Food Customizer

Chapter 153 Cthulhu Soup Dumplings!

"For two hundred yuan, I can eat whatever the store offers!"

Su Chen's head hurt after listening to this man's words.

"Liu Shengnan, you are good at math, can you figure out how to serve this dish?"

Sister Shengnan pressed the calculator for a long time, "No matter how you calculate it, you can't get back two hundred yuan. Either give me change, or give me more money."

"I don't want your change! I won't give you any more money. Anyway, it's just these two hundred. You can just take it and be done with it!"

Su Chen was really speechless.

First of all, this is a stall with clearly marked prices, and it is not the kind of roadside stall that sells casually. Furthermore, there are so many people queuing up today.

If he paid 200 and the company served more than 200 dishes, wouldn't it be unfair to other customers?

If you don't serve enough food for 200 yuan to someone, and you just say something casually on the Internet, it will be enough for the company to deal with it, and you will be causing trouble for yourself for no reason.

"Or, I'll cook you four dishes for a total of 222 yuan."

"Or, if you reduce one dish, I'll pay you a few dollars."

The bald man was still standing in front of the dining car, "That won't work! I only have two hundred, and I'll eat whatever the store serves."


Su Chen closed his eyes slightly, really annoyed by this person.

For the sake of traffic, you don’t care about anything?

Fang Chang was also amused by this man and stood quietly outside the dining car chatting with Zhan Yang who had just arrived.

"Actually, these anchors are quite pitiful. They seem to make a lot of money, but I despise the way they make money anyway."

Zhan Yang glanced at him and said, "You are Boss Fang, so to speak. In our city, people are competing for jobs that cost three thousand yuan. This anchor might earn tens of thousands from one video. Others must not be able to do the same as you." Think so."

If the conversation continued, the topic would be too in-depth. Fang Chang did not answer the conversation, wanting to see how Boss Su would respond to this situation.

What I didn't expect was.

The next second, his name was called.

"Fang Chang?"

"What's wrong, Boss Su?"

Su Chen was in the dining car, holding his chin with one hand and thinking about one thing. He just couldn't remember it for a while, "I remember that my company has a small book of blacklists. Please help me think about it."

"I really know this!" Fang Chang immediately became happy, "It's that Dali! That kid, his sister, and the man who took the civil service exam, these three people are all on the blacklist!"

Speaking of which, Fang Chang was quite frightened last time.

He heard about the food poisoning at the small dining table in the store. He immediately got the test results of various types of meat in his house and the business qualifications of the butcher shop. When Boss Su was almost done with it, Provide this evidence directly.

Fortunately, the matter was settled later and it did not affect the meat industry.

After some understanding, Fang Chang found out that because the food was so delicious, he secretly ate a big bowl while others were taking a nap and was so full that he was full!

Later, these people were naturally included in the blacklist of Yumi Lai.

It is a type where there is no business dealings and no reception.

Su Chen nodded, "Please add this gentleman to the blacklist."

The 200-year-old was immediately confused, "What the hell, what the blacklist, Boss Su, I'm here to eat, it's just 200 yuan from the store."

Su Chen swept his hands impatiently, and the two brothers Fang Chang and Zhan Yang left the team with the two hundred men.

"Who is he really?"

Su Chen didn't mean that he couldn't receive him.

As a host, how you play is your business, but don't come to me with your rules.

Is this appropriate?

After all, I was a moderate anchor before, so this kind of thing was not uncommon for Su Chen.

Again, if you give too much, it will be unfair to others. If you give too little, you will inevitably blackmail yourself. Instead of doing this, it is better to blacklist you directly!

Anyway, I am not short of this customer.

"Boss Su is a bit willful." Sui Po finished watching the fun with tomatoes and scrambled eggs mixed with rice.

Old Tang pursed his lips and nodded, "Master, can you still lose your temper? Rules are rules, and since they are rules, you must abide by them. I think Boss Su did nothing wrong!"

The two store-exploring anchors also had some trouble online at first, but neither of them responded to each other.

Regardless of their private relationship, at least the relationship between the two in public is still very harmonious.

After chatting for a while, the two of them returned to their dining tables and continued to taste the dishes.

Old Tang looked down and said, "Let me go! Where are the dishes? Have any of you finished eating?"

The assistant looked at him speechlessly, "Teacher Tang, you just went over to watch the fun with the food, and you came back with an empty bowl and you forgot about it?"

Old Tang thought for a moment and looked at the camera sheepishly, "It's delicious. These home-style stir-fries made by Boss Su are so delicious. I'll go queue up and order another one before I come back to give you a review!"

As for the other side.

After Sui Po finished eating all the scrambled eggs with tomatoes and stir-fried yellow beef, he wiped his mouth with satisfaction, "This dish is incredible, it's basically the pinnacle of home cooking."

"It has all the flavors it should have, and at the same time, it can keep the taste and flavor to the best. I can probably guess how to make it by trying it in other restaurants. Boss Su, I guess."

Having said this, Sui Po shook his head and smiled, "I can't imagine how Boss Su handled many things. Okay, I spent 222 yuan today. It's so delicious. I'll give it all to myself." Finished!"

"Actually, these dishes are usually enough for 4 people, and they are very affordable! Recommended!"

After all, he is a famous chef in Beijing whose dishes are worth a fortune, and he is very restrained in both eating and commenting.

In fact, for Sui Po, his real goal is not these home-cooked dishes at all.

It would be a pity for a boss who can place orders worth tens of thousands at will just to taste the home-cooked dishes he makes.

When Sui Po went to see it again, the queue in front of the dining car had only grown, and the people at the end of the queue were almost at the end of the street!

‘No wonder Boss Su’s rule is that each person can only order one kind at a time. If you order casually, the people at the back will not be able to eat it at all. ’

After watching for a long time, Teacher Sui also led his team back home.

The important thing now is to cut out today's video quickly.

Over there, Old Tang and the others had already ordered another dish and started eating it. The assistants obviously started to lie down on the table and start editing the video!

Nowadays, the business of visiting stores is also very popular.

As for the 200 person who was blocked, he stood on the street depressedly, "Why are you blocking me! I already told you that I will eat whatever you want, and I didn't mean to cause trouble!"

Sui Po shook his head and quickly left the pedestrian street with his team.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Su Chen didn't even know how many dishes he had cooked.

Zhang Laoer's exclamation broke the orderly dining car.

"Oops! The braised pork is out of stock!"

"What the hell?" Su Chen leaned on the mouth of the bucket and took a look, "Five hundred kilograms of meat is just gone?"

Fang Chang's ears were very pointed, "What? The braised pork is sold out? No. Boss Su, I'm still waiting to eat!"

Zhan Yang was also confused, "Really or not? Didn't you leave a share for us?"

After saying that, he pulled Fang Chang and said, "You promised well. You said I would only work as a waiter for half a day today and I would have enough food to take care of you!"

Fang Chang was also dumbfounded.

The two of them looked at Su Chen together.

"Don't worry, I won't treat you badly." Su Chen washed his hands and signaled He Shuting to start evacuating the team, "We can eat when we go back, everyone hasn't eaten yet."

Today's stall setting up took even less time than the previous stall setting up.

Because the food was served quickly and customers came early to wait, almost all the ingredients were sold out in less than four hours.

Su Chen simply made the remaining ingredients into dishes and sold them.

After taking a look, Zhang Jiayi over there stayed here and said, "Can you give it away? Give me money!"

Zhang Jiayi held up her cell phone and laughed, "Family members, Boss Su's task of setting up a stall today is over! I'll go see him off first."

After turning off the live broadcast, Zhang Jiayi smiled and said, "I don't need to pay for it. I wonder if I can go to your company for a meal?"

"no problem!"

Su Chen got into Zhang Jiayi's big G and left gracefully amid the curses from the long queue.

"Boss Su, the people here today are all anchors, and most of the rest are people watching the fun. You are going to be popular soon!"

Su Chen took several deep breaths, and then he felt less tired.

"It's not a good thing to be on fire." Looking at the scenery passing by outside the window, Su Chen felt like he was in a dream, "We haven't had time to eat at noon, and we don't have time to eat at night. What should we eat when we go back."

When he spoke, he was sort of talking to himself.

There was no need to ask Liu Shengnan, just looking at the progress of the task in his mind, Su Chen knew that tonight's sales were the highest since the stall was set up.

More than thirty thousand!

This is also due to the sweet braised pork. Five pieces of meat cost 88 yuan. At first, some people were put off because of the price.

But what Su Chen didn't expect was.

Later, this sweet braised pork became even more popular, and even many Jingzhou locals rushed to order this dish.

This wave of hawthorn has made a great contribution!

"There seem to be a lot of people. If there are a lot of people, you can have hot pot! It's simple, hassle-free, and delicious!"

Hot pot?

Su Chen remembered the last time he had hot pot. He couldn't use the same trick twice, otherwise he would be easily seen through.

‘I’m not a stingy boss! ’

Su Chen shook his head, "Hot pot is not good."

The current situation is: there are many people, and everyone will definitely starve to death if they haven’t eaten for two meals.

So whatever you eat, you must not eat stir-fried vegetables. So many people eating stir-fried vegetables will tire the chef to death.

Then the answer is obvious: soy pot noodles!

Eat a silent S-grade hotpot noodle!

As for why it is not SS level, the reason is very simple. For SS level, Su Chen must make the noodles in person. Su Chen, who has been setting up a stall for a day, absolutely does not want to do such heavy hard work anymore.

It can only be left to the machine.

After all the employees returned to the company, everyone saw that Su Chen was making hot pot noodles, and no one had any objections.

Zhan Yang and Fang Chang were even a little excited.

Yummy Lai’s hot pot noodles are one of a kind. Every time you eat them, you feel like you’ve eaten more than usual.

This time, Zhang Jiayi finally saw Su Chen's true skills.

After eating three large bowls of noodles, Zhang Jiayi left the company with satisfaction. While driving, Zhang Jiayi even put the backrest of the seat back.

Hmm. My stomach is a little tight.

"It's strange, today is not a training day, and I didn't see Coach Shen coming over either."

During the live broadcast just now, Zhang Jiayi looked towards the end of the street from time to time.

Shen Ning usually takes her sisters to run here at a fixed time, but today is an exception.

Zhang Jiayi was too lazy to ask her girlfriends. She felt very uncomfortable with her bloated stomach, so she stepped on the gas and returned to her villa area. She didn't even bother to take a shower and just lay down on the bed.


Maybe it was really tiring to set up the stall.

Everyone slept very well that night, so that Su Chen woke up the next morning, but just stayed in bed and didn't want to move.

'What kind of task is this system? It really wants to make people tired to paralysis? '

Turn over, Su Chen glanced at his phone and prepared to lie down for another half an hour before getting up!

The damn phone rang!

"Have you seen the news?"


Su Chen was a little confused by what Ling Shuyu said on the other end of the phone, "What news?"

"Our company is popular."

Ling Shuyu's tone was very calm, as if he was talking about something ordinary, so Su Chen didn't think anything of it, "It was quite popular a few days ago, normal."

Ling Shuyu was still very calm on the other end of the phone, "Open Douyin now and have a look."

Su Chen didn't hang up the phone. After turning on the speakerphone, he took the phone off his face and opened Douyin.

"There are so many nasty people visiting restaurants, the real and fake chefs say! Jingzhou, delicious food, three people 222!"

The first video that appeared after opening it was Lao Tang's video.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing halfway through it. This Lao Tang is too funny. He used to comment on other restaurants.

This time, the whole process of visiting delicious food is just two words: delicious!

However, the likes and comments on this video surprised Su Chen a little. The posting time was more than one o'clock in the morning. How long has it been? There are more than 100,000 likes?

Open the comment area.

"Fuck? Boss Su sells a cake for 40,000 yuan, but he actually sets up a stall to sell home-cooked dishes at night?"

"Fuck, I thought ordinary people couldn't afford to eat at Boss Su's store, but now it's 222 yuan for three people? Let's take a taxi to Jingzhou! Tonight, the Botanical Garden will start the operation to capture Boss Su!"

"Awesome! I don't know what to say about delicious food. This is the first time that Lao Tang has said that it's delicious. Haha, anyway, the whole article is just two words, delicious, delicious, delicious!"

"Boss Su, did he poke the anchor's nest? Why are all the people in the video anchors?"

Looking at the first few comments, Su Chen realized that something was wrong.

Scroll down one.

"Recently, there is a mysterious Boss Su on the Internet. Just take a look and you will find out the truth! Jingzhou delicious food, 222 yuan!"

Patiently watch this video.

Su Chen couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Teacher Sui's comments on this video are quite fair. He points out the advantages of each dish and even euphemistically expresses that even he can't figure out how many unique features of the dishes are made.

This video is exaggerated.

Likes: 245,000

Comments: 71,000

"Is this Jingzhou boss Su really that awesome? Everything he cooks is delicious? Whose apprentice is this guy? I've never heard of him before. Could he be a person created by some internet celebrity company?"

The comment with the highest number of likes is a questioning voice.

"Ride a G-Class to set up a stall. I don't believe you if you say this is not a show. Teacher Sui, if you are kidnapped, just blink!"

"The video should be true. I watched the live broadcast of this boss making pastries by himself that day. Anyway, he checked in Jingzhou at dawn!"

"This must be true. The account of Boss Su's company has posted teaching videos. Teacher Sui, can you help ask if there is any update?"

Flipping through several pages of comments, except for the previous few questions, most people said that they must come to check in if they have the chance!

I don’t know if it’s because of the big data push, Su Chen watched several videos in a row, all of which were posted by bloggers who came to Jingzhou to explore the store last night.

And what really made Su Chen sweat was.

When he opened the Douyin hot search list, he saw the three words "Delicious" in the fifth place!

[Nearly 100 bloggers explore the store delicious]

In this topic, there are a lot of marketing accounts that are making all kinds of irrelevant comments!

"Boss, how do you see it?"

Su Chen was reminded that he was still on the phone with Ling Shuyu, "I saw it."

Now he was no longer sleepy, Su Chen got out of the bed, his mind was turning rapidly, how to deal with this sudden explosion?

If it were in the past, Su Chen would definitely seize this opportunity without hesitation to make a lot of money, and then retire.

But it’s different now.

He is not just himself.

Behind him, there are more things, and because of this, Su Chen understands a truth very well based on his previous experience.

The explosive traffic on the modern Internet will make you a lot of money when it comes, and when you are ecstatic, it will quietly leave, leaving you in a mess.

There are countless examples of this.

There are not many people who can stand firm in the storm of traffic, but those who stand firm, without exception, have received more generous rewards than money.

"What are you going to do now?"

Su Chen pondered for a moment, "I'm going to give you a task now."

"Well!" Ling Shuyu's voice suddenly became energetic.

"First, you should contact Teacher Cui Yufen now and ask her if she can send a few brothers who are free to stay in Jingzhou for a few days."

"Okay." Ling Shuyu probably guessed what Su Chen wanted to do.

"Second, you still need to communicate with the municipal government. It's best to focus all your energy on the construction of the cafeteria on the third floor. The hotel on the 32nd floor can be slow, as long as the construction period is not delayed."

After working overtime, the cafeteria on the 3rd floor is almost done, and it can operate normally after the equipment is installed.

The decoration of the hotel on the 32nd floor is more troublesome, and there are many things involved.

"Okay." Ling Shuyu agreed very straightforwardly.

"Third, don't worry about the things on the Internet these days, and don't worry about the stalls. Just focus on the two things just now."

After giving instructions, Su Chen washed up and changed his clothes.

The real battle is about to begin!

The day before, Su Chen had discovered that if he made it himself and then handed it over to Zhang Heping, the dishes he made and sold would also be counted in his task progress.

And now, Delicious is facing such a huge flow of traffic.

The stall matter has to be considered in the long run.

Delicious Come Company always focuses on customized delicious food. If we continue to set up stalls with such a large flow of traffic, it will leave other impressions on people, which is not good for the development of the company.

But if we don't set up stalls, Su Chen is worried that he can't complete the task.

He called Liu Shengnan and explained the work tasks before she came to her senses.

"You need to change the place to set up the stall at night. It's best to choose a place near a residential area. You go to check the place during the day. Don't tell anyone about this, including me! Wait until 4 pm to tell me when you set up the stall."

Next is He Shuting.

"You and Zhang Li should focus on the small dining table. Don't rest at noon today. I need you to learn something new."

Then, it's Bai Xiaobo.

"Don't say it, don't ask!" Su Chen stopped Bai Xiaobo's various "wow" sounds, "I'll give you the ingredients, you contact those bosses to deliver the goods today. Deliver before 10 am. There are also some new kitchen utensils to buy, and they must be fast!"

Now the size of Delicious Come has reached the level where the vegetable store owners can deliver the vegetables.

Finally, it's Zhang Heping.

Su Chen did not call, but walked to the second floor, just as a physical exercise.

"Have you learned how to make braised pork?"

Zhang Heping nodded proudly, "No problem! I will learn it bit by bit according to the step list you gave me, and now I don't need to look at the steps."

This is a home-cooked dish that can be completely programmed.

Su Chen has kicked out dishes with extremely low unit prices such as tomatoes and eggs from the stall menu.

The sweet braised pork and stir-fried yellow beef are retained.

Save time and make money!

Su Chen did not plan to teach Zhang Laoer about stir-fried yellow beef. This dish has too many variables and needs to be changed in real time according to the taste of the customers. It is impossible to learn it at all.

So now

Su Chen looked at Zhang Laoer, his mind sank and he came to the practice room.

"Now we urgently need a home-cooked dish that can increase the menu price and is simple and easy to make. The key is to be able to teach Zhang Laoer!"

With such a good tool person, it is a waste not to use it.

Among the thirty home-cooked recipes, there is one that is repeated in the famous recipe.

If you say this dish is home-cooked, its production process is quite complicated, so it is not too home-cooked.

But if you say it is not home-cooked, this dish is not too home-cooked in areas with abundant aquatic products. As long as you are willing to make it, it will definitely shock the whole family!

It can't even be called a dish, but a snack.

"Jingzhou is located in the northwest, and there are no aquatic products. Everything related to seafood is ridiculously expensive."

"In order to make progress in the task"

Su Chen did not look at the recipes in the task, but chose to open the Chinese Famous Recipes (Incomplete) - Jiangsu Province.

[Crab roe soup dumplings: This recipe comes from a famous chef in Zhenjiang. The soup dumplings made here have thin skin, lots of soup, full fillings, and are delicious. ]

[Dip in Zhenjiang famous vinegar when eating, it is even more flavorful. It is advisable: make and eat immediately. 】

"The production method of the famous recipe is still a bit too restrained."

As far as Su Chen knows, the crab roe buns in Zhenjiang have faded out of the stage, or the crab roe buns have been targeted by capital.

Su Chen has also eaten the nationally famous Yechun crab roe soup buns. To be honest, it's just like that.

Crabs are already very fresh in themselves, and with the skin jelly made from the broth, it's still the same. It's delicious even if you wrap some chicken shreds in it!

After various capital restaurants intervened, the price of buns increased from 28 to 128. Only customers dare not buy, and there is no capitalist who dare not sell!

Whether it is worth it or not, whether it tastes good or not, it can only be said that it is a matter of opinion.

Su Chen looked through the production method in the recipe, and didn't rush to make it, but calculated the cost for himself.

According to the seafood market price in Jingzhou, a 4-liang hairy crab will sell for at least 60 yuan.

This is the main cost, and flour and pig skin jelly can almost be ignored.

"But, what if I'm bolder?"

The traditional crab soup dumplings are delicious, but what if they are not traditional?

What if I combine the method of making this dumpling with other cuisines?

Su Chen didn't even try to make the dumplings in the famous recipe.

He directly summoned many ingredients.

"The combination of Su cuisine and Shandong cuisine, well, give you a name."

"Cthulhu soup dumplings!"

Six thousand today, and ten thousand tomorrow.

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