Food Customizer

Chapter 225 Zhang Maolin surrendered to the enemy!

Without the help of the God of Cooking pot, Su Chen can't do what he wants when seasoning.

Those standing here are all top chefs in the country, and Su Chen is not so careless as to use the God of Cooking set in front of them.

During this period of time, Su Chen has also had a new definition of the God of Cooking set.

Compared with using this thing to show off in front of others, the properties of this thing are more suitable for pleasing oneself.

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For a person who loves food from the bottom of his heart, this is undoubtedly the best reward in the world. Su Chen only needs to spend 30 minutes to get up every day and eat an SS-level breakfast.

Only foodies know the value of this thing!

Ordinary pots and stoves need to be more precise in controlling the heat to season, which is not difficult for Su Chen at all.

Put a spoonful of lard into the wok, wait for it to melt, then add the same amount of vegetable oil, mix the two together and boil over high heat!

Grab a handful of peppercorns and dried red peppers on the strainer.



Su Chen put the strainer into the boiling oil and fried it for one or two seconds, then took it out and shook it in the air, and then put it into the oil pan to fry it. Repeat this five times, and all the peppercorns and red peppers in the strainer were fried into golden red.

Zhang Maolin nodded slightly, this skill is still worthy of recognition.

If ordinary chefs fry peppers and peppercorns, they are generally fried separately, and the oil temperature is no more than 60% hot.

The advantage of frying in this way is that the last moisture in the dried peppers and peppercorns can be forced out, but there is a disadvantage that long-term frying will allow the fragrance of these two condiments to penetrate into the oil, resulting in insufficient fragrance of the spices themselves.

But if the oil temperature is higher, both peppercorns and peppercorns can be easily fried to a crisp.

Su Chen's technique was just right. Each frying lasted no more than three seconds. That is, the moment the temperature was just transmitted to the inside of the peppers and peppercorns, they were separated from the high-temperature oil, retaining the fragrance inside the spices to the greatest extent.

After repeating several times, even if they stood not far from Su Chen, they could only smell the faint fragrance of peppers.

But judging from the color of the peppers, they were obviously fried to a complete crispness.

Su Chen put the peppers and peppercorns on the chopping board, chopped them into minced pieces with a few bangs, and then quickly chopped the cabbage into pieces.

Cut the ginger into thin slices and the scallion into sections.

The whole set of actions was smooth and there was no redundant process in almost every step. After these materials were prepared, the tenderloin on the chopping board was completely thawed.

Mix the meat slices with refined salt, cooking wine, and egg white flour and set aside.

"This method seems to use the method of boiled beef in southern Sichuan. What do you think, President Wang?"

Wang Zhijun was still immersed in Su Chen's smooth words, and was quite speechless by Zhang Maolin's incoherent question.

I use my eyes to see, what else can I see?

You are a traitor who surrendered to the enemy, you are not worthy to talk to me!

Of course, this is just a little thought in Wang Zhijun's mind. He nodded and said along with Mr. Maolin, "Boiled beef in southern Sichuan has a very high status in Sichuan cuisine. Boss Su imitated this method to make boiled pork slices, which has extremely high requirements for the quality of tenderloin. I think the tenderloin is good, but I don't know how it compares to beef."

The implication is that the method in southern Sichuan has very high requirements for ingredients.

People use beef because beef is tender and has obvious fibers, which can not only absorb the flavor but also retain the flavor.

If you want to use this method to make pork, I don't know.

Zhang Maolin did not move, just looked at Su Chen, but as a food taster, he also agreed with Wang Zhijun's statement.

The next preparation is relatively simple.

Use mixed oil in the wok to stir-fry the bean paste and chili sauce until crispy, then quickly add cabbage, onion, ginger and other condiments, stir the pot spoon a few times, and then scoop three spoons of the clear soup that has been at high temperature next to it!

When the cabbage in the pot is slightly stirred, the clear soup has begun to boil slightly.

At this time, shake the spare tenderloin slices and put them in, and then stir the meat slices with a pot spoon.

The meat slices and cabbage are boiling in the soup, and Su Chen is not idle either.

The big pot spoon scoops another four grams of mixed oil and puts it on the high fire. Even if the smoke starts to rise, it still does not leave!

Wang Zhijun was a little silly.

If this is used to pour on the surface of the meat slices, will the temperature be too high?

If this oil temperature is directly sprinkled on the chili noodles, it will definitely be mushy!

Just as he was wondering why, he saw Su Chen pour the meat slices that had been cooked for three minutes along with other ingredients into a large bowl, and he chose a thick-walled high-temperature resistant bowl!

Only his right hand evenly sprinkled the chopped chili powder and pepper powder on the surface of the large bowl.

Wang Zhijun stared at Su Chen's hands, just to see how he would deal with the hot oil that was already smoking!

Su Chen's right hand was still not idle, and he kept stirring the ingredients in the bowl with a small spoon. At the same time, he raised his left hand and poured the hot oil in the spoon instantly!


A flame suddenly jumped up from the large bowl, scaring everyone back.

Su Chen seemed unsatisfied, and the pot spoon in his right hand continued to stir the ingredients in the bowl in the flames, and his left hand continued to pour oil!

The fire started again.

The flame gradually disappeared until all the oil in Su Chen's left spoon was poured out.

Only the slightly bubbling soup and meat slices were left in the bowl. It was obviously boiling again just now and is gradually calming down now.

"This is so fancy." Wang Zhijun rubbed the back of his head, "Why are you still doing this when you have already poured it out?"

This is just like how some restaurants nowadays like to prepare some dry ice when cooking. Even when people bring food, it is all in a fog. Before eating, they even remind customers whether they want to take a video. This is outrageous.

Su Chen clapped his hands and didn't quite agree with Wang Zhijun's words, "I've tried it several times. If you want to achieve the flavor and make the meat taste better, this is the only way to achieve the double-frying effect." Effect."

Ordinary stoves are no better than the Kitchen God pot. If you use that thing to make it, this step is unnecessary.

Therefore, Su Chen's current technique is actually simulating the effect of the Chef's Hotpot.

If Su Chen had not made it once with the God of Cooking suit in the practice room, it would be difficult for Su Chen to think of such a weird method, but this thing looks exaggerated, but it is really useful!

The ultra-high-temperature oil is poured into the bowl, and when the flame is lit, it is equivalent to a secondary cooking of the ingredients and condiments inside. Moreover, it is cooked without the stove, so the temperature and aroma will be more direct and pure. !

Wang Zhijun still disagreed with what Su Chen said.

I always feel that this is something flashy and flashy.

The first dish of boiled pork slices was ready. Su Chen put a long eggplant on the cutting board and asked casually, "Should you eat it now, or should we eat it together when it's ready?"

Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang didn't speak. They had nothing to do with the meal. If they had to say anything, it could only be a matter of sharing the meal.

Wang Zhijun turned around and said, "Mr. Maolin, do you think we should eat now or later?"

What does Zhang Maolin do?

He just specializes in the business of 'eating'. If there is something good put in front of him, he won't eat it, but will eat it later?

Zhang Maolin went directly to the sink and washed his hands. "You still have to eat the food while it's hot. When the temperature drops and the soup soaks, it won't taste good. I don't think we need to go outside, just in Boss Su's kitchen." Just eat it!”

Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang looked at each other and smiled.

This scene seems familiar!

Every food lover who comes to Su Chen's kitchen cannot escape this law after all.

Zhang Maolin was not polite. After all, he was invited by Wang Zhijun. He just took a pair of chopsticks and gently picked up the superficial meat slices very elegantly.

The reddish meat slices are dripping with hot soup, and there are reddish fat dripping when you pick them up.

Zhang Maolin bent down slightly, got close to the piece of meat and smelled it a few times, "Nutty, spicy, fresh, and fragrant. It is the taste that boiled meat should have. The ratio of animal fat and vegetable oil is also very good, and they all play their role." . . Boss Su is right, that spoonful of boiling oil does have a finishing touch.”

After saying that, he put the meat into his mouth.


Zhang Maolin thought he was mentally prepared, but when the piece of meat entered his mouth, he was still stunned.

It's like completely forgetting to chew.

The moment he closed his mouth, the spicy and delicious fragrance that he had just smelled in his nose exploded directly into his mouth with almost dozens of times of amplification!

The taste of the soup flowing on the tip of the tongue is so mellow, and the taste of the spices in the mouth is so strong. What shocked Zhang Maolin even more is that in addition to spicy, if you experience it with your mouth, there is a new feeling, hot!

Yes, the soup that had been drizzled with boiling oil was almost in a boiling state. After it calmed down, a layer of hot oil sealed the soup noodles, which perfectly sealed the temperature.

This mouthful of meat was so hot that Zhang Maolin was stunned for a few seconds before he realized what he was doing. He breathed crazily to relieve the heat in his mouth, but at the same time he felt very comfortable being burned.

This is called Malatang!

Oh no, because it was too hot, Zhang Maolin didn't even have time to chew and simply swallowed the meat whole. The hotness slid down his throat and into his stomach, and then slowly dissipated.

Zhang Maolin felt something was wrong. It was obviously boiled pork slices, so why did Malatang pop up in my mind?

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

He picked up another piece, and this time he acted wisely. He blew it several times with his mouth, and touched it with his lips to make sure it wasn't so hot before he started to eat.

‘Is this really pork? ’

When Zhang Maolin started chewing, he couldn't help but have serious doubts about the piece of meat.

Tender, smooth, yet chewy, the taste is indeed pure pork flavor, but the texture seems to have a bit of beef texture, which is amazing!

The most important and most incredible thing is that Zhang Maolin found that no matter how he chewed, every time he clenched his teeth, the piece of meat would burst out with fine gravy, or soup.

And this soup, with its strong meaty and spicy flavor, filled his mouth.

It makes people want to stop!

One bite, another bite!

As his mouth gradually adapted to the hot temperature, Zhang Maolin no longer even needed to blow it, he just picked it up and showed it off into his mouth!

Wang Zhijun stood aside and everyone was dumbfounded.

No, Lao Zhang, you can eat what you want, just talk!

Why are you just eating and not talking?

Wang Zhijun pretended to be smiling and indifferent, and the chopsticks in his hands were about to move, and he inadvertently picked up a piece of meat. Even if the soup dripped on the table, he had no time to care, "Let me try something!"

Just like Zhang Maolin did just now.

With the first bite, there is the second bite.

And once your taste buds and mouth accept the spicy and delicious flavor of this boiled pork slices, you won’t be able to stop!

How much meat can be made in a pound of tenderloin?

The two of them were showing off around the big bowl, and they finished eating it in just a few minutes. Zhang Maolin was sweating profusely after eating, and actually asked, "Do you have a spoon?"

Cui Yufen and Lu Yongliang looked at each other, who was eating boiled meat slices and who was drinking soup?

Wang Zhijun actually agreed, "Yes, yes, I mainly want to feel the flavor composition of this soup."

Su Chen was originally going to cut the eggplant just now.

But seeing the way these two people were eating slices of meat, I really couldn't bear it, so I didn't cut it.

He pointed to the bowl and basket beside him, "Get it yourself."

Wang Zhijun brought two spoons and gave one to Zhang Maolin.


The two of them scooped up the soup in the bowl, eating the slightly soft boiled cabbage, and treated it as a bowl of spicy cabbage soup, until there was nothing left at the bottom of the bowl. , Zhang Maolin straightened up regretfully.

"It's so enjoyable! No, it's still a bit unsatisfying. It would be nice if I could have another one."

Su Chen secretly thought to himself, how could he possibly get you another serving? He had already planned to never use the system's ingredients except for particularly important orders in the future.

It can be said that the boiled pork slices Zhang Maolin ate may be the best boiled pork slices he has ever eaten in his life, even if Su Chen orders another.

Even though the taste is the same, it is definitely difficult to compete with it in terms of texture.

"There are still several more dishes." Su Chen reminded friendly.

Only then did Zhang Maolin realize his impoliteness, and rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "It's funny, it's funny! I haven't been to southern Sichuan for many years, and I haven't eaten such authentic boiled pork slices for a long time. I just felt a little like Meng Lang. excuse me."

Wang Zhijun turned to look at him again.

You haven't been to southern Sichuan for many years and haven't eaten Sichuan food, so you're being rude. You still look like this when you eat Sichuan food every day with me. What's that?

Maolin is such a bad person, he really surrenders to the enemy when he sees delicious food!

Wang Zhijun could only cough loudly a few times to hide his inner embarrassment.

"The taste of the dish is very good, and the preparation method is also quite unique. If placed in major restaurants in Sichuan Province, this dish is definitely one of the best signature dishes."

If someone else said it, it might be a bit flattering.

But the president of the Sichuan Provincial Culinary Association said that this shows that this dish can definitely be treated as a treasure of the store!

Inadvertently, Wang Zhijun gained a new understanding of Su Chen's craftsmanship.

The only thing that made him a little bit lucky was that the boiled pork slices were spicy, which can only be said to be relatively common and ordinary in Sichuan cuisine.

As long as Su Chen doesn't cook that non-spicy Sichuan cuisine, Wang Zhijun still has a slight chance!

Zhang Maolin didn't have so many thoughts. Now he was almost completely immersed in Su Chen's delicious food and couldn't extricate himself. He just wanted to seize the time to experience the next dish.

"What do you think of this eggplant cake?"

Su Chen didn't understand what Zhang Maolin wanted to say, "Nothing to say, it's just a normal fish-flavored eggplant cake."

Zhang Maolin nodded.

He felt that because the menu given by Su Chen included a dish of butterfly sea cucumber, and Su Chen denied that he had any relationship with the two chefs, but the boiled pork slices made Zhang Maolin think that the matter was not that simple.

If you don’t have any inheritance, you can still master this technique and ingredients at this age.

Then this Boss Su can not only be described as awesome, he is simply a genius that is unique among ten thousand!

Throughout the decades Zhang Maolin has been working in the industry, he has never seen such awesome craftsmanship in China.

That's why he wanted to ask if there was any unknown explanation for this fish-flavored eggplant cake. Since Su Chen said it, Zhang Maolin didn't want to be upset and just stood aside and waited quietly.

Similarly, fish flavor is not a difficult seasoning, which is almost a necessary skill for chefs in Sichuan cuisine.

It was obvious that Su Chen was very well prepared in advance.

Now we are just dealing with the simplest ingredient, which is the main role of this dish: eggplant.

The fresh and tender eggplants were cut into pieces with a chef's knife several times to remove the skin and trimmings. The round eggplants were then processed into a cylindrical shape about one and a half inches in diameter!

Then cut the eggplant into three-thirds thick slices!

It can be seen that Su Chen really put a lot of effort into his choice. This tender eggplant was cut into thirty-six pieces.

Place the eggplant slices flat on the vegetable mound one by one, and cut them into two even slices with a chef's knife.

Wang Zhijun observed very carefully.

Each time, Su Chen made a cut of about one inch, leaving three points connected at the end. This was almost the limit of the eggplant slices. If it were one point deeper, it would probably break.

If it is a little shallower, the filling in the package is not enough.

Although these are just small details, it can be seen from them that Boss Su is really meticulous!

Because of the previous preparations, Su Chen slowly poured the minced meat mixture that had been prepared in advance into it with a spoon.

This step of the action lesson is relatively slow.

Wang Zhijun took advantage of this moment to lie down in front of him and take a closer look, "Hey, you have quite a lot of information, huh?"

"Yes, it's okay." Su Chen said.

This meat filling is made from the back meat of a fat pig, mixed with fat and minced into minced meat. This stuffing is very versatile and is also a first-class good thing for making dumplings!

And Wang Zhijun noticed that there was a seasoning in the stuffing, commonly known as dried shrimp, but Su Chen's was of excellent quality and had a nickname called Golden Hook.

Then there were ham and fresh bamboo shoots, because all these ingredients were chopped into the size of rice grains, Wang Zhijun could only distinguish these for the time being.

At this moment, Su Chen had stuffed all 36 eggplant cakes with stuffing.

What needs to be done now is to seal them.

There are many ways to seal them, and the most common one is to separate the eggplant cakes and dip them in batter and fry them, which is the fastest way to seal.

But the disadvantages are also very obvious.

After the batter is fried, it greatly affects the taste, and after pouring the fish spice sauce, it will absorb the moisture inside, causing the sealed part of the eggplant cake to become soft.

Then there is the method Su Chen is using now.

This method is good, but the disadvantages are also extremely obvious and cumbersome!

As long as the maker doesn't find it troublesome, this is a good way to seal the eggplant slices. That's why Su Chen said before: If you meet a man who is willing to make eggplant cakes for you, marry him!

Only look at Su Chen holding a pot spoon in his left hand, which contains about 80% vegetable oil. Burn it on a high fire until it smokes, and then turn the flame to a low fire.

You only need to use a low fire to maintain this oil temperature, and then roll the eggplant slices upright in the prepared egg white powder. After the egg white powder is evenly coated on the sealing part, immediately put it into the oil spoon and fry it!

Su Chen's technique is very interesting.

The thumb and middle finger pinch the center of the eggplant slice, and the index finger keeps sliding on the sealing part of the slice, so that the eggplant slice has a tendency to rotate in the hand, and the sealing part is constantly fried in the boiling hot oil. It takes about a dozen turns to see that the eggplant slices that were originally slightly open are now perfectly sealed under the action of the egg white powder.

If I hadn't known in advance that meat stuffing was stuffed inside, I'm afraid that just looking at this piece, I would really think it was freshly cut eggplant.

After all 36 eggplant slices were sealed, heat the oil in a pan, put all the eggplant slices in and continue frying when the oil temperature is 80% hot!

Fry until the edges of the eggplant slices are golden brown and then take them out.

There is still some egg white flour used for sealing, add water to it and continue to mix it, put the fried eggplant cake in it, turn it over gently with your hands, evenly coat it with a layer of egg white flour, and continue frying!

"I thought the meat stuffing inside was not cooked after frying for such a short time, it turns out that it needs to be fried twice." Cui Yufen muttered.

She also knows a little about Sichuan cuisine, mostly about seasoning, but not very clear about the specific preparation methods of some ingredients.

Wang Zhijun smiled reluctantly, shaking his head as he smiled, "This is called eggplant cake. If I call it eggplant box, you will understand. There are many ways to make eggplant box, and Boss Su chose the most difficult and complicated one. This method has basically disappeared in restaurants."

"Oh?" Lu Yongliang became interested, "What do you mean?"

"Most restaurants now fry it once, with less stuffing inside, and it matures faster. The disadvantage of this method is that the eggplant skin is not crispy enough."

As the chairman of Sichuan Province, Wang Zhijun still has some say.

Others nodded one after another, and Zhang Maolin put forward a new statement.

"Boss Su's method is very interesting. The meat stuffing inside the eggplant cake is given a certain degree of maturity during the first high-temperature frying. When it is coated with egg white and flour and fried for the second time, it is not only fried but also a bit steamed. The moisture inside the eggplant evaporates, which can stimulate more soup from the meat stuffing. If nothing unexpected happens, the meat juice in this eggplant cake will be very full!"

Wang Zhijun really wanted to complain when he heard this, but Mr. Maolin was right.

I really don't know how to complain, so I can only pinch my palm hard.

Did I ask for reinforcements or spies?

I just tasted a dish, why do you start to attack your own prestige and boost others' momentum!

Thirty-six eggplant cakes were fried until golden brown, and Su Chen picked them all up and put them on the basin to control the oil. The next step is exciting operation!


When this step is done, the dish is basically declared to be finished and ready to be tasted!

Pour the fried oil into the oil basin, leaving only one and a half in the pot, and turn the fire to high heat again.

At this moment, whether it is Wang Zhijun or Zhang Maolin, they all focus on Su Chen's actions, for fear of missing a little step!

Especially Wang Zhijun, he wants to see what the difference is between Boss Su's way of adjusting the fish flavor and traditional Sichuan cuisine?

The oil began to smoke, and Su Chen poured the chopped ginger and garlic into the stir-fry until crispy.

Then there was a dazzling operation!

Su Chen didn't even need to look at the seasoning box, his hands moved very quickly.

Soy sauce, refined salt, wet dough, cooking wine, Ajinomoto, sugar, red pickled chili powder, all these seasonings were shoveled into a new clean bowl, and then a spoonful of clear soup was scooped up and quickly stirred!

Pour directly into the oil pan!

Under the fierce fire, the broth quickly boiled, and the spoon kept turning and pushing, and the original broth gradually began to thicken until it started to bubble, and then a large amount of chopped green onions was sprinkled into the pot.

At the same time, the pot was removed from the heat!

The boiling fish-flavored sauce was poured on the eggplant cakes stacked in a row, and Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, "Fish-flavored eggplant cakes, please."

Zhang Maolin clapped his hands and laughed, "What a hearty performance! Boss Su is worthy of being a snowy night violinist who delivers meals in the snow. His cooking is smooth and pleasing to the eye!"

What the hell?

I know how to deliver food in the snow, but what the hell is a violinist on a snowy night?

Su Chen stopped worrying about these things and pushed the long white jade plate forward.

This fried eggplant pancake is so golden and crisp that you can feel it with the naked eye. The golden color is covered with a layer of golden-red soup. The appearance alone is enough to capture people's taste buds.

If only I had a taste.

"Then I'm welcome!" Zhang Maolin was still the first to make a move, picking up the eggplant cake stacked on top with his chopsticks.

This time, he was smarter and didn't rush to feast. Instead, he took a small bite at the edge, which was just an opening for the eggplant pancake.

Then he looked inside and said, "Look, what did I say? Boss Su's cooking method can completely cook out the soup of the meat filling. Did I hit the mark?"

Such a small eggplant cake is not convenient for a group of people to watch.

The other three people picked up eggplant cakes one after another, and all opened their mouths to observe.

"It's true! This soup looks good, I'll give it a try." Lu Yongliang was not afraid of being burned, and drank the soup in the eggplant pancake first as a sign of respect.

It has a very simple salty and umami taste, but this umami taste is more prominent, which comes from the dried shrimps in the filling.

After finishing the soup, Lao Lu was satisfied and blew a few breaths into his mouth, "Bah, bah, bah."

The eggplant cake, which was not too small, was stuffed directly into the big mouth, and it was chewed.

"It's delicious! This stuff is good. Xiao Su, please teach your subordinates this later and add a new dish to our third floor."

Su Chen chuckled, "Teacher Lu, I'm afraid this thing is not easy to teach. The ordinary version is okay, but it doesn't mean much if you teach it with the ordinary version."

Wang Zhijun said with a serious face, "You're right! Our Sichuan cuisine is also a nationally renowned cuisine, so how can we just cook it casually! If we want to do it, we must make it high-quality. I agree with what Boss Su said, and we can't teach it casually. "

After saying that, Wang Zhijun also stuffed the eggplant cake into his mouth.

Because he found that if he said a few more words, these old immortals would probably eat up the whole plate of eggplant cakes!

What the hell are you doing? That Zhang Maolin actually only ate three eggplant cakes. Why don’t you burn your mouth?

Unlike before, this time the three of them ate all the eggplant cakes on the plate in a daze, and then they began to recall the flavor in their mouths.

Zhang Maolin pursed his lips with an expression of dissatisfaction.

"This dish is so well done! The fish-flavored eggplant itself is already one of the best home-cooked dishes. Adding meat stuffing to the eggplant is really incredible!"

If crispy on the outside and tender on the inside is the taste that humans prefer, then this eggplant cake can be said to completely meet the ultimate pursuit of taste by humans.

Not only is it crispy on the outside but tender on the inside, it’s also crispy on the outside and fresh on the inside.

The fish-flavored soup on the outside is golden red in color, and the sweet and sour flavor almost suppresses the last bit of greasiness left in the meat filling inside the eggplant pancake.

Only the mouthful of explosive gravy is left. The combination of fat and vegetables brings an unprecedented experience to the taste buds, and the person who eats it feels comfortable all over!

"By the way, Boss Su." Zhang Maolin remembered something, "The food you cook is so delicious, but you don't go out of your way. Isn't this a pity for food lovers?"

Speaking of this, Su Chen also felt that it was quite regrettable.

"Mr. Zhang, if you have time, you would like to take a look at my home-cooked dishes on the third floor and the snacks on the fourth floor. It is no exaggeration to say that the dishes produced on these two floors are almost the same as those made by me. Even so, The third and fourth floors are still crowded every day. If I try again, I will be exhausted."

Only then did Zhang Maolin react.

Su Chen is not a delicious chef, but a serious boss here!

How can you say that the boss cooks it himself?

Thinking about it this way, 50,000 yuan for this customized meal does not seem very expensive. Zhang Maolin once had a meal at a restaurant by the West Lake, and it cost more than 20,000 yuan for seven people without drinks.

As for the dishes, there is almost no big difference with the restaurants on the roadside that sell 100 per person per person.

Compared with those restaurants, the quality of Boss Su’s dishes is really worth a try!

But with Zhang Maolin’s net worth, he still can’t afford it!

Mr. Maolin is now completely impressed by Su Chen's craftsmanship.

A slice of boiled pork and a slice of fish-flavored eggplant are two dishes that are somewhere between restaurant and home-cooked dishes.

It feels a bit troublesome to make it at home, and it can't be called a high-end dish if it is made in a restaurant.

With these two dishes, Zhang Maolin is full of unlimited expectations for the next dishes.

In order to express his love, he even said something that made Wang Zhijun vomit blood on the spot.

"Zhijun, I think you will probably lose today's challenge."

Wang Zhijun turned his head in confusion.


I promised to do you a favor, but I didn’t tell you what I promised. I just came here to eat, and we just need to be clear about the challenge, okay?

You didn't just surrender to the enemy, you simply sold yourself out, right?

For a meal.

Are you betraying your best friend?

Of course Zhang Maolin understood Wang Zhijun's eyes. He didn't even feel sorry at all. He took Wang Zhijun's hand and patted it.

"Who told Boss Su that the next dish would be fried chicken fingers?"

That's right, this dish that Zhang Maolin thought was not suitable for serving on the table has now become his favorite.

Fat intestines, that’s fat intestines!

Is there any man who doesn’t like to eat fat intestines?

It’s just that offal rarely appears in famous banquets, especially in slightly international banquets.

But when it comes to eating among our own people.

Who doesn’t love pig intestines!

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