Food Customizer

Chapter 126 The situation is reversed, Su Chen becomes the guest instead of the host! (Add

Chapter 126 The situation is reversed, Su Chen becomes the guest instead of the host! (Add!)

Cui Yufen and his group of rough people certainly do not approve of Su Chen's literary and artistic style. They just think that this young boss Su must not be convenient to explain the specific reason. This is his unique secret.

Seeing that he couldn't ask anything, Cui Yufen simply started to taste it.

Fortunately, the plate was hot and the operating table also had a heating function. Although this nine-turn large intestine has been out of the pot for a while, the temperature is suitable and does not affect the taste and flavor at all.

Taiwan Novel Network →𝐭𝐰𝐤𝐚𝐧.𝐜𝐨𝐦

Cui Yufen took a bite. Her way of eating was very different from Zhang Heping. She chewed slowly and repeatedly let the air in her mouth spray out of her nasal cavity. Only in this way can she feel the taste of the dish more truly.

Sure enough, after tasting it, Cui Yufen thought to herself that although Zhang Laoer was sometimes unreliable in his words and deeds, he was not as picky as Cui Yufen in eating.

Zhang Heping described all the characteristics of this dish exactly, but the only thing that puzzled Cui Yufen was that it didn't seem as exaggerated as he said!

The taste was the same, and the texture was the same, but it was just the same, how could it be so mysterious?

Seeing Cui Yufen's expression, Su Chen didn't need to speak at all, Zhang Heping said, "Teacher, please taste it again."

"Hmm?" Cui Yufen took another bite to taste.

"Try it again!"

Cui Yufen was a little impatient. What happened to these apprentices today? But she still followed Zhang Heping's instructions and took another bite.

After eating many bites in a row, Cui Yufen's eyes, which had been baptized by the years and were slightly cloudy, suddenly showed a ray of light!

It seems to be a bit interesting!

Hurry up and eat a few more bites!

'So that's it! ’

Cui Yufen, a senior chef who has been working in the chef industry for 40 to 50 years, had a sudden realization for the first time when eating food!

‘So, this is what pig intestines taste like? ’

‘I feel like I have eaten pig intestines for most of my life in vain’

‘I could only taste the oily fragrance before, and almost completely ignored my own taste, and thought that was the fragrance of pig intestines’

‘It’s not like that at all! ’

Baji Baji!

At this moment, Cui Yufen was completely subconsciously picking up the dishes on the plate and putting them into his mouth. The pig intestines were extremely tender and cooked very soft. The two seemingly unrelated tastes could appear on the ingredients at the same time, which was really amazing!

It was not difficult to bite it, and the four distinct flavors of sour, sweet, spicy and salty were just right for an old lady of her age!


The brothers and sisters who were watching looked at their master. Didn’t they just taste a few bites at the beginning? Why did they start to show off after a few bites?

And he was showing off so seriously that everyone was drooling like crazy.


Can't you leave some for your fellow apprentices?

Similarly, the Jiang brothers, who had been standing at the door watching this good show, also nodded with a smile.

"Boss Su is going to be famous this time. He has conquered half of the Shandong cuisine circle by himself!"

Jiang Wusheng nodded first, then shook his head gently, "It's not that exaggerated. Cui Yufen's school is just an ordinary level in the Shandong cuisine circle, and she is not the only state banquet master."

To make a qualified state banquet, depending on the specifications, sometimes even four or five hundred chefs will be invited, and every four to five people will be responsible for a dish.

These chefs can all be called state banquet masters.

So in fact, there is nothing mysterious about state banquet masters. They cannot represent the highest level of Chinese cuisine.

And even if they are both state banquet masters, there is a world of difference. Lu Yongliang and Cui Yufen are masters of the same level. Above them, there are still many people who need them to look up to.

Jiang Wensheng nodded in agreement, "But in any case, I have mastered the Beijing lineage. It's a pity. I think Boss Su doesn't care about fame and fortune. If he can go to Beijing to take up a position now, he will surely become a top figure in a few years!"

There is a reason why Beijing is called a food desert.

It's not that there is no food in Beijing, but that Beijing doesn't have its own food at all. Even the halal food that many people love is brought in by outsiders.

The old and famous brands that can be counted are mostly run by chefs from outsiders, and they all cook foreign cuisines.

So if any chef can get the recognition of chefs in the Beijing circle, he will be able to rise to prominence in a few years after entering the circle.

Take up a position?

Hearing this word, Jiang Wusheng suddenly thought of something, "You mean to take a job?"

"Yes!" Jiang Wensheng said, "Isn't this kind of play popular now? The master takes a job in a restaurant. In fact, he rarely goes to the kitchen to cook, but he will go to cook once in a while. Those diners who love gourmet food will naturally look up to this restaurant in order to pursue the master's craftsmanship."

This play is fresh!

Jiang Wusheng suddenly thought of a possibility.

If Boss Su takes a job in his own museum, wouldn't he be able to openly invite him to the museum to cook a few specimen dishes and write a few recipes for future generations to admire?

What a good idea!

Jiang Wusheng was thinking about how to proceed with this matter, while Cui Yufen had already eaten all the pig intestines on the plate.

The old lady was actually convinced by the previous two dishes, and this nine-turn large intestine made her extremely satisfied with Su Chen's craftsmanship.

But what old lady doesn’t like to save face?

"Boss Su, I am convinced of your dish from the bottom of my heart." Cui Yufen is not the kind of person to mess around. "But there is one last point that I must put forward."

"Tell me more." Su Chen always maintained an attitude of neither being humble nor being overbearing.

"The reason why this nine-turn large intestine is called nine-turn large intestine is not only for historical reasons but also related to its shape. Although it is difficult to cover nine layers of intestine, if you don't have this layer, it is also called nine-turn large intestine. Isn’t it a little inappropriate?”

Oh, so that’s it.

Su Chen understood. The old lady recognized her cooking skills, but she also wanted to find a way to get off the ground.

You can't just come here and still be embarrassed if things don't work out, right?

Su Chen is also very sensible, and he has to pay for the steps. "If you look at the appearance alone, this dish is different from the traditional nine-turn large intestine."

Su Chen first confirmed the old lady's statement, which made Cui Yufen nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"But Teacher Cui, in addition to the appearance, the name of the Nine-turn Large Intestine has a lot to do with the cooking techniques and taste. From these two perspectives, there is nothing wrong with calling this dish the Nine-turn Large Intestine."

"Well, what you said makes sense." Cui Yu straightened his shirt, "It's a bit presumptuous of me to come early today. I wonder how many dishes Boss Su has yet to cook? If it's too late, you can let me These disciples are doing you a favor."

"That's not true." Su Chen instinctively refused, but was interrupted by Zhang Heping's voice.

"You're right! I came early today, and it's a bit presumptuous to taste it for so long. You all can go out and let me give Boss Su a try. Everyone can just wait and eat!"

Hurrah! Liu Fu looked at Zhang Laoer's upright expression and thought to himself, this guy has not learned the good things of traveling around now, how come he has learned such a few shameless tricks?

If we really want you to stay in the kitchen and help out, will we still be able to eat?

"As a senior brother, I still have to set an example. Junior brothers, please go out for a short rest. I'll just stay here to help."

Lao Shiqi and Wang Peixin, the younger ones here, looked at each other.

"The boss and the second child are so shameless!"

"That's right. I obviously want to eat first, but I insist on setting an example. If this can be called an example, then I can do it too!"

"I haven't eaten a single bite of the Nine-turn Large Intestine, and you don't want us to eat the rest? I also took two thousand yuan with me for today's meal. What do you mean?"

"You're right! I want to stay and help, so you all can go!"

Suddenly, the kitchen was in chaos, and no one was convinced that the others stayed. After all, as the old saying goes, a cook will not starve to death even if there is a drought for three years.

Is it normal to have a taste when cooking?

Is it okay to taste it for the customer first?

When putting it on the plate, you realize you made too much. Is it normal for you to eat the extra?

At this time, everyone wants to stay. Let’s not talk about how to help. Anyway, I will definitely be the first to taste the dishes cooked by Boss Su.

This is enough!

Seeing that his apprentices were so unsatisfied, Cui Yufen stamped his feet angrily, "Boss Su, let's go! Let's sit outside and let my disciples cook for us to eat!"

Good guy.

Su Chen touched his forehead, fearing that he heard the wrong words.

Lu Yongliang grabbed his arm and said, "Just listen to Teacher Cui."

The three of them walked out of the kitchen together, ignoring the noisy apprentices.

After sitting down, Lu Yongliang sat between the two of them, "Yufen, there are two more guests today that I forgot to introduce to you."

"Oh? Who is it?"

Lu Yongliang stood up and walked over with the Jiang brothers, "This is Jiang Wusheng, the founder of the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum. This is his brother Jiang Wensheng, the owner and chef of Yangzhou Flavor Juice."

"Brother Jiang?" Cui Yufen shook hands with the two of them one by one, "I met you in the State Guesthouse before. You were still very young at that time. Why don't you cook now?"

Jiang Wusheng said with a smile, "I want to leave something to my ancestors and leave some memories to my descendants, so why not build a Huaiyang Cuisine Museum?"

Jiang Wensheng also said, "Teacher Cui, this time I was originally holding an engagement banquet for my son. I never expected that you would always hold birthday banquets here. I came in a hurry and didn't bring a gift. Please forgive me."

Cui Yufen waved his hand, "You're welcome."

After a while of politeness, a few people started chatting again.

Su Chen discovered something very interesting.

Cui Yufen is actually not the overbearing and unreasonable character that Lu Yongliang said. This old lady is actually protecting her shortcomings.

At that time, I saw my apprentice being provoked by an unknown person, so I naturally wanted to get this situation back.

Now that he has seen Su Chen's true craftsmanship with his apprentice, Cui Yu no longer has the slightest prejudice against Su Chen, and even studies with Su Chen from time to time on some issues related to the production of Shandong cuisine.

This also made Su Chen's impression of Teacher Cui much better.

It's okay to protect one's shortcomings, and Su Chen will protect one's shortcomings. If anyone dares to bully the employees of Meishilai, he will definitely stand in front of them.

But if you really did something wrong, you have to admit it!

This is the principle of Su Chen's conduct in life.

After the misunderstanding was resolved, several people chatted happily in the restaurant, especially Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang discussing the chef competition, which made Su Chen listen with great interest.

This made the twenty brothers in the kitchen anxious.

"What should we do this time? I can't cook this dish at all! You can do it yourself!" Liu Fu stood at the door with his hands on his hips. It was not right to go out at this time, nor was it right to stay in the kitchen.

Old Seventeen hurriedly said, "Boss Su has already made pot-roasted pork elbows, so I won't make it, so as not to repeat the dishes. Thank you all brothers!"

Wang Peixin also meant this, "The fried chicken cubes have been beaten by Boss Su, so I won't make a fool of myself."

The second brother was holding his big belly, "I haven't cooked for many years, I can't do it anymore!"

The other brothers were confused.

How did the situation turn around so quickly?

We were supposed to sit and taste Boss Su's dishes, but after everyone argued like this, the teacher took Boss Su away directly!

Leaving these apprentices in the kitchen is not to say that they can't cook, but the key is that if this dish is cooked, there will be problems!

Who is outside now?

Cui Yufen, the teacher of everyone.

Lu Yongliang, the master of Hubei cuisine.

There are also the Jiang brothers, plus Boss Su who beat more than 20 people into a state of disfigurement.

If these few people sit there, whoever cooks the dish and serves it to them, what is the difference between this and torturing them on the stove?

It can't be cooked, this dish really can't be cooked!

"If you don't cook, I will go out and tell the master that everyone is in a bad state today and can't cook it. I wonder which restaurant of yours is not afraid of embarrassment?" Liu Fu began to coerce and lure at this time.

These apprentices are all chefs in major restaurants across the country. It's not shameful if they can't cook martial arts.

But if they don't even dare to cook a dish, it will be really embarrassing!

If this gets out, like the junior brother who works at Quanjude, the market value of his restaurant will evaporate by several small targets?

"Just do it! It's a death anyway, isn't it?" The fifth junior brother stood up, "I see Boss Su has prepared sea cucumbers here, let me show off the scallion-fried sea cucumber!"

The fifth junior brother Zeng Bufan, the chef of Yantai Penglaichun Restaurant, is good at making seafood, and this scallion-fried sea cucumber is his specialty.

With the first warrior, the other brothers also secretly clenched their fists.

"I'll make the sweet and sour carp!"

"Leave the Boshan dishes to me, make a tofu box!"

"Then I'll take care of this braised prawns!"

The ingredients in Su Chen's kitchen are all well prepared, and the ingredients needed for each dish are all classified and placed, which is clear at a glance.

The chefs can basically know what dish to prepare based on the classification of ingredients, and everyone has their own specialty. Soon, more than ten brothers have chosen their own exclusive dishes.

Liu Fu and Zhang Heping both breathed a sigh of relief.

It's better to let the junior brother die than to let the senior brother die!

When the master criticizes them, we can just sit on the fence and follow the wind, isn't it wonderful?

As the kitchen kept busy, one dish after another quickly appeared on the two tables.

When all the dishes were served, Su Chen looked at the time. There was still a birthday duck stewed in the pot, don't forget it.

The brothers came out of the kitchen and argued for a long time about how to sit.

Everyone wanted to sit at another table, at least with their backs to Teacher Cui when being commented on. If they sat at the same table, wouldn't they be slapped in the face?

"Boss Su, I didn't expect this to happen today. Let these apprentices cook some dishes as an apology to you, and you can also help them taste it. If there are any shortcomings, please point them out!"

Su Chen laughed dryly twice.

I didn't expect it to turn out like this. A good banquet was messed up like this, and I became a guest! The guest has become the host!

There is magic in the kitchen where delicious food comes, right?

Everyone who comes here wants to show off their cooking skills, right?

Let's try it!

Su Chen stretched out his chopsticks and aimed at the scallion-fried sea cucumber. In the food practice room, this dish was also a dish that was repeatedly made and learned.

But in the end, it could only stay at the S level, even if the existence of the top of taste could clearly feel where the flaws of the scallion-fried sea cucumber were.

After picking it up and taking a bite, Su Chen could conclude in his heart: A level.

At this level, it is indeed good enough for ordinary restaurants and can become the signature dish of the restaurant.

At present, from Su Chen's point of view, apart from himself, Lu Yongliang's steamed Wuchang fish can reach the S level.

Liu Abao can also make a few S-level dishes, but that is under the special training of Su Chen and the formulaic production.

SS level, apart from Su Chen, there is no one else in the world!

So this scallion-fried sea cucumber is definitely a delicacy in the eyes of ordinary people, but for Su Chen

"Since Teacher Cui asked me to say a few words, I will just say a few words."

"It's well done, with the right texture and taste, but it overlooked a crucial issue."

The fifth junior brother heard Boss Su start to comment, and stood up with a stiff upper lip, "Thank you Boss Su for your advice!"

Su Chen said, "Sea cucumber has a strong flavor. Most Shandong cuisine chefs like to attack with strong flavors, with strong juice and strong flavors inside and strong colors outside. The reason why it is done well is that there are no problems with these."

The fifth junior brother breathed a sigh of relief.

Being recognized in this aspect means that my basic skills are fine.

"But many people overlook a feature." Su Chen picked up a piece of sea cucumber, "Sea cucumbers are inaction, juicy and smelly, so when it comes to thickening, the heat of stewing is important, but what is really important is the final thickening."

When he spoke, the thickening sauce on the surface of the sea cucumber was dripping into the plate.

"If there is no residual juice after eating, I think this dish will taste better."

Su Chen put the sea cucumber back.

This level of dishes will only make him feel uncomfortable after eating.

No residual juice after eating?

The fifth apprentice brother bit his lip and frowned in thought, and suddenly said, "Master! I understand!"

The others looked at Lao Wu.

Didn't you understand it because of what you did?

This can also be understood?

No, no, I can't do it anymore

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