Food Customizer

Chapter 151 Return to old business and continue setting up stalls!

When Su Chen brought out a plate of braised pork with rice on a white jade plate.

Fang Chang's expression was like this: (¬¬)?

"No, Boss Su? Why is it that the braised pork I eat is a big bowl, while the braised pork my wife eats looks so delicate?"

It should be said that this braised pork looks a bit delicate.

On the white jade plate, there are nine square pieces of braised pork, with three hawthorn fruits dotted in one corner, and a leaf of coriander next to the fruit.

If you put aside the taste, this visual impact is still there.

"Tsk, this just matches the dietary characteristics of people in the north and south, you know shit!"

This was not said by Su Chen, but by Jiang Yuan.

"We southerners eat more delicately, while northerners eat more roughly and pay attention to the quantity! So, it would be better if the braised pork was a little less. No girl in the south can eat nine pieces of braised pork at a time."

Su Chen nodded, "Well said! When we set up the stall in the afternoon, the price of a portion of braised pork will be changed from 9 yuan to 5 yuan."

After that, he said, "The price remains the same."


Fang Chang looked at Su Chen in disbelief.

This is definitely a profiteer!

"Boss Su, how are you going to sell this braised pork?"

"As your wife said, the salty and fresh braised pork is relatively simple and quick to make. One portion is one spoonful, and the price is 58 yuan."

Fang Chang nodded affirmatively. This price is not outrageous.

One spoonful is still quite a lot. Putting aside the factor that you want to eat more because it is too delicious, an ordinary adult can definitely eat a spoonful plus a portion of rice.

Of course, the kind made by Boss Su is another story.

"For sweet braised pork." Su Chen looked at the plate in front of Jiang Yuan, "Let's sell it for 88 yuan, the standard price is 5 yuan."


Fang Chang glared at his wife fiercely.

If you hadn't been so talkative, you could have eaten 9 yuan for 88 yuan, but now you can only eat 5 yuan!

Damn it!

Jiang Yuan didn't care, "5 yuan is not a small amount, who can eat braised pork endlessly!"

After saying that, she picked up a square piece of braised pork and put it on the rice.

The meat was covered with thick soup, which was pulled into a long soup thread. When it was placed on the rice, it immediately melted in the rice grains.

Jiang Yuan blew on the meat carefully twice, and then she shoveled a whole piece of braised pork into her mouth.

Everyone looked at her expression, especially Su Chen and Zhang Laoer.

"Hmm" Jiang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "Sweet and fresh, not fat or greasy, lean meat is not dry, the taste is still good!"

That's it?

Su Chen didn't quite believe it. This was an A-level item in the practice room. If it was given to students who liked sweet braised pork, it would most likely be S-level.

That's the result?

Jiang Yuan finished the braised pork and ate a mouthful of rice, "It's delicious, another piece!"

Su Chen just thought Jiang Yuan's reaction was too bland, right?

A group of people surrounded this girl Yang Zhou.

One bite, one bite, one bite after another.

Fang Chang swallowed several times until Jiang Yuan picked up the last piece of braised pork.

"Wife, didn't you say that no southern girl can eat nine pieces of braised pork at a time? How about this one for me?"

Jiang Yuan shook her head, "This is breakfast and lunch, I won't eat lunch at noon!"

Baji Baji~

Fang Chang touched his head and felt that what he said made sense and could not be refuted.

"Burp~" After Jiang Yuan finished a plate of braised pork and rice, she smiled at Su Chen, "Boss Su, do you have any braised pork left? How about I have some more?"

"Uh?" Su Chen asked, "What do you think of this braised pork?"

He hoped to hear some comments, preferably with both advantages and disadvantages.

"It's delicious, so I want to eat another portion."

Well, Su Chen looked at Fang Chang helplessly, thinking that this girl couldn't explain it, so he had to use some extreme methods, "Fang Chang, settle your wife's bill."

Fang Chang: ? ? ?

"Boss Su, didn't you say to taste the food?"

Su Chen hummed, "But I don't think I said free tasting?"

"But isn't tasting free?"

Fang Chang wanted to argue a little, but Jiang Yuan grabbed the meat on his waist, "What are you talking about? Give it to you if I ask you to! Give me the money for two portions, and I want to eat one more!"


As WeChat prompted the payment of 176 yuan, Su Chen silently looked at the task progress in his mind.

Compared with the previous progress, it increased by 88 yuan.


It seems that Jiang Yuan just can't express herself. This sweet braised pork really hits her heart's content!

In this case.

Su Chen patted Fang Chang's shoulder, "I'll save the money for the second portion for you. When you set up the stall in the afternoon, you can give the first portion to your wife."

Fang Chang looked at Su Chen and dragged Zhang Laoer back to the kitchen in confusion.

"No, why is there an advance payment? Who is the supplier?"

Fang Chang made a rough calculation.

The money earned from Boss Su might not be as much as the money spent!


The production process of salty and fresh braised pork is very simple. You just need to press it in the pressure cooker for a sufficient time.

Then take it all out and soak it in a stainless steel bucket so that it can be flavored.

All you need to do when setting up the stall is to have a customer order salty braised pork, directly add the meat and soup to the pot, and then heat it over high heat to reduce the juice.

The other two hundred kilograms of pork belly pieces need to be blanched and cut into small cubes, and then simmered on low heat for 90 minutes using Su Chen's unique hawthorn cooking method.

Put it into a stainless steel bucket and continue to soak it in the soup. After the customer orders, the sauce is collected directly over high heat. After placing three 'actors', the dish is ready to serve.

‘After doing this, the dish that comes out the fastest is the braised pork. ’

After finishing all these tasks with Zhang Heping, the time was approaching noon.

It's time for dinner too.

"It's okay to stay still. In fact, it's okay to set up a stall in advance today."

Liu Shengnan glanced at the second floor, "But will we not have enough manpower today?"

Bai Xiaobo and Ling Shuyu both went home to rest. Although Bai Xiaobo would only add chaos if he stayed, he could still move some things.

Ling Shuyu, I don’t do much work.

But when people stopped there, there was no need for He Shuting to shout through the loudspeaker. Those who wanted to disrupt order were frightened just by seeing Mr. Ling's eyes and queued up obediently.

Still very useful.

"There's nothing you can do about it." Su Chen turned to look at Fang Chang, "How about being my employee today?"

"Ah?" Fang Chang didn't leave all morning, just waiting for Su Chen to come out of the stall. By then, wouldn't he have the first stir-fried dish at his fingertips?

"You can work as an employee for me for a day, and you'll be satisfied with the braised pork."

Facing the conditions Su Chen promised, Brother Fang Chang swallowed, "Do you still want someone else?"


Fang Chang is a very interesting person. At this time, he would not forget to grab his good brother, "Zhan Yang! He works during the day today, and he will come over after work, which is around six o'clock in the evening."

"That's okay." Su Chen nodded, "You two will be my employees for a day, and you will have enough food to eat today!"

Now that we are all good friends, talking about money is a bit hurtful.

Fang Chang happily agreed.

I thought that when the time came, I would serve two portions of braised pork, two portions of yellow beef, and fuck him a portion of scrambled eggs with tomatoes. The money would add up to a lot, and I would earn it all by myself!

Immediately he walked to the stairs and called his good brother Zhan Yang.

"You come directly to the pedestrian street after get off work in the evening."

"What's going on?" Zhan Yang was blowing the wind on the mountain and looking at the power station.

Fang Chang's tone was very proud, "Brother, I've found a good job for you. After get off work, come directly to the pedestrian street and work for Boss Su."

"Ah?" Zhan Yang was stunned as he looked at the windmill-like generator not far away, "I've been working all day and you want me to go work?"

"Are you anxious?" Fang Chang seemed to have expected it, "I'm telling you, if you work for Boss Su today, you don't have to worry about what you eat, just be satisfied!"

"Hiss! Really?" When it comes to eating and being full, this is a great temptation for Zhan Yang who has been in the mountains all day.

"Really, don't worry about this! I've already settled it. Let's not talk about it for now, I seem to be looking at an internet celebrity."

Before Zhan Yang could ask more questions, Fang Chang hung up the phone. Don't tell me, he was really looking at an Internet celebrity.

Ever since he had dinner at Su Chen's place, Fang Chang had paid special attention to the bloggers on Douyin who were cooking and visiting the restaurant.

From time to time, I want to find some delicious food on the Internet, and then try my best to ask Su Chen to cook it.

The person in front of him seemed so familiar. Fang Chang said tentatively, "Just a casual conversation, will the truth be revealed immediately?"

"Yo! Fans?"

The person who came was none other than Teacher Sui who had just attended the event in the capital!

"Oh, it's really you! Can I take a photo with you?"

"Come on!"

Teacher Sui was very generous and easy-going and took Fang Chang to stand together. He took a photo and said, "Is this Su Chen, Boss Su's company?"

"Yes! Yes!" Fang Chang said, "Boss Su is inside right now! Are you here to explore the store?"

Sui Po heard the word 'ye' and said, "Why, is there anyone else who came earlier than me?"

"That's not true! Early in the morning, that Tang," he couldn't name his name after thinking for a long time, "was the one who visited the store, and he also came. Later, he was sent away by Boss Su."

Sui Po frowned slightly, turned around and asked the assistant next to him, "When is our order due?"

"It's for lunch tomorrow."

"Then don't I have to be kicked out too?"

Fang Chang said at this time, "No. That Teacher Tang's order is still for today's noon. It's just that Boss Su is not willing to take orders recently. He wants to push back all this month's orders, saying that he will concentrate on going to the pedestrian street this month. Set up a stall."

"Set up a stall?" Sui Po became interested when he heard this, "If you don't make a lot of money, how about making a small amount of money?"

Just his order from Sui Po at noon tomorrow is worth 20,000 yuan.

If nothing else, Teacher Tang’s must be at least this price.

What Sui Po is sure of is that due to the live broadcast and live broadcast of the event, Boss Su's company will become a store visited by various Internet celebrities for a long time.

First of all, this price is in line with the expectations of many store tour anchors: expensive!

Secondly, if things are expensive, this anchor has something to say.

If your food isn't even a little bit good, you'll be given lavish praise. If it's not bad, you'll be praised. It's much better than those ordinary small restaurant shows.

So, Sui Po was a little curious, why would he respond to the street stall economy by leaving so much money without making any money?

"Who knows." Fang Chang said nonchalantly, "Anyway, Boss Su is top-notch no matter what he does. Even setting up stalls, he can fill the pedestrian street with people."

"Then it seems that I will be refused entry." Sui Po said, "Well, young man, if you tell me when and where Boss Su will go to set up a stall, it will be the same when I go to visit the stalls!"

"The stall will open right away. It's located on the pedestrian street of the Botanical Garden. You can take a taxi there and it only costs 15 yuan!"

Sui Po looked towards the second floor and said, "Okay, then I won't go in. I'll just go to the pedestrian street and wait."

After saying that, he took the four people in the team downstairs.

Fang Chang touched his head, took the photo on his phone and sent it to Moments.

[I met Teacher Sui by chance. Haha, I will have dinner with Teacher Sui later. I hope Teacher Sui enjoys her meal! 】

Read it back and forth several times.

‘Well, it’s a little pretentious and very comfortable! ’

The employees at Delicious Food always work very quickly.

Since Bai Xiaobo was gone, Zhang Heping was responsible for driving the food truck to the botanical garden today.

Su Chen originally wanted Chen Wenliang to stay for a few days, but the other party said that if Delicious Food had the idea of ​​developing noodles, he could come to Jingzhou at any time. For the nearest time, he had to go back to Lu Province first, and he couldn't stay in the hotel for too long. of leave.

Su Chen had no choice but to ask Liu Shengnan to give Chen Laoba a 5,000 red envelope.

The production of Chinese pastry this time was thanks to Senior Brother Eight. The five thousand yuan was regarded as making friends with Eighth Brother. He couldn't let others make fun of him for his salary and fare.

Besides, there was an extra 20,000 yuan that Zhang Jiayi later added, which was still more profitable than the order!

Everyone else took the dining car to the Botanical Garden. Without Ling Shuyu, Su Chen had no BMW to ride in.

When I was standing in front of the company and preparing to take a taxi.

"Boss Su?"

Su Chen looked up and said, "What are you doing?"

There is a big G parked on the roadside, and in the driver's seat is a customer who spent 40,000 yuan the day before.

"Hey, I didn't just want to come over and see if you need help. I'd like to see if you can make some snacks or something if you're not busy." Zhang Jiayi pulled down her sunglasses and said.

"We don't have time for snacks," Su Chen said, "Now we have to go to the botanical garden to set up a stall."

"Oh? Come on, I'll take you there!" Zhang Jiayi jumped out of the car and took the initiative to pull away from the co-pilot, "Get in the car! Just in time, if you follow the boss there, I can catch up and get the first bite!"

Su Chen thought about it and became rude.

After sitting in the car, I felt a little funny again.

I don’t have a car of my own. Every time I travel, I either take a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz. Why do I feel like a pretty boy?

Zhang Jiayi saw that Su Chen closed his eyes slightly and had no intention of speaking, so he did not take the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Originally, Zhang Jiayi had nothing to do today. When she was browsing Douyin, she saw several food bloggers in succession, and they were all the anchors during the live broadcast that day.

Many anchors have said that the store they visit next must be Boss Su’s store!

Zhang Jiayi keenly caught this signal.

This is likely to be a huge wave of traffic. I am so close and I still have a small relationship with Boss Su.

If this is not done well, it would be a real pity.

Simply, Zhang Jiayi came to the company with her own set of live broadcast equipment to see what opportunities there were.

This is just great.

Directly approach the water with one hand and get the moon first.

Boss Su is in my car now, what do you want to compare with me?

The journey to the Botanical Garden is not far or near, it only takes fifteen or six minutes.

Zhang Jiayi was familiar with the roads here, so she drove her car slightly behind Su Chen's usual stall and stopped on the curb.

As soon as the car stopped, the girl turned to get the live broadcast equipment and glanced at the middle of the pedestrian street.

"What the hell?"

Su Chen also turned around and took a look.

He also exclaimed, "What the hell?"

They both looked at each other.

Just look at the pedestrian street, which is usually empty at this time, but now it is strangely packed with people.

And it looks like.

It seems like something special, it’s the anchor! ! !

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