Food Customizer

Chapter 172 One-size-fits-all spicy rabbit head

Fang Chang is in the development zone, and his recent e-commerce business has remained stable. Even his store's revenue has completely surpassed that of the physical store.

After even discovering that e-commerce is more powerful than physical stores, Fang Chang also tried to play with the live broadcast channel to bring goods!

But as soon as he expressed his idea, he was rejected by Ling Shuyu. The advice given by Mr. Ling at that time was: You are not at that level yet.

Of course Fang Chang believed in Ling Shuyu's advice, she was the number one general in delicious food!

So when he saw that it was Boss Su calling, Fang Chang immediately walked into an empty office with his cell phone.

"Hey, Boss Su?"

"Boss Fang, you need something special today. I will send you a list via WeChat. You can take a look at it."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝚝𝚠𝚔𝚊𝚗.𝚌𝚘𝚖]

Fang Chang turned on the speakerphone and kept saying, "Oh! No problem, even if we don't have something in the store, I will find a way to get it for you."

WeChat was already open while speaking.

"Brain flower, rabbit head?"

"Boss Su, what are you going to do? You didn't say how much you want?"

Su Chen on the other end of the phone paused and said, "Let's take it as a hundred."

For Delicious, a hundred rabbit heads and brain flowers were too few, but she couldn't ask for more.

"Harm, then I know."

After agreeing, Fang Changgang wanted to make a call to the slaughterhouse he was working with, but then put away his phone.

"It's safer to handle Boss Su's matters in person."

After all, large quantities of meat have their own dedicated factories for testing and processing to achieve the level of fine meat.

Ingredients such as brain flower and rabbit head, which are relatively unpopular in Jingzhou, are currently mostly frozen ingredients on the market.

When Boss Su wants to make something, he will definitely not be able to handle the frozen ingredients, so he must have fresh ones!

Fang Chang immediately greeted a young man from the company, and the two of them drove Wuling Hongguang and rushed to a slaughterhouse outside the city.

In Delicious, Fang Chang is a big foodie with no bottom line!

But in the slaughterhouses around Jingzhou, Fang Changna is the famous Boss Fang!

In just an hour, Wuling Hongguang arrived at the development zone with loads of ingredients.

When I was carrying the ingredients to the elevator with the company guys, I happened to bump into He Shuting and Zhang Li who were coming back from outside.

"Hey, where have the two beauties gone?"

He Shuting looked curiously at the box Fang Chang placed on the ground, "I just sent the kindergarten children away. Boss Fang, what are you doing?"

"Oh, the ingredients your boss wants."

He Shuting bent down and opened the lid, "What kind of food is this!!!"

He immediately threw down the lid in his hand, "You pervert! Why did you bring something like this over here?"

"Yes, yes!" The little short legs jumped up and hid in the corner of the elevator, "So perverted."

The box was full of brains, all freshly slaughtered, and even some at the bottom were steaming.

Viewed directly from this angle, the scene is a bit disgusting and bloody.

Fang Chang rubbed the back of his head and giggled, "Don't talk about me, these are all things Boss Su asked for by name. If he wants to be a pervert, he is also a pervert."


The elevator door opened, and Fang Chang moved the box hard, "Put it on the third floor, right?"

The long-legged and short-legged people rushed out of the elevator impatiently, looking at the box with disgust, "The third floor should be the third floor."

Little Short Legs saw a box behind Fang Chang, "What's in that?"

The young man who was moving things had never seen such a beautiful girl like He Shuting. He looked away from the silk with difficulty and said shyly, "Rabbit head."

"Huh?!?" All four legs were surprised.

Little Short Legs looked at the two people speechlessly, "Rabbit is so cute, but you are too cruel!"

Then he took He Shuting's arm and said, "Go away, don't talk to such a cruel and perverted person."

The guy carrying the rabbit's head was dumbfounded.

How come the person I just delivered the goods turned into a cruel and perverted person?

Fang Chang glanced at the backs of the two girls and said, "Hey, you'd better not eat it later."

After moving everything to the kitchen where Su Chen was responsible, Fang Chang let out a long sigh and threw a bag of Huazi to the young man, "Okay, you can drive back first."

"Boss, you won't go back?"

Fang Chang shook his aching arm and said, "I'll go back later. Oh, by the way, the money spent by Rabbit Head and Brain will be directly credited to my account."

We didn't have much money, so we gave it as a gift.

After the young man left, Fang Chang took a walk around the third floor. It was less than four o'clock, and there were already a few people in the restaurant lining up in front of the kitchen window.

"Boss Su, this business is getting better and better."

Fang Chang had secretly settled an account for Meishilai before. Based on the current customer flow, Meishilai would earn nearly one million in any month.

If we give it more time to develop, it won’t be long before it becomes a big company in Jingzhou!

"I don't know what Zhang Yi is thinking. It's definitely right to hug Boss Su's thigh tightly."


Fang Chang shook his head, everyone had their own destiny, and he should show Zhang Yi the way anyway.

If you don't hurry up now, then don't cry to yourself when you see others making a fortune.

Fang Chang, who was bored, was about to chat with Bai Xiaobo. As soon as he left the chair, he looked at the elevator door. Boss Su was here!

I turned around and wanted to say hello and inquire about the rabbit head and brain flower. Maybe I could get something to eat if I stayed for a while.

Before anyone could walk over, Fang Chang was pushed to the back by several customers.

"You are the boss here, right? Boss Su?"

"Hey, Boss Su, we came here specifically to try that snack that can make people choke to death. Can we do it today?"

"Yes, yes, Boss Su, I'm also wondering what kind of food can eat someone to death. That person is so interesting."

"Today's snack is a must. I used to love the rolls when I was in college in Guangdong Province. I haven't seen anyone selling them in Jingzhou for more than ten years. Boss Su, please make one today. !”

Su Chen had also just finished working on the nineteenth floor. Before he could enter the third floor, he was blocked by a group of people who suddenly came out.

‘It seems that this rumor still has some effect’

Of course everyone wants to make money, but the problem is that Su Chen is short of people now!

Of course, snacks can be made, but from the perspective of profit, if you work hard to make some rice rolls and pork ribs rice cakes, how can the profit be as high as that of the crab roe buns?

I’m not even making crab roe buns, but you want me to make rice rolls?

But customers are God after all. Su Chen saw Fang Chang in the crowd.

"Hey, hey!" Chong Fangchang waved, "Go and find Ling Shuyu."

It would be better to leave this situation to others to handle.

Fang Chang happily agreed and immediately trotted to the second floor to call for help, while Su Chen comforted the hungry souls on the third floor.

"Everyone, delicious snacks are still in the trial stage. I believe everyone has tasted our home-cooked dishes and has a general understanding of the quality of our meals."

The middle-aged man standing in front of the crowd gave him a thumbs up. He was the one who just said he wanted to eat rice rolls.

"Boss! Your food is definitely this! I haven't had a fixed place to eat out in the past few years. I just feel that the food outside is not as good as the food at home. Ever since I ate your stir-fried dishes, I can't go anywhere now." Happy to go.”

Seeing how easy-going the boss of this company was, other people started talking too.

"Yes, boss, the quality of this home-cooked stir-fry is really high. I even invited our colleagues to have a dinner a few days ago, and everyone said it was delicious!"

"It's just a pity. There are only thirty dishes on the menu. Although they are delicious, I eat them every day and I feel a little tired of them lately."

"Yes, boss, when will the new dishes be introduced? Even if there are no new dishes, at least give us some snacks! I just want to see how delicious it is and how it can scare people to death, hehe."

Depend on!

Why do you come back to this matter after talking about it?

Su Chen still maintained the gentlemanly smile that a chef in a suit should have.

"New dishes will not be added for the time being. Oh, by the way, you don't know yet, right? We still sell breakfast on the second floor, but we are closed at noon."

Liu Abao, who was hiding in the crowd at some point, slowly asked a question.

How can I be dragged into the second floor if I'm not the boss?

Isn’t it interesting enough for me to receive Xinghui’s gang of starving ghosts by myself?

Su Chen said again, "The snack project company is making detailed plans. I believe it won't be long before everyone can see it."

As soon as Su Chen finished speaking, a rather cold female voice came from behind.

"Yes, our company's snacks will be launched soon. The menu list of snacks will be gradually announced on Douyin during this period. If you have anything you want to eat, you can leave a message. We will consider it based on the number of likes in the comments. "

Ling Shuyu was dressed today: a white flower-collared shirt and a black suit.

After returning from abroad, she only wore a black suit.

Seeing the savior coming, Su Chen hurriedly smiled and said to everyone, "Now, I have to get busy now."

Ling Shuyu stood beside Su Chen, "In addition to home-cooked meals, we also have a food customization business. The boss is busy now. Please understand."

Su Chen finally walked into the kitchen, and the smile on his face immediately dropped.

"It's really killing me."

Fang Chang lay on the window table, "Boss Su, this is the first time I've seen someone so unhappy making money."

If Fang's Meat Industry could have so many people queuing up to buy meat every day, Fang Chang would have taken off happily.

“When you don’t make enough money.”

If it was purely for money, Su Chen would have switched to a different track when the first wave of huge traffic came from Delicious Food.

Instead of continuing to operate mainly on food.

He opened the lid and looked at the things he brought, "Okay, today's batch of ingredients."

The fishy smell of the brain flowers is also hot, indicating that these things have just been picked, although it sounds a bit cruel.


It tastes so delicious!

The same goes for the rabbit head on the other side. They were all cleaned up and there was almost no need for secondary treatment by Su Chen.

"Don't worry about me doing things." Fang Chang moved a stool and sat in front of the window. "I took the rabbit head to the factory to deal with it. Boss Su, these things are all on my own account."

Su Chen glanced at Fang Chang angrily, "Then when you're done, you can take a few to play with."

"Okay!" Fang Chang was so happy that he could hardly close his mouth, "I will bring some back to Jiang Yuan to eat."

"Okay, move somewhere and wait."

Strictly speaking, the production of spicy rabbit head is marinated. If you make it freshly, you will definitely not have enough time.

Moreover, the characteristic of Sichuan cuisine is seasoning, and rabbit meat itself actually has no taste. Whatever flavor you give it, it will taste that way.

Therefore, rabbit head has become popular in Sichuan Province. It is really not a good seasoning for other cuisines.

And in "Chinese Famous Snacks", the introduction to Sichuan snacks is the longest, and the spicy rabbit head is given a variety of preparation methods.

There are commercial versions, home-cooked versions, and restaurant versions.

Su Chen, on the other hand, combined the strengths of many experts and came up with a brand new snack in the practice room.

"This guy has his hands full."

Su Chen glanced outside. Ling Shuyu was still chatting with customers. Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi in the two kitchens opposite were also busy preparing ingredients for today's business.

Turning his head again, four legs came into view.

Zhang Li and He Shuting were sitting at the table eating melon seeds.

"Zhang Li, He Shuting." Su Chen shouted, "Come here and help."

When the two heard the sound, they dropped the melon seeds in their hands and ran over happily.

Since there were three chefs at Delicious Food, they were hardly involved in the kitchen, which directly resulted in fewer opportunities to taste new dishes.

So when Su Chen said he wanted to help, Four Legs was quite happy.

"Boss, how can I help you?" Zhang Li rolled up her sleeves and walked to the kitchen.

"Help go call Liu Abao."

Zhang Li:? ? ?

Didn't you ask me to help in the kitchen?

Oh, and slightly disappointed, he went to the second floor to call Liu Abao.

It's not that Su Chen didn't give them a chance, but that it would be a bit difficult to use a layman like Zhang Li to do it if there were no chefs.

Not long after, Po put on his fat chef's uniform and hat and came.

"Treat the rabbit head, soak it in water to remove the trachea and lymph, and then blanch it with onion, ginger and white wine."

"Hey! Are you going to eat rabbit heads today?"

After all, Po was a Sichuanese cook, so he was very efficient in making it. He filled a large basin with cold water and poured all the rabbit heads into it.

Su Chen hummed, "Let the guests eat first, and we'll eat the rest."

Because braised products have their own characteristics, especially Sichuan style braised products.

It's just that the larger the quantity, the easier it is to make. If you only make a dozen rabbit heads at a time, the operation is really a bit difficult.

On the contrary, it is better to season if you make hundreds of them at once.

While Abao was handling the ingredients, Su Chen began to take charge of the most important part: seasoning.

"Boss, what kind of chili pepper are you using today?" When Abao was handling the rabbit head, his eyes were fixed on Su Chen the whole time.

Helping Su Chen cook is the best opportunity to improve himself.

"Today I used devil's pepper, bullets and wattle."

"Ouch!" Abao's hand movements slowed down a beat, "Are you trying to make the most authentic spicy flavor?"

Having cooked Sichuan cuisine several times before, Abao knew about it.

Su Chen has always been very restrained in seasoning, and often does not choose things like devil pepper.

The spiciness of the devil's pepper is also ranked high in the pepper industry. When these three kinds of peppers are mixed together, the devil's pepper is responsible for increasing the spiciness.

The bullets are just for adding flavor, while the two vitex sticks are for adding color, making the cooked oil redder.

In the past, Su Chen always used Erjingtiao to make it spicy. Now he uses devil pepper. In Abao's opinion, the customers in Jingzhou may not be able to eat it.

"It can't be said to be authentic." Su Chen poured the three kinds of chili peppers into the pot at a ratio of 1. "It can only be said to be averagely spicy."

In other words, whether it is spicy or spicy, it is relatively within the rules and will not highlight a certain taste for personal taste.

It’s a bit like ‘one size fits all’ in clothes.

Put the three kinds of chili peppers into the hot water in the pot. The water started to boil soon after the fire was turned on. Su Chen turned down the heat to a simmer and then quickly added red peppercorns and green peppercorns.

Liu Abao was stunned when he saw it.

‘Good guy, if you go down with these things, you can only eat one rabbit head at most. One more is disrespectful to your anus! ’

If you just add red pepper, the taste will be more intense, and the numbness in your mouth will be fleeting.

But if you add green pepper

That numb taste will always stay on the tongue, making people want to stop.

While cooking the chili peppers, Su Chen was still busy.

On the other side, a stove was turned on to heat oil, and this time Su Chen chose salad oil instead of rapeseed oil.

While turning on the fire and waiting for the oil to heat up, Su Chen was cutting ginger slices, onions and spring onions, and even washed a lot of coriander.

‘Boss, he is becoming more and more efficient at kitchen work now’

After this operation, even Abao couldn't help but admire him deeply.

The more people have been immersed in the kitchen for many years, the more they can understand how powerful Su Chen is.

Even if he is just cooking a dish, Su Chen never does it in a certain order, but intersperses all the tasks together.

This inconspicuous technique greatly shortens the time for making delicious food, and the ingredients can even be kept in the freshest state.

This is difficult for ordinary people, because if people are busy doing two things, it is easy to forget one of them.

Su Chen, on the other hand, was very orderly, as if all these things came at his fingertips.

Only Su Chen knew this kind of thing.

This is all the result of studying thousands of times in the practice room.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Chen hardly uses his brain when cooking. It is all muscle memory.

When the oil temperature is 50% hot, pour the freshly cut onions, garlic and onions into it. It should be said that onions, ginger and garlic are magical!

Just frying them in the oil pan, the small fragrance immediately came out, attracting the customers who were surrounding Ling Shuyu outside to sniff.

The people near the kitchen simply stopped listening to Ling Shuyu and turned to the kitchen to watch.

Su Chen regretted installing this open kitchen, but the decoration plan for the third floor was given by the government, and there was really no good way.

After the three spices in the oil pan floated on the surface, Su Chen put coriander and shallots into the pot together.

"This boss is good. The smell is so tempting before it starts. I have to write it down. Maybe I can use it when I go home later."

A young man in the crowd actually took out his mobile phone and started recording.

It made the people around him want to laugh.

"No problem!" Rich second-generation Zhang Jiayi also came here at some point, "I've only been working in the company for a few days, I just learned a few tricks, and now I'm the top chef at home!"

Everyone looked at Zhang Jiayi, and saw that she couldn't hide the pride on her face at all.

"Huh? Isn't this the one that costs one yuan a string?"

"Shut up!" Zhang Jiayi glared at the person who was talking, "If you dare to say that again, I'll hit you!"


Although the sound was not loud, you could still hear the kind of laughter that you wanted to hold back but couldn't laugh.

Zhang Jiayi left here depressed. She wanted to pretend to be a little bit calm, but she was recognized by someone.

'I won't go home during the Chinese New Year this year. '

Thinking of the relatives and elders asking me to perform a talent when I won the championship during the New Year's Eve dinner.

Zhang Jiayi: (# ̄~ ̄#)

The simple scallion oil is cooked, and the chili on the other side is also cooked.

There are two ways to use this kind of dried chili to make red oil.

One is to grind it into powder of different sizes like Su Chen did during the World Championship, and the other is to boil it in water and make it into glutinous rice peppers.

Su Chen took a deep breath and looked at the customers watching outside the window.

"That's it."

The cooked peppers were taken out and placed on the chopping board, with a kitchen knife in each hand.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

"Fuck! This knife technique!"

"This boss learned from Tang Hao, right? The chaotic cloak knife technique? Awesome!"

"It looks like a big move, but in fact every knife falls where it should fall. I'll record a video first!"

It's not a good feeling to be watched by others.

Su Chen's knife technique was even faster than usual, and he quickly chopped the boiled peppers into something similar to sauce.

He took out the green onions, ginger, garlic and coriander from the oil pan next to him, and put the glutinous rice peppers in at the same time.

"Zhang Li, put these away. Aunt Fang likes to use this to cook noodles."

"Oh!" The short-legged girl carefully put the fried yellowed onions, ginger, garlic and coriander into a fresh-keeping box, "Is this delicious for making noodles?"

Su Chen nodded, "Haven't you heard that Xiaobin has gained ten pounds recently?"

"Who is Xiaobin?"

He Shuting explained, "A former summer intern, Aunt Fang's son."

The ciba peppers were put into the oil pan. As the bubbles in the pan disappeared, the oil surface gradually calmed down, and a complex fragrance came with it.

There is the fragrance of scallion oil, and the key is the fragrance of the peppers, which makes people swallow their saliva just by smelling it.

"Boss, if you add this to noodles, it will be delicious, right?"

"I think it can be added to cold dishes, it will be delicious!"

"Fuck, boss, why don't you make some chili oil and sell it? I will definitely buy it."

"With this thing, I feel that adding some to the dishes in the cafeteria will make the taste come up."

I have seen customers who find faults, but Su Chen has never seen such a flattering customer.

"It's four o'clock, you can order dishes." Su Chen said without raising his head.

This sentence really worked. The group of customers who were watching subconsciously looked at their mobile phones, and then dispersed, all surrounding the kitchen of Lao Er and Lao Shiqi.

Su Chen was relieved.

"Boss, is what they said true?" The short legs looked at the red oil in the pot mysteriously.

"Well, if you want, I'll give you some dregs later."

"Really! That's great." Zhang Li quickly went to get another fresh-keeping bowl.

In the past, Su Chen would throw these things away as kitchen garbage, but Aunt Fang thought it was too wasteful and often packed them up and took them home for secondary use.

It was discovered that although these were things that Su Chen did not need, they were particularly fragrant when used for cooking. After being known by others, the kitchen garbage made by Su Chen's men has almost become a welfare that the company's employees are scrambling for.

The chili peppers in the oil pan are more fragrant as they are boiled. Just don't let the peppers burn, otherwise the oil will become bitter.

At this point, it's no big deal.

A Bao has already processed all the rabbit heads. While processing, the rabbit heads are soaked in cold water, and a lot of blood is soaked out.

After dealing with the rabbit heads, A Bao cleaned the chili pot used by Su Chen, added cold water, added onions, ginger and white wine, and put all the rabbit heads into the cold water.

"Rabbit is so cute"

A Bao interrupted Zhang Li's pretentiousness, "Just don't eat it."

"I won't eat it!" Zhang Li puffed out her chest and said it seriously.

He Shuting leaned against the door and sighed.

Sister, when sister said this with her big breasts out, you were still making coffee for Mr. Ling across the street.

In order to prevent Zhang Li from talking too much, Su Chen threw her a pair of gloves.

"Filter it for me."

After boiling the red oil, you need to filter out all the chili peppers in the pot. The remaining chili peppers are what Su Chen calls 'dregs'.

As long as you don't filter it for a while, the residue will be sealed with the oil, and it will definitely be the best chili oil when you take it home.

And it's the kind that's hard to buy outside.

After blanching, Bao took the rabbit-headed rabbit and cleaned it. "It's done!"

Su Chen took over Abao's work.

The commercial version of spicy rabbit head is nothing more than two key points: frying first and then stewing it. Su Chen also added one of the advantages of the restaurant version and grilled it last.

Heat the oil in the pot, heat the new salad oil in the large pot until it is 80% hot, and pour a hundred rabbit heads into the pot.

The oil pan seemed to explode in an instant!

The rolling hot oil brought with it the oncoming heat wave. Even so, Su Chen was not afraid at all and still calmly put the rabbit head in the pot.

Abao looked dumbfounded.

Isn't this person afraid of hot hands?

"Don't stay still, use the spices from the competition to make a stew."

It's very easy to say this to someone who has studied Sichuan cuisine. Su Chen doesn't need to explain at all. Abao knows how to match the spices that Su Chen used when making Bobo Chicken.

Then use filtered red oil, add onions, ginger and shallots, put them into the pot and saute them directly!

The chili red oil, which originally smells very fragrant, exudes a very unique and mellow fragrance when added to the spices.

Su Chen sniffed. The taste was just right, exactly like the one he made in the practice room.

A Bao has been very good at martial arts recently, but his brain is not very bright.

"Okay. You go and take out the rabbit's head. Make a slit in the back."

The meat on the surface of the rabbit head that had been deep-fried in 80% oil almost showed a slightly browned state, but Po knew not to be fooled by this surface phenomenon. The inside of this rabbit head was tender!

Abao took out all the rabbit heads and placed them neatly on a stainless steel square plate.

While swallowing, he used a kitchen knife to open a small slit at the back of each rabbit's head.

On Su Chen's side, a large amount of clear soup was poured directly into the red oil pan after being fragrant. This was a divine clear soup cooked the day before!

Immediately add a lot of refined salt, and then a lot of rock sugar.


Take all of Po's slit rabbit heads and pour them into a large pot. Bring the stew to a boil and then turn down the heat.

"Okay, go and do your work."

To achieve this step, you only need to stew over low heat for half an hour, and then soak in the stew for half an hour.

In terms of time, it can be eaten at exactly six o'clock.

At that time, Su Chen only needs to complete the last step of [cooking]. That step must be eaten and cooked now.

Abao looked at the boss in disbelief.

Call me up and let me go when you're done?

Are you going to let me go without eating a single rabbit head?

"Boss, I'm not busy today!" Abao patted his chest, "I'm afraid you won't be able to handle it alone, so if you have anything else to do, just tell me!"


Su Chen tilted his head and looked at Liu Abao. Someone actually made such a request.

That works.

"Go and wash your brain, I'll give you a demonstration."

Under the confused eyes of Zhang Li, He Shuting and Liu Abao.

Su Chen directly took out a brain flower from the box, placed it in the palm of his left hand, then rinsed it against the faucet and patted it with his right hand.

After patting the pattern of the brain flower loosely, layers of fascia were exposed inside.

Then tear out all the fascia, and put a clean brain in the basin.

"Hey, you're a hundred-brained guy, come on."

After saying that, Su Chen went to continue to heat the oil in the pot, preparing to start frying the roasted brains, which needed seasoning.

Although Po has learned Sichuan cuisine for a few days, this brain-baking skill is not within the scope of his studies. This is obviously an out-of-class question.

Staring at the box full of brains, Abao suddenly wanted to take back what he had just said.

Four Legs left the kitchen with fear and disgust, and stood at the window, looking at Liu Abao with sympathy.

Su Chen took a pot and heated the oil. This time, he used rapeseed oil.

"Oh, yes, you can eat one after washing twenty."

Abao, who had been disgusted just now, suddenly changed his expression, "Is there such a good thing?"

Bang bang bang!

He immediately took out a brain flower and put it in his left hand, imitating the way Su Chen had just done and started patting it.

Zhang Li, on the other hand, lowered her head and silently calculated.

To wash or not to wash?

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