the pig intestines that he had just put down, and first looked at it carefully for a long time.

From the feeling from the chopsticks, it can be detected that this piece of pig intestines is already very soft and rotten, and even when picking up the food, there is an illusion that if you use more force, you will crush this piece of large intestines!

After carefully observing it for a long time, Zhang Heping put the pig intestines that were cooked to be extremely soft into his mouth.


He carefully pieced together the taste in his mouth.

Sour, sweet, spicy, salty, all the flavors are there, but it seems that one flavor is missing?

Zhang Heping looked at Su Chen with a strange look, and continued to concentrate on feeling.

The intestines are soft, but not rotten, but tender!

Although you can see a little oil on the surface with your naked eyes, you can't feel it at all when you eat it. The key is

This dish is not fragrant enough.

After eating a mouthful of pig intestines, Zhang Heping smacked his lips, somewhat unwilling to believe, "Boss Su, forgive me for being blunt, if your nine-turn large intestine is considered finished, I personally cannot approve of this dish."


Zhang Heping's expression was very serious when he spoke, just like a teacher giving a lecture to students, "First of all"

Su Chen raised his hand directly, "Don't rush to speak, or take another bite?"

Zhang Heping, who was interrupted, was still a little puzzled.

I can just take a bite, why do I have to take another bite?

But since Su Chen mentioned it, Zhang Heping nodded and picked up another piece of pig intestines and put it in his mouth.

Well, it's the same feeling as before.

The fat intestines are soft and tender, and the taste is very good, but this is different from the taste that the nine-turn large intestine should have.

The taste is sour, sweet, spicy and salty, and it lacks a little flavor compared to the traditional nine-turn large intestine. The most important thing is that it is not fragrant enough.

Zhang Heping was still wondering in his heart, Boss Su could make the pot-roasted pork elbow, milk soup water chestnuts and clear soup bird's nest to that level, so it stands to reason that this nine-turn large intestine should not be made like this!

He chewed very seriously this time, until he finished another piece of large intestine, he wanted to speak again, but was stopped by Su Chen again, "Try another piece."

Zhang Heping patiently picked up another piece, thinking that Boss Su was not playing a joke on me, right?

This time Zhang Heping ate faster, he no longer had the patience to keep tasting, the brothers outside were still waiting for him.

Baji Baji!

After swallowing the third piece of large intestine, Zhang Heping opened his mouth to speak, "Su um?"

Zhang Heping's originally impatient face suddenly changed again and again, first puzzled, then shocked, and finally looked at Su Chen with an unbelievable look.

How is this possible!!!

In the restaurant.

The plates on the two tables were already empty. Fortunately, it was still early and not yet noon. Even so, many people's stomachs were growling.

"Those two dishes are really appetizing. I'm hungry."

"Indeed, Boss Su is quite good at making these two dishes. By the way, Peixin, is it possible that Boss Su's fried chicken cubes are also of this level?"

Wang Peixin had a bitter face. "If we compare them, they can't compare to the level of these two dishes. But the fried chicken cubes made by Boss Su are not only delicious, but the key lies in the technique. You can only know the amazing skills by watching them."

"Hey! This second brother is really something. He has been in there for such a long time and hasn't come out. Is it possible that he wants to eat all the two pig intestines secretly?"

"It's impossible? Second brother shouldn't be that kind of person."

The junior brothers at the other table were talking in low voices, and Cui Yufen was getting impatient waiting.

"Afu, go and see what's going on. It shouldn't take so long to make a nine-turn large intestine, right?"


Liu Fu was about to get up and go to the kitchen to see, but suddenly stopped, and heard a loud shout from the kitchen!


Everyone turned their heads to look over there.

"Awesome! Fuck!"

"Hiss! Really?"

"No way? Let me try it again!"

"Oh my goodness!"

Screams came from the kitchen one after another, and all the brothers were stunned.

What's going on?

"Not good, the second brother is probably going to eat alone! I'll go and see first!" Liu Fu continued the action of getting up just now, and stood up first.

Old Seventeen saw that the situation was not right. If the second brother went in to eat alone, wouldn't you, the eldest brother, not eat alone if you went in?

"I'll go see too! We can't let Lao Er do this!"

"And me, wait for me!"

Cui Yufen looked at this group of unpromising apprentices, each of them was like a fool who had never seen the world.

It's just a few dishes?

Look how anxious you are, have you forgotten what you are here for today?

Bang bang!

Cui Yufen slapped the table, and the loud sound immediately stopped the restlessness of the brothers and sisters. Everyone stopped and looked at the master with embarrassment.

"Follow me."

Seeing Cui Yufen also stood up and walked into the kitchen first through the encirclement of his disciples, Lu Yongliang scratched his hairless head, "Are you guys kidding?"

The situation seemed to be moving in an unknown direction and began to develop.

Lu Yongliang also hurried to catch up. Don't say it, this kitchen is originally quite large, but suddenly more than 20 people squeezed in and felt that the place was a little insufficient.

The few employees who came from Delicious were forced to leave first.

"With so many people going in, will the boss be in trouble?" He Shuting tiptoed to look inside worriedly.

Ling Shuyu crossed his arms and smiled, which was rare. "Nothing will happen. And I have a hunch."

"What hunch?" Bai Xiaobo asked.

"I have a hunch that Delicious will soon usher in a huge change."

Bai Xiaobo wanted to ask why, but when he saw Ling Shuyu's lifeless face again, he had to put away his curiosity.

What changes will there be?

Xiaobai continued to lie at the door and watch the movement in the kitchen. He began to not understand it. These people were clearly here to cause trouble, but now they didn't seem to be looking for trouble!

"Second brother, what are you making a fuss about? Everyone outside can hear you making a fuss!" Liu Fu asked as soon as he entered the door.

At the same time, his eyes swept across the kitchen counter, where there were two plates, one of which was still full of large intestines, and the other was empty, leaving only a little residual sauce.

Good fellow, the second brother is eating alone!

Liu Fu said bluntly, "Isn't it just a nine-turn large intestine? Look at what you are yelling about, let me try it!"

"Big brother, Master hasn't tasted it yet!"

I don't know which bastard shouted this in the crowd, Liu Fu gave the chopsticks he found to Cui Yufen with a green face, "Master, you try it first."

Cui Yufen rolled his eyes at Liu Fu, "Second brother, tell me what's going on?"

Zhang Heping still had that expression on his face, as if he had seen an alien, "Teacher, something's wrong, something's wrong!"

"Don't breathe too loudly when you talk."

Zhang Heping took a few deep breaths, "Teacher. This little boss Su must have some big backer. I won't lie."

Seeing that Cui Yu still wanted to scold him, Zhang Heping spoke faster, "Let's just talk about this nine-turn large intestine. Looking at the entire Lu Province, I, Zhang Laoer, can't say that I am the best, but I am definitely among the top ten. Right?"

All the brothers and sisters nodded, this must be recognized.

Although Zhang Lao'er can't cook in a place like the State Guesthouse, he's good at the same dish!

Many dignitaries in Shandong Province will send invitations to Zhang Laoer when they hold banquets, hoping to invite him to cook this dish. Some famous restaurants will even take some photos and hang them in their stores.

As it is known, the nine-turn large intestine in our store has been instructed by Master Zhang and is absolutely authentic!

"The nine-turn large intestine cooked by Boss Su is completely different from what I know. First of all, the selection of ingredients is different."

This was originally criticized by Zhang Heping, but at Su Chen's urging, he tasted three or four pieces in a row, and then he realized the mystery!

The meat of the large intestine is relatively thick and firm, and relatively greasy. Therefore, in the recipe Zhang Heping learned, various condiments must be added when cooking the large intestine, especially salt!

Otherwise, no matter whether it is simmered over slow fire or cooked over high heat, the flavor of the sauce will not be integrated into the large intestine, and the food will taste detached.

But the intestine body is different. The meat in that part is soft and the texture is more delicate. And I don’t know what method Su Chen used to make the intestine body taste more firm!

Coupled with its own delicateness, I didn't feel anything at all in the first few bites. The more I ate, the more delicious it became, and it felt like an addiction!

After hearing what Zhang Heping said about the ingredients, Cui Yufen nodded expressionlessly, and after a long while he choked out a sentence, "Neither fish nor fowl."

Zhang Heping clapped his hands and said anxiously, "Teacher, it's not just that! When I tasted the fat sausage, one of the five flavors was missing, the bitter taste!"

"Can we still call it Jiuzuan Large Intestine? Isn't this nonsense?"

"That's right, the Nine-turn Large Intestine eats the various aspects of a person's life. What it eats is sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty. Can it be delicious without one flavor? Let me try it, and I will criticize Boss Su!"

"I like to endure hardship, so I'll do it!"

It’s chaos, everything is in chaos!

Zhang Heping's description just now made many fellow apprentices secretly gulp down their saliva. Now that he said there was a missing bitter taste, everyone was even more curious and couldn't help but want to taste what was going on.

Fortunately, Cui Yufen still had some authority in front of this group of people. She coughed a few times and said, "Second brother, please continue."

Zhang Heping swallowed and nodded, "At first I thought this dish tasted weird because it lacked a certain flavor, but after eating a few more bites, I felt something was wrong!"

The source of taste is nothing more than ingredients and seasonings.

The sourness in the dish of Jiuzhuan Large Intestine comes from the vinegar when it is boiled. It has a vinegar-like aroma but not sourness.

The sweetness comes from the white sugar used during coloring. Spicy means pepper for seasoning. In Zhang Heping's method, pepper is also added for seasoning before cooking. If it is salty, soy sauce and refined salt are naturally used.

So where does this suffering come from?

It comes from the bitter taste when frying sugar!

But as for Su Chen, what she fried was tender and sugary in color, and the cooking started before it became bitter, so that the dish had no bitter taste at all!

At first, Zhang Heping only felt that the food tasted a little weird because one flavor was missing, but he tasted it after several bites.

Good guy!

Clear layers. Zhang Heping used to always say that the key point of Nine Turns Large Intestine is that it has clear layers. But after a few mouthfuls, he really realized what the hell it was called, clear layers!

The four flavors of sour, sweet, spicy and salty exist in the mouth at the same time without disturbing each other. It seems that each one exists independently and each taste is bright and bright.

"That's not the point!"

Cui Yu's angry eyebrows are about to explode. You've been talking for a long time and you still haven't gotten to the point?

Can you speak?

Zhang Heping pointed to the plate of untouched dishes, "The most important thing is that Boss Su abandoned the traditional method of making sausages and chose to directly cut the intestines into sections for cooking. And I don't know what method he used. Anyway, That’s it, I can tell with every bite I’m eating a piece of fat sausage!”

All the brothers and sisters were listening carefully, but after hearing this important point, they felt the urge to hit someone.

Isn’t this nonsense?

Could it be that I ate a piece of fat sausage and I still don’t know what I ate?

Zhang Heping also embarrassed himself. He really didn't know how to describe it, so he looked at Su Chen for help.

"Haha." Su Chen had no intention of concealing the specific preparation method of this dish, "What Mr. Zhang said is actually very simple. I think that if the sausage is wrapped without removing the oil, the fat sausage will taste too fragrant, and every bite will taste delicious. It’s very thick and will be a bit chewy if you eat too much.”

"So I gave up the practice of looping the intestines, and at the same time, when cleaning the intestines, I removed about 30% of the fat, which reduced the aroma of the intestines."

"Yes!" Zhang Heping patted his forehead, "That's what it means. It doesn't taste that fragrant, and precisely because the aroma has become lighter, the flavor of the sausage itself comes out. This taste is not the smell of organs, it is the flavor of the sausage itself. the taste of!"

After talking for a long time, Zhang Heping still felt that his words were too pale. Only those who have tasted the beauty of the nine-turn large intestine can know it.

And it’s not just a bite, it’s a big mouthful of food to enjoy!

It’s best to finish one dish before having another!

“Is it so mysterious?”

Cui Yufen walked to the second dish of pig intestines with chopsticks, and she was a little skeptical.

The main reason is that Boss Su made this most traditional Shandong dish, which is also the most famous dish on the Internet, into this kind of weird dish, which is really hard to accept.

Cui Yufen picked up a piece of pig intestines and turned her head before tasting it, "Boss Su, I would like to ask, why do you give up the bitter taste?"

Su Chen was stunned.

How to answer this?

The reason for giving up the bitter taste is very simple. Only in this way can this dish reach the SS level, otherwise it can only be S-level.

And in the method of master Zhang Jixing, he did choose to stir-fry the tender sugar color, and also gave up the bitter taste.

But if you say so, wouldn’t it be denying the original method of that lineage?

Su Chen pondered for a moment and slowly raised his head.

“Life is bitter enough. It’s just a dish, so let’s have more sweetness.”

Cui Yufen:? ? ?

You're still trying to be artistic with me?

Ling Shuyu, who was hiding behind everyone, suddenly felt like he was electrocuted.

Damn it!

Boss Su is showing off again!

Ling Shuyu was even thinking, when can I be like Boss Su, pretending to be so calm, so natural, and so exquisite?

I also want to show off!

I know how to add more chapters. I can't stand it anymore. In addition, my family members, you are really awesome, I can't stand it anymore, I don't want it anymore

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