Food Customizer

Chapter 191 Only taste buds won’t lie

Wang Zhijun and the three of them had just noticed the young man everyone was looking at. At that time, they thought he was probably the accompanying assistant of some master, or a disciple or something.

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Otherwise, why are you wearing a suit on a hot day?

Unexpectedly, such an ordinary-looking young man could actually be the maker of that extremely delicious crystal shrimp cake?

This is somewhat intriguing.

Since he still hadn't figured out the identity of the other party, Wang Zhijun also laughed twice, "A hero comes from a young man! I wonder which teacher this young brother is the disciple of?"

Su Chen's face was calm, even a little too calm, "There is no teacher, I am the boss here."

Wang Zhijun:? ? ?

Liu Guochu:? ? ?

Liu Jun: What's going on?

The expressions on the three people's faces changed countless ways in just a short moment. So many things happened during this meal that they didn't react for a long time after hearing what Boss Su said.

It took a long time to work on it together.

I originally wanted to criticize the company boss, but unexpectedly I praised him for a long time.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but ended up criticizing two state banquet chefs and two fairly well-known chefs for a long time?

Fortunately, fortunately, Liu Jun closed the live broadcast room just now, otherwise this scene would have been seen by so many viewers.

The Culinary Association of Sichuan and Hunan Provinces has really become a joke on the Internet!

Seeing that the three of them had no idea what to say, Su Chen was not angry and just said calmly, "It's our company's fault for not being well prepared and not arriving at the door to greet you two in advance. However, this is also the tradition of delicious food. I'm very sorry. "

"The dishes in that private room were originally a dinner party for me and a few brothers and sisters. I have already prepared the dishes for you two, and they are still warming in the kitchen. Do you three still want to eat?"

Now that things have turned out like this, Wang Zhijun doesn't know what to do.

If Lu Yongliang and Cui Yu were not present at the scene, he would still be able to show off his old face.

But with these two masters watching, you can't say anything contrary to your promise. If you really offend them, just spread it around the circle and you will be able to explain yourself.

"Ah" Wang Zhijun woke up from a dream, "That's our presumption. We should ask clearly before taking a seat. As for the food."

Is it still necessary to eat it now?

That crystal shrimp cake is enough to show the strength of Boss Su. And according to what the young boss said just now, he actually has a good relationship with these two masters?

If you continue to implement the previous plan and talk nonsense in front of the state banquet master, you will really be humiliating yourself.

But is this really the case?

Wang Zhijun was still a little unwilling, because Feng Yaoyang would be coming over in a few minutes. Even if he couldn't criticize Su Chen's cooking, he would at least prove his strength to this Hong Kong businessman and work hard to save this cooperation. ah!

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhijun dragged out a long tail, and was still wondering whether he should eat this dish, Cui Yufen, who was sitting there with a dark face, actually spoke.

"They ate our food, now it's our turn to eat theirs. Originally, we each prepared a dish, but this time we have to trouble the fifth brother to cook and prepare dinner for everyone."

Su Chen looked at Cui Yufen, then at Wang Zhijun and his group.

After all, the dishes are prepared for the guests, and Cui Yufen's words don't count.

Unexpectedly, when he heard Lao Cui say this, Wang Zhijun became much more relaxed as if he had received an amnesty, "That's right, we have already eaten, how can we eat again? We are not hungry anymore."

After finishing speaking, Wang Zhijun felt refreshed and relieved.

But Cui Yufen's next words made Wang Zhijun's heart instantly sink into an ice cellar.

"That won't work. Since the three of you are here, you have to eat well. My fifth brother can't let the customers leave hungry when he opens this company, right? Eat, you not only have to eat, but also have to be full. Not just to be full, I also want to comment! I also want to hear what my fifth brother’s skills are like in the eyes of the two conference presidents.”

After doing it for a long time, Cui Yufen also figured out what was going on.

Although I haven't figured out yet why Su Chen offended these people, since everyone has sworn sworn friends, the gang will definitely help, not to mention that this is just a matter of saying a word.

Besides, Cui Yufen was not happy when she heard their comments just now!

I've worked so hard to make the double-explosion anus, and that's why you commented like this?

Believe it or not, I’m going to blast you guys right away

So when Cui Yufen said this, Lu Yongliang and others obviously changed their mood, and even secretly held back a smile.

On the other hand, the faces of Wang Zhijun and the three of them suddenly looked as ugly as pig lungs.

"It's up to you to check this. Boss Su's dishes are naturally quite good. We have already eaten, so why don't we just forget about it." Liu Guochu didn't say anything for a long time, and now he couldn't help it anymore.

There was something he had never figured out.

Although Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang are both people who have entered the State Guesthouse, we two brothers are not bad at all!

If we really want to talk about cooking skills, no one is necessarily worse than anyone else!

Let’s talk about social status. After all, our buddy is also the president of a provincial association, so he is no worse than them. Why does Wang Zhijun keep putting up with it?

After that, Liu Guochu made a move to pull Wang Zhijun away from here.

If the current plan has failed, what's the point of continuing to stay? Is it making people laugh?

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhijun stretched out his arm and pulled twice. Not only did Wang Zhijun remain motionless, he even smiled, "I think what Teacher Cui said is fine. Since we are all here, it is better to be respectful than to obey. It is rare to sit and eat with everyone." I want to eat a meal, but I haven’t had this opportunity yet.”

Liu Guochu:? ? ?

Lao Wang, you just want to stab your brother with a knife, right?

Wang Zhijun blinked slightly and sat next to Su Chen, waiting for the food to be served.

After Liu Guochu received the signal, although he was dissatisfied, it was not convenient for him to break out. He could only sit down patiently next to Wang Zhijun.

"Isn't this good?" Cui Yufen still looked arrogant and turned to look at Su Chen, "Then continue?"

Su Chen knew that Lao Cui was helping him. With this, today's conflict was directly resolved in the cradle.

"I have already prepared three dishes, and asked Zhang Li to serve them for everyone to eat first. There are also two prepared Hunan dishes that I will cook."

After Su Chen finished speaking, Lu Yongliang stood up on his own initiative, "Of course I have to watch my fifth brother cook."

"Yes, I'll go too."

"Let's go, let's go. After waiting for so long, aren't we just waiting for this moment?"

The people at the round table suddenly stood up, Liu Guochu and Wang Zhijun looked puzzled.

Isn’t it just a dish? What’s interesting?

Is it possible to make flowers by cooking a dish?

Even if the food cooked by this young man is indeed somewhat delicious, it doesn't mean that it is like this, right?

"I'm going to the toilet and I'll be there soon!" Wang Zhijun stood up and gave Liu Guochu a wink.

The latter immediately understood, "I'll go too. Teachers, you go in first."

Cui Yufen was too lazy to look at them and went into the kitchen with other brothers.

Liu Jun was left alone, standing there with a mobile phone holder, neither entering the kitchen nor following the master to the toilet.

"I'm standing here like an idiot!"

In the bathroom.

Liu Guochu took Wang Zhijun's arm as soon as he walked in, "What do you mean? Are we still afraid of them? Why do we suffer from such cowardice!"

Wang Zhijun glanced angrily, "Did you forget that we went to the capital for a meeting last month?"

"I haven't forgotten! It's not Lao Wang, what does this matter today have to do with that? Now I'm going to be completely embarrassed! At worst, we don't eat and just throw our arms and leave. What can they do to us?"

"How about you?" Wang Zhijun pulled out a cigarette and handed it to the other party. "Everything has been prepared from above. The plan will be out next month. Who knows what the evaluation system will be like by then?" What? It’s not rational to offend people at this juncture. What if it comes into use?”

Liu Guochu still looked unhappy.

Wang Zhijun was numb. "Think about it, only those who are rated in the top fifty are eligible to enter that place. Do you have any chance in your life except this time? This is an unprecedented event that has never been done before. For this What's the matter with you being patient now? Isn't that the purpose of our eagerness to cooperate and find relationships? "

These words only slightly calmed down the excited Liu Guochu.

Indeed, last month, the presidents of the culinary associations of the eight major cuisines and important personnel of the Chinese Culinary Association organized a meeting in Beijing.

It is said that in October, what kind of evaluation system will be launched nationwide, of course, it is only briefly mentioned, it is just a meeting to solicit opinions.

But a message was revealed in this meeting.

First of all, this evaluation system is absolutely fair and fair.

Secondly, there will be a global event in China in a year. When the time comes for catering, it will be necessary to find suitable personnel from this evaluation system. The higher the ranking, the greater the opportunity.

Exactly how many people are needed is still unknown.

It can only be said that such a thing is happening now, but how this matter is going to happen is still unclear to everyone.

Wang Zhijun is a bit of a thief.

No matter how this system is evaluated, the greater the influence, the better. That's why he is a little itchy about Feng Yaoyang's cooperation. Otherwise, he wouldn't have traveled all the way from Sichuan Province to Jingzhou to find trouble.

Isn’t this what you feel after eating enough?

Now that the plan has failed, after all, we are meeting two state banquet chefs and the owner of the museum, so of course, don't offend anyone if you can.

What if there is a peer evaluation in the evaluation system?

Wang Zhijun would not dare to risk such a thing.

Liu Guochu took a long drag on the cigarette, and the cigarette butt was a little flat. "Okay, I will listen to you this time. How will we evaluate it later?"

Seeing that his friend had finally given up, Wang Zhijun held the cigarette butt, washed it out with water and threw it into the trash can. "You can say whatever you want to say. If it tastes good, it tastes good. If it doesn't taste good, it doesn't taste good. Let's go!"

After exchanging a cigarette, the two of them came out of the bathroom. When they arrived at the canteen, they saw five dishes already placed on the round table.

If you look carefully, you will see that they are all dishes that you know!

"I'm sorry, I've only prepared five dishes. If there's not enough food, I'll have to order home-cooked food from my third floor."

This was originally prepared for the three guests, but they ate all the party dishes, and now everyone has to divide the dishes.

Cui Yufen still looked lukewarm. It seemed that Wang Zhijun's comments today really made her angry.

The three guests, who were just planning to take care of things, suddenly became energetic after seeing the dishes on the table.

Three Sichuan dishes and two Hunan dishes!

‘It turns out that Boss Su has really prepared something and is waiting for us? ’

‘Knowing that we are chefs from Sichuan and Hunan provinces, we actually cooked Sichuan and Hunan dishes as this delicious customized dish. ’

This kind of behavior, it must be said, is very confident, and this kind of confidence instantly inspired Wang Zhijun and Liu Guochu's competitive spirit.

A feeling of "I want to see how you do" suddenly arises.

Wang Zhijun sat down directly and looked at the dishes on the table. Before anyone else could take action, he picked up a piece of beef.

Hold it high, put it in front of your eyes, and look at it carefully.

"I haven't eaten this dish for many years. Most of the Dengying beef on the market now is sold in cans or street snacks, which lacks the rigor."

When he said this, Wang Zhijun's expression obviously lacked the violence just now.

I have to say that if Su Chen brought out other dishes today, he would not do this.

It was when he saw the dish of Dengying Beef that Wang Zhijun suddenly felt that his so-called 'plan' this time was too reckless.

I was fascinated by the results of the meeting in Beijing.

It was obvious that he was here to cause trouble, but the other party was still able to go to great lengths to prepare such a dish to entertain the guests.

When the narrow-mindedness of his age met the open-mindedness of his youth, Wang Zhijun actually felt a little ashamed for a moment.

It was just what he was thinking, and others didn't know it. Cui Yufen saw that Wang Zhijun was silent for a long time, just staring at the piece of meat in a daze, and asked with a sneer, "President Wang, I see that you like to comment when you eat food. What do you think of the Dengying beef dish made by my fifth brother? Is it still acceptable to you?"

Wang Zhijun knew that he was in the wrong and did not take Cui Yufen's meanness to heart, "The lantern shadow beef made by a real master has a spicy and sweet taste, the meat is tender, red and bright in color, thin and transparent, and the human figure can be seen in the space, just like a lantern shadow play, so That’s why it got the name Dengying Beef.”

Hearing this, others picked up the beef slices to look at it.

Jiang Wusheng closed one eye, placed the beef slices in front of his other eyes and moved them around in a circle. Through the beef, he could actually vaguely see the figure of the person on the opposite side flickering!

"It's wonderful. The beef slices can be made so thin. To be honest, I have never tasted this dish before."

After saying that, Jiang Wusheng put the piece of beef into his mouth.

"Well" he chewed slowly for a few times, his face full of surprise, "The visual effect of this beef is very deceptive!"

Lu Yongliang also started to eat, "Yes, such a thin and translucent piece of meat looks very crispy, but I didn't expect it to taste soft and tender, wonderful!"

Cui Yufen's teeth were not very good. He bit it experimentally and found that he could easily bite it in half.

There is an essential difference between beef and other meats.

Well-cooked beef becomes more flavorful the more you chew it!

Cui Yufen chewed it for a dozen times, and her mouth was filled with the rich aroma of meat. But she was a little curious, "Don't you feel spicy?"

Su Chen said, "When making it, I deliberately reduced the spiciness and increased the salty, fresh and sweet taste."

Cui Yufen nodded with satisfaction, "I like this change very much. In terms of spicy food, this dish is probably a delicacy from Sichuan and Chongqing. Your change is just right, and it tastes more like it is in line with the tastes of the whole country."

Not bad!

Wang Zhijun had also eaten two pieces of beef. At this moment, he was so shocked that he could not even speak.

I thought that what Cui Yufen said about the lack of spicy taste was because Su Chen copied the preparation method of Daxian County, Sichuan Province. The Dengying canned beef there does not contain chili pepper.

Unexpectedly, after tasting it myself, I discovered that it was not that the spicy taste was gone, but that the spicy taste was less obvious!

just like

Yes, there is a spicy taste in the mouth, but as long as you chew it a little, the obviously strong spicy taste will gradually disappear, replaced by the fresh aroma of beef and the sweetness of seasoning!

'How did he do that? ’

How do you combine various flavors to be so distinct and unique?

What really shocked Wang Zhijun now was not how Su Chen made the beef slices so transparent and yet so tender, but the seasoning. How could the taste be made into something first and then something else?

What about magic?

People may deceive people.

But taste buds never deceive people.

Wang Zhijun stuffed his mouth one bite after another. The beef was delicious, but he just wanted to keep eating it, because only in this way could he truly taste the mystery of this beef!

However, just when Wang Zhijun went to pick up the beef for the first time, the plate in front of him was suddenly pulled away.

"Okay, how much more do you want to eat, and do you want to let others eat it? We are still waiting for your review!"

It's Cui Yufen again.

Wang Zhijun looked at the famous chef in the capital with a headache, "Sorry, sorry!"

He reluctantly looked at the plate of beef that was dragged to the other side of the table, and the taste remaining in his mouth seemed to be a little stronger.

What the hell is there to say?

Just the performance of eating says it all!

It's a pity, Wang Zhijun thought to himself, it would be better if he made more beef. After all, it is easy to store, and he can take some with him when he goes back.

Little did they know that it was at this moment.

"Great! Why don't you sell such a great dish? I feel that if it is sold by weight, it will definitely be popular!"

In the kitchen, Zhang Li was holding a large bowl of beef slices.

Yes, it was a large bowl of beef slices, all of which were made by Su Chen.

With other employees of Delicious, as well as Michelin three-star chef Carlson, Shang Mingke and Zhou Bin gathered together.

Everyone took a piece from the bowl like eating snacks, and then ate and chatted, it was so lively.

"So, Mr. Shang, the two presidents you just mentioned came to find trouble, and then what? What is their purpose?" Ling Shuyu smacked his lips, and he said more and more rare words.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Shang, please tell us quickly, we are also very curious. We are doing our own business, why do we come to find trouble?" Shengnan was puzzled.

Zhou Bin had some thoughts on this, "It goes without saying that something that Boss Su did recently must have touched other people's interests. Of course, I don't know what it was! Baji!"

Carlson looked at Zhang Jiayi several times with a puzzled look, and the latter told him directly that these things had nothing to do with him.

The foreign chef had no choice but to bow his head and show off the beef slices.

He even felt for a moment that what he did with Tomahawk steak and Wellington steak in the past was simply a joke!

How many beefs can be made with a piece of Tomahawk steak?

What a waste!

"Mr. Zhou is right." Shang Mingke tore off half of the beef and put it in his mouth. It tasted much better than beef jerky. "Don't worry now, there are still people who haven't arrived yet."

"Oh?" Ling Shuyu lifted the hair hanging in the corner of his eyes and looked at the beef.

Through the frosted glass, he vaguely saw a figure swaying, as if someone had come uninvited again

Daily 10,000 Days!

The next chapter will be updated tomorrow!

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