Food Customizer

Chapter 138 New home cooking, perfect with rice!

"Today's income: more than 1,300?"

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After returning to the company, Su Chen looked at the payment record on WeChat and earned 1,300 in more than three hours.

It looks like a lot, but it's not much if you count the wages.

This money, of course, has to be deposited into the company's account!

"Boss!" Ling Shuyu did not go back to the second floor, but came to his office with Su Chen, "What time will the stall be opened tomorrow?"

Su Chen pointed to the sofa next to him and asked Ling Shuyu to sit first.

"Do you think there is any meaning in opening this stall?" Su Chen wanted to hear her opinion.

For Su Chen, the meaning of opening a stall is to complete the system task.

But for Ling Shuyu, this guy can definitely think of something else, as long as he puts some pressure on himself.

As a boss, if you have to think about everything yourself, what do you need employees for?

Ling Shuyu was stunned for a moment, opened his mouth and then closed it.

‘Why did the boss suddenly ask me this question? Did our actions today make him angry? ’

The workplace expert immediately began to think about the meaning of this question.

‘No. I saw the boss cooking today and he was very happy, much happier than when he was cooking in the company, that is’

Ling Shuyu suddenly thought of a possibility.

‘So the boss asked me this question, he must want to test me! See if I can find the extraordinary meaning of work from the ordinary stall! ’

Yes, it must be like this?

At the same time, Ling Shuyu couldn't help but look at Su Chen with a very admiring look.

The last time the boss proposed a public welfare action, only the free three meals for ten kindergarten teachers solved the big problem of insufficient staff for the small dining table!

This time, the boss must have thought of something in his heart, but he didn't say it, he just wanted to test me.

Be careful with your words

After thinking for several minutes, Su Chen looked at the usually arrogant Ling, sometimes frowning and sometimes biting his lips.

I just asked you why you made this expression?

A few minutes later.

Ling Shuyu nodded slightly, as if to encourage himself, "Boss, I know what you mean."

"Ah?" Su Chen pinched his chin, what do I mean?

"You mean, if it's just a stall, it's meaningless, the money earned is not much and everyone is very tired."

This is true, Su Chen didn't interrupt Ling Shuyu, wanting to hear her continue.

"But if you can find a new development direction for the company by setting up a stall, it will be of great significance! Boss, I understand!"

"I will design a poster and print it tomorrow morning. It will introduce our company, and then let those customers who want to eat but can't eat come to the company to eat when they are free!"

Su Chen:? ? ?

Ling Shuyu seemed to have opened up some ideas, "Yes! That's right. On the surface, we are setting up stalls, but in fact, we are paving the way for the future development of the company!

After the big canteen on the third floor is built, there will be an awkward gap once the sports meeting is over, but if we promote it now by setting up stalls, we will have business at that time!"

Su Chen: Can this be connected?

Ling Shuyu is still talking endlessly, "Boss, you are too amazing, you can think of this! If you hadn't reminded me, I really couldn't think of so much"

Sure enough!

Ling Shuyu looked at Su Chen with admiration, otherwise he could be a boss, his thinking is active, and he never does useless work.

Su Chen was directly confused by her operation, but his face still maintained that calmness, "You said it very well. But don't be too exaggerated when designing the poster, just a simple introduction will do."

"Yeah! Boss, I'll go to work now!"

Ling Shuyu is worthy of being a workaholic! ! !

After that, he went directly to the second floor, turned on the lights in the office and started working. It was obvious that he was going to stay up late and work overtime!

Ling Shuyu was still thinking while entering the computer password.

I have to work hard in the future. I have learned more and more from Boss Su. Well, come on!

As for Su Chen, he locked the door of his office and touched his nose a little embarrassedly.

Mr. Ling's thoughts are too wild, right?

But this is really a good idea. Before, Su Chen only thought that after the third floor was built, the business would gradually get better.

Now that Mr. Ling said this, it seems that this stall is really a good opportunity.

Today's business is so good, it can be used to promote it. It's better to do it than not to do it, right?

In fact, this is why Su Chen has been leaving Ling Shuyu alone.

Even if Ling Shuyu didn't come to work all day, he would let Liu Shengnan record his full attendance.

The meaning of Ling Shuyu's existence has never been to wash dishes and wash plates.

"It seems that I have to increase my salary next month. I can't lose such a good employee."

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Su Chen made himself a cup of tea and placed it on the coffee table, then lay down on the recliner beside him.

The biggest problem now is that the dishes are too slow.

At this rate, it is almost impossible to complete the sales task of 300,000 in a month.

Unless the menu price continues to increase!

But this kind of home-cooked stir-fry, or a roadside stall, will definitely lose a large part of the customers if the price is raised too high, which is a bit of a loss.

‘First, let Bai Xiaobo modify the internal structure of the dining car tomorrow morning. A high-fire stove must be arranged. And at least two. The pot must also be changed. The amount of one dish is not much, and one pot can make two at the same time. ’

With Su Chen's current skills, it is no problem to make two pots of dishes at the same time. In this way, the speed of serving dishes will at least increase several times.

‘Then there are new dishes. The stir-fried yellow beef has reached the S level of home-cooked dishes. The next is’

Su Chen looked at the thirty home-cooked dishes given in the task in his mind.

The second dish, a batch of home-cooked dishes!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if someone has never been in the kitchen, it will not be so unpalatable when it is made for the first time.

This dish exists in the world simply to save kitchen idiots!

If your cooking skills are very average, when your family needs to entertain guests, you can directly take out this dish, and finally tell them very coolly: This is my specialty!

That's right, it is.

Tomatoes, scrambled eggs!!!

"This dish" Su Chen came to the practice room helplessly.

Now he understood that when the system said home-cooked dishes, they were really home-cooked dishes.

This dish was not difficult to make. Su Chen first summoned a few eggs and smashed them and stirred them evenly, then blanched the tomatoes, peeled them and cut them into petals.

Then cut the scallion whites into the shape of small eyebrow scallions, and all the ingredients for a home-cooked dish were ready.

"Should I fry the tomatoes or the eggs first?"

Of course, I should fry the eggs first!

In just six minutes, a fragrant tomato scrambled eggs appeared on the plate.

"It feels like something is missing"

Su Chen looked at the plate. The tomatoes were fried red, and the eggs were yellow with a hint of white. The colors looked a little too warm.

"Give me a cucumber!"

The cucumber slices summoned were about the thickness of a coin, and a few slices were immediately placed on the plate.

"It feels right"

It is said that Chinese food pays attention to color, fragrance and taste, and it is not unreasonable to put the word color first.

Otherwise, why would there be such a saying as "it looks delicious"?

[Scrambled eggs with tomatoes: Rating, A-level]

Su Chen was not surprised that this home-cooked dish was cooked to this extent.

It is one of those dishes with a very high minimum. No matter how it is made, as long as the steps are correct and the seasonings are added correctly, the taste will never be bad.

But if you want to go further

Su Chen directly turned on the skill of white jade hand in the practice room.

If it is not used today, it will be a bit of a waste.

For the whole night, Su Chen almost did not sleep well. He kept going back and forth in the practice room and in reality.

Until the day was slightly bright, he went to bed contentedly, and did not forget to privately chat with all employees about their work tasks, and then turned off his mobile phone.

Delicious food, second floor.

Because the renovation affected the business, breakfast has been temporarily cancelled, and a sign of suspension of business has been hung directly.

However, Zhang Heping still got up early as usual in the past few days.

He first paid attention to the recent chef competition.

"Sure, Liu Abao actually won the first place and entered the world competition?"

Zhang Heping was more and more confused as he watched the video clips of the competition on Douyin.

"It's not in this finals. Liu Abao is obviously a Hubei cuisine chef. Why is he competing with a Huaiyang dish?"

The dish that Liu Abao presented to the judges in the video was a Huaiyang famous dish, stewed crab meat and lion head.

After watching the whole video, Zhang Heping fell into deep thought.

'Abao must have learned something from Boss Su. This stewed crab meat and lion head can make the judges pass with five full marks, which means it is really well done. '

What he didn't know was.

Although Su Chen only made lion heads twice in the kitchen, Liu Abao stared at it every time.

And when Su Chen made it for the first time, he also told Liu Abao some key points. Coupled with the training on the second floor some time ago, Abao now has a new understanding of the two cooking skills of [stewing] and [boiling].

It is not surprising to make a lion head dish between A and S.

After watching the video of the competition, Zhang Heping made himself a very casual breakfast, and then began to prepare the ingredients needed for the stall in the evening.

While cutting the beef, the phone rang.


Looking at the time, it was only five o'clock. Zhang Heping touched his head, wondering if Boss Su had woken up or not.

[Boss: Buy 100 kilograms of tomatoes, 100 kilograms of eggs, and 20 kilograms of green onions today. The beef will be served with vegetables according to the amount of 100 portions, and stored at minus five degrees after cutting. ]


"Boss, are you going to serve new dishes?" Zhang Heping immediately became motivated.

It should be said that when setting up a stall in the botanical garden the night before, although Zhang Heping was busy, he also had new insights when watching Su Chen cook.

Diners have different tastes, so they have to season according to their preferences. It is not easy for Boss Su to do this. It is pure welfare to promote delicious customization from high-end to low-end.

So in Zhang Heping's mind, Su Chen is not a traditional chef.

He prefers to call him a gourmet.

"It seems that the new dish is scrambled eggs with tomatoes. Well, I have to prepare more rice in the evening."

If there are levels for eating with rice, stir-fried beef is at most level 7, while fried tomato and eggs is the highest level!

However, Zhang Heping doesn't quite understand one thing.

People rarely order fried tomato and eggs when they go out to eat. Generally, people who order this dish are really hungry and need to eat!

In terms of tasting, this dish is not the first one to be ordered.

But since the boss has spoken, Zhang Heping knows that he just needs to do it!

Until ten o'clock in the morning, when the delicious food came to the company, the employees came to the company one after another.

Bai Xiaobo said hello to Liu Shengnan, withdrew a sum of money from the finance department and left directly, and also called Zhang Heping.

Xiaobai didn't know much about various fierce stoves, so Zhang Laoer accompanied him to have a reference.

He Shuting had nothing to say. She needed to cooperate with Aunt Fang to disinfect and manage the beds of the small dining table. This was a must-do every day.

The work content received by Zhang Li was a bit special: listen to General Ling's command.

"So, Sister Ling has any new ideas?"

Zhang Li entered the office with a hint of curiosity, only to see Ling Shuyu working on the computer. Although her eyes were full of excitement, her face was obviously a little haggard.

"Sister Ling, did you stay up late again?"

Ling Shuyu stared at the computer and hummed, "The poster will be ready soon. You can take the sample out to print one later and hang it up with an X-frame at night."

"Ah?" Zhang Li leaned on the table and looked at the computer, "You've been busy all night? But even if we don't do this, our business is still good!"

Ling Shuyu raised the corner of his mouth, "You don't understand."

After all, even I don't understand it myself.

Zhang Li looked at the poster. It was very simple and refreshing, but the information was very large.

Especially the personal profile of Boss Su, which was very detailed!

"Okay, I've copied the sample to the USB drive, you can just take it and do it. No need to run around, just go to Xinghui's printing department and do it, just say I asked you to do it."

Well, this can also save the boss some money, I'm really a good employee who is frugal and manages the family well!

Zhang Li looked at Ling Shuyu's happy smile.

Is it appropriate to fleece the former boss and support the current boss, Sister Ling?

Regardless of whether it is appropriate or not, it is okay to do this little thing with Ling Shuyu's face. After settling the work, Ling Shuyu said hello to everyone and went home to sleep.

Su Chen just sent a message to each of them, and all the members of Delicious Lai entered an orderly working state.

Because of the busyness caused by the stall, it is not just the collective members of Delicious Lai, but also one person.

"Damn it! Because of two bowls of stir-fried beef, I actually have to increase my exercise so much!"

Suxian Fitness Training Camp.

Shen Ning had just finished aerobics and was doing strength training at this time.

If you don't talk about the amount of food for a fat-reducing meal, you are just being a hooligan!

Even if you eat two servings and add a bowl of rice, what kind of fitness meal is this?

Shen Ning, who has already done three times the amount of training as usual, wiped the sweat off his head with a towel, took a deep breath and stood on the body fat scale.

[Your weight: 115 pounds]


Shen Ning was stunned!

"No, how come I have two pounds more?"

165cm tall and 113cm heavy are the body proportions that Shen Ning tailored for herself.

After all, she often does strength training, and it is normal for the same body type to be a little heavier than ordinary people, but the question is, what's the matter with the sudden extra two pounds?

"It seems that I have to increase the amount of training!"

Shen Ning took a deep breath and immediately returned to the treadmill, taking advantage of the heat to do another 40 minutes of aerobics!

At the same time, he secretly made up his mind.

'Occasional indulgence is okay, but you can't be blinded by desire. ’

‘Well, I will definitely not go to the pedestrian street to eat today! ’

Thinking of this, Shen Ning took out her mobile phone while running and sent a notification in her student group.

[Shen Ning: Tonight's running training is one hour earlier. ]

‘Well, when I ran over yesterday, the boss seemed to have just set up his stall. ’

‘If I had been one hour earlier, I wouldn't have run into him, right? Out of sight, out of mind! Perfect! ’

Thinking of this, Shen Ning smiled happily.

She had no idea that after she sent the message, another small group was so lively!

[Zhang Jiayi: Sisters, that's great. Today's training is one hour earlier. We can go directly to the handsome guy in the suit to eat after we finish! ]

[Zhu Kexin: Do you still want to eat? Woo woo woo, I weighed two pounds more today, what should I do! ]

[Fang Xiaorui: Did you not go to the toilet? I lost weight when I went to the toilet. This is a normal weight fluctuation. What are you panicking about? Besides, what is the purpose of our weight loss exercise? Isn't it just to eat? ]

[Zhang Jiayi: Exactly! How can you lose weight if you don’t eat enough? At worst, we can skip the staple food today. It’s no big deal if we just eat some vegetables and beef.]

Then there was a series of thumbs up in the group, and Zhang Jiayi’s proposal was recognized by the three sisters.

Time flies.

When Su Chen woke up, it was already afternoon.

After washing up, he made himself a bowl of SS-grade stir-fried noodles in the kitchen on the 19th floor, and then boiled two S-grade tea eggs.

‘This is so satisfying! ’

Su Chen likes to eat noodles with more soup and less noodles, roughly maintaining a ratio of 70:30.

As for the tea eggs, use chopsticks to poke the bowl, and then poke the egg yolk to make it melt in the noodle soup.

This noodle soup is so delicious!

After dinner, Su Chen changed into a clean suit, dressed neatly and went to the second floor.

The employees are all there.

"Let's open the stall earlier today, and everyone can get off work earlier."

Zhang Heping glanced at the time, "Boss, it's only four o'clock now. There was no one there when we opened the stall at five o'clock yesterday."

Even if you open the stall early, you have to pay attention to the time. Who eats at this time?

Su Chen said, "It's okay, I'll know when I go out."

Then, all the employees of Delicious!

Each of them took their tools, some took Mercedes-Benz, and some directly got on the dining car.

One hour early.

Set off to the botanical garden!

Family members, very sorry news. Because the wedding will be held on the 10th, the update can only be temporarily reduced to 5,000 words per day. My wife's return ceremony will be held on the 12th. At the latest, the daily 10,000 will be resumed on the 14th. I hope everyone will understand, thank you.

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