Food Customizer

Chapter 207 The whole network is begging for Technician No. 1!

Sui Po wrote his dining review very carefully.

He made a comprehensive evaluation of the dining experience, the taste of the food, and the flavor of the food.

A 2,000-word review appeared on the association's official website, below Lu Yongliang's personal review.

At the same time, it was accompanied by several high-definition beautiful pictures, and the shooting angles were very tricky, capturing the characteristics of each dish very brightly.

After writing the review, Sui Po took a deep breath, and the assistant working next to him said, "Master Sui, the video has been edited. Will it be posted now or tomorrow?"

"So soon?" Sui Po was a little surprised.

"Well. I watched it for a long time this year, and I couldn't bear to delete any of your words. Those shots were so good, and it was a pity to delete them. In the end, I edited a video of more than ten minutes. There was really no way."

I didn't feel it when I was shooting, but when I came back to edit the video, I felt how good the effect of today's episode was.

The real evaluation is not what comes out of your mouth at all, but the performance during the meal.

Sui Po in the video was so passionate when eating. This video has very few lines, and it is all about showing off. It is precisely because of this content that the editing assistant feels that the effect is so good.

Sui Po thought for a while, "Okay, let's post it now. You can review it again, and don't make typos in the subtitles."

Chef Sui's attitude towards work is the same as his cooking, serious!

Everything must be done seriously, and mistakes must not be made where they can be avoided.

If it weren't for this attitude, Lao Sui would not have reached a height that ordinary people can hardly reach in the chef circle at this age.

The assistant was already accustomed to his work attitude, nodded and said "hmm", and then proofread all the content again before clicking to publish.

It must be said that bloggers with millions of fans have a really great influence.

Five minutes after the video was released, the number of likes was 10,000 and the number of comments was 1,000.

Half an hour later, the number of likes went straight to 30,000, and the number of comments was as high as more than 10,000!

This ratio surprised even Lao Sui himself. Usually, 100,000 likes and more than 10,000 comments are considered high-quality content. Why are there so many comments today?

Open the backend of the account to have a look.

"Teacher Sui is so cute when he finds something delicious. He was so busy eating that the little assistant didn't get to eat anything today, hahaha!"

Sure enough, the Internet is full of people who like to have fun.

As long as there is fun to watch, they are very happy.

"This is not the point. The point is, what is this restaurant called Delicious? How can it find a chef for a state banquet to cook for it? More importantly, why is it technician No. 2?"

"Pfft! Last time I saw the review of Delicious, I thought it was interesting to climb stairs and eat buns. This time, it's just a technician. Technician No. 2 is a state banquet chef. May I ask who is technician No. 1?"

"Is this technician formal?"

"I've seen barbers with technicians, foot washers with technicians, and massage technicians. Now I have to order a technician for meals? Who is No. 88?"

"It's serious food customization. It used to be just food customization, but now even chefs can be customized. Isn't this too much?"

After Sui Po's video was released, it caused quite a stir in the fan group.

In addition to the sharp words used by Mr. Sui in his comments, this new way of food customization has attracted the interest of many people.

At the end of the video, the assistant filmed Mr. Sui bending over the desk and writing a text review. In order to learn more about this video, many fans went to the association's official website to find Sui Po's comments.

The thousands of words of comments looked dizzying, but with various pictures, it became interesting.

What was surprising was that.

After Sui Po posted his comments, others could actually comment below his comments! ! !

"Oh my god! No wonder Mr. Sui said that the dishes were delicious. Five dishes cost 10,000 yuan? ? ? ? "

"Ten thousand for four people, two thousand five hundred per person, incredible!"

"Come on, let me ask you, if you spend 10,000 yuan now, can you find a special state banquet chef to customize your dinner according to your own needs? This is absolutely worth it!"

"Technician No. 2 is worthy of being a state banquet chef. The membership level is actually a level 6 member. If this trend continues, it will soon become a level 5 member!"

Not only fans, but even Sui Po noticed it.

After publishing his dining review, it didn’t take long for Teacher Lu’s level to change from level 7 to level 6.

“Isn’t it updated once at the end of every month?”

Sui Po opened his membership interface and was relieved when he saw a self-service update button on it.

“Teacher Lu already has considerable strength, and now he has joined Delicious, so it’s not too much to upgrade one level.”

After thinking it through, Sui Po also began to fall into deep thought.

What exactly does the Cooking Association want to do with these things?

Looking at any profession in the country, almost no such thing has ever been done, and it is done in a big way. The reason behind this is really thought-provoking!

At the same time.

On the 19th floor of Delicious, Lu Yongliang sat at the dining table, still wearing a white chef’s uniform, holding his mobile phone and laughing.

“What’s wrong, old man?” Su Chen leaned over and saw the words displayed on Lu Yongliang’s mobile phone.

Update successful, your current membership level: level 6.

Good guy, it’s upgraded now?

"This thing also has a self-service update button. You can update it with just one click. Hehe! I'm at level six now. I only need to upgrade to one more level to catch up with Cui Yufen! Hurry up and get me some more orders. , fun.”

Su Chen looked at Lu Yongliang as if he were a child, with a very persistent drive to upgrade.

It's like playing games when I was a child. Each monster gives me a little experience point. Although the process is very monotonous, I can still enjoy it for several days, just for the flash of light when I upgrade, as if all the previous efforts were worth it.

Although Lao Lu is very happy, whether there is an order still depends on the customer's needs.

For example, when this order ended, Su Chen had already received a new order from Bai Xiaobo.

The other party specified that they want Technician No. 1. What can be done?

"You can rest tomorrow, I ordered this list."

Lao Lu glared, "Why! What kind of list can you show me?"

Su Chen handed Lao Lu a message on his cell phone from Bai Xiaobo.

[Technician No. 1, budget 10,000 yuan, number of people dining: 5 people. Meal needs: Skip the main meal. If possible, please make some snacks. The boss can decide how many snacks to make, but there is one condition: spicy rabbit heads must be made. 】

To be honest, when Su Chen saw this situation, his first reaction was: Is Feng Yaoyang's hemorrhoids cured?

But then I thought about it and it was impossible. When Mr. Feng gave him 100,000 yuan, he only ate snacks for two days. Logically speaking, he still owed him five days.

If he wanted to eat it, Feng Yaoyang could just go to the company and ask him directly. There was no need to spend money to customize it.

After thinking about it, Su Chen couldn't think of who this person could be, but it must be the person who had seen or tasted the rabbit head before!

If you can't think of it, then don't think about it.

If the other person spends 10,000 yuan to eat snacks, then you really have to cook them well.

If the spicy rabbit head is finalized, Su Chen plans to have four more snacks, just for five people, one for each person. The amount of each will be slightly larger.

"If you want to talk about snacks, we also have snacks in Hubei Province! Can you give me this list?" Lu Yongliang asked very seriously.

Su Chen shook his head, "That's not possible. The customer asked for spicy rabbit head. He ordered it after seeing me make rabbit head before. Just wait for the customer to come to your door."

After that, Su Chen said in a wicked way, "You can keep in touch with your customers more and communicate with them. Repeat customers are also customers!"

Lao Lu looked at Su Chen painfully, "You own a fucking restaurant, how come you behave like a brothel? You still communicate with each other! We rely on our craftsmanship to make a living!"

After criticizing Su Chen, Lu Yongliang returned to Su Chen's office with his hands behind his back, muttering something about how today's young people are trying to do evil things.

Close the door.

Lao Lu took out his mobile phone and immediately sent a WeChat message to Shang Mingke.

"Hey! You know that there is an anchor on the Internet called Ran Tan Dian, right? He is also a cook, yes, that's him! Please help me find his contact information, um, I have something to do with him."

But after half a while, what Su Chen and Lu Yongliang didn't know was that Sui Po, who was still in the hotel at the moment, was in a very confused state!

"What the hell? Two hundred thousand likes?"

How long has it been since then? Why did it suddenly jump to 200,000 likes?

For a blogger with millions of fans, it is not that easy to have a video with 200,000 likes. What makes Lao Sui feel most pained and speechless is that this video has 200,000 likes. But in the comment area of ​​the video, there are actually more than 300,000 fucking likes!

[Love eating elbow meat: Master Sui, I just want you to help me appoint a No. 1 technician so that fans can see your craftsmanship! 】

It's just a very simple comment.

Sui Po thought for a long time and still couldn't figure out what the highlight of this comment was, and why it had more than 300,000 likes?

Do you like Technician No. 1 that much?

That’s okay!

"Jiajia, can we still get orders for delicious food?"

The little assistant spread his hands in aggrieved tone, "How is that possible! We've been waiting in line for two months for our turn, and if we think about it, it will take another two months!"

At this time, the assistant lady in charge of business said, "I have an idea."

Several people looked at each other, "What?"

The business assistant said, "I wonder if you have ever heard of a very uncivilized behavior? For example, the four of us took the test for a certain establishment position. I was first, Master Sui was second, and Jiajia was third."

"But this position only interviews the top two, and Jiajia wants to be interviewed again. What should I do?"

Lao Sui waved his hands and said with a smile, "The management is so strict now, are you trying to bribe me? How is that possible?"

The sales girl pursed her lips and said, "No. Jiajia can find me or Master Sui, and then offer a price we can't refuse, let us choose to withdraw, and she can take over."

"Is there such an operation?" Old Sui looked at Jiajia in confusion, "Isn't this also a foul?"

The business sister shook her head disapprovingly, "It sounds like a foul, but no one said it?"

Jiajia pinched her chin and said, "So what you're saying is that we can squat downstairs where the delicious food is, and if we meet a new customer, we can pay him to give us the opportunity? As for what to eat, we are in the business anyway. The video is not that important?”

The business sister nodded, "That's what I mean. But it's not that we let others give us the opportunity, but that if possible, we can also pay to have dinner with them."

Lao Sui took a breath, thinking about it this way, it seems that it is really possible!

We are making videos, and the main purpose is to taste food and shoot videos at the same time.

It’s not even an exaggeration to say that there’s no need to hide it, we can just film the whole thing and show it to the fans. That’s okay!

After thinking for a long time, Lao Sui felt that this method was really feasible.

He immediately said, "Okay, let's go squat over there at Delicious Food. Go directly to the 19th floor and squat!"

The sales lady stood up and said, "No, I mean, we won't do videos today."

"Oh?" Old Sui touched his head, "What are you doing?"

"Live broadcast!" The sales lady's eyes were shining when she said this, "Now is the time when videos are popular. If we issue an announcement at this time and take everyone to experience Technician No. 1, then live broadcast"

In the Internet industry, everyone knows one thing: live streaming is more profitable than making videos!

But live broadcasting requires an effect. Many video makers also want to do live broadcasting, but videos can be edited later to create effects, but live broadcasting cannot!

Lao Sui has also broadcast live several times. Except for the last time when he was eating steamed buns when he was delicious, the other times the effect was mediocre.

After thinking about it, Lao Sui thinks this idea is really good, so let's live broadcast it!

Just do it!

The four of them first recorded a video to post on the street, and the content was relatively simple.

That is to say, I will continue to go to Delicious tomorrow, and then I will broadcast live to order Technician No. 1 for everyone to play with.

Some passers-by who accidentally caught the video were a little confused.

Now can ordering a technician be done openly on the Internet?

After understanding the whole story, they all thought it was too funny.

Is he serious about this hotel?

Why do you still provide technician services?

In addition to fans, many passers-by also paid attention to Lao Sui, planning to watch the live broadcast and study whether this technician was legitimate or not.

One night, speechless.

The next morning, Lao Sui had some breakfast to fool around with, and then started working on the video. Because today was a live broadcast, the business sister specially hired a stylist to do it for Lao Sui.

It’s the kind of makeup that looks like you’re not wearing makeup, but actually gives people a very different look.

Then there are the various equipment responsible for the live broadcast. When everything is ready, the time has come to the afternoon! ! !

Delicious to the company.

Su Chen got up early, because snacks are a little different from making meals, especially this spicy rabbit head. Not only must it be marinated in advance, but the base ingredients must also be fried in advance, and it also needs to be marinated for a while before cooking. It’s not a hassle, but it’s time-consuming.

This time, except for the spicy rabbit head, most of the other snacks were searched from the "National Famous Snacks Recipe".

There is another snack that is not in the menu. It is the S-level snack that Su Chen accidentally got when he was in the Northeast. After Lu Yongliang improved it, Su Chen vaguely felt that this thing was so good that he wanted to go to the SS level. a feeling of.

The texture and flavor of bread are completely different from those of steamed bun slices. After using bread slices, the crispiness of the taste is reduced, but the sweetness and milky taste are added, which brings the flavor of this dish to a higher level.

But it still didn't make sense. Su Chen couldn't find the reason yet, so he could only wait until he was free to go to the practice room and try it in a stupid way.

As for the other snacks, there isn’t much to say. There are 108 snack recipes. As long as you follow the steps, A grade is guaranteed.

Su Chen was preparing various snacks, while Lu Yongliang moved a chair in the kitchen and sat there, his eyes never leaving his phone.

I just click on the self-service update from time to time, but this thing can help itself once a day.

The old man was also very aggrieved.

And in another slightly smaller office building not too far away from the delicious restaurant.

Fang Chang leaned back on the boss's chair and put his legs on the boss's desk.

If you look carefully at this room, you will find that it is decorated almost exactly like Su Chen's office!

In Boss Fang’s words at the time: Boss Su’s house is a bit particular about Feng Shui. According to his decoration, it will definitely be prosperous!

Sure enough, after the decoration here, Fang Chang's e-commerce business took off. Now the income from e-commerce has surpassed the income from his physical store.

After all, e-commerce faces the whole country, while physical stores face Jingzhou.

At this moment, Boss Fang's posture was extremely ungraceful, and even his face was very ugly.

"I'll help you with the money this time. Just pay it back to me when your business opens. Oh, I'm bored. You're in your thirties and you want to do something. How stupid is your mother-in-law? Mix it with what?”

Sitting across the table from him was Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is still wearing the gray half-sleeved shirt. The weather has been getting cold during this period. If it weren't for the fat body staring at him, he would probably freeze to death.

His lower body is still the same beige half-leg pants. This look will make people wonder if he stays like this all year round.

"It's terrible. I said I was resigning. My wife almost exploded. I called my mother-in-law at that time. They originally planned to come over during this time, but I had already planned to entertain them on the third floor of the delicious restaurant. Now it's terrible Okay, I heard that I quit my job to sell snacks, and my mother-in-law is here to fuck me today.”

Fang Chang pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

I really don't know what to say about this product.

Anyway, he didn't understand. When he resigned and prepared to start a business, his family was quite supportive, and so was Jiang Yuan.

"Okay, I'll help you and Bai Xiaobo go out the back door and join the queue. The spicy rabbit head tonight is specially made for you. Let them try it. You can rest assured about Boss Su's craftsmanship."

Zhang Yi nodded stupidly, "Hey, thank you! When I open the snack bar, I can pay you back in a few days."

Fang Chang waved his hand.

It was only 10,000 yuan, and he earned it in a few hours. Back then, Zhang Yi sent him food in the middle of the night despite the winter snow. This kind of kindness cannot be measured by money.

But this is not the way to go.

Fang Chang himself was an outsider, and it was inconvenient for him to say more about Zhang Yi's family. He could only do his best to help this brother.

"I hope your mother-in-law can agree to your resignation and open a store after eating Boss Su's rabbit head."

The smile on Zhang Yi's face gradually disappeared, he picked his fingers and said, "Then you can lend me your car?"


Fang Chang threw the Audi car keys on the table, "Get out of here, damn, I drive a Wuling when I go out."

"Hey!" Zhang Yi picked up the key, turned around and ran away.

After getting into the square Audi car, the smile on his face gradually faded and turned into a sad look.

When the A6 started, the accelerator was pressed slowly and the car sped out, but Zhang Yi was not excited at all by the silky smooth driving feeling.

In my mind, the words of my wife when I came out of the house started to play automatically.

"If you don't work hard, you will quit your job and start a business like others? Do you have the money for your daughter's milk powder next week? Are you ready for next month's mortgage?"

"I've been working so hard all day at home taking care of my kids and doing housework. Why don't you just sit in the company for eight hours? You don't know how to help me with some work when you come back. You always go to your classmate Fang Chang's house. How fun is that? Son?"

"My mother is here today. She already knows that you are resigning! You can take care of it yourself! If it doesn't work, I will take my daughter back to live with her parents, and you can start your own business!"

His wife's words were like needles piercing the depths of Zhang Yi's soul.

Isn’t a thirty-year-old man worthy of starting a business?

I just want to change my lifestyle, isn’t my purpose still to create more income for my family?

I lay in front of the computer writing code from morning until midnight. You think I just sat in the office all day, why should I be tired?

Zhang Yi feels suffocated every day when he returns home.

He used to like Su Chen's fried chicken, but later he spent all his pocket money on fried chicken and had no money to eat at the company. In desperation, he asked his wife several times.

As a result, his wife suspected that he was having an affair outside, and he almost got divorced!

That night Zhang Yi stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He was obviously only thirty years old. The hair on his head was getting less and less, his belly was getting bigger and bigger, and his clothes were in tatters.

Like forty.

So later on, Zhang Yi endured his greed and never came back to the delicious food.

Now that the fourth floor of the delicious restaurant has been almost decorated, it's time for me to make the final decision.

He originally thought that such a big matter should be discussed with his wife, and before the discussion, Zhang Yi calculated the accounts in detail.

The money for milk powder is 2,000 a month, the mortgage is 2,500 a month, and his food money is 500.

The monthly salary is 10,000 yuan, which means that the daughter-in-law still has 5,000 yuan at her disposal. Taking into account the family's daily necessities, it is not too much to save at least 50,000 yuan during the six years of marriage, right?

Boss Su adopts a share-sharing model. It is equivalent to coming to work directly. Not only does he have zero investment, but he also gets a guaranteed salary of more than 2,000!

As long as it sells well, there will be very generous profits.

No matter what Zhang Yi thinks, he feels that resigning is the right choice.

What he didn't expect was that his wife had such an attitude.

Especially before Zhang Yi left, his wife said something in a low voice that sounded like she was talking to herself.

"Don't weigh your own weight, just follow the example of others and start a business. They have a father to take care of them, so what do you have? Are you counting on the two acres of land your father planted?"

Zhang Yi still said goodbye to his wife with a smile. When he turned around, he felt so distressed that he almost suffocated and his eyes became red.

Audi's speed is still acceptable.

Zhang Yi drove to the train station, successfully picked up his mother-in-law and brother-in-law, and then went home to pick up his wife and daughter.

The haze in my heart was at the bottom, and I forced myself to put on an ugly smile.

"I'll take you to a great place today. It's owned by my buddy's buddy. The food is delicious!"

The brother-in-law of the co-pilot stroked the center console of the A6, "Okay, brother-in-law! You already drive an Audi, why didn't I know? Can you let me drive it when you go back tomorrow?"

"Harm, I borrowed it from someone." Zhang Yi didn't shy away from it.

The daughter-in-law in the back snorted coldly, "Yadi can't even afford the Audi."

Zhang Yi, who was still indifferent, forced an awkward smile on his face, "Work hard, and you will buy it sooner or later!"

The mother-in-law sitting on the other side looked around. It was probably the first time for her to ride in such a car. "The car is not bad. Don't rush to buy it. Xiaodong has a girlfriend recently. I think the girl is good. I guess we will talk about marriage soon."

Zhang Yi put away the last bit of smile.

Is this an ultimatum for himself?

He didn't say anything, but drove the car silently, letting his brother-in-law in the passenger seat fiddle with the music buttons in the car and listen to the meaningless conversation between his wife and mother-in-law.

The brain was in a mess.

The car quickly arrived at the bottom of the building where Delicious Food was. According to the previous agreement, the car belonged to him today!

Fang Chang did not participate in the dinner in the evening, but Fang Chang revealed a piece of news.

He would go to Boss Su's kitchen to eat and drink!

"Here it is! I tell you, this restaurant is now in our Jingzhou..."

"No way!" The brother-in-law looked around, "Brother-in-law, why don't you take us here to eat? I feel like this place is deserted?"

"Okay, Xiaodong." The mother-in-law glanced at Zhang Yi with her cloudy eyes, "Your brother-in-law also wants to save some money to help you when the time comes, don't be so troublesome!"

Zhang Yi's wife ignored him and walked around with the child in her arms, "Why can't I see where the elevator is?"

"Here!" Zhang Yi didn't have time to react to what his mother-in-law meant, and hurried over to press the elevator button and took his daughter from his wife's arms, "I'll hold it."

The one-year-old daughter pinched Zhang Yi's face, "Dad is ugly, Dad is ugly, hehehe!"

The whole family got into the elevator.

Zhang Yi took a deep breath.

The original plan was to go to the third floor for home-cooked meals, but because of his wife's words, he directly borrowed 10,000 yuan from Fang Chang, and asked for favors to jump the queue, and made a snack order on the 19th floor!

He just wants his mother-in-law and wife to eat this kind of snack, so that they will all be convinced, and then they will agree to his idea of ​​quitting his job and opening a snack shop, right?

With a ding-dong sound, the elevator stopped on the 19th floor.

The moment the door opened, the scene in front of him was not what Zhang Yi imagined.

A mobile phone camera rushed over!

There were three women and one man behind the camera. These four people looked at him as if they had seen some treasure, and their eyes were all green!

Before Zhang Yi could figure out what was going on, his brother-in-law rushed out.

"Fuck! Big Internet celebrity!"

"Is it live broadcasting? Hello everyone, I am Xiaodong, my Douyin account is"

Sui Po was dumbfounded.

He was waiting for customers here, why did such an idiot suddenly jump out?

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