Food Customizer

Chapter 157 The real review of Cthulhu soup dumplings!

The matters on the third floor have been dealt with, and all that remains is the matter on the 19th floor!

Su Chen had a complicated idea as to why Cthulhu was chosen to be produced on the 19th floor.

The power of this steamed bun is too great, which can be seen from the stall that was set up at the entrance of the community that day. The price of the steamed bun was as high as more than 100 yuan, and those old men and women were eating it with their pensions!

If you choose to be on the third floor, too many people will queue up to buy buns, and other windows will inevitably be affected.

Moreover, the eight kitchens on the third floor were just for the use of eight senior brothers, so Su Chen didn't plan to join in the fun.

The 500-square-meter space on the 19th floor is enough to accommodate many people!

After arranging everything, Su Chen called Aunt Fang to the 19th floor to help him make the buns.

After confirming the power of this steamed bun, Su Chen planned to wait for Zhang Li to come to the company before helping to open the crab.

This thing is eaten freshly prepared. If it is prepared in advance, the taste and texture will be much different.

Of course, the first choice is to let customers dismantle the crabs themselves. Firstly, the price is transparent, and secondly, the matter of dismantling the crabs is left to the customers. This is much more interesting and saves manpower. If a customer actually says that he doesn't know how to dismantle it, he can just leave it to Zhang Li.

Others continue to work on the third floor.

Su Chen also got busy with a series of preparations including chopping the pork belly stuffing and mixing the stuffing for the buns.

Time always flies by.

Unknowingly, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. It was obvious that He Shuting's video was still very useful.

It was agreed that the business would start at four o'clock, and now people began to come up one after another from the third floor.

"Home-cooked food? The home-cooked food at each window is different, and one window is only responsible for cooking three dishes?"

"I have a question. Boss Su is definitely not cooking in these windows. Can the taste be as good as Boss Su?"

Ling Shuyu stood in the hall and said to the doubtful anchor, "Although Boss Su does not cook the food himself, Boss Su personally checks it and makes sure there is no problem before starting to sell it. You can rest assured."

But among the many visitors there was an old acquaintance.

Zhang Yi stood on the third floor holding his cell phone and sweating profusely!

[Xiaobai: Geneva refunds the money! 】

[An unknown anchor: We agreed to provide information, but Boss Su stopped setting up a stall today and refunded the money! 】

[Longcheng Tandian: Could this group of people be a liar? 】

[Jiangcheng Food: Don’t panic! If he doesn't refund our money, we'll call the police directly! 】

Looking at the chat records in the intelligence group, Zhang Yi was confused.

I thought I could easily earn thousands of dollars with my intelligence, but I didn’t expect that Boss Su would not follow the routine!

Today he was still thinking of coming to the third floor to have some good food and drinks, but as soon as he arrived here, he saw that all the members in the group exploded!

"Hurry up and give the money back."

Zhang Yi turned around and saw that Fang Chang had arrived at some point.

Because he brought Fang Chang and Zhan Yang in when the group was established, they could all see these messages.

"But me"

Fang Chang patted Zhang Yi on the shoulder and said earnestly, "It's useless for you to ask for money. Boss Su already put you on the company's blacklist yesterday."


Fang Chang nodded, "Yes. Boss Su doesn't allow bad people among the masses. Why don't you let your brothers say what you are good at? Hurry up and refund the money, and then go home early to accompany your wife."

After leaving these words for Zhang Yi, Fang Chang started walking on the third floor with his hands behind his back, then walked to the stairwell to prepare to climb to the 19th floor in advance to queue up.

After all, it was the day before.

Because he promptly reported the rebellion of his good brother Zhang Yi, he received a special award from Boss Su!

You can get a free Cthulhu soup bag today!

"So it's so fun to backstab my brother!"

Fang Chang rushed towards the nineteenth floor slowly.

When the time came to 3:30, the third floor was already starting to be overcrowded.

Sui Po held up his mobile phone and walked around the third floor, "I can't believe it! There are so many people here on the first day of opening. Let's find out where the Cthulhu bun is!"

Because of the special situation, Sui Po, who has rarely done live broadcasts, chose to visit the store through live broadcasts for the first time!

After all, there are all anchors here, so if we still edit videos or something, that would be a bit of a hindrance.

Might as well live broadcast first and then edit the video!

"Hello, where can I buy steamed buns? I didn't notice where there are steamed buns?"

Standing at the door now is Queen He Shuting!

"Baozi. Baozi is going to the 19th floor, and the elevator can't be used today. I need to trouble you."

"Hiss!" Sui Po gasped.

"Did Boss Su do this on purpose? To go from the third floor to the nineteenth floor, you still have to climb the stairs and queue up?"

Other anchors also heard it, and several of them didn't even bother to talk to the fans in the live broadcast room, and simply disappeared into the stairwell.

"Let's go! For Baozi, we have to climb even the nineteenth floor today!"

But when Sui Po climbed about the fifth floor, he suddenly laughed out loud.

"Actually, it's not that tiring. Let's show it to everyone."

As soon as the camera of the mobile phone turned, starting from the eighth floor, Sui Po could no longer walk. The people above were all lined up!

In this case, someone must come down from the 19th floor after eating the buns, so that the people behind them can take a step forward.

In this case, you will definitely not be tired.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, the stairs leading to the 19th floor were already full of people. The crowd lined up to the third floor, but it was not enough, so they lined up a lot more on the third floor.

Many people retreated after seeing this situation, and chose to try the home-cooked dishes on the third floor first!

Teacher Tang was one of them.

"This is too exaggerated! How can they line up directly from the 19th floor to the third floor? I just saw Teacher Sui still queuing up haha! It's too long, let's not join in the fun, let's go to the third floor!"

Teacher Tang also held up his mobile phone, walked around the third floor, and asked his assistant to choose a six-person seat.

"Let's order one by one today! Order all these home-cooked dishes for him! You guys go and line up too! It will take me forever to order by myself!"

Teacher Tang held up his mobile phone and came to a window first. He looked inside and was immediately confused.

"Wang, why are you here?"

Wang Peixin grinned, "Uncle Su has been too busy these days, I'm here to help, what do you want to eat, I'll make it for you."


Good guy!

Teacher Tang was shocked!

Why did the manager of Cuihualou in Beijing come to help in the kitchen?

And from what he said just now, it seems that Boss Su is his uncle, if we count by seniority

Hiss! Boss Su and Master Cui are actually from the same generation?

What a mess!

Old Tang swallowed his saliva, "Okay, I have to order all three dishes here!"

The kitchen here is very interesting. Standing at the window through a large glass, you can clearly see the situation inside.

After Wang Peixin responded, he quickly started to cook the dishes that had been prepared in advance.

Old Tang also pointed the live camera at the kitchen.

"Can the dishes made by the chef of Cuihualou be unpalatable?"

This word also spread into the kitchen.

Wang Peixin said as he prepared the food, "Don't say that. What I made is nothing. It's all thanks to Boss Su's training for a whole morning, otherwise I wouldn't have the face to cook for everyone."

Good guy!

Old Tang was really confused by what Wang Peixin said.

You can support a time-honored brand in Beijing by yourself, and now you say this?

But no matter what, Old Tang still looked seriously at the place where Wang Peixin was cooking, and at the same time, he couldn't help but explain it a little.

"I thought, this Mapo Tofu is priced at 88 yuan per serving. Only some business clubs in the country dare to sell it at this price. Take a look!"

"What did Teacher Wang use to make the base of the pot just now? It was full of minced beef. I saw with my naked eyes that it was at least half a pound. Everyone knows the price of beef. Selling it for 88 yuan is definitely not expensive."

"That spoon is Teacher Wang. What is the soup you just added to the pot?"

Wang Peixin turned his head and grinned, "This is the clear soup made by Boss Su."

Hiss! ! !

Old Tang really stumbled and almost fell down this time.

What the hell?

"Many people don't know what this clear soup is, let me tell you about it."

"This clear soup is a kind of soup in Shandong cuisine, which is used when making many dishes. In ancient times, traditional Shandong cuisine restaurants said that there was no dish without soup. This soup must be boiled for at least more than 20 hours, and a lot of ingredients are used!

To make it so clear, it must be filtered at least three or four times! Whether in terms of manpower or material resources, this soup is extremely expensive! My God, stir-frying Mapo Tofu directly uses this clear soup?"

After Lao Tang's explanation, his live broadcast room with more than 100,000 followers has exploded!

"You got such expensive beef and clear soup just for a piece of tofu?"

"Fuck, I'm a Shandong chef, and I was stunned when I heard him say that he used Shandong clear soup! This thing is used as a treasure by the boss in our store! It's not used for ordinary stir-fry!"

"Awesome, from what I heard, 88 yuan for this Mapo Tofu doesn't seem expensive?"

"Definitely not expensive! That half a catty of beef is at least thirty or forty yuan, plus a spoonful of noble clear soup, and the manager of Cuihualou personally cooks it. I ask you, how can this be expensive?"

"It's really homely, but this homely is a bit too luxurious, isn't it?"

Not long after, a plate of trembling Mapo Tofu was brought out.

Wang Peixin cleaned the pot quickly, and cut a handful of chives into inch-long segments with a few rubs.

Then he beat four eggs into the bowl.

"This is fried eggs with leek! Let's not rush to eat it, let's take a look first!"

Old Tang found that even watching Wang Peixin cooking, he could get a lot of information!

Wang Peixin burned the oil in the pot until it smoked, poured the stirred egg liquid into the pot, and stirred it a few times until the eggs became lumps.

Then add some cold oil to the hot pot, pour the chopped leek directly into the pot, stir it a few times, shake the pot, and then pour the fried eggs into it.

After two or three times, stir the eggs and leek evenly, then add a spoonful of clear soup and half a spoonful of light soy sauce to the pot.

Under the fierce fire, these liquids were immediately vaporized!

The pot gas was so strong that even the range hood couldn't be evacuated in time, and it diffused out through the window.

"It's OK! This little smell came up in an instant! Everyone can pay more attention to this dish."

Old Tang pointed to the things in the pot, "You can see that Teacher Wang made it in just three minutes. The condiments only used clear soup and light soy sauce. You can use chicken essence and MSG instead of the clear soup at home. ”

In three minutes, scrambled eggs with chives are served!

Finally, there is the fish-flavored shredded pork.

The fish-flavored shredded pork taught by Su Chen is definitely not authentic. According to tradition, the fish-flavored shredded pork should belong to Sichuan cuisine, and the taste is sweet and sour fish flavor.

As for side dishes

In fact, Su Chen ran into such trouble when he was making fish-flavored shredded pork in the practice room.

What kind of side dishes should be used?

In Sichuan Province, there are some with shredded lettuce, some without any side dishes and only garnished with green onions, and some with pickled peppers as side dishes and seasonings. It can be said that thousands of people have thousands of dishes.

The daily practices of every household are different.

But after this dish spread to all parts of the country, it underwent earth-shaking changes!

Especially in the north.

This dish has been exaggeratedly modified into various versions, the most well-known of which uses shredded carrots and peppers, plus some shredded black fungus as a side dish.

The taste is also pure sweet, sour and sour.

The version produced by Su Chen is exactly this version, and the reason is very simple.

Since it is a restaurant for locals, it is inevitable to cater to local tastes. Jingzhou is located in the northwest, and most people have grown up eating this version of fish-flavored shredded pork.

If I really make an authentic Sichuan fish-flavored shredded pork for everyone, I'm afraid most people won't be able to accept it.

Old Tang returned to the six-person table with three fragrant home-cooked dishes on his own plate.

Several other assistants have also returned with cooking dishes.

Because most home-cooked dishes are prepared relatively quickly, although there are many people here on the third floor, there is no need to queue for a long time when ordering!

Looking at the various home-cooked dishes on the table, Old Tang took a deep breath.

“There’s so much need for a bowl of rice!”

As for these dishes, the first impression is not that any dish will be particularly delicious!

But: How enjoyable it would be if it were a bowl of rice!

The rice on the third floor is also available as a free meal on the buffet table.

The assistant helped to go over there and bring back several bowls of rice.

Lao Tang started with a piece of mapo tofu, thick soup and beef cubes, sandwiched with a piece of hot and tender tofu and put it into his mouth.

He was so hot that he could only breathe in the cold air. He waited for a long time before speaking.

"Okay! This dish is made from beef! It's salty and delicious, slightly spicy and slightly numb. Even the spicy level is basically acceptable to people who don't eat spicy food."

“It may not be enough for people from Sichuan and Chongqing, but it’s definitely delicious enough for most people!”

"Especially this tofu, it has a very strong flavor when you chew it. After eating, you still have a very obvious and spicy flavor in your mouth. It feels like"

Old Tang thought about it for a long time and finally said: "It's like someone is urging you to eat quickly!"

Having said that, he quickly scooped another large piece of tofu into the bowl with the soup, and this time he mixed it with rice and scooped it into his mouth.

It’s a pleasure to eat!

Obviously they agreed to taste each dish one by one, but now Old Tang was immersed in showing off, and in a few minutes he ate all the tofu on the plate!

After all, to use the evaluation in Su Chen's practice room.

This is called: Eat without making a sound!

After talking so much just now, Old Tang felt like he was wasting his time, so he stuffed some scrambled eggs with chives into his mouth with chopsticks!

"Hey? This dish is interesting!"

Bah, bah, bah~

This time, Old Tang was really silent and just ate!

One chopstick for vegetables, one chopstick for rice!

Coupled with his chubby face, from the live broadcast room, he looked like the lazy and silly son of a landlord in the old society, which was very interesting.

The grand occasion on the third floor was maintained in an orderly manner by other employees of Delicious Food. Those who were coming later were temporarily unable to eat, so Bai Xiaobo and others arranged for them to be seated on the second floor first. Each person held a number plate in their hands. As soon as a seat becomes available, we immediately ask people to come upstairs to eat.

It's different from the excitement on the third floor.

At this moment, the situation on the 19th floor can be said to be a completely different scene.

Teacher Sui waited for about an hour and was finally successfully upgraded from the ninth floor to the nineteenth floor!

"It only took others three minutes to complete the tenth floor, but it took me an hour!"

Sui Po made a joke in the live broadcast room, hating himself for not being able to queue up earlier.

I thought that climbing up to the 19th floor would be exhausting, but it took me an hour to climb up, and I wasn’t tired at all!

There was one person standing on each step of the queue. There were 20 steps on one floor. There were more than 300 people queuing in the corridor from the third floor alone.

Only then did Sui Po realize how smart Boss Su was.

If these people were to take the elevator to the 19th floor in a hive, they would definitely not be able to fit in. It would be very comfortable this way.

When he arrived at the door of the 19th floor, unlike others, Sui Po did not rush in first, but stopped at the door and looked at the wall.

He knew most of the people in those photos.

"This is Master Cui from the capital. I met him during the event a few days ago."

"This is Mr. Lu, the master of Hubei cuisine. He has also been here at the event."

"These two are the owners of the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum."

Speaking of this, Old Sui couldn't help but look a little melancholy. After taking a few deep breaths, he said, "Let's go in and take a look."

Walked into the door.

Sui Po was immediately stunned!


Don't say he was stunned, the 100,000+ in the live broadcast room were also stunned!

Imagine that the buns were so delicious that so many people lined up and climbed the stairs to eat them. When they walked in, everyone must be crazy and slurping the soup to eat the buns.

But as soon as I came in, it was not like that at all!

The 19th floor was very quiet!

At a glance, there was not even a dining table!

Instead, it was a neat office desk!

I only saw a customer walk out of the innermost glass door and happily found a workstation to sit down.

Then he took out the tools on the table, such as scissors and tweezers, and began to operate on the two crabs he brought out.

The barrage exploded immediately!

"Fuck, how come this 19th floor gives people a feeling of going to work? Isn't this too novel?"

"Awesome! I thought I was here to eat, but I have to go to work!"

"It is said that the 19th floor of Delicious is the core of the entire building. It is said that many high-end customized meals are served here, but it turns out that this is an office area? Are they also in cubicles when they eat?"

"Every operation of Boss Su is beyond my expectations"

Let alone the fans, to be honest, Sui Po was also confused by this situation.

He was not in a hurry to order food.

He started to stroll around the 19th floor.

"You can see that this is an open space. The rooms next to the wall are meeting rooms and lounges. Dining here should not be accepted."

In fact, if netizens knew where these things came from, I am afraid that everyone would be even more confused.

The meeting room and lounge were free from Xinghui Company!

The only private Chinese-style dim sum bureau outside, Paradise, was obtained from the company's driver Zhang Jiayi.

The small private room inside was bought for free when Fang Chang got engaged!

There is nothing on the 19th floor that Su Chen paid for himself!

Continue walking forward, "This should be the place where we had dim sum when we watched the live broadcast last time. It's really unique. You can see that these items were bought with great effort. It's quite interesting. When Boss Su has time, let's make a video of Chinese dim sum."

Then walk forward, it's the workstation where diners unpack crabs.

"I've seen that girl. There should be two modes here. Either customers pick crabs to make buns by themselves, or they buy ready-made buns directly. The price is different, but the taste is the same."

If you continue walking forward, you will reach the glass door.

Push it open and go in. The furnishings inside are a bit simple.

There is a small square table for four people on the left, and a large round table in the middle of the ground. Customers are sitting at these two tables at the moment.

Some are unpacking crabs, and some are eating buns.

On the right side of the wall, there is a small private room blocked by a screen. Sui Po stood at the door and looked inside curiously.

"The environment of this small private room is good! It's just not soundproof. However, Mr. Su's custom-made meals generally only receive one customer per meal, so there is no problem of soundproofing."

If you continue to walk in.

Sui Po stood at the door, "This must be the kitchen. Let's not go in. Where do we order food?"

Zhang Li, who was sitting at the door of the kitchen, stared, "Teacher Sui, can't you see me, who is so big?"

Sui Po looked down.


A short-haired girl was sitting at the door, with a pair of scissors in her left hand and a crab in her right hand. Her legs were swaying because she couldn't reach the ground when she sat on the stool.

"Uh! Sorry. I want to order two Cthulhu crab soup dumplings."

Zhang Li rolled her eyes, "Do you want to pick the crabs yourself?"

Sui Po was embarrassed by Zhang Li's eyes, "I'll pick them myself, I'll pick the crabs for two dumplings."

"Then do you want to unpack the crabs yourself, or do you want me to unpack them for you?"

Sui Po looked at Zhang Li, thinking that you are so angry, do I dare to ask you to unpack them for me?

"I can unpack them myself!"

Zhang Li pointed to the water tank next to her, "Pick them. You can pick whatever you want, and I'll steam them for you."

This time, Su Chen moved the steamer directly into the cafeteria.

Because there was an incubator left over from before, there was no need to worry about the power supply.

Teacher Sui stood by and watched for a long time, selected four very plump crabs, and fished them out directly by himself.

Zhang Li took the scale and looked at it, "Four crabs, one pound and one ounce!"

It must be said that Sui Po's vision is still sharp. The crabs he selected are nearly three ounces on average, and they are definitely big enough.

Zhang Li skillfully tied up the four crabs and threw them into the steamer. Sui Po found a place to sit down.

Just as he sat down and prepared to chat with his fans.

An old man next to him turned his head and said, "Are you the one who just checked it out online?"

Sui Po was stunned and said, "Yes."

"Hey!" The old man stood up excitedly and was about to shake hands, "I'm your fan! I learn to cook on your other account every day! Your teaching videos are so good!"

Sui Po has seen this kind of scene many times. He said a few words of thanks and took a photo with the old man.

But the old man didn't seem to be ready to stop.

"Master Sui, can you teach us how to eat this bun and then make a teaching video for us?"

"This" Although it was in front of the camera in the live broadcast room, Sui Po did not hide his helplessness, "I tried it yesterday and made a video."

"But to be honest. I can eat some places, but I really can't eat some places. I think it's hard to make a crab soup bun similar to Boss Su's."

The old man smacked his lips, "That's a pity. I found out yesterday that my daughter loves to eat this bun, and I want to learn how to make it for her."

Sui Po was stunned. There was something he didn't understand, "How old is your daughter? If she likes to eat, you can pack it for her to take home, or bring it over to eat!"

Shen Guofu laughed, "Not very good."

As for why it's not very good, he couldn't say.

After all, Shen Ning is really an exception. She loves to eat it so much, but she pretends that she absolutely doesn't eat it!

The old man was embarrassed to expose her little thoughts.

So even today, he didn't tell Shen Ning that he had come to line up for dinner in advance, and came here directly.

Yes, I came by myself.

After the topic ended, Zhang Li brought four crabs to Sui Po, "Here are your crabs. You should pack the crab meat and crab roe separately."

At the same time, she put two small basins in front of him.

"Okay, I know."

As an old chef who has studied Huaiyang cuisine for many years, it is naturally not difficult for him to disassemble crabs.

Using tweezers and scissors, he disassembled the four crabs in less than five minutes. Zhang Li, who was sitting at the door, was stunned.

'Fortunately, there is no competition today! '

'Otherwise, I really would lose to this uncle! ’

When the crabs were delivered to Zhang Li, Sui Po suddenly had an idea, “Girl, can you ask Boss Su if I can go in and see when he is making dumplings?”

Seeing Zhang Li’s unfriendly expression, and thinking of the last live broadcast, Sui Po immediately said, “I’ll pay more!”

If you want to pay more, Zhang Li nodded, “Okay! I’ll ask for you.”

Not long after.

Zhang Li came out of the kitchen, “Teacher Sui, the boss said you can go in and see. But there is a request.”

“Well, as long as the price is not too outrageous, I can accept it.”

Zhang Li said, “It’s not about money. Boss Su said that if you see it, you have to agree to one thing. When he is not busy for a while, he wants to invite you to Jingzhou for a meal. You must agree to it then.”


Sui Po suddenly had a bit of a brainstorm.

Is this also a request?

Even if Boss Su doesn’t do this, he will come to Jingzhou sooner or later to check out the custom food.

After all, as an authentic descendant of Huaiyang cuisine, Sui Po was very curious about Su Chen being invited to become the honorary curator of the Huaiyang Cuisine Museum. It was definitely on Sui Po's agenda to taste Boss Su's Huaiyang cuisine.

But since Su Chen said so, Sui Po nodded immediately and said, "No problem!"

Zhang Li pushed open the kitchen door, and Sui Po took a deep breath, as if this was not a simple kitchen, but a door to a mysterious place!

When he walked into the kitchen, Sui Po kept pressing the camera.

Until Su Chen said, "Live broadcast? It's okay, you can turn it on."

He then moved his hand away from the camera.

"I always like watching the videos you make."

Sui Po was a little embarrassed to meet and talk with Su Chen for the first time.

After all, in his heart, Su Chen was at the same level as Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang. Maybe his current cooking skills can barely rank among them, but in terms of status, it's still a little bit behind.

"Sorry to make you laugh. These are just some simple videos, not very technical."

Su Chen waved his hand, "Everyone has their own strengths. Your crab meat has been delivered, shall I start cooking now?"

"Yeah!" Sui Po couldn't wait any longer!

Su Chen put a piece of pork belly with less fat and lean meat on the chopping board, "Stand back."


Auntie Fang reminded him friendly, "Stand back, be careful not to hurt yourself later."


Although Sui Po took a few steps back, he was still confused!

You are just cooking a dish, how can you hurt me?

But the next scene

Bang bang bang bang bang!

When Su Chen's wild knife skills were used, Sui Po was stunned at first, and then shouted.


He always gave people the impression of being gentle and refined, and the sudden swearing made everyone in the live broadcast room stunned, but when everyone saw the situation on the screen clearly




What do you mean by fine knife skills or slow knife skills? Su Chen doesn't have any of these skills!

He stood in a horse stance, with one hand behind his back and the other hand holding a kitchen knife to chop the pork belly on the chopping board!

It seemed like he was just chopping blindly!

When Su Chen put away the knife.

Sui Po came up to take a look and said, "Fuck!"

"The meat pieces are clearly square and round, and they are almost the same size! Boss Su, your knife skills are amazing!"

Su Chen smiled.

He succeeded in pretending to be awesome!

"Nothing, just practice."

After saying that, he immediately started to prepare the stuffing.

The stuffing that had just been prepared was used up, and the pork belly and soy sauce and other condiments were quickly mixed together.

Then, we used warm lard to fry the crab oil.

Watching the crab meat bubbling slightly in the lard in the iron pan, but the appearance did not change at all, Sui Po excitedly bent over and looked at the flames at the bottom of the pot.

"Hiss! Boss Su, you control the heat slowly and boil it slowly, and boil out all the crab meat in the crab meat? Your crab oil actually comes from the crab meat! Divine skill, this control of heat can be called a divine skill!"

Su Chen was stunned.

Why is Sui Po blowing the rainbow fart just like Liu Abao.

That guy always talks about divine skills, and here comes another divine skill.

If the practice room didn't always give me a very low score, I really believed you two!

Indeed, this seems to be just like that to those who don't understand, but for a chef like Sui Po who costs a lot of money for one dish, it is really shocking enough!

Even if the pork is under a low fire, the temperature will continue to rise.

So the cook needs to control the heat all the time, so that it can maintain a consistent temperature through constant changes.

If there is a thermometer in the pot, then I won't say it.

But there is a problem with using a thermometer. When you see that the temperature is high enough, you adjust the heat, which is actually a bit delayed.

The temperature will still rise a little first, and then drop.

So it is not just a matter of experience to be able to control the temperature so accurately without a thermometer. This requires a keen sense of the ingredients and oil temperature!

That's not all.

When Su Chen poured the processed crab meat and crab oil and lard mixture into the previously mixed lard stuffing.

The addition of a spoonful of clear soup solved Sui Po's puzzlement for a whole day.

"No wonder I said that the filling has a complex flavor. It turns out that you used this thing! If so, I think your buns are not only not expensive, but it is no different from making a loss and making a profit!"

Of course.

It is a bit exaggerated to say that you make a loss and make a profit.

But it is true that you don't make much money.

After Su Chen prepared the stuffing, he weighed the crab meat that Sui Po had unpacked, then scooped a spoonful from the prepared pork stuffing and mixed it evenly again.

After putting the buns in the steamer according to the previous steps, Aunt Fang went to the door and shouted, "Next."

Zhang Li immediately brought in another customer's unpacked crab meat.

After seeing the completed process, Sui Po sighed again, "Not expensive, buns made in this way are really not expensive. I regret ordering two, it's a bit too little."

He glanced at the live broadcast room on his phone.

"Teacher Sui, you won't be charged, right? Two buns cost more than 300 yuan and you say it's not expensive. Can ordinary people like us afford it?"

"I give up. They sell steaks for tens of thousands of yuan, but you don't say that."

"I want to know now, are these buns really that delicious?"

"Teacher Sui, can you go outside and take pictures of those people eating buns? Even if we can't eat them, watching them can satisfy our cravings."

Sui Po said to Su Chen with a smile, "Boss Su, you are busy, I will go out first."

Su Chen was still mixing the bun stuffing, "Yeah."

Sui Po breathed a sigh of relief after leaving the kitchen, returned to his seat and started talking to his phone.

"I saw someone questioned the price of this bun in our live broadcast room. Let me put it another way and you will understand."

"Two crabs should cost at least more than 60 yuan according to the market price. As you can see, Boss Su actually packed all the crab meat and crab roe that we took out!"

"And the jelly they used, I saw that it was clear, most of it was made with clear soup. Many viewers don't know what the clear soup in Shandong cuisine is. Let's popularize it for everyone today."

Sui Po explained the general method of making clear soup.

After hearing the ingredients needed, many viewers were extremely shocked!

This is a variety of large bones, chicken and duck, and finally chicken mince is used to clarify the soup.

With these ingredients, plus the effort of cooking, the clear soup is no longer something that can be measured by money.

"And now I have another guess. It is because of the clear soup used to make the jelly that the buns are fresh enough. Boss Su directly wrapped the crab roe in the meat filling instead of mixing it with the meat filling before wrapping it. This makes the buns taste more crab roe-rich."

"Hey, only those who have eaten it will understand! When I go back, I will try to see if I can replicate it. If I can, I will definitely make a teaching video for everyone!"

After explaining, according to the fans' wishes, Sui Po took his mobile phone and strolled around the 19th floor again to show everyone who was opening crabs and eating buns.

After strolling back to the cafeteria, Sui Po noticed a person, and at the same time, the fans in the live broadcast room also noticed this person.

"Fuck, where is this rich guy from? He eats buns like they're free?"

"Isn't he afraid of burning his mouth?"

"This guy must be a rich guy. I'm speechless. He stuffs buns with soup directly into his mouth? What a macho man!"

"I'm greedy just by watching him eat buns. If I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I would buy a ticket to Jingzhou!"

The man in front of him is none other than Brother Fang Chang!

Brother Fang Chang, who gained priority in eating by betraying his brother, sat directly at the small square table for four people closest to the kitchen after arriving on the 19th floor!

And Brother Fang Chang found something particularly interesting after ordering a bun.

To eat this Cthulhu bun, there is no need to pick crabs yourself.

Those who choose their own crabs always feel that they pay for it themselves and feel that what they eat is genuine. In fact, the affordable steamed buns sold by Boss Su are also genuine!

Not only do you not have to dismantle the crabs yourself, but you also don’t have to wait too long. After all, Boss Su steams these buns as soon as they are ready. Once they are steamed, you can just order them.

Without bragging, Fang Chang is already on his tenth meal!

"Grandma, these buns are as good as the big meat buns made by Boss Su! Why do I get hungrier the more I eat, my stomach feels like a bottomless pit."

Of course, only Su Chen himself knows the evaluation of Cthulhu crab soup dumplings.


The existence of memory sticks in the stomach!

After seeing the comments in the practice room, Su Chen was a little confused. With his simple attempt, he accidentally created an SS-level delicacy?

But then I thought about it and felt relieved.

If the SS-level big meat buns are a combination of the pinnacle of skills, then the SS-level Cthulhu buns are a combination of delicious ingredients!

It's clear soup, it's live crab, and it's steamed pork belly cubes in melted clear soup.

With such outstanding ingredients brought together, how could it not be delicious?

So when Fang Chang finished eating the tenth Cthulhu bun, he breathed a sigh of relief. Reason told him that he could never continue eating, but his brain told him.

What are you doing? Hurry up and give me something to eat!

"Zhang Li! Give me two more, three more! Give me three more buns!"


Sui Po was stunned for a while.

Isn’t this awesome?

When Zhang Li brought the buns to Fang Chang, she also brought the buns to Sui Po.

"Family, let's start eating now."

"Let me open a window for everyone to take a look first!"

Sui Po picked up the high plate and lightly bit the edge of the bun!

The light yellow soup that burned your mouth immediately flowed out from the breach, and you could vaguely see the slightest bit of steam coming out!

And that light yellow color is not mellow, but very light, which is wonderful.

Fans are also looking forward to Sui Po’s comments.

But I only heard waves of greedy voices coming from the live broadcast room.


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