Food Customizer

Chapter 216 From One to Fifty, the Last Supper

Looking up at the starry sky, the night sky was obviously dotted with countless stars, but there were actually pieces of snowflakes floating in the sky.

Su Chen tightened his suit, got up and got into the group of kids.

"Now, do you know what this painting is about?" Zhang Li held a cream stick in her hand, and various colors were squeezed onto the huge cake, forming a colorful pattern.

"This is Brother Xiao Su!" Eleventh sister pointed to a figure in the painting.

Although it was just a simple drawing, it could still be clearly distinguished. The man was standing by the barbecue pit holding a skewer in his hand. Who else could it be if he wasn't Su Chen?

"This is us~" A little girl pointed to the rows of figures behind Su Chen in the painting, "This is us waiting to eat!"


Su Chen shook his head speechlessly, but whether he should say it or not, he didn't know that his short legs had such skills before.

It was almost time. Su Chen walked back to his big iron pot, opened the lid and took a look.

The huge ribs that have been stewed for more than an hour seem to be separated from the flesh and bones. With a gentle poke with chopsticks, they go in effortlessly.

As Su Chen lifted the lid of the pot just now, the heat in the pot seemed even more majestic at a temperature close to zero, spreading wantonly over the wilderness.

Following the evening breeze, I drifted to the cake.

The children who were watching Zhang Li's painting sniffed subconsciously.

The smell of meat tonight was probably the most they had ever smelled in their lives, and it was fried and roasted respectively. Everyone was still full from the barbecue just now, but now we can smell the aroma of stewed meat again!

"Brother, what does it smell like?" Hou Wu asked.

Hou Yi squinted his eyes and looked at the source of the smell, "It's brother Xiao Su, he's cooking meat."

For these children, tonight's experience has gone beyond their cognition. With their short life experience, they can only express the aroma by saying "cooking meat".

"Brother, I'm hungry." Hou Wu's mouth drooled again.

Can't control it, can't control it at all.

Hou Yi tilted his head and looked at him. How could he be hungry when his stomach was still bloated and round? "Brother Xiao Su will give us something to eat."

As they spoke, the two of them couldn't help but move to the iron pot and watched eagerly as Su Chen fished the ribs out of the pot.

A pig has a total of 28 ribs and 14 ribs on each side.

There were so many ribs, Su Chen separated them into three pieces in the middle, and there were two pieces with only two ribs.

A total of 10 huge pieces of ribs were taken out one by one and placed on the square plate on the table. Hou Yi and Lao Wu couldn't move their eyes when they looked at these oversized ribs.

The same goes for the other children following them.

Hou Xiuzhen, who was also attracted by the smell of meat, apologized slightly, "Sorry, I made a few people laugh. They are all wild children who have never seen the world."

Ling Shuyu said very little tonight, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but say, "No one is born to have seen the world."

The scene this night reminded her of her high school and college.

In fact, in Meishilai, Ling Shuyu is probably the only one among everyone, the rich generation.

She really relied on herself to fight her way through millions of candidates step by step, and then stood out from countless job seekers. Even now, Ling Shuyu has a wealth that is difficult for ordinary people to save in a lifetime, but she still dare not relax. slightest.

Because she knew that as long as she relaxed, someone would immediately come up to her. She couldn't and didn't dare.

Hou Xiuzhen only felt that Ling Shuyu's words were a word of comfort.

There are so many children of rich people in this world who have seen the world. How can there be some people who are born without seeing the world?

Hou Xiuzhen said, "Speaking of which, haha, I have been raising pigs here with the factory director for more than ten years, but now these children can't even eat pork except during the Chinese New Year."

Her smile was a bit self-deprecating.

Su Chen just took out all the big ribs and said, "It's normal. Many construction workers have spent their whole lives building buildings, but they can't live in their own buildings anymore."

Seeing that Hou Xiuzhen's expression was a bit strange, Su Chen hurriedly said, "That's why I choose delicious food. After cooking for a lifetime, I can finally have a bite."

Zhang Li picked at the pimples on her forehead and said, "Listening to your words is like listening to your words."

"But don't you think what the boss said is very philosophical?" He Shuting said.

"What philosophy?" Lu Yongliang also became interested.

Su Chen's first sentence just now was clearly an analogy, but from Hou Xiuzhen's point of view, it might feel a bit arrogant. When Su Chen added the following sentence, it started to sound more normal.

But this is an analogous career question. Where does the philosophy come from?

He Shuting said seriously, "What the boss means is that people's choices in this life are actually greater than their efforts. If you choose right, then you can at least enjoy yourself in this life. If you choose wrongly, there will be no point in working hard in your life." It’s too useful.”

She was nodding her head as she spoke, much like she was memorizing text while studying.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and secretly gave He Shuting a thumbs up in his heart. Why can such a good interpretation ability only go to a junior college?

Is the marking teacher crazy? He buried a talent like He Shuting. Damn it!

From now on, He Shuting will be my mouthpiece!

"Shu Ting, what's your score in the college entrance examination?" Su Chen changed the subject.

"370! Hey, the second-tier line that year was 460." For college students, there are not many people who can recall their college entrance examination scores as frankly as He Shuting.

"How did you get 370?" Ling Shuyu was also shocked, "My Chinese and comprehensive science scores are higher than your total score."

Shu Ting smiled but didn't smile, Zhejiang University students get out of here!

The top students can't understand the pain of the poor students, just like the day can't understand the darkness of the night. Xiao He said sadly, "I got more than 30 points in math"

Feeling everyone's extremely shocked eyes, she added unconvinced, "But I got 120 points in Chinese!!!"

But the top students' thinking is different from the poor students. Everyone automatically ignored the event of 120 points in Chinese, and thought at the same time, so you are proud of 200 points in comprehensive arts and English, right?

Su Chen saw that Xiao He was beginning to feel uncomfortable, "Hey, then aren't you still making 200,000 yuan a year now?"

"Yes!" He Shuting suddenly felt confident, "So, choice is more important than hard work! Hehe, I chose the boss and delicious food, so I made the right choice!"

This flattery is so damn comfortable!

Su Chen directly cut off a piece of crispy bone with a knife and put it on the edge of He Shuting's mouth, "You're right!"

"Boss, I have something to say too!" Seeing this, Bai Xiaobo raised his hand.

"Just save it." Su Chen took back the knife, "You can't say anything good."


The farce ended with Bai Xiaobo's embarrassment. The kids listened to their chat, some understood, some didn't.

But they all had the same thought in their hearts: These brothers and sisters are so annoying!

So they laughed with everyone, laughing wantonly, laughing arrogantly, and laughing without modification.


Zhang Jiayi, who was outside the crowd, keenly captured this scene.

In the photo, Su Chen is cutting meat with a knife in his hand. The adults and children around him open their mouths and look up to laugh. The light yellow firelight adds a lot of warmth to the photo.

Su Chen cuts the ribs from the front with a knife, and then carefully separates the meat from the ribs with his hands.

The back of the ribs is not cut, and after separating them, the original ribs become large pieces of meat!

The bone sticks are placed aside, which is fun to watch!

The large pieces of meat are presented on the chopping board. Su Chen moves his shoulders and begins to prepare for the next step.

Heat the lard in the pan!

Pour the chopped garlic cloves into the oil and stir-fry until they turn yellow.

Hou Yi sniffed and frantically felt the garlic aroma emanating from the pan.

He found that every time Su Chen added a new ingredient, the aroma would be much stronger. For example, now Su Chen added minced ginger and chili powder, and the garlic aroma just now suddenly became spicy, and the garlic aroma was a little lighter, but the overall aroma was more fresh and fragrant.

Stir-fry again, add onions and chopped garlic sprouts to the pot, this time just stir a few times, then pour in clean water.

Turn the heat to the maximum, the water in the pot will boil in a short moment, take this opportunity to pour a little fresh soy sauce.

"It will be ready soon, who can help get a few big plates?"

"I'll go." Fang Chang loosened his arm around Jiang Yuaner, "I brought some nice plates."

Fang Chang originally prepared that thing to be exquisite, but he never thought that he would find it unnecessary after coming.

Because there are many people eating, most of the time they choose large aluminum basins and stainless steel basins.

On Su Chen's side, after the sauce in the pot boiled, he placed the boneless large ribs slices on the soup.

When the sauce in the pot boiled, Su Chen used a pot spoon to scoop the soup and pour it on the slices.

Before stewing the ribs, the main purpose was to give the ribs a base flavor, that is, the taste of salt and spices.

Now, the next step is to give the ribs a flavor. The spicy garlic flavor, paired with garlic sprouts and onions, not only tastes fresh and fragrant when eaten, but also removes greasiness.

After pouring for more than a minute, Su Chen began to do the last step.

Originally, according to Su Chen's idea, he was going to take out all the ribs and chop them with a kitchen knife, and then everyone would eat them together.

But Hou Xiuzhen's words just now touched him.

He had raised pigs for so many years, but he couldn't eat a bite of pork at the end.

These children... don't deserve to be refined?

It doesn't matter what others think. I am the boss of Delicious Company, and now the children are my customers, so they must be, exquisite!

The long oval plate was brought to the table.

Su Chen first put three ribs on it, and the arched ribs were placed, looking like an arch bridge from the side.

Then he took out another piece of meat, chopped it with a knife, and cut it into two-centimeter squares. The blade of the knife was placed on the bottom of the meat, and one hand had to hold it to prevent the meat from falling apart.

Very carefully, he put the chopped meat on top of the ribs.

"Okay!" Su Chen scooped up the soup full of ingredients with a spoon and poured it on the meat!

Good stuff.

The children's swallowing sounds even began to become louder. Before, they smelled the fragrance, but now they just looked at it!

Arched ribs, with the chopped meat pieces in sauce on top, and a layer of vegetables on top.

Emerald green garlic stalks, fried slightly transparent onion diced, and bright red pepper diced, the meat pieces are still dripping with sauce-colored soup.

If you take a bite of this.

"One portion for five people, that" Su Chen thought for a while, "Hou Yi, you are the boss, you arrange it, one portion for five people!"

Hou Yi straightened his chest immediately, feeling that he was being used, and immediately put on the momentum of a big brother, "50 to 46, you eat this portion!"

He put the white plate on the table, "No one is allowed to grab it, no one is allowed to eat more, and the ones that can't be separated in the end are given to the little ones to eat!"

As expected of the big brother, the five little brothers and sisters ran to the table very obediently.

Even though they were almost crying with greed, they were still very well-behaved and each took a portion until everyone swallowed it, and then they took another piece together.

Principal Hou taught well.

Su Chen sighed.

Not to mention teaching fifty children at a time, many families now have only one child, and it is difficult to teach them like this.

One after another, the cross-bridge ribs came out of the pot.

Until the end, there were only two ribs left, and after cutting, it was obviously much less than before.

Hou Yi held the plate, "Old Six to Old Ten, you guys eat this."

Although it was small, the five kids said nothing.

Hou Yi held the last small portion, "Old Two to Old Five, and Hou's mom, eat this!"

Hou Xiuzhen rubbed Hou Yi's head, "You eat it, Mom was full just now, and now I can't eat anymore."

Hou Yi shook his head, "I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry."

As the one who knows the kids best, Hou Xiuzhen knows that Hou Yi is a stubborn kid. If he decides not to eat, he will definitely not eat.

She had to smile and nod, "Okay, okay, but you share it with me, okay?"

"No, I don't want to eat, I'm not hungry." Hou Yi said neatly.

Su Chen laughed, "This kid."

Hou Xiuzhen was helpless and had to eat with Old Two and the others.

The already fragrant pork ribs were mixed with the spicy sauce fried later and coated with a layer of chopped garlic sprouts, and then eaten.

Even Hou Xiuzhen couldn't help but snort, "Pork can be made so delicious. Boss Su is much better than the master chef in our previous pig farm."

Others held back their laughter and didn't respond.

Wang Xiaoyi didn't say anything. It was normal for Director Hou not to know who Boss Su was.

On the contrary, Lu Yongliang and Cui Yufen felt a little uncomfortable.

You didn't say that when eating fish, you didn't say that when eating tenderloin, and now you say that when eating ribs.

Our state banquet chef is not as good as Boss Su.

But to be honest, even Cui and Lu had to admit that Boss Su's cross-bridge ribs were not good-looking when they were first made, but from the finished dish, they really have something.

This is not about Su Chen's skills, but the level of Su Chen's choice of dishes.

There are so many children here, Su Chen first chose barbecue, and the fragrant skewers brought the dinner atmosphere to a climax.

The last choice of this cross-bridge ribs is a super hard dish. Whether it is appearance or taste, it just satisfies the regret of these children who can't eat meat all year round.

On the other hand, the two of them.

Cui Yufen's tenderloin was delicious, but after all, each person only got a small spoonful, and even with rice, it was gone in two bites.

As a dish that made Lao Lu famous, the steamed sea bass should have been a big hit, but several people shared a fish and ate it up in just a few bites.

The fried shrimp tails looked like a lot of more than ten pounds, but when it came to the hands of more than fifty people, they couldn't eat a few bites at all. And it was quite fragrant, but it was also quite spicy. Many children ate a few bites and left it alone.

In the end, Zhang Li and the others basically finished it together.

So Su Chen's choice of dishes was what really impressed Lu Yongliang and Cui Yufen the most.

Probably the only regret was that the ribs were just given to the children, and Lao Lu and his group didn't eat a single bite.

When Su Chen finished the last dish, he knew that the children must have had a great time today.

He stretched his neck and turned his head to see that Hou Yi had slipped to the end of the table at some point, and was now chewing on a rib.

The bones of this thing were separated, and the rib stick was clean without a trace of meat. Su Chen was speechless when he saw it. He fished a few pieces of crispy meat from the bottom of the pot.

He took the pieces from the plate and walked to Hou Yi, "Didn't you just say you weren't hungry? Why are you still chewing on it secretly?"

Hou Yi was stunned with embarrassment, "I'll try it."


Su Chen put the plate in front of him, "Here, crispy meat, that's all, it'll be gone after you finish eating it."

Without waiting for Hou Yi to say anything, Su Chen got up and left.

This dinner, which lasted until after ten o'clock in the evening, was also the lowest temperature at this time. The temperature was almost below zero, and people were grinning in the cold. They all ran to the firewood pile and stretched out their hands to warm themselves by the fire.

Tonight, the biggest show is finally coming!

Su Chen and Fang Chang worked together to bring over the cake that Zhang Li had painted more than half of. This kind of chiffon cake base is very soft, and such a large cake is very heavy.

Both of them were very careful, but they still left four big handprints on the bottom of the cake, which was harmless.

"Teacher Wang, it's up to you."

Wang Xiaoyi threw down the beer bottle, "Come on, everyone line up, a total of five rows, Hou Yi, you help line up."

Under the management of Hou Yi and Wang Xiaoyi, the fifty kids quickly lined up in five long rows, and each of them received a syringe given by Teacher Wang.

Then, Wang Xiaoyi and the other adults stood on the cake's side, starting from the first person.

"What color cream would you like, second child?"

Hou Er pointed to a jar in the cream box, "I want the red one!"


The syringe twitched, filling it with red cream. Hou Er squeezed the syringe awkwardly on the super large cake, moved his right arm back and forth twice, and wrote an ugly word: two.

Su Chen stood aside and watched for a long time.

"I thought this was quite romantic at first, but now it's better, there are numbers written on the cake!"

To save trouble, some children, like the 39-year-old girl, simply wrote Arabic numerals on the cake: 39!

People who watched it were really dumbfounded.

People who don’t know what this is for, why are there Chinese characters and numbers on the cake, from one to fifty?

Finally, under everyone's strong request, Director Hou came to the cake.

Looking at the numbers written in cream, Hou Xiuzhen's nose felt sore for no reason.

Who said my children are ignorant? Who said my children are defective?

Look, they also knew that they left the middle position to me.

Hou Xiuzhen did not write her name on it, but wrote in red cream: Mom.

After writing the last name, the atmosphere on the river beach suddenly fell silent. Zhang Li turned away from looking at the cake. Her nose was sore. She rubbed her eyes with her hands, trying not to shed tears.

Others, why not.

"Okay, let's start cutting the cake now." Su Chen handed a long knife to Hou Xiuzhen's hand, "You will cut this cake."

Director Hou nodded slightly, holding a long knife in his hand, and steadily divided the cake into two parts, and continued to divide it again.

The divided fan-shaped cake was then cut along the middle, and soon each child was given a piece of cake.

He Shuting is hiding behind, she is ready for war!

"Be careful of being attacked!" She also reminded Zhang Li in a friendly way.

Little Short Legs also looked at the group of children with eager eyes and nodded vigorously, "Looking at me, let's see who dares to spread the cake for me!"

However, until everyone had finished eating the cake, no child used cream to spread on others.

Su Chen's mood was a little painful.

It’s not that the children don’t want to wipe it off, but they are reluctant to part with it.

How can you play with such a sweet cake?

Dinner is over.

Hou Xiuzhen directed the children to go back to the dormitory to wash up and rest. After supervising them all to go to bed, they returned to the riverside. Su Chen and his group had already put away all the things that needed to be packed away.

"It's snowing for no reason. Don't go back today. I'll pack up the dormitories for everyone in the afternoon. If you don't mind, just make do with it here tonight!"

Cui Yufen hummed, "How could I have such conditions when I was a child? If I don't leave today, I will sleep here!"

Lao Lu did the same, with his hands behind his back, "I can't stand it with you young people, I'm going to sleep."

The employees of Delicious Food have also been arranged into the dormitory. There is not much here but there are many dormitories. After all, it was a factory with hundreds of people back then.

It's just that the conditions are a little rough.

In Su Chen's house, a simple bunk bed was covered with a thin mattress. He lay down on the bed and tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

There was heavy snow falling outside the window again.

Su Chen simply got up, ran outside, took out the camping chair from the car, and sat by the river.

Before taking down the parasol, Su Chen brought an unextinguished bonfire basin to the river and placed it in front of his legs.

In front of him was the slowly flowing river, with heavy snow falling above his head and being blocked by parasols. In addition, Su Chen was in pretty good shape and didn't feel cold at all, so he actually found it quite interesting for a while.

"Is not It Cold?"

A woman's cold voice came from behind, it was Ling Shuyu.

"I was just about to go to sleep, and I saw you sitting outside on the window. Can't you sleep?"

Ling Shuyu also opened a camping chair, sat next to Su Chen, stretched out his hand to warm himself by the fire, and found a military coat to wrap himself up in.

"Can't sleep." Su Chen leaned back on the chair, "It's only the beginning of October, how come it's snowing. If it rains for too long, it won't be easy for us to go back tomorrow."

"It's a rare time to come out. Aunt Fang and A Bao are in the company, so don't worry. If you can't go back, just stay a few more days and treat it as a holiday."

During the National Day, there is no school in kindergarten, so A Bao has more free time.

As long as he keeps an eye on the third and fourth floors of the company, it won't be a big problem.

Su Chen didn't say anything, just stared at the river silently, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ling Shuyu stood up, "Wait a moment!"

Su Chen turned around to look. The girl trotted to the car. After struggling for a while, she trotted over again and put a black leather bag on the ground.

"Let me show you something."

In the bag is a set of tools for drinking coffee, especially a stainless steel kettle, "Would you like to drink it?"

"Have a drink."

Su Chen just sat and watched Ling Shuyu get two pieces of firewood to hang up at both ends of the kettle, add pure water inside and put it on the bonfire basin.

Then he put the beans into a hand grinding pot, turned the handle slowly, and made a sizzling sound. The coffee beans were slowly ground into powder.

"Are you thinking about those children? They feel quite pitiful."

Su Chen shook his head, "No, there's nothing to be pitiful about. This is all fate. Some people are born with no worries about food and clothing, and some people are born with hardship. It's all fate."

"Should we help them?" Ling Shuyu poured the coffee powder into the filter bag and hung it on two water cups.

Su Chen took a breath, "Helping is always temporary. I can give them a lot of money, but if I help these fifty, there are still fifty in the world. When you leave, leave the contact information of Director Hou, if possible."

Su Chen thought, "Try to assign these children to the same welfare home. In addition, you can go to Li Mingtao to see if he has any connections in Wuyuan City. Director Hou has worked in the welfare home for so many years, see if you can make some arrangements and arrange her to the welfare home in the city."

Ling Shuyu poured the boiling water into the filter.

The hot water washed the coffee powder, washing away all the delicious taste, leaving undrinkable residue in the filter paper.

"Okay." She responded softly.

For the Little Red Flower Welfare Home, giving money, clothes, and better conditions may not be as good as being able to get everyone together after leaving here.

Most of Su Chen and Ling Shuyu's network of relationships are in Jingzhou and Beijing.

I don't know many people in Wuyuan City. It's better to ask Li Mingtao about this. Although he is smart, he is very good at this.

Su Chen took a sip of coffee.

Damn, it's so bitter!

"Why do you like to drink this stuff?"

Under the effect of the top of taste, the bitterness seems to be amplified dozens of times, and it is mixed with sour and burnt tastes.

"When I was in high school, I wanted to learn after the evening self-study. I went to bed at 12 o'clock every day and started reading at 5 o'clock in the morning. I always felt sleepy during the day, so I drank coffee. Later I got used to it and have been drinking it until now."

Su Chen gave a thumbs up in admiration, "Really good. Give me two pieces of sugar."

Ling Shuyu didn't add sugar, but there was a box of sugar cubes in the black leather bag. He put two pieces into the coffee and Su Chen took another sip.

I was puzzled.

How can this thing separate bitterness and sweetness?

It's bitter and sweet, I really can't appreciate it.

But Su Chen still sipped it slowly, trying to feel the charm of one of the world's three major drinks.

The two stopped talking and just sat apart, leaning against the campfire, drinking coffee.

The dryness under the umbrella formed a sharp contrast with the layer of snow that had accumulated at the feet. White snow began to fall on both sides of the river bank, and the central river was as black as ink under the starry sky.

[God's Mercy: 20/100]

Su Chen drank the last sip of coffee and found that the progress bar on the system interface in his mind moved!

Why is it only 20% progress?

According to game theory, now here, Wang Xiaoyi met Hou Xiuzhen, which is an independent event in itself. As long as you do it according to your inner thoughts, there are only two results.

Completion or failure.

Obviously, Su Chen's actions and the arrangements he gave to Ling Shuyu at the end are more in line with the requirements of the system's hidden tasks, but why is it 20?

If Su Chen had a casual attitude towards this task before, now Su Chen is almost carrying it out with an attitude that he must complete it.

The chef suit is worthy of its reputation!

After just a little use, Su Chen knew that it was definitely not comparable to ordinary objects, especially the wok, which was a magical tool!

If you don't take such a good task reward, this hidden task is really a loss!

After thinking about it, Su Chen still couldn't figure out what the task progress bar meant. There was no task countdown yet, so he could only leave it alone.

They each finished a cup of coffee.

Ling Shuyu tightened his military coat, "Sleep?"

"Sleep!" Su Chen stood up, scooped up water from the river to put out the bonfire, and the two walked towards the dormitory building one after the other.

I didn't notice that it was on the second floor of the dormitory.

"It looks good, take a few more pictures!"

"I'm taking more pictures, I'm taking more pictures!"

Click, click!

Zhang Jiayi's camera shutter was pressed frantically until she couldn't see the figure downstairs. Just after it ended, He Shuting and Zhang Li's two heads came over immediately.

"Get it out and let's see."

Zhang Jiayi chuckled, "Wait for me to get something out."

The suitcase directly took out the Mac and put it into the camera memory, and pictures taken from overhead angles appeared on the screen.

"Sister Shuyu is really good, she can wear a military coat like a fashion show!" Zhang Li looked at Ling Shuyu in the photo like a fangirl.

To be honest, it's true.

Zhang Jiayi slid her finger to the next photo, and He Shuting squeezed her face as if it was hot, "Delete it, delete it quickly! They are all military coats, Ling Shuyu is a fashion show, why does Bai Xiaobo look like a homeless person under the overpass?"

It's unknown when this was taken.

Wrapped in a military coat, Bai Xiaobo sat at the table in a wretched manner, showing off the skewers. It's not enough that his mouth was full of grease, but his face was full of grease!

Zhang Jiayi deleted the photos and continued to look through them.

"These two are really a good match, look at their backs."

Su Chen's angular back and Ling Shuyu's back wrapped in a military coat that doesn't look fat, sitting apart, with the firelight against the background, the snow is lingering.

"You said there was nothing wrong, but you ran out to have a tryst in the middle of the night." Zhang Li clenched her fists, "I'll expose them tomorrow!"

Zhang Jiayi and He Shuting looked at them together.

I thought this girl hadn't suffered enough, she couldn't beat Su Chen with her mind, and now Ling Shuyu is added, ten Zhang Lis are not enough to beat her, right?

No matter what, we are all people who like to have fun, so we don’t care.

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Jiayi finished all the photos that needed to be classified. Some of them had to be developed and sent to Director Hou.

It was already late at night when she finished her work.

The night in the mountains was particularly quiet, the kind of dead quiet.

After Su Chen went back, he fell asleep and slept very deeply. In a trance, he felt that he didn’t sleep for long at all.




“Where is the alarm coming from?”

It was a very harsh and urgent alarm, like the feeling of an air raid alarm!

Su Chen turned over to look for the source of the sound.

It was the mobile phone on the bedside!

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