Food Customizer

Chapter 220 A multimillionaire makes noodles on the spot, can you believe it?

The chef's knife in Su Chen's hand has a straight back and a semicircular blade. It looks a bit like the butcher knife in the domestic Linglingqi. The difference is that there are two golden dragons on the back of the knife, and the dragon heads gather at the end of the handle.

Soon, with the aroma of meat, coupled with the hot scene of moving things just now, almost all the car owners in the entire service area got out of the car and surrounded Su Chen.

Cai Sirong took a quick look and saw that there must be nearly a thousand people! ! !

I can't imagine that there are so many people in the service area alone. How many people are stuck on the 30-kilometer road outside?

It was under the gaze of thousands of people that Su Chen was at the position illuminated by the lights of several cars. At this moment, he was like a god of war under the spotlight, and the chef's knife in his hand was tilted to an angle almost parallel to the dough.

Along the top of the dough, an extremely silky knife pulled to the bottom of the dough!

You know, Su Chen is 1.8 meters tall, and one of his arms is about 90 centimeters long. The dough spread on his arm is about 80 centimeters.

The knife was pulled down, and the white noodles jumped into the boiling pot like a silver snake.

One noodle had just entered the pot, and another one had already leaped into the air. Because the speed was too fast, it looked like an infinitely extended noodle was flying from Su Chen's arm into the iron pot.

The onlookers were all shocked.

Even robots can't match this technique!

The key is that the young man in front of him is using a kitchen knife to cut noodles! ''

Cai Sirong was stunned, the camera pointed directly at Su Chen, and she exclaimed, "One fell into the soup pot, one floated in the air, and one just came out of the knife, and each fish jumped. This knife-cut noodles can be summed up in two words."

Until everyone around her looked at Cai Sirong, looking forward to the final summary, the girl slowly said, "Awesome!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also extremely shocked.

The images on their phones were so shocking that many people even had a feeling while watching the live broadcast.

This was not making knife-cut noodles, this was clearly playing the violin!

That posture, that elegant movement, pulling and pulling, the continuous noodles, brought people infinite warmth on this cold snowy night.

"Elegance, never out of date!"

"Making knife-cut noodles can be so elegant, if it is placed in a restaurant, a bowl must be 88?"

"Don't say whether it tastes good or not, it's worth spending 88 to watch such a performance!"

"He is handsome, rich, kind-hearted, and his cooking is delicious. I just want to ask if Boss Su has a girlfriend? I have my own RV!"

After all, the audience were hiding in the warm quilt to watch the live broadcast, and they were in a very relaxed mood. The people on the scene were not like this. They endured hunger and cold for a day and a night. When Su Chen stopped waving his arms.

The pot was full of noodles!

When humans are extremely hungry, their sense of taste seems to become much more sensitive. The noodles in the pot are constantly rolling with the boiling water. Everyone can actually smell the aroma of noodles. Many people swallow their saliva subconsciously, and some even have their stomachs growling.

"It's OK, serve the noodles!" Su Chen shouted.

In the ears of the onlookers, this was like the sound of the century, wonderful!

The crowd suddenly broke out in a commotion, and many people wanted to rush to eat the first bowl of hot knife-cut noodles.

Seeing this, Su Chen waved his arms and shouted with his greatest strength, "Don't push, don't grab! Let the women and children eat first!"

This really worked!

Chinese men dare not say anything else, but they are never ambiguous about giving priority to the elderly, children and women. Many men automatically stopped and made way for the women and children next to them.

At this time,

"Please, please! My wife is not in good health. She has fainted from hunger twice today! Please give her a bowl first!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately made way for a wider road. A chubby man was seen walking with a masked girl. The girl was walking very slowly. It was obvious that she was too hungry and exhausted.

Liu Abao, who was standing behind the iron pot, was stunned for a moment. Then he immediately took out a plastic bowl and used a long chopstick to accurately pick out a few noodles. Noodles of this length could fill a bowl without a few.

Then he put a spoon into the kitchen god pot and scooped a spoonful of pork stew on it.

The fragrant minced meat was stewed into small pieces of meat. A spoonful of stewing sauce covered the noodles with a layer of lard. It was a pity that there was no coriander and shallots here, otherwise the taste could be improved!

Abao also poured some old vinegar into the bowl.

The woman took the bowl, bowed and thanked him, then ran to the side to squat and eat noodles. Everyone was in a better mood when they saw that the man really didn't serve them another bowl of noodles.

He is a man of love and righteousness!

But Cai Sirong was a little confused when she saw this scene.

This man is not that person.

Before her brain could react, she saw that the man was like crazy, and suddenly jumped up and shouted.

"I don't have cash, I only have a mobile phone! QR code, that is a QR code, right?"

A Bao was so dumbfounded, Zhang Yi, you are so exaggerated?

"No, no, no, we are here to support, no, no, no! No money!"

Zhang Yi puffed out his chest, "How can that be! Your flour costs money, and your forklifts also cost money. How can the boss of such a big company make sliced ​​noodles for everyone in the cold? It's your business whether you want it or not, and it's our business whether we give it or not. This is my heartfelt gift! Don't say anything more!"

After saying that, Zhang Yi still felt unsatisfied, and turned his head to the people waiting to eat noodles behind him, "Everyone, tell me, am I right!"

This passion and generosity, this high spirits, aroused the blood of the masses.

"You're right!"

"You must give money, whoever doesn't give money is a black sheep!"

"People come to help, you must give money, you can't let the good people down!"

"That's right, if there is no compensation for doing good things, who will do good things in the future? You must pay!"

Zhang Yi pushed Liu Abao away with a fierce and angry expression, and pointed at a QR code for payment that was posted on the pickup truck at some point.


The car stereo connected to Bluetooth played: WeChat payment, 100 yuan.

"Okay, next one!" Zhang Yi turned around and left, hiding his identity and name.

Cai Sirong looked at the girl squatting on the side eating noodles.

Aren't you so hungry that you are exhausted?

Why are you eating so slowly? Shouldn't you eat voraciously?

The little short legs squatting on the ground holding the noodles were speechless.

I'm really full of mutton hotpot, and I really can't eat a bite of noodles now!

This is the idea Su Chen gave Zhang Yi when he first came.

If you really do rescue under the banner of sending warmth, the noodles will be eaten in vain. This is a sure thing. Su Chen means that we won't sell it in a high-profile manner. We just say that if you are willing to give, give some hard work money, and if you are not willing to give, you can eat it for free!

But this matter still needs a lead, and it is definitely not appropriate for Su Chen to stand up and say it himself.

So there is this scene in front of us. Zhang Yi scans the code to pay and turns away in a chic manner. It's done in one go. Even an Oscar winner would be ashamed of his wonderful acting skills.

Things went just as Su Chen had thought. With Zhang Yi's start, the second girl just took a step forward, and the man next to her immediately scanned the code.

"WeChat payment, 66.66 yuan."

The amount the man paid was a number that Chinese people like very much, four sixes.

Following closely, there were four eights, and some customers only paid eight yuan, but it didn't matter.

Su Chen still said that in such bad weather, it didn't matter what happened to him, he couldn't let his brothers work hard with him for nothing all night, right?

A Bao's long chopsticks flew quickly in his hand. He scooped a bowl of noodles from the pot with a chopstick, and then scooped the sauce from the pot next to it and poured it into it, and it was a bowl of fragrant knife-cut noodles!

But there were too many people in the service area, and A Bao couldn't handle it at all. At this time, even A Wu and Zhan Yang came to help serve the noodles. Such a large pot of noodles was enough to serve more than 40 portions, and finally provided temporary accommodation for some women waiting in the service area.

Zhang Xiang's wife also received a bowl of knife-cut noodles.

He didn't care about queuing up, and hugged his wife to find an open space. Zhang Xiang held the child, and the woman took the child's own chopsticks and started to feed him.

"Little baby, eat."

The two-year-old child saw the noodles being fed to his mouth, his eyes were as bright as black beans, and he opened his mouth and bit half of the noodles!

Zhang Xiang was also hungry, but in front of his wife and children, he had long forgotten his hunger, just happily watching the child smacking the noodles, feeling much happier than eating his own meal.

"This noodle is so well cut!"

The woman subconsciously bit a piece while blowing the child to cool it down.

This noodle is thick in the middle and thin on the edges, with clear edges and corners, shaped like a willow leaf, smooth on the outside and soft on the inside without sticking.

The most amazing thing is that the knife-cut noodles, which only look slightly good, become more fragrant the more you chew them. With the fragrant pork sauce, the aroma of noodles and meat mixed in the mouth, satisfying the desire for carbon water and fat at the same time in a very short time!

Obviously, the child is also very nostalgic for this kind of satisfaction. Seeing his mother blow a few breaths and finally eat it in his mouth, the little baby squeezed his eyes and babbled non-stop.

"Good boy, good boy, eat it for you~"

The mother picked up the blown cold noodles and sent them to the child's mouth. This time the child did not bite them off. He sucked them into his mouth and filled his mouth with them before chewing them in big mouthfuls.

He laughed while eating.

This is his most direct way to express happiness.

The mother took a sip of the noodle soup with a small bowl. The soup and the stew mixed together, with the aroma of meat and a faint wheat aroma, and the saltiness was just right. After taking a bite, a trace of warmth rose from the throat to the stomach, and even the forehead felt faintly sweaty.


"My dear, come and have some noodle soup~"

The little boy's lips were on the edge of the bowl, and he slurped a mouthful of the noodle soup.

Then he shouted happily a few times.

Seeing his son in this state, Zhang Xiang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, how much money did you scan for that kind boss just now?"

Zhang Xiang said embarrassedly, "My phone was out of battery, and I was anxious, so I hurried over with the noodles."

"You, you!" The wife took out her mobile phone, "Hurry up and scan some money for him. It's not easy for him to find such a big car to cook for us in such a cold weather."

Zhang Xiang habitually asked his wife, "How much money did you give?"

"Yeah." The woman turned her head and thought for a moment, "Scan 88. It's more auspicious. I wish that boss a big fortune!"

Zhang Xiang handed the child to his wife, "Okay, you feed the child first, and I will go over and get a bowl of noodles and give the boss a 188!"

"It works."

After Zhang Xiang turned back, almost all the women and children in the service area had received bowls of noodles, and the payment information coming from the speakers in the ignited pickup truck never stopped for a moment!

Snow is still falling.

After Su Chen peeled the second pot of noodles, the arm holding the dough began to feel a little sore.

‘Unfortunately, there are still several hours until the magic patch’s effect is updated. ’

Seeing the crowd of fellow villagers in front of him who were waiting to eat, Su Chen felt cruel and continued to cut off a large piece of dough and began to shave it!

That's when.

Zhan Yang held up a phone, "Hello? What? Supplies are here? Okay, okay, they're here, right?"

After hanging up the phone, Zhan Yang excitedly jumped on the bed of the pickup truck, raised his arms and shouted, "Young and old men who have eaten, our company has sent you new supplies! You will be strong after eating enough. Come with me to move things!”

The men who had just eaten noodles immediately swarmed in and followed Zhan Yang around the supermarket in the service area.

The Big Mac just now was still lit, but now there is another lit Big Mac next to it!

The huge shovel was piled with supplies. Zhan Yang jumped onto the shovel and said, "Help!"

Countless men simply lined up in a long queue and started playing Solitaire.

Oversized umbrellas, tables, chairs and benches, self-heating hot pot, instant noodles and ham, snacks and breads, everything is available!

Finally, Zhan Yang returned to the scene where Su Chen was making noodles with a red banner, and asked Awu to help pull the banner and hang it up.

Cai Sirong said to the banner, "Thank you! Thank you very much. Thank you Jingzhou Energy Group for sending us another batch of supplies in the cold night!"

"With this batch of supplies, I believe that the people who are trapped on the highway today will be able to spend the night safely! Dear viewers in the live broadcast room, please watch the live broadcast first, Sirong is also going to help!"

Cai Sirong joined the team distributing supplies.

The girls who came from the delicious food, as well as the new Miss Cai, formed another team despite the heavy snow. Those who can't eat hot noodles for the time being should first receive some fast food mats.

Zhan Yang called on several people to help him hold an umbrella and set up the tables, chairs and benches.

Although the number was not very large, people at the scene consciously gave up their seats to the elderly, children, and women.

Fortunately, the service area is always open, and some people are carrying noodles back to the restaurant to eat.

Jingzhou City.

Mr. Gong, the top leader of Jingzhou Energy Group, showed a happy smile when he saw his company's banner appearing in the live broadcast room.

"Draft an article immediately, publish it on the group's internal public account tomorrow morning, and send it to Jingzhou Daily and Jingzhou TV Station in the morning!"

The director of the General Office nodded quickly and agreed.

I really didn’t expect that this kid Zhan Yang would make a mistake. He was on the verge of being expelled, but now he has become a major contributor to this snow disaster!

Normally, it would be difficult for a young technician like Zhan Yang to meet with the top leader in the project department. But now that this guy is paying so much attention to Mr. Gong, the director is aware that Zhan Yang will be promoted soon!

Similarly, the Douyin live broadcast room of Jingzhou TV station is also being watched by major officials in Jingzhou City.

The fire brigade, which has been preparing for emergency rescue, and the leaders who are always paying attention to the disaster situation. When they saw that the masses were able to eat a bowl of steaming noodles, many leaders slowly loosened their clenched fists.

Jingzhou City, Development Zone Committee.

"There is such a company in our development zone?" Liao Zhenhua pointed to the big screen in the conference room, "Why didn't I know?"

The leaders in charge sitting next to him and watching the live broadcast were sweating on their foreheads.

"Secretary Liao, this Meililai company was probably the first company to be located in the development zone. Later, it was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management, and all the discounts that our district should give us were given. Somehow, a few months ago, The company suddenly transitioned into catering.”

"Now this company is quite famous in our city of Jingzhou, and many people even take the bus here every day to eat their home-cooked meals."

The King of Industry and Commerce introduced slowly.

Director Liu, who was sitting next to him, said with a smile, "This company's performance is very good. Last month it contributed hundreds of thousands in tax revenue to our development zone, and last year they also cooperated with the city government to build a first-floor hotel. , it even undertook the catering and accommodation projects for the sports games, a company with unlimited potential!”

Bureau Zhang, who is wearing a police uniform, is not happy. Do you know everything?

He immediately said, "This company has not had a single security incident since its establishment, not even reported by the public. There were several negative public opinions about the company before, but later netizens voluntarily clarified it, which is actually a good thing. . A company with a great reputation!”

Seeing this, the leaders of other departments also spoke one after another, praising the company for the delicious food.

After hearing this, Secretary Liao, the big leader, nodded frequently.

"Our district is still in its infancy, and we currently lack such outstanding famous enterprises as role models. I think this is a good example!"

His words were sonorous and powerful, with a strong sense of rhythm. There seemed to be an invisible pressure that made people have to concentrate and listen.

"We have made our own attitude in the face of disasters, shown the depth we should have in front of the camera, and have a rare breadth in production and operation. We must provide some appropriate policies for this kind of enterprise, so that others who want to invest but are still waiting and watching can Investors see the attitude of our development zone! ”

"After the snow has cleared, we will organize an award ceremony. By the way, let's talk to the boss of this company. If there are any projects in the future, the development zone will try its best to provide policies and green channels within our capabilities!"

People below were sitting and taking notes.

When the boss speaks, the meaning can only be tasted by each of you.

At the scene, Su Chen had been standing on the pickup truck and kept doing the same movements for almost three hours!

At this moment, his left arm was almost unconscious, and his right arm wielding the kitchen knife had begun to go numb. What seemed to others to be extremely elegant movements, to Su Chen, seemed almost like mechanical repetition.

His whole body, except for his arms, was covered with a thick layer of snow, and the snow on his scattered bangs melted and froze, and the ice melted again.

"Boss, please take a rest! Everyone has something to eat now!" Zhang Li shouted with a hint of crying.

He Shuting was also standing by the car, "Boss, please get back in the car and warm yourself up! You'll get sick if you continue like this!"

Abao jumped on the truck and said, "Boss, let me do the cutting. Although I don't have a kitchen knife to cut noodles, you just let me give it a try. You go and rest!"

Su Chen shook his slightly stiff neck.

He said nothing, just maintained his posture.

He was complaining like crazy in his heart.

I'm not a fool. If I were cold and tired, I would have gotten into the car to rest!

But the problem is!

Su Chen looked at the progress of the task in the system.


Su Chen noticed that every time a certain number of people eat the noodles he made, the progress bar will rise a little. Now that the eight-pot noodles are ready, the task progress is heading towards sixty!

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as we make another seven or eight pots, the task will be completed.

Su Chen even thought that if it was just a normal task and the reward was a recipe or something, he would really be too lazy to complete it. The worst he could do was to fail!

But this is the God of Cooking suit!

I haven't even tried the mystery of those pair of chopsticks yet, I must finish it!

Ignoring everyone's requests, Su Chen weakly said: "Ah Bao, serve some noodles!"

He really has no thought or energy to care about other things. Now he just wants to cut more noodles quickly so that more people can eat hot noodles and drink a bowl of delicious noodle soup.

However, Su Chen's feeble words did not sound like this to other people's ears.

Especially in the ears of some people who grew up in Jingzhou but later moved to other places for development, it is even more painful to hear.

Zhang Xiang, this is the situation.

He grew up in Jingzhou, and after graduating from college, he stayed in the provincial capital next door. This time he returned to his hometown during the National Day holiday and wanted to reunite with his family.

So when Zhang Xiang was eating noodles just now, he was still thinking, when did such a number one person appear in Jingzhou City?

I immediately searched online for a long time.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check!

Zhang Xiang was first shocked by the string of titles in front of Su Chen. He was the founder of Jingzhou City Food Customization, the honorary president of the Hubei Province Culinary Association, the honorary director of the Huaxia Huaiyang Cuisine Museum, and the capital city. The honorary chef of the International Hotel, and what's even more outrageous is that he is also the designated caterer for some world-class sports games.

Any title here alone is already a person who is absolutely respected. But when Zhang Xiang learned some content from Douyin, he was completely confused.

That was a video posted by Teacher Sui Po before leaving Jingzhou about delicious food coming to the snack restaurant on the fourth floor.

Because Teacher Sui used a live broadcast to explain and taste snacks that day, the later edited videos only gave a brief introduction to the categories and flavors of snacks. The focus of the video content was on the amazing company of Meilai.

When Zhang Xiang heard what Teacher Sui said, the daily turnover of a snack stall alone was at least 50,000 to 60,000 yuan, and he also said that Boss Su's monthly income on the fourth floor was in the tens of millions.

Zhang Xiang looked up at the young man covered in heavy snow, his heart full of respect!

And when he heard Su Chen's feeble words, Zhang Xiang couldn't hold back, "Oh my God! It turns out that Boss Su's company is so awesome, and he is now a multi-millionaire! Oh my God, it's a millionaire." A multi-millionaire is making noodles for us here!”

These words immediately caused a commotion among the surrounding crowd.

"What? This boss is so young and has a net worth of tens of millions?"

"Hiss! Is this really a boss with tens of millions of assets? Logically speaking, shouldn't a boss of this level sit back and enjoy life? How come he came here to support us in person!"

"He is so tired that he is still cutting noodles for us. It is so hard to believe that such a person is actually a multi-millionaire! He is completely different from the rich man I imagined!"

"Awesome! Boss Su, when I go back to Jingzhou this time, I will eat at your company every day! I won't say anything else, just because of your friendship, I must scan 888 today!"

WeChat payment: 888 yuan!

A multimillionaire is a very hard-to-imagine existence in the minds of ordinary people. Many people can only get a glimpse of it from novels and TV.

So when they learned that Su Chen was such a wealthy boss, everyone was shocked!

He is so rich, and he still cooks for us in the heavy snow. If this is not a conscientious entrepreneur, then who is?

"Caring for the masses, loving the cold winter! Boss Su of Delicious Lai Company braved the blizzard and insisted on making knife-cut noodles for everyone for more than three hours in the cold night with a temperature as low as minus eight degrees!"

"His employees begged him to rest, but in order for the trapped people to eat a bowl of steaming hot noodles, Boss Su refused many times. He didn't cut noodles, but the warmth between people!!!"

Cai Sirong spoke eloquently, and praised Su Chen to the sky in a few words.

Zhan Yang glanced at the banner beside him and winked at Cai Sirong hard, and Miss Cai suddenly realized!

"Similarly, Jingzhou Energy Group was able to deliver a batch of new supplies in the cold night, which also relieved a lot of pressure for Boss Su! We can see that the number of trapped people who heard the news is still increasing. In the case of temporarily unable to eat noodles, everyone relied on the supplies of Jingzhou Energy Group to survive temporarily. Thank you! Thank you Jingzhou Energy!"

After two years of journalistic career, Cai Sirong knows what to say and what not to say.

This kind of live broadcast of the disaster can have more than 30,000 viewers, which is an incredible achievement in the traditional media industry.

And Miss Cai is a stubborn person. When she does news, she rarely looks at what the parties think, she only looks at what the parties do.

For example, just now, Miss Cai also realized that Zhang Yi and the employees of Delicious Company cooperated to perform a drama, so that the people here voluntarily paid a sum of money for eating noodles.

But she pretended not to know.

People have worked hard to come to rescue, so what's wrong with charging a little fee?

Those who are not convinced can come and rescue by themselves!

So when Zhan Yang winked at her, Cai Sirong praised Jingzhou Energy Group without hesitation.

No matter if they are seeking fame or profit, at least so many people are trapped in the snow, and they have done something real! Even if they are seeking fame and profit, they deserve it!

What no one knows is that when Cai Sirong said this, Mr. Gong, who was watching the live broadcast across the screen, felt so comfortable!

Just now, when Cai Sirong kept praising the delicious food in the live broadcast room, Mr. Gong was a little depressed. Did I give away Jingneng's materials for free?

Later, when he saw Zhan Yang winking and the reporter praising him, Mr. Gong smiled.

"Zhan Yang is a good young man, very perceptive, and reliable. When the disaster is over, you let him go back to the group company and let him participate in the new project in the development zone. Young people should gain more knowledge."

Director Qin Wenming paused for a moment while drafting, "Okay!"

The group boss personally said that Zhan Yang has a bright future, so it seems that he should get closer to him.

Zhan Yang, who was at the scene, was unaware of all this.

He was still busy, helping to distribute supplies and knead noodles.

The lively scene lasted until more than two o'clock in the morning, and the number of people waiting for food in the service area gradually decreased.

The chef's knife in Su Chen's hand slipped again, and a new pot of knife-cut noodles was ready.

[Congratulations! You completed the hidden task, God's mercy! ]

[Get rewards: chef suit (permanent), noodle skills (skills). ]

[Open the new version 2.0 of the system, do you want to open it now? ]

Su Chen looked at the people queuing for food in front of him with empty eyes, and silently said no in his mind.

He whispered, "Help me."

Ling Shuyu had been by his side. When she heard Su Chen's words, she reacted immediately, but she was still a beat late.

"Ah!" Ling Shuyu exclaimed, stretched out her arms and held Su Chen tightly, "Help!"

Seeing this, A Bao and others dropped the things they were busy with, and a group of people jumped onto the car and kept shouting "Boss!", and everyone slowly lifted Su Chen under the car.

"Oh no! The boss is frozen like an ice man!" A Bao pinched Su Chen's arm, "The clothes have been melted by the snow and frozen again, what should I do?"

"Damn it, emergency. Damn it, or I drive the loader to take Boss Su to the hospital?" Zhan Yang said.

Several grown men looked at each other and lost their minds for a moment.

The people queuing over there also surrounded him with concern. Ling Shuyu stood in front of Su Chen, "Please give Boss Su some space! Thank you!"

Then he turned around and said, "You carry the boss to the restaurant first, it's warm there."

In fact, the restaurant was not very warm.

The heating time in the north is basically mid-October, and the places further north may start heating in early October. This snow came too strangely, and Jingzhou has not started heating yet.

A Bao and his men carried the stiff Su Chen, and the people stepped back to make way.

In the crowded service area restaurant, everyone made way for Su Chen when they saw him being carried in, until they reached the innermost part, where several big brothers stood up and made way for a bench.

A Bao put Su Chen on the bench.

At this time, Ling Shuyu rushed in with a suitcase.

"Take it off"

Su Chen turned his head away in confusion, "Not here."

In fact, he was really fine, but he had maintained the same posture for too long, and the weather was too cold, so his body was a little stiff, and he probably had a cold, so he felt weak all over.

But face, you have to have it!

Ling Shuyu was stunned. She didn't expect that Boss Su would still care about his face at this time?

"Bathroom!" She said quickly, "You carry Boss to the bathroom to change clothes."

A Bao and A Wu looked at each other in confusion, feeling that this matter was a bit tricky.

Ling Shuyu glared, "Let Zhang Li and others help!"

Zhan Yang hurriedly ran out to call Zhang Li and others. A Wu and A Bao carried Su Chen to the bathroom. Su Chen raised his arms several times to show that he could complete the task of changing clothes.

But they were all ignored by Ling Shuyu.

"Then Mr. Ling." A Bao touched the back of his head, "Sorry for bothering you."

A Wu probably felt that Ling Shuyu was embarrassed as a girl, so he deliberately said, "Doctors are like parents! You are righteous!"

After that, the two ran out in a flash.

"Damn, if you hadn't reminded me just now, I almost did it!"

A Bao patted his chest and panted.

Ah Wu said with a smile, "You are still young, I have more experience in this area. You have to create some opportunities for the boss! Are you going to be single for life? Hehehe."

The two smiled at each other, how wretched, how wretched!

Looking at the backs of Zhang Li and the other two girls rushing into the bathroom, Ah Wu touched his chin, "Boss Su is so lucky!"

"Who said it wasn't, hey" Ah Bao's eyes were full of envy.

The two sighed for a long time again, and returned to the venue outside to distribute supplies and serve noodles to everyone.

After this pot of noodles was done, basically everyone who could come to the service area had eaten.

As the crowd left, the service area gradually returned to its deserted state.

And in the bathroom of the restaurant.

The frozen Su Chen lay on the ground in panic, looking at the four heads in front of him.

He Shuting, Zhang Jiayi, Zhang Li, Ling Shuyu.

"Don't do it by myself."

"Sisters, do it!"

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