Food Customizer

Chapter 201 The banquet begins, something big is about to happen!

Taiwanese novel website →𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞

Seeing Su Chen fish out more than 30 fish from the iron bucket at once and put them all into the large aluminum basin.

The eldest cousin dropped the firecracker in his hand with interest and ran over to watch.

"I said I killed it yesterday. What's up, brother? Do you want me to call a few people to help?"

After all, it takes a lot of time to kill so many fish, and you have to clean them up. Even if you are an experienced hand, it will take more than an hour to kill more than 30 fish, right?

Su Chen smiled and shook his head.

He knocked a fish unconscious with two bangs, and the kitchen knife in his hand seemed to have cut flowers in an instant. Before the eldest cousin could react, a killed fish was thrown into the basin of clean water.

"No, brother, where are you killing fish?"

Before the eldest cousin finished his sentence, another fish went into the basin.

"Fuck, this knife technique! Has this been practiced before? Is it from Shaolin Temple?"

Su Chen stopped, "Shaolin Temple does not allow killing."

It took about 15 seconds to finish a fish. The eldest cousin was dumbfounded. By the time he realized that he could not kill, 30 fish were already lying in the aluminum basin with clean water.

Is it so outrageous?

"Brother, you are strong at killing pigs, but you are so skillful at killing fish. What did you do before?"

Su Chen held the kitchen knife horizontally and grinned at the eldest cousin's carotid artery.

Han Maodan's hair suddenly stood up and he stammered, "Well, well, I, I'll go see what's going on with the firecrackers."

After sending the eldest cousin away, Su Chen looked at Liu Abao who was busy preparing cold dishes, so he had to squat on the ground and start washing the fish.

The dish of fried fish with green onions is very interesting. It can be eaten cold or hot, and it even tastes better when eaten cold. The temperature in the Northeast in October is already a bit cold, and you have to dress it more in the morning and evening.

So take out this fish, whether you eat it hot or a little cold when it is served, it tastes great!

After adding a lot of vegetable oil to the pot and heating it up, start to put the grass carps into the pot one by one.

Each grass carp is only cut three shallowly on the side, and it only needs to be fried until it turns light yellow after being put into the pot.

Ten fish can be fried in one pot at a time, and soon more than 30 fish are fried, piled up in the aluminum basin in golden color. This large amount of chicken, duck and fish meat piled together gives people a very enjoyable feeling just by looking at it!

Su Chen continued to mix Shaoxing wine, vinegar, soy sauce, broth left over from the previous stewing of meat, rock sugar and MSG, etc., and put them in a small bucket waiting to be used when cooking fish later.

As one dish after another was prepared in advance,

The eldest cousin reached out to light the firecrackers at the door.

"Bang! Bang!"

When the firecrackers sounded, the etiquette team immediately started playing. Su Chen also temporarily stopped his work and patted Abao, "Let's go and see the excitement."

Outside the alley, Han Cheng was struggling to carry Liu Shengnan on his back and was walking in. The villagers deliberately blocked them.

"Red envelope, give a red envelope and we'll let you go!"

Han Cheng suddenly rushed out.

"Wow!" Su Chen was a little worried. If he fell, it would be embarrassing.

Fortunately, relatives and friends were just pretending to block the door, but in fact they were just having fun.

When they arrived at the door, Han Cheng's mother came out with a plate full of banknotes of different amounts. At a glance, there was about a thousand yuan.

This is called grabbing wedding money.

Liu Shengnan couldn't see anything through the red veil, so she grabbed a handful of it fiercely, and it turned out that they were all one-yuan bills!

Everyone laughed.

After that, Han Cheng carried his wife into the yard and walked around the firewood pile, shouting as he walked around.

"Mom! I've got my wife back!"

"Mom! I've got my wife back!"

"Mom! I've got my wife back!"

After walking around three times and shouting three times, everyone let them in.

Su Chen was stunned, "Isn't this too stupid?"

But A Bao was not. He was enjoying the show and even laughed with everyone. "No, I think it's good. It's lively and festive. It's great! Shengnan will definitely be a good wife in the future. They will definitely be happy!"

Su Chen agreed with this statement.

Just look at Liu Shengnan's status in this yard these two days. Even her parents-in-law can only listen to her orders.

The key is that she has a reason to order people around, not to do it randomly.

Even when cooking, Su Chen would occasionally hear the kitchen helpers next to him praising Shengnan, saying that she had ideas and was well-educated, and that the Han family was lucky to have such a daughter-in-law.

"Yes." Su Chen took a deep breath, "No matter what, happiness is the best."

Shengnan was the first to get married in the company. After this marriage, Su Chen was not sure whether Liu Shengnan would continue to work in Jingzhou. Maybe she would come to Shenyang to work. Who knows.


Su Chen threw away these random thoughts, "Okay, it's our turn to perform next. Don't let Sister Shengnan leak the air, or I'll deduct your salary when I go back!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

The stage in the yard was noisy and lively, and Liu Shengnan and Han Cheng were there worshipping heaven and earth.

He Shuting, Zhang Li, and Zhang Jiayi stood on the stage stupidly. The bride was still smiling happily, but the three of them couldn't help but start crying.

Ling Shuyu was mingling among the crowd in the audience. She was obviously dressed up carefully today. Her short hair that had just been draped over her shoulders, paired with her favorite light blue suit, looked both casual and smart.

The wedding banquet process here in the countryside is slightly different from that in the city.

The wedding process in Hanjiagou was first carried out in the courtyard. After the process was over, the guests who were watching the excitement took their seats and began to eat. Su Chen was busy here, and the host was arranging the wedding process over there.

After all the previous processes are completed.

The host said loudly, "Next, is the last part of delivering happiness today! All unmarried men and women present please actively stand behind the bride!"

After the host finished speaking, the young people in the audience shyly pushed each other, but no one stood up to the edge of the stage.

Liu Shengnan glanced quietly, which made her anxious.

This is the most embarrassing situation at a wedding.

Either the guests didn't cooperate with the host's interaction, or everyone was busy doing other things, and no one watched the wedding at all. This time, it really happened to me.

Seeing that Liu Shengnan was so anxious, He Shuting pulled Zhang Li and winked, and the three bridesmaids stood behind Liu Shengnan from the stage.

As soon as they stood here, the people in the audience all moved away. Ling Shuyu stood closer to the front and moved to the side with the crowd.

"Boss, let's go!"

"Why am I going to join in the fun? You go ahead."

Abao stared over there excitedly. There were all girls standing there, and he was a little embarrassed to go there as the only man.

"Hey, let's go! Come with me! Isn't it okay if you don't rob me?"

"No, no, no, I'm not going. Don't drag me. What are you doing?" Su Chen half pushed and half gave way, and was pulled to the bottom of the stage by Liu Abao.

He just wanted to see the excitement, but he never thought about grabbing the bouquet.

To be honest, Su Chen hoped that Bai Xiaobo could get the bouquet. After all, he was a person who had been hurt by love.

When no one was paying attention, Su Chen quietly moved to the side of the stage, "What? Why don't you go grab it? You might just grab it."

Ling Shuyu smiled slightly, "What's there to grab? Who can explain such things as marriage?"


The two of them just crossed their arms and looked at the stage as if they were helpless.

"Okay, I call three, two, one! Can the bride throw the bouquet?"

Liu Shengnan looked back and accurately found the location of his good friend He Shuting.

He even blinked at He Shuting.

He Shuting raised her chin and gave her a relieved expression.


Liu Shengnan turned around and held the bouquet in his hands.


She closed her eyes slightly again, thinking silently in her heart, hoping that He Shuting could meet her lover soon!


As soon as the host finished speaking, Liu Shengnan jumped up on the spot, and then vigorously threw the bouquet back in his hand! ! !

Suddenly, everyone's eyes were fixed on the bouquet flying in the air, and then followed the beautiful arc drawn by the bouquet.

It is said that someone once conducted an experiment. If you blindfold a person and ask him to keep walking forward, he will not be able to walk in a straight line.

Liu Shengnan is in such a state now!

Turning his back and closing his eyes, he clearly threw the ball according to the position of He Shuting in his imagination.

But this flower.

"Ah!" Ling Shuyu originally knew that the flower was thrown down along the direction of the stage.

But because of Liu Shengnan's deflection, a huge bouquet rushed towards her face. The unexpected situation frightened her so much that she closed her eyes and hid back, and at the same time subconsciously stretched out her hand to block it.

This is exactly what you would do subconsciously when you are hit!

But there is someone next to her!

Su Chen had already put the magic sticker on the bridge of his nose. With his super-fast reaction and agile movements, the moment the bouquet was about to hit Ling Shuyu's face!

Just reach out!

"Huh?" Su Chen looked at his left hand in confusion, and then turned to look at the girl with pale face.

Almost at the same time, Ling Shuyu stretched out his shielding hand and held the bouquet! ! !

A bouquet of flowers was held by both of them at the same time.

Su Chen wanted to say it was a misunderstanding, but the host's voice was obviously louder.

"What a perfect match! The handsome guy and the beautiful girl in the audience received the bouquet at the same time. Are you good friends of the bride? Can you please come on stage? Is there anything you want to say?"

At this moment, the air seemed to solidify.

Su Chen and Ling Shuyu, one with their left hand and the other with their right hand, stood there holding the bouquet, unable to tell whether they were embarrassed or confused.

Don't talk about them.

The other employees at Delicious Food are just confused!

"Damn it, we agreed not to rob him, but here's what you do? Boss, boss, I never knew you were this kind of person before!" Abao thumped his feet and chest.

Bai Xiaobo tugged at his hair, "I said the most boring person in our company is the boss. Look, look! Isn't that right?"

What kind of girl is Zhang Li? I am completely confused.

This is really like filming an idol drama!

Nowadays, TV dramas are so afraid that they will be criticized by the audience, right? How come you just come right to the scene?

Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?

He Shuting stamped her foot depressedly, "That's too much! I usually don't show off in the company, but now I'm doing this in front of so many people?"

After the short legs were stunned, they laughed foolishly, "It's so exciting. I just realized that the boss and Sister Ling are so good at chatting, right? They are both stupid, hehe!"

Don't say it, it's really stupid.

When Ling Shuyu heard the host said that he would go on stage to speak, his face suddenly turned red, and it was red all the way to his ears.

Although Su Chen was a little thick-skinned, he still felt a little heartbeating when he suddenly did this.

Liu Shengnan, who had just got married on the first day, had begun to lose the purity of a girl. She jumped on the spot for a long time in excitement, and waved her hands to ask Su Chen and Ling Shuyu to come up quickly.

Seeing that the two did not move, she directly snatched the microphone from the host.

"These two, one is my boss! He is also the chef in charge of cooking today! He ran thousands of kilometers to help me prepare this banquet. Thank you, boss~ The other one is a colleague in our company. Because of her, the company has made faster progress and development. Sister Shuyu, come up quickly!"

Ling Shuyu bit her lip.

She was not nervous when reporting PPT in front of many big bosses, but she was very nervous when she said a few words in front of so many elders and villagers.

Su Chen also walked to the stage woodenly.

The two walked a few steps, and Ling Shuyu looked down. The bouquet was still held by each of them. To outsiders, it looked like the two were walking hand in hand.

"Why don't you let go!"

Su Chen also looked down, "Oh! Oh!"

Let go of your hands quickly, this is too embarrassing!

Why don't you just cook well? Why come here to join in the fun!

When they came to the stage, Su Chen and Ling Shuyu first hugged Liu Shengnan slightly, and then they stood side by side beside the bride.

"So, sir, do you have anything to say now?"

Su Chen: ? ? ?

Liu Shengnan looked at him expectantly.

To be honest, I still hope that Boss Su can meet his true love soon, and Liu Shengnan even looks forward to it. If someone like Boss Su gets married, who will be the chef? The feast will definitely be delicious!

After thinking for a moment.

Su Chen could feel the embarrassment from both the stage and the audience.

He had to speak slowly, "I am the chef in charge of cooking today. Everyone, eat and drink well later! Um, I have to cook quickly, otherwise everyone will be hungry later!"

After that, he ran off the stage in a flash.

The humorous speech also caused laughter from the onlookers, adding a bit of fun to the wedding scene.

"It seems that our young man is a little nervous today! This character is not good, love should be said boldly! So, lady, do you have anything to say?"

At this moment, Ling Shuyu's inner embarrassment was finally relieved a lot.

Coughed lightly a few times.

"I am very happy to receive the bouquet from the bride. I wish the bride and groom a happy marriage and everything goes well. Most importantly, I wish them a son soon~"

A very official and classic blessing.

After the host made the final summary, he announced the official end of the wedding ceremony!

As the guests began to take their seats, the aunties who came to help from the neighbors held square wooden plates in their hands, and each plate contained six basins.

According to Su Chen's arrangement the day before.

Each aunt is only responsible for six tables.

Don't worry about the other tables, don't worry about how many dishes there are, just take care of your own table!

One by one, the cold dishes began to be served. Liu Abao mixed a lotus root slice, and his eyes were still so resentful.

It turned out that the boss was the real Lao Liu!

As a few cold dishes were served first, Su Chen directed the aunties to start serving his cold dishes.

The first one was braised beef!

The beef that Han Cheng had cooked in a pressure cooker the day before was soaked in the soup for the whole night. Su Chen took out a piece of beef from the basin and cut it into thin slices of the same size with his skillful knife skills. Liu Abao stood by and arranged the slices of meat in a circle on the plate.

Although we used a stainless steel basin today, it still had to be exquisite!

As soon as the braised beef was served, I could clearly hear the nearest tables exclaiming in admiration.

"This beef is good! Where did you buy it from?"

"It doesn't taste like ready-made beef, the flavor has penetrated into the meat, it's awesome!"

"Is this what the guy who just came on stage made? Awesome, delicious!"

Su Chen looked up and looked around in his busyness. He saw that the braised beef on the table was eaten by one person almost as soon as it was served, because he noticed that an aunt had already started to clear the basins from the table!

"Fuck, these people are really good eaters!"

A Bao also found it a bit unbelievable. Normally, most of the cold dishes at the banquet would be left over. The cold dishes he mixed were left over, but the boss's braised beef was gone in an instant!

Many people took a bite and then found that the meat was special, and immediately put a big chopstick into their plates.

Su Chen continued to serve the dishes, and then the braised pig's trotters and chicken feet that were prepared the day before.

The cooking of these two kinds of meat is similar to beef, but the chicken feet must be fried in advance to make the tiger skin.

The job of the eldest cousin Han Maodan is to serve cigarettes and alcohol on the table. He came back after serving a circle of things and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Oh my God! People today are too fierce. They eat whatever is served. As soon as they get on the table, they grab it like they are risking their lives. What's going on!"

"It's delicious! I pinched a piece of pig's trotters when I just delivered the food. It tastes really good!" The aunt brought back a stack of empty stainless steel pots, and you could vaguely see a little oil stain on the corner of her mouth.

At this moment, the noise at the gate attracted the attention of many guests.

Su Chen and others also turned their attention. The voices of those men were very noisy, and it sounded like they were quarreling.

"What do you mean, Mr. Han? We came here to give you gifts and blessings. Why, we didn't even give you a bite of the food after we gave you the gifts?"

Father Han Cheng was surrounded by a group of people. He was blushing and had a thick neck. It took him a long time to say a word.

"I didn't send you an invitation!"

Han Wenhu, the village director of Hanjiagou.

"We don't blame you for not sending out the invitation! We've been here for a whole village without looking up or down, and now we're taking the initiative to give you a gift. Is it appropriate for you not to give us a meal?"

The tables of the guests were already empty, and they began to watch the excitement while waiting for the food to be served.

There were also several relatives of the old Han family, people like uncles who were in charge, and they immediately joined the crowd.

"Indeed, what the director said makes sense. People come and take their share of the money. It's inappropriate not to give them food."

"The problem is that all the tables are full now! There's no place to sit!"

"Old Han, what's the matter with you? Why don't you know how many more tables to prepare?"

Han Cheng's father said anxiously, "No, I went according to the number of people invited. I estimate there are only 240 or 50 people. I have prepared 30 tables and there is nothing wrong with it!"

Thirty tables, that is, three hundred people.

I have prepared four or five extra tables, which is enough!

The third uncle walked out of the crowd at this time, stood at the gate and squinted along the alley for a long time.

He turned and stared directly at Han Maodan, "Didn't you say that your wife, children and children don't have time to come back? What is that?"

Han Maodan was stunned and speechless, thinking that although I said I didn't have time to come back, I'm back now. Isn't this normal?

He couldn't quite understand what Third Uncle said, "I thought our chef's food was delicious yesterday. I thought that my wife and children should also try such delicious food, so why didn't I just call him back here?" "


The third uncle was all stupid.

"Second brother, damn it!"

He swallowed his saliva and said, "I saw a lot of people who said I was the only one before, but now their wives and children are here!"

Han Cheng's father was also panicked.

Now all thirty tables have been served, and five or six servings of cold dishes have been eaten.

There are so many people standing in the courtyard but they haven't taken their seats yet!

How can this be done!

The third uncle lit up a cigarette angrily, "Forget it, I just saw the inch-headed king Lao Hu, and why are Master Qin, who drives the bus at the shop, here too? We didn't invite them!"

Hearing this, Han Cheng's father also scratched his neck and glanced.

The master who was responsible for keeping the etiquette account said, "Wang Laohu gave me 500 yuan, and Master Qin also took 300 yuan."


This time, everyone in the host family was dumbfounded.

No, what the hell is going on?

Why did so many people suddenly come who had never sent an invitation?

But the problem is, if someone comes to give you hundreds of dollars, let alone whether the invitation is received or not, you have to take a bite of this meal, right?

The third uncle stood at the door and took another look, "Originally, the number of people was estimated well, but some people suddenly brought their families over, and some people came without inviting themselves at all, and now! It was full!" "

Han Cheng's family couldn't have imagined it.

It might not have been obvious to them when they were working in the yard the night before. Only the villagers at night knew how tempting the smell wafted from Lao Han's house last night was!

How many people came back from the fields early today just to have a feast?

At this moment, these villagers finally got their wish. After tasting a few cold dishes, they all praised them and felt that their stay was worth it.

Now here comes the problem. It doesn’t matter if the tables outside are full. The key is that there are still a bunch of people in the yard who just took part in the money but don’t have a seat.

Among them, in addition to Han Wenhu and his wife, there are also several young people.

"I just said that there is nothing interesting about the rural banquet. There is not even a place to sit. I should have known I wouldn't have come."

"Yes, Han Cheng originally wanted to treat us to a meal when he returned to Shenyang. What's the point of coming all the way here?"

These three young people, two women and one man.

They were Han Cheng's colleagues in Shenyang. None of the other colleagues came today, so the three of them were bored and thought of going out to relax.

As a result, there wasn’t even a place to sit when we arrived. Everyone else was sitting and almost finished eating!

Young people will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

One of the girls lowered her voice and said, "Besides, the people in the village are ugly when it comes to eating and drinking. Take a look."

She pointed to the table nearby, "Every one of the dishes that were just served looked as if they had never eaten before. Look! The old man got right into it. Hey, I can't stand it anymore. I can't stand it."

I don’t know if she has watched too many videos of eating banquets in rural areas on the Internet, but the girl thinks this is how people in the village eat banquets.

When the next dish was served, everyone was rushing to eat it, and in the end they had to carry it away in a plastic bag. When I looked over, it was true!

That's not a stereotype, that's just who they are!

The boy who came with him shook his head and said, "Stop talking, give Han Cheng some face, just sit here for a while today, and let's get together when we get back to Shenyang."

There is no other choice but this.

At this time, the third uncle finally thought of a solution, "Tell the manager to let everyone hold their children and squeeze together. There are only about 20 people in the yard. Just move to the tables with fewer people and it will be done!"

Han Cheng's father nodded, "Thank you for your help!"

A group of big men in charge rushed out immediately, smiling and explaining to the mothers with children, and then asked everyone to sit a little closer.

Not long after, all the 20 people in the yard were arranged!

The third uncle and the eldest cousin stood at the door and panted.

"Is this food really so delicious?"

The eldest cousin nodded, "I secretly ate a piece of beef yesterday, it was delicious! The master said to leave a table for us to thank the guests, you will know later."

The third uncle nodded with satisfaction.

This is good. The thank-you dinner is to wait until all the guests leave, and they, the helpers, will eat it last, which is quiet.

The three young men were lucky. There was a table with eight people sitting on it. They squeezed together and sat together.

Looking at the empty stainless steel basin on the table, the three looked at each other and squeezed out helpless smiles at the same time.

"We shouldn't participate in this kind of battlefield."

"Who cares? Just eat!"

Finally, after this farce, the aunts in the yard resumed the speed of serving dishes.

The three young men stretched their necks to see.

"It seems to be an elbow."

The girl Wang Ruolin, like most girls, immediately put on a disgusted expression when she heard it was an elbow. "I'm worried about having a big banquet, all big fish and meat. How can such a big piece taste good!"

The aunt put the stainless steel basin on the table, and several people stretched their necks to take a look.

It was really an elbow, but it was an elbow they had never seen before.

The boy was called Li Ming. He didn't care about raw or cold food. He moved his chopsticks towards the big elbow.

This elbow is different from other elbows they have seen. The original color of the elbow meat is wrapped with a layer of slightly green jelly, which looks very chewy, but because there is no sauce color, the appearance is not very good.

After all, the green color appears on the meat, which is indeed a bit weird.

The elbow has been cut, but Li Ming still picked up a piece and noticed that there were four small bowls of dipping sauces with the stainless steel basin.

They are red oil, ginger juice, pepper and garlic paste.

According to his own preferences, Li Ming chose to order from the red oil dipping sauce. The elbow meat is wrapped with jelly, and the surface is dripping with bright red chili oil.


A full mouthful.

It tastes light, refreshing, and chewy. When picking up this piece of elbow meat, you can clearly notice that there is a little fat, but you don't feel the fat.

On the contrary, even the meat flavor is not very strong, but a very complex taste.

"Mung bean?"

Li Ming finally got to know the light green color, "Do you use mung bean to make pork elbow?"

Wang Ruolin, a colleague next to him, asked curiously, "How is it?"


The basin was in the middle of the table, and Li Ming was about to reach out to pick up the food, but just as the chopsticks reached the edge of the basin, the last piece in it was picked up by someone.

"My dear grandson, this is delicious, eat more!"

An old lady picked it up for her grandson.

Li Ming had to sigh and lower his voice at the same time, "This dish is really delicious, no wonder everyone eats so fast, I think the fighting power of this table is quite strong, you will be quick later."

The two girls nodded in ignorance.

I wondered if this dish was really that delicious?

After settling everyone, the speed of serving the dishes was still very fast.

The aunt came over and first took away the empty stainless steel basin on the table, and then put a new basin on it.

"It's fish!"

"I love fish the most!"

Li Ming was quick this time, he stood up and picked up the fish in the basin with a chopstick!

This chopstick is very skillful, he directly pierced the fish from the cut, and then picked and twisted it, almost one-third of the fish body was picked up by him.


But Li Ming was also very considerate, and he took back such a large piece of fish meat and gave some to each of his two female colleagues.

Scallion fried fish!

After Su Chen fried it, waited until ten minutes before serving, put the fried scallion segments into the pot to form the bottom, and then put the fish on it, and then poured the soup prepared with Shaoxing wine, soy sauce, broth, etc. into the pot.

Cook the soup over low heat to make it thicker, and then drizzle sesame oil until the soup is dry.

The characteristic of using low heat to reduce the sauce is that the flavor of the soup can be completely immersed in the fish meat.

When the fish meat was picked up in the bowl, Li Ming didn't even bother to look carefully, and took a bite directly!

"Shhh!!! Delicious! What kind of fish is this? Why is it so delicious?"

Wang Ruolin is not sensitive to big meat, but she never refuses fish.

One bite into her mouth.

Originally, she subconsciously used her mouth to pick up the fish bones, but this action directly turned the fish bones into crumbs.

The meat is tender and the bones are crispy, and the taste is delicious. There is a strong onion fragrance when chewing. Although it is warm and not hot, it is surprisingly delicious!

The three of them ate the fish in the bowl and looked up again.

"Damn! Isn't this too much?"

"You are talking about others. You just picked such a big piece of meat."

Let alone the three of them, the other people at the table also sighed secretly. Such a delicious fish, I hate myself for not picking up a little more just now.

Li Ming thought secretly.

The strategy of taking one bite at a time is obviously not working now. You have to take more and eat slowly!

There are many people who have the same idea as him. The fish meat in the basin has long been gone. Everyone is secretly working hard at this moment.

Staring at the aunt in the yard who is responsible for serving dishes.

Because Li Ming was the last table to join, he was assigned to the opening where dishes were served.

Turning his head to take a look.

Li Ming's eyes were stern.

Two dishes were served together!

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