Food Customizer

Chapter 194 Sister Shengnan is getting married

Chapter 194 Sister Shengnan is getting married~

After the excitement, it is quiet.

With the departure of everyone, Su Chen's life has returned to the previous routine.

After getting up every day, he first makes himself an SS-level breakfast on the 19th floor in various ways, and then goes into the practice room to start studying repeatedly.

After reading the history of world cuisine in the office all morning, he strolls around the second and third floors until night, and makes a meal of gourmet food arranged by Bai Xiaobo, which ends a not-so-busy day.

A week later, the funds agreed by Feng Yaoyang finally arrived, and at the same time, the decoration team contacted by Ling Shuyu officially moved into the fourth floor.

Delicious snacks, officially entered the decoration stage!

However, within the three years stipulated in the contract, in addition to operating the snacks on the fourth floor, Su Chen must also complete Feng Yaoyang's commission, that is, to bring out a total of 6 batches of students for him.

Now standing by the window on the 19th floor of Delicious, you can clearly see that in the open space not far to the southeast, a large number of isolation fences have been built, and some materials and workers have also entered the site.

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That is, Feng Yaoyang's "food court" is also about to start construction.

The lifeless development zone gradually began to become lively.

Once the company enters a normal operating state, it is actually not as busy as imagined. The real busy people are Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi.

They are responsible for the six-hour operation of the third floor every day, which is consistent with Su Chen's estimation. Although there are only 30 home-style menus on the third floor, with these 30 dishes, the business is always crowded.

Delicious home-style dishes are now well-known in Jingzhou, and many friends will choose to gather here.

The only thing that many customers complain about is: the queue is too long every time, when can they add more windows!

Su Chen also wondered where to find a chef? And it was a chef of Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi's level.

On the second floor, it was still the same.

Liu Abao was responsible for the children's lunch and the brunch of the employees of Xinghui Company opposite.

I don't know if there are new companies opening in the development zone recently, but I always feel that more people come to the second floor to eat.

Zhang Li and He Shuting are responsible for the children's pick-up and drop-off every day, and take care of the children's sleep at noon.

Fortunately, the second floor has always provided free catering services for teachers. With the assistance of kindergarten teachers, their work is not known how easy it is.

It's just that Zhang Jiayi has been idle recently because she has been working less outside.

The daily work tasks of this rich second-generation girl are: drive to the company to work, then stroll around the floors, and stay there to wait for food if she finds anything delicious.

Sister Shengnan's work has also started to get on track. Su Chen remembered Ling Shuyu's words last time. While the snack floor on the fourth floor was being renovated, Su Chen arranged for someone to partition off a larger office for Liu Shengnan on the nineteenth floor, which was specifically used as a financial office.

At the same time, the task of recruiting new people was also given to Ling Shuyu, so that Liu Shengnan would not need to go there in person for some simple errands in the future.

Everything that came with delicious food seemed to be moving in an orderly manner towards a better direction.

Just like this morning, after everyone came to the company, they started their first daily work content: chatting.

Su Chen himself had homemade golden egg fried rice on the nineteenth floor, a top-grade tea egg, and a glass of homemade low-alcohol fruit wine, and he touched his stomach with satisfaction and started his work content: strolling.

First, he went to the third floor.

Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi are now fully familiar with the work process.

Every morning, Fang Chang delivered the day's ingredients to the third floor, and then Zhang Heping and Lao Shiqi began to process the ingredients.

Generally speaking, the two of them can finish everything from ten o'clock to one o'clock in the afternoon, take a three-hour break, and then resume business at four o'clock.

There was nothing to see on the third floor, so Su Chen pointed and said a few words, and walked up the stairs to the second floor.

At the door, he heard the chatter inside.

As the saying goes, three women make a play.

There are several women in Delicious, and when they chat, it is no less than three plays.

Somewhat surprisingly, Aunt Fang also joined the chat today!

Not in a hurry to go in, Su Chen listened to what they were talking about at the door first.

With the magic sticker, even hearing has improved.

"I'm an experienced person, you're right to listen to me. As long as you recognize this person, you don't have to worry about other things. For the guests, everyone just wants to eat quickly at a wedding, so why are there so many other things to pay attention to?"

Zhang Jiayi said in a loud voice, "Aunt Fang, this is not right! Every girl has only one chance to get married in her life, and everyone wants to have a good wedding! What's the matter with setting up a tent in the village?"

Oh? Su Chen also became interested in gossip.

How did they talk about marriage?

I haven't experienced it, I love it!

"Sister Jiayi, you can't think like that. Your family is rich, you can have whatever you want. Sister Shengnan's boyfriend is from an ordinary family. If they hold a grand wedding now, won't they spend the money that Sister Shengnan will get after marriage? I don't think it's worth it."

When Zhang Li spoke seriously, her voice was very cute, and she sounded a little childish.

Su Chen just wanted to laugh when he heard it, just like a child talking to others about adult matters.

But Liu Shengnan is getting married?

How come I don’t know about this?

Su Chen thought silently, it seems that my aura is too strong during this period, with the momentum of the boss, so these small employees are gradually starting to have a gap with me?

At this time, a new voice was heard, soft and charming, obviously it was He Shuting.

"It's definitely okay to be a bridesmaid, but don't the men have a custom of teasing bridesmaids?"

"Now we're not discussing bridesmaids, but weddings!"

Ling Shuyu also joined in, "I don't understand what you're talking about. I think as long as I'm happy, nothing else matters."

The person involved, Liu Shengnan, spoke with a tone of obvious worry, "We've discussed it for a long time. Hey, every family has its own problems. What else can we do except agree?"

At this time, Su Chen walked in with his hands behind his back, "Shengnan is getting married? Where's the wedding candy?"

Liu Shengnan turned her head and said, "Oh! Our custom is to give everyone wedding candy after the wedding!"


Su Chen knew that Liu Shengnan did have a boyfriend, who was from Northeast China. He used to joke about getting his boyfriend to work at Delicious, but of course it was just a joke.

"So what were you talking about just now?" Everyone has a gossipy heart, and Su Chen is no exception.

Zhang Jiayi slammed the table and looked very unconvinced, "Boss! Sister Shengnan is getting married in a few days, but the man can only hold a banquet in the village. What era is it still holding an open-air banquet in the village? Isn't this looking down on people?"

"Sister Jiayi" Zhang Li pulled Zhang Jiayi's arm and gave her a look.

Because Liu Shengnan was already annoying enough, she was even more annoyed to hear her say that.

Aunt Fang, who has experienced it, is more pertinent, "Shengnan's boyfriend's relatives are all in the village. It is not convenient to hold a banquet in the city. Not many relatives can go, so we can only hold it in the village."

"The village is also good." Su Chen analyzed based on his few experiences of eating banquets, "The buffet in the village is also delicious and down-to-earth. If your hometown is in the village, just hold it in the village. When you go back to the city, you can invite colleagues to eat two tables."

This is the way of thinking of normal people. Ideas like Zhang Jiayi are completely the style of a rich lady.

Everything should be the best, but there are not so many best in the world. Doesn't it still depend on your family conditions?

And Su Chen particularly agrees with what Aunt Fang said.

No matter how your wedding is, the guests just want to start eating.

Most people's evaluation of a wedding comes from whether the food is delicious or not, the quality of the cigarettes and alcohol, rather than how the wedding is held on the stage. This is probably the sad part.

After a wedding, only the bride and groom are moved.

Liu Shengnan forced a smile with a bitter face, "Sorry, boss, I have to ask for leave, and here!"

She took out a stack of red envelopes from her bag, "It's an invitation for everyone."

Liu Shengnan is an old employee and has a good relationship with everyone, so all the employees of Delicious have invitations.

For example, the newly recruited girls in the Finance Department did not receive an invitation, and the cleaning department staff led by Aunt Fang did not receive an invitation.

Because of the good relationship, Brother Fang Chang also received an invitation.

"Please, take a few more days. Getting married is a big deal. You should give yourself 30 days of wedding leave. If it's not enough, we'll talk about it later." Su Chen said.

When he was working before, he couldn't understand why the wedding leave was only seven days?

In some places, the wedding banquets for men and women are held separately. Three days are gone, plus there are other messy things, seven days is not enough.

And if a company can't operate because an employee is absent from work for a short period of time, then what's the point of running a chicken company!

So the wedding leave of Delicious is always one month!

After all, employees can only work hard if their lives are happy!

If life is a mess, how can you have the mind to work during working hours?

"Yeah, I shouldn't need that long. The wedding banquet will be in seven days. Everyone must come then!" Liu Shengnan couldn't tell whether she was moved or something. After putting down the invitation, she said a few more words to everyone and left.

The girls left behind began to chatter about the wedding.

Speaking of the wedding, Su Chen actually considered investing in a wedding banquet hall in Delicious.

However, after seeing the budget, they gave up the idea. If a wedding hall is to be decorated well enough, the investment cannot be underestimated. It is still a project that Su Chen cannot complete for the time being.

"Hey, Shengnan is married, you single dogs should hurry up!"

Su Chen's casual words made the lively chat awkward in an instant.

Single Dog

After Su Chen left, the content of the girls' chat immediately changed from wedding to mate selection criteria.

"My future boyfriend can be poor and incompetent, but he must be handsome!" Zhang Jiayi, who is obsessed with looks, held her chin with a face full of infatuation.

He Shuting held her chin with her eyes turned up and stared at the ceiling, "The boyfriend I want to find must be manly, responsible, and outstanding in personal ability!"

Zhang Li frowned and pouted, "I don't seem to want to fall in love. If you have to fall in love, just make delicious food for me!"

Several people looked at Ling Shuyu.

Mr. Ling snorted disdainfully, "Why do you want to get married? It's good to be alone."

Aunt Fang took a deep breath.

Silently, I got up with a broom and walked towards the 19th floor. I thought this was too weird. How could so many girls in the company have a crush on the boss at the same time?

Aren’t the characteristics you described just like our Xiao Su?

That Mr. Ling is still pretending that he doesn’t want to fall in love. Don’t think I haven’t seen the two dolls in your car seat!

Or two dolls, one boy and one girl!

Bai Xiaobo didn't say anything. As a man who had been hurt by a woman, his heart was sealed with cement!

After Liu Shengnan asked for leave, the company was indeed running normally.

It's just that Ling Shuyu may be a little busy, and some of the business that Liu Shengnan handles personally can only be taken care of by her temporarily.

As for Sister Shengnan, because Jingzhou is still quite far from the Northeast, two days before the wedding, Liu Shengnan followed her uncle and second uncle to a small village in the Northeast.

According to the situation in Jingzhou, when a woman gets married, two men in the family will be required to send her off, and this task is usually undertaken by the uncle.

After arriving in this village called Hanjiagou, Nanfang arranged for Liu Shengnan and his family to live in a hotel in Hanjiadian Township.

Nowadays, young people are not so particular. After Liu Shengnan settled down, the group went to a nearby restaurant for dinner under the leadership of her boyfriend Han Cheng.

"Shengnan, I'm sorry." During the dinner, Han Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to go to the bathroom and pulled Liu Shengnan in the corridor. "When I return to Shenyang, I will make up the most romantic wedding for you!"

Liu Shengnan was so tired from traveling that he couldn't think of anything to say now, "I didn't just find out about this condition, why are you talking about this? Hurry up and eat, I don't care, you have to entertain your uncles well."

"Yeah, don't worry!" Han Cheng confirmed, patting his chest.

After returning to the table, two bottles of wine were opened, and the two parties began to exchange glasses.

While eating was busy, Han Cheng answered a phone call.

Liu Shengnan noticed that his boyfriend's face was still flushed, but after hearing a few words, his face suddenly changed. He pressed the phone and said, "Uncle, second uncle, you eat first, I'll go out and take a call."

Liu Shengnan was about to get up to see what was going on. Han Cheng patted her shoulder and said, "You have to eat too. It's okay."

After leaving the box, Han Cheng's expression changed, "How could this happen?"

"I was driving a three-wheeler on the river beach from Hanjiadian to our ditch. The car overturned! My legs were crushed. Now I'm in the hospital!"

Han Cheng sighed, "Is he okay?"

"Nothing is wrong with him. His leg is just injured, but his bones are fine. What I mean now is that everything in the car is destroyed. There is still some pork and other things that can be used, and the vegetables and other things are all rotten!"

Han Cheng's eyes darkened.

From Hanjiadian to Hanjiagou, that is, the distance from the township to the village, there was a river there, and Han Cheng always walked on a single-plank bridge to go to school.

More than ten years ago, this river dried up completely, leaving only the pebbles on the river bed, so many vehicles started to leave from here, so as to avoid taking the mountain road and take a shortcut.

But it’s difficult to walk on cobblestones, and the river bed is uneven.

The person who turned over was the main person in charge of their wedding banquet, which was locally called "Yilong". He cooked all the dishes by himself.

Every day before there is work, the master chef has to bring the ingredients to the host's house in advance, and some dishes have to be prepared a day in advance.

Are you taking a fucking shortcut now?

He shook his head and quickly calmed himself down, "Don't we still have several ladle masters in our ditch?"

On the other end of the phone was the person in charge who helped organize the wedding in the village. He was considered a highly respected person from the older generation. "I asked them all! Not to mention our village, we also asked several nearby villages and towns about people getting married on National Day." There will be work the day after tomorrow!”

Just as he calmed down, Han Cheng's eyes darkened again.

"Then master, can you still hold on?"

"Hey! You haven't seen it. Although the muscles and bones are not injured, the legs are swollen like a big pig's elbow. I will definitely not be able to do the work!"

The twenty ounces of wine he had just drank were obviously nothing, but Han Cheng felt dizzy when he heard these words.

He felt guilty for letting Katsuo hold a wedding banquet with him in the village.

Now all the relatives from all over the world have come back.

The familiar folks in the village are all helping to decorate the new house at home. Everyone is waiting to watch the excitement and eat this meal the day after tomorrow. How could such a thing happen?

National Day is indeed a popular time for weddings. Just when Han Cheng went shopping in the city these days, he met several newlyweds who were also shopping.

"Then, what should we do now?" Han Cheng, who thought he was mature enough, panicked for a moment and asked subconsciously.

The supervisor sighed several times over there, "It really can't be done! Our family can only fight on our own! It doesn't matter what we make, after all, this is an unexpected situation, and no one can do anything about it! There are still ingredients Time bought it.”

In early October in the Northeast, the weather was already a little cooler, and Han Cheng didn't notice at all that a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back vest.

I just feel cold all over.

The conditions are already like this, and now something like this happens.

Han Cheng's throat felt a little thirsty, and he looked back with difficulty at Liu Shengnan, who was eating with his two uncles.

‘How the hell am I going to speak! ’

The supervisor on the other end of the phone kept talking, "Xiao Cheng, you are a grown man. Your parents have agreed to this, so we can only use our own family to join the battle! You give me an idea, you say it, and I will take care of it right away." People go to the city to buy groceries!”

Han Cheng was still a little unwilling to give up.

"Uncle, are you going to Shenyang now? Can we come to Hanjiadian and have dinner in town?"

"It's too late! Hanjiadian is the only place for wedding banquets, and it was booked two months ago!"


Han Cheng didn't stand firmly and leaned against the glass door, "Well, let me think about it."

He was panicking. This time, he was really panicking.

How should he explain to Shengnan!!!

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