Food Customizer

Chapter 203 Return trip, the evaluation system emerges

Big pot stew, as the name suggests, is a dish stewed in a big pot.

The big pot stew in Northeast China has even spread across the country. There are restaurants of this kind in almost every city. Some restaurants are even ingenious, directly building earth stoves under the customer's table, and people use a blowtorch to light firewood to stew on the spot when they dine.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐Ÿ…ฃ๐Ÿ…ฆ๐Ÿ…š๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ….๐Ÿ…’๐Ÿ…ž๐Ÿ…œ]

This unique dining style was indeed popular for a while, but when everyone found that there seemed to be no difference between wood-fired stew and gas-fired stew, this kind of restaurant gradually declined.

When Su Chen was a broadcaster, he once analyzed this problem.

In the final analysis, it is still too difficult for modern people to make money.

It's not easy for everyone to go to a restaurant, and everyone wants to eat something rare that they can't eat at other times.

Big pot stew?

Can't I stew at home?

This is the case for outsiders, but for locals who have eaten this kind of food since childhood, they have a deep affection for the big pot stew.

No matter what you cook, I am not full, but when you take out the big pot to stew.

Sorry, give me a bowl!

So when Uncle San shouted that sentence, the guests who were about to leave sat down again in a daze.

And the guests who had already left half turned back uncontrollably.

The guests who were still sitting were all eager to try, but when they thought that everyone had become more civilized, they also waited for the dishes to come out with peace of mind.

The big pot stew is about being big!

When the last hard dish was served, Su Chen only used one pot to stir-fry the small dishes, and finally heated the staple foods, and the other four pots were used to make stews.

Even so, there was definitely a little too late in time.

So, in fact, Su Chen prepared some ingredients the night before, such as fried tofu.

Vermicelli was chosen as sweet potato vermicelli.

If it was in Jingzhou, potato flour would definitely be used.

Then there are meatballs. Half of the fried meatballs are used to make sweet and sour meatballs, and the other half are stewed in a big pot.

In fact, the ingredients of this pot of food are very simple: fried tofu, pork belly, Chinese cabbage, sweet potato noodles, pork meatballs.

So simple that there are not many ingredients.

The cooking method is also very simple, as if to verify the saying on the tip of the tongue, high-end ingredients often only need the simplest cooking method.

Although these ingredients are not high-end, they are very close to the people.

The guests who sat back almost all had their throats shaking, looking at the aunts and the uncles who were away to help.

Each of them carried a stainless steel basin as big as a washbasin, and then walked happily from the yard and placed the big basin in the middle of the dining table.

Li Ming stretched his neck to take a look.

"Pork stewed with vermicelli? There are also Chinese cabbage, meatballs and fried tofu?"

To be honest, it's very satisfying just to look at it!

Wang Ruolin silently reached down, just unbuttoning her jeans, and now she pulled the zipper down a little, "Give me a bowl, more soup so I can dip it in steamed buns."

Yes, this is what Su Chen does.

There are many dishes in the pot, but there is also a lot of soup, not only a lot but also thick.

It seems that these soups are born to be dipped in steamed buns!

As a judge, Li Ming is responsible for serving everyone.

There is a big spoon in the stainless steel pot, and he puts a spoonful of it in each person's bowl. What a coincidence, almost everyone has a bowl, and there is nothing left in the pot.

'This chef actually calculated so accurately? '

Without a silent sigh, Li Ming looked down at the stew in the bowl.

No more nagging, just pick it up with chopsticks!

The sweet potato vermicelli stewed until almost transparent, with a few slices of soft cabbage, fried tofu cut into just the right size, and a piece of pork belly with more lean meat and less fat.


When the dish entered his mouth, Li Ming tilted his neck and took a deep breath.

Don't lower your head, the stew will fall off.

He started chewing with a red face until the temperature of the dish in his mouth dropped a little.

"Fuck, a stew, why is it so delicious?"


In this stew, the vermicelli is chewy but easy to bite, the fried tofu is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, and the cabbage really melts in your mouth.

The pork belly is not fat or greasy, and the lean meat is not dry.

The simple ingredients mixed together can actually burst out such an amazing taste!

"Delicious!" Li Ming immediately took a steamed bun from the remaining buns on the table, broke off a piece and put it in the bowl, and pressed it hard with chopsticks until the bun was full of soup and turned into a sauce color, and even the surface was faintly shiny.

Then he put it in his mouth.

The satisfaction of carbohydrates rushed in, accompanied by the rich sweetness of cabbage and the aroma of meat.

This deliciousness is too foul, right?

It is simply tailor-made for human pursuit of food!

'After eating this stew, how can I survive in the Northeast in the future? '

Not long after, Li Ming picked up the stew in the bowl, and then dipped the bun in the rich soup, and ate it all in a few bites.

There was a vague burp in the chest that wanted to burp, but the body told him that he couldn't burp.

That's not gas, that's rice, if you want to burp, just spit it out!

Because Li Ming now has eaten to the throat.

Similarly, Wang Ruolin's jeans zipper was attacked again. If she hadn't worn a long shirt today, Wang Ruolin would have had to wait until all the guests left before she dared to stand up.

The zipper had already reached the bottom.

'If you wear tight pants again, I'll be a dog! '

The slightly literary Hu Dan pointed her phone at Su Chen who was chatting in the courtyard and snapped!

Then she pointed it at the empty table and snapped!

After opening the circle of friends and putting the picture up, she edited a paragraph.

[The chef left a mark on my taste buds when I was young, like the Peacock King of Kundali. He made me experience the ultimate enjoyment when I didn't understand food yet, and made my future days become ruins.]

They were not the only ones who were full.

There were some steamed buns, fried cakes and steamed buns on the table.


The aunt next to her took the steamed buns and dipped them in the soup. She didn't let go of the soup dripping from the corners of her mouth and rolled it away with her tongue!

The uncle next door broke open the steamed bun and put the vegetables in the bowl into it, performing a live show of eating a steamed bun with vegetables in three bites!

And the kids who had already left the stage now ran back and lay on their parents' legs.

"I'm still eating, I'm still eating!"

What's more, the director Han Wenhu, who usually looks a bit bookish, now brought the bowl to himself.

"No one is eating, right? Really no one is eating?"

The people at the table were all villagers from Hanjiagou, and they all leaned back on their chairs with big stomachs.

"Can you eat? There's nothing left in there?"

"This old Han is too much of a eater, right? He hasn't stopped eating today. You and your wife are not losing out on these two hundred yuan, right?"

"Yes, two hundred yuan for so much! It's too much, old Han!"

Han Wenhu was not embarrassed at all. He stood up and grinned at everyone, "So what? We helped the old Han family to make CDs, so he should be happy. Otherwise, it would be so troublesome to deal with the leftovers in the evening!"

This is how it is in the countryside.

The leftovers from the banquet were collected if they looked good, and those that looked not so good were basically fed to livestock.

Sometimes there were too many leftovers to eat, and it was difficult to share them with relatives, after all, they were all leftovers, so in the end, all the dishes had to be left to mold and thrown away.

So if there were no leftovers from the banquet, the host would be happy.

Not only did they not have to deal with any extra food, but it also showed that the banquet was well prepared today and the guests enjoyed it.

There was nothing in the dish basin, but Han Wenhu actually took a spoon and pushed it hard against the edge of the basin, then scraped it back and forth on the bottom of the basin a few times, and finally gathered all the soup on the basin, and he could even fill half a spoonful! ! !

"Did you see that? Hehe!" Han Wenhu picked up half a steamed bun in his bowl, swirled it in the spoon, and took a bite with the soup.

Swirled it again, and the soup and the bun were all eaten.

The villagers were stunned.

This is also possible?

Have you not eaten for 800 years?

Han Wenhu finished this bite and sat back in his chair with satisfaction, "I thought today's food was delicious, so I took a plastic bag to pack some, but there is nothing left?"

He took out the plastic bag depressedly and threw it on the table.

"Who said it wasn't! I enjoyed the meal today!" The villager at the same table also took out a plastic bag.

Seeing this, the others also fumbled out the same things from their pockets and put them on the table.

More than a dozen people looked at each other and suddenly burst into laughter.

Finally, Han Cheng stood at the entrance of the alley with two packs of cigarettes in his pocket. Every time a guest left, he handed him a cigarette and exchanged a few words.

Finally, all the guests were sent away.

Looking at the time, this meal lasted until 2:30 in the afternoon!

It's outrageous!

Usually, if the big banquet starts at 12 o'clock, basically everyone will leave after 1 o'clock.

Han Cheng took a deep breath and dragged his tired body to the yard. Liu Shengnan stopped him halfway.

"Where's the red envelope?"

Han Cheng then remembered, "I've wrapped it and put it at home. Give it now?"

"Okay, give it now."

The two sneaked into the house and came out again.

Han Cheng came to the side of the delicious people who were chatting, "Boss Su, you have worked hard these two days!"

Su Chen waved his hand, "I usually do this, it's nothing."

Han Cheng reached into his pocket and pinched the red envelope, "If it weren't for you this time, I'm afraid that Shengnan and I wouldn't be able to hold the wedding."

He took out the red envelope and stuffed it into Su Chen's pocket without saying anything, "This is a little thought, you can also get some joy, but you must not refuse it!"

These two sentences blocked Su Chen's refusal. When he wanted to say something, he saw Liu Shengnan looking at him pitifully, "Boss, please accept it! It's not a lot, just a little thought!"

Su Chen had to smile and nodded, and felt the thickness with his elbow.

'Chao! You gave a red envelope of 10,000 yuan? '

But he didn't say anything.

Han Cheng took out other red envelopes and gave Liu Abao a big red envelope of 5,000 yuan!

After thanking them, they gave each bridesmaid a red envelope of 888. Although Ling Shuyu did not participate, Liu Shengnan said: "Boss Ling got the bouquet today, so she must accept this festive red envelope!"

Another 888.

After receiving the red envelope, the girls happily took Liu Shengnan to take selfies.

Su Chen was indeed a little tired. Someone moved two chairs for him and A Bao in front of the stove, and the two sat lazily on the chairs.

Su Chen: "Okay, I've left all the dishes. Let's prepare to eat."

The eldest cousin came over with a fist, "Finally, we can eat! I knew the dishes were delicious today. Those bowls were cleaner than their faces. It's awesome!"

The third uncle sneered, "Maodan won't eat anymore. He's eaten."

"Who said I've eaten!"

The third uncle looked at Han Maodan with a sidelong look, "When you were taking things in the alley just now, when did your wife not feed you a few bites when you passed by her? How dare you be so righteous now?"

Seeing Han Maodan blushing at the jokes of the third uncle, the relatives and friends in the yard laughed, and the festive atmosphere of the wedding banquet continued.

Zhang Li is actually very good at hiding things, but I don't know why she was always eaten secretly before.

Now the hidden dishes were served on the table safely. Because some ingredients were prepared in just the right amount, and people were stuffed into each table later, the dishes for the farewell dinner were not very complete.

Even so, no one said anything, after all, they were all family.

More than a dozen people gathered around a table, toasting together and blessing together!

The meal started at three o'clock in the afternoon and ended only when night fell. After the meal, these relatives, friends and some neighbors helped to clean up the yard.

Liu Shengnan's wedding ended perfectly!

In the evening, inside the house.

Many people were clamoring to make trouble in the bridal chamber. Su Chen called Liu Shengnan to another room alone, and everyone else was there.

"Since the wedding is over, we won't stay any longer."

"Ah?" Liu Shengnan was stunned. "We just finished our work. We have to have dinner tomorrow before we leave! And it's too unsafe to drive overnight."

Su Chen shook his head. "No. They didn't do anything today. If they are tired on the road, they can rest. You can do your own things. Just come back to work after your honeymoon. Don't worry about the wedding leave."

Liu Shengnan wanted to say something, but Su Chen smiled and raised his head, signaling her not to say anything more.

The girls hugged Liu Shengnan one by one, and got into the car outside the alley with the farewell of Han Cheng's family.

Liu Shengnan stood at the door until she could no longer see the taillights of the car, and then turned back to the house. She didn't know when she was already in tears.

In just less than half a year, she had already regarded the people who came from Delicious as her own family.

In the past, when Liu Shengnan just graduated, she had interned in an accounting firm for a period of time.

For a promotion or for the year-end evaluation, the seniors in the firm were fighting openly and secretly.

Liu Shengnan, who had just entered the workplace, had a very puzzled question at that time.

Obviously, everyone should get along from morning to night, and even colleagues spend more time together than family members, but why can the relationship be so bad?

Until she joined Delicious.

Slowly, she realized that it was related to the boss! ! !

For example, in Delicious now, Su Chen never said what everyone's position was. If you want to give yourself a general manager, no one cares. Anyway, the salary level is there, and it will definitely increase when it is time to increase.

In addition, apart from the little work every day, most of the time is spent chatting and eating delicious food, and no one is embarrassed to take the initiative to ask for a salary increase!

In this environment, unknowingly, Liu Shengnan subtly regarded the partners in Delicious as her best friends, and even family-like existence!

Although she didn't say it, she felt so in her heart.

Back in the house, she sighed and reached into her bag to get the foundation to touch up her makeup.

But she first encountered a hard bag, which was a bit thick when pinched.


Before leaving.

Su Chen counted eight bills from the red envelope and put them in his pocket. He stuffed the rest of the money back into the red shoulder bag worn by the bride when no one was paying attention.

After all, this is to help, not to make money.

Besides, for Su Chen, the joy can be shared, and the red envelope is a token of his heart. If it is too big, it will change the meaning.

In the night, Zhang Jiayi drove one car and Bai Xiaobo drove another.

The two cars hurriedly got on the highway and sped towards Jingzhou again.

The girls are indeed better, but Su Chen is exhausted these two days.

Ling Shuyu, who was sitting next to him, squinted and was about to fall asleep in the back seat. He looked at the boss's profile slightly.

He couldn't help but recall the scene that happened during the day.

She clenched her fist and knocked her head with her knuckles.

'I am a non-marriageist! ! ! '

In order to drive away that outrageous idea, Ling Shuyu took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, and directly gave him an elbow.

"Ah, what's going on!" Su Chen had just squinted, and was immediately woken up by the collision.

Zhang Jiayi, who was driving in front, glanced at the rearview mirror and smiled secretly.

Short legs are right, this is too good to eat!

Ling Shuyu's phone was tilted, and his upper body slightly leaned to the side, and the fragrance of hair instantly penetrated into his nose.

"You were busy these two days, so I didn't tell you about this. This is the message sent back by Uncle Lu, it's very reliable."

Su Chen took out the phone and turned on the reading light on the roof.

His eyes widened a little.

"Notice on the registration and evaluation of chefs nationwide?"

Ling Shuyu lifted the hair on the side closest to Su Chen, "Yes, this is an internal document from the Chinese Cuisine Association. Although it is said to be an internal document, it has caused quite a stir and has spread throughout the circle."

When Su Chen opened this file, he remembered the dinner party in Jingzhou before coming to Northeast China.

At that time, the president of Sichuan and Hunan provinces seemed to have mentioned something about this evaluation system at the dinner table.

Even the reason why they came to find Su Chen had a lot to do with this evaluation system.

Su Chen clicked on the document, and the dense words came into view, especially the wording was mostly in official languages, which made it very uncomfortable to read.

Returning the phone to Ling Shuyu, "Can you tell me something?"

Just know you need me!

Mr. Ling raised the corner of his mouth unnoticeably in the darkness.

"This document looks like it has a lot of content, but in the end it's just about one thing."

"Huh?" Su Chen closed his eyes again and pinched his eyelids with his fingers, as if he was doing eye exercises.

"Evaluation system! An evaluation system sponsored by the Chinese Cuisine Association."

"Does it have anything to do with us?" Su Chen asked very directly. He only cared about this issue.

"If you want to have it, you have it."

What is this nonsense?

Su Chen suddenly became energetic, because Ling Shuyu rarely said such ambiguous words, but as long as she said this, it showed that it was difficult to balance the pros and cons of this matter.


Ling Shuyu also became serious, "The evaluation system is actually a new addition to the official website of the Cooking Association."

Following Ling Shuyu's eloquent talk, Su Chen also began to understand this thing.

To enter the evaluation system, you must first be a registered member of the association.

The so-called registered member does not mean that you become a member of the association after registration. This is something that exists independently outside the association. Only after registration can you be eligible to enter the evaluation system.

The most interesting thing about this evaluation system is that all its evaluations come from big data!

Use big data evaluation to grade registered members!

This level adopts China's simplest grading method, from level eight to level one.

Level one is the highest level.

Hearing this, Su Chen asked a fatal question, "Are there any benefits after increasing the level?"

Ling Shuyu didn't say anything after being interrupted. He really liked his boss's attitude of asking questions at any time, "The advantage is fame. Those who can stand at the top of the pyramid will always gain benefits that others cannot imagine."

Indeed, fame is probably the only benefit.

This thing doesn't give you money or a job, it's just a title.

In the future, when you encounter someone looking for trouble, you should say: I am a first-level member of the association!

It's quite funny when I think about it.

"That's right, you continue."

Ling Shuyu simply put her phone away. She could almost memorize the document.

"The evaluation is divided into several areas. The first is the capital verification process. The specific number of assets corresponding to what level is not stated in the document."

This is the first, asset link.

Su Chen took a breath, "No, a registered member of the Culinary Association must refer to a chef, right?"

"Yeah." Ling Shuyu nodded, "That's right."

"What assets can a chef have? They work so hard one after another. You are just like Cui Yufen's group of apprentices. They say they are famous chefs, but in fact their monthly salary is only 20,000 yuan at most. What assets can they have?"

"Boss, please don't be impatient."

Ling Shuyu did not continue the topic of capital verification, but continued with other aspects.

"The second one is the cooking skills. But this cooking skill does not require a dedicated person to taste it, but to examine the customer flow of the restaurant where the member is located and the evaluation of the diners."

This is quite reasonable. Only big data can handle this kind of thing.

"The third is popularity. It's not just popularity on the Internet or within the industry, but popularity across the entire network."

It sounds a bit like a celebrity.

"Fourth is the record."

When he said this, Ling Shuyu's expression was obviously strange.

"For example, for example, you and I are both eighth-level members, but in fact there are rankings among members of the same level. If you want to go further, you have to compete with me, but how to compete and how to judge the outcome? Itโ€™s not detailed in the document.โ€

Gee, this is interesting.

It feels like playing DOTA and climbing the ladder.

Su Chen raised his last doubt, "Let's put it this way, for example, Lu Yongliang is a master of E cuisine, and Cui Yufen is a master of Shandong cuisine. How can they compare? They are not the same thing."

Ling Shuyu said, "I don't know. Detailed documents should be released later. Right now, they are only in the preliminary registration and review stage. What about boss, should we also register?"

Su Chen thought for a while.

I feel like we can't rush this.

The Chinese Culinary Association is definitely one of the top associations. They have spent so much manpower and material resources to develop this kind of system. Su Chen doesn't believe it if there is no deep meaning behind it.

Since the document is still an internal document and the things are described in a vague manner, it means that there are still some things that have not been smoothed out.

There is no need to be anxious now. There are thousands of chefs across the country. Why are they anxious?

And when it's time to get anxious, someone will be more anxious than you are.


Lu Yongliang, who left Jingzhou, did not return to Hubei Province, but continued to stay in the guest house on Shang Mingke's side.

The leaders of the group also knew who this person was and welcomed Lu Yongliang's visit. Many leaders also expressed the hope that if given the opportunity, they could taste the works of the master of state banquets.

This is the position of a cook

You can say that being a cook is a third-rate profession, but if you really want to be top-notch, you will really be popular wherever you go.

But now Lu Yongliang came to the Grand Hotel.

This is Cui Yufen's old home. Lao Cui not only works here, but also lives here. It's no different from home.

"Level 7? What kind of dog-eye evaluation, I am actually only level 7? Report it, you must report it! This evaluation system is not accurate at all!" Lu Yongliang puffed his beard and stared, as if he wanted to kill the person responsible for the evaluation. .

Cui Yu frowned and looked at him boredly, "Stop yelling, I'm not the only one who commented like this. That was done by big data, what's the point of yelling? Am I only at level five?"

The first half of the sentence sounded okay, and Lao Lu even raised his eyebrows.

In the second half of the sentence, Lu Yongliang almost vomited blood.

"No, let's go to the association competition now. I have to kill you! If I kill you, I will be at level five!"

Cui Yufen smiled proudly and said, "Put me down, you don't have enough assets. Why, why don't you come and work in our hotel? I'll help you raise your assets."

As the first batch of people to join the association, Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang basically understood half of the rules.

In the capital verification process, what is being verified is not the chefโ€™s own assets.

It is a comprehensive evaluation based on the asset level of the restaurant and hotel where he works, and then based on the chef's salary and position. I don't know how it is calculated specifically, but Cui Yu's position as executive chef of the Beijing International Hotel is actually Reached level four standard!

It's just that other things are a little lacking, so it's judged to be level five.

This evaluation method seems to give people the impression that, for example, Cui Yufen works at the Beijing International Hotel. If he can be the executive chef of such a famous hotel, it means that this person must have some skills.

As for Lu Yongliang?

I am an idle person who occasionally comes to the State Guesthouse to help out. What kind of position is there?

Thank God for being able to reach level seven, thanks to his position as the president of the Hubei Province Culinary Association.

"That won't work!" Lu Yongliang shook his head like a rattle, "I'm here to help you? Do you think I look like that kind of person?"

Cui Yufen nodded, "It's quite similar."

Just when Lao Lu was about to run away, Cui Yufen threw out his cell phone, "Why don't you inform fifth brother quickly? The earlier you register, the more advantage you will have. When there are more people, it will be difficult to upgrade your level!"

"That's right!" Lu Yongliang felt the same way.

But holding the phone, he was in a daze again.

I thought that you, Cui Yufen, do have a very high position. Even Cui Yufen's apprentice, Cuihualou chef Wang Peixin, is now a sixth-level member.

This shows that the position and the hotel behind it are really important.

So if I go to Taishui to take a job, it won't be a big problem for my fifth brother to be an executive chef, right?

No, the administration is not good, so I need to find someone more awesome, director chef?

Hey, when he thought about it, Lao Lu's mind immediately became active.

The reason is also very simple, he really wants to improve his level.

People outside don't know, and there's no official announcement, but these old men and women have a vague guess.

This is the layout of the Culinary Association. In the next few years, whoever can reach the top will definitely have a super grand thing that needs this person to host, but no one can guess what it will be.

To put it bluntly, the Culinary Association is probably a part-time job, otherwise it would be difficult to complete such high-tech things with their size.

What really made Lu Yongliang feel that there was something fishy here was that after the document was sent out, the state banquet chefs were not in a hurry and were in a wait-and-see mode.

But those bosses!

The owners of major hotels and restaurants are all anxious!

They all ordered their chefs to register quickly, and there were even several hotels in the capital that had begun to secretly renovate, which is very intriguing.

So Lao Lu knew that there must be someone behind this!

Seeing that he didn't move, Cui Yufen urged. "Hit me, why are you standing still?"

Lu Yongliang put away his phone, "What are you calling so late? Xiao Su must be sleeping. Let's talk tomorrow."

After saying that, Lu Yongliang folded his hands and stood up, "I'm going back to sleep too. I'm bored of playing this vanity fair game with you at my age."

Bian sighed as he walked out. Cui Yu's look made Cui Yu all he wanted to do was laugh.

Lao Lu regrets registering with me!

When the document was issued, the owner of Cui Yu's hotel immediately notified her to register with the association, so Lao Cui just let Lu Yongliang come over, who had not yet returned.

As a result, Cui Yufen rated it as a five-level, and Lu Yongliang rated it as a seven-level, which secretly made Cui Yufen feel happy.

On the highway.

After listening to Ling Shuyu's report and her interpretation, Su Chen stretched his tired neck.

"This matter is in the clouds right now, so let's not rush into action yet. We can't run away, and there's no use fighting if it's not us. Let's wait and see what happens."

Ling Shuyu whispered, "Well, then you can rest."

Su Chen leaned back, closed his eyes slightly, and unconsciously fell into sleep again.

A few minutes after this dish fell asleep, Su Chen was woken up by the phone in his pocket.

"Who is it? It's so late."

I have been driving on the highway for several hours. It is already past eleven o'clock in the evening. Someone is still calling?

Su Chen took out his phone in annoyance. The moment he looked down, he was shocked by the name on the phone.

Uncle Lu?

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